For those of you who haven’t heard of wellness champion, health advocate and author Melissa Ambrosini, you’re in for a real treat. She’s honest, real and all about conquering your inner mean girl, spreading her feel-good message to the masses. With over 50,000 Instagram followers and a legion of loyal ladies (and guys) who connect with her straight-talking vibe, she’s one of our favourites here at Primped HQ. So we wanted to see what made her tick.
What was the catalyst for you changing your life and seeking your soul purpose?
I hit rock bottom and ended up in hospital with a whole host of health issues. On top of that, I was seriously depressed and very unhappy. I realised I was looking for happiness is all the wrong areas and although I was in the darkest place of my life, there was a little voice inside me that said ‘You can turn your life around, you know’. And I did. It wasn’t a piece of cake that’s for sure, and it took years, but getting healthy and finding happiness from deep within has been one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done because it led me to my true path and to where I am today.
Was is a slow process, or something that just tweaked in you overnight?
Both! If that’s possible. There was definitely a big shift that hit me like a ton of bricks when I was laying in that hospital bed, but the process of growth and evolution is still happening right now and I will forever be on the journey of self discovery.
What’s the most fulfilling thing about your job?
All of it. I get to write books, speak to people and create epic online products to help and support women to become wildly wealthy, fabulously healthy and bursting with love. It’s rad! And it seriously lights me up from my core. I honestly wouldn’t change a thing.
What advice do you have for women at home looking to make changes but who aren’t sure where to start?
First, it’s super important to get crystal clear on your goals — what is it that you actually want to achieve? Say your answer is to start a blog. Once you have your goal work your way back. What action steps do you need to take to make that a reality? Maybe it’s to register your domain name or brainstorm the types of things you want to write about. Then ask yourself what are the next five action steps I need to put into place to make it happen? Write those down and add a time frame to them, then put them in your calendar — otherwise they won’t get done.
What’s your food philosophy?
I just wrote a book called ‘The Glow Kitchen’ sharing my food philosophy. You can check it out here. To give you an overview, I believe that how we treat our bodies is a direct reflection of how we feel about ourselves. Someone who’s passionate about their work, is surrounded by people they love and who has a high sense of self-worth is going to treat their body very differently compared to someone who hates their job, eats fast food, is surrounded by toxic people, and is constantly beating themselves up.
How you feel about yourself is reflected in every choice you make and every action you take, especially when it comes to food.
When I think back to my early twenties, my food choices said a lot about my internal state. I wanted quick, easy, cheap and fast options — I didn’t believe I was worth anything more than that. Now however, I choose foods that are local, organic, fresh, wholesome and nourishing. Everything that enters my mouth is of the highest quality and purest form. Looking after myself in this way has actually become one of my greatest pleasures in life.
The body is the temple of spirit. It deserves the best nourishment you can give it.
My Food Philosophy
+ Eat local, fresh, whole and in-season produce, preferably from your farmers’ market.
+ Avoid sugar, wheat, dairy, gluten, soy, caffeine, alcohol, lollies, soft drink, processed and packaged food-like substances as much as you possibly can.
+ Add in loads of easy to digest cooked vegetables, some low GI fruits (like berries) and plenty of enzyme rich light salad vegetables.
+ Eat the rainbow. Try to get as many coloured veggies on your plate as possible. Always aim for at least one green veggie per meal — green veggies are incredibly alkalising and nutrient dense.
+ Sip plenty of room temperature filtered or spring water throughout the day. Tap water is a big no-no unless you are hooked in to a natural spring.
+ If you are going to have nuts, seeds and grains, make sure you soak and activate them before eating. However, in order to heal your gut, it is recommended to keep these foods to a bare minimum, until your gut is running like a well (coconut) oiled machine. (See next point if you are vegan).
+ Follow the 80/20 rule — 80% of your plate should be mostly cooked vegetables and 20% protein. Switch the 20% to grain-like seeds such as quinoa, millet or amaranth if you are vegan.
+ Ever wondered why some people seem to have such shiny hair and white eyes? Fermented veggies, baby! Include some of these probiotic and enzyme rich foods with each meal to enhance digestion and clean up any leftover undigested waste material.
+ Cook with Vitamin L. Yep, Vitamin Love! It’s the most important ingredient you can add.
+ Try to eat organic whenever possible, it really makes a difference. Organic produce hasn’t been sprayed with chemicals and pesticides, and organic animal products haven’t been pumped full of antibiotics and growth hormones. If you’re worried about organic food being too expensive, head to your local farmers’ markets or grow your own. Personally, I believe you can’t put a price on your health and wellbeing. Besides, eating organic will save you loads of moolah down the track on doctors and medication.
+ All red meat should be grass fed, grass finished and from a trusted source.
+ All poultry and pork should be free range (or pastured) and fed their natural diet, not corn.
+ All fish should be wild, not farmed.
+ Eat nose-to-tail, including the bone marrow, cartilage, organs and skin (it’s loaded with collagen which is great for your skin). Cook meat on the bone whenever possible. Muscle meat is more acidic whereas organs and marrow are more alkaline, so eating nose to tail is a more pH balanced approach.
+ Drink a cup (or three!) of bone broth daily to really supercharge your way towards sexy skin and humming hormones. I cannot stress just how crucial bone broth is. If you implement just one thing from this list, make it a new love affair with bone broth!
+ I also strongly believe in food combining. It makes total sense that some foods are not meant to be eaten together — for example, a steak isn’t meant to be eaten with a bowl of fruit, and grains don’t mix well with protein. The reason I got interested in food combining was because I kept noticing that after I ate certain things, I became really bloated and uncomfortable. When I started to implement food combining principles into my life, the bloating and discomfort disappeared, and I even lost weight. I also lost a lot of bloating around my face and my overall health dramatically improved. For more information you can read ‘The Body Ecology Diet’ by Donna Gates.
What’s your fitness philosophy?
I believe we need to move our bodies every day from a place of love, not hatred for what you see in the mirror. Do something that you love and that inspires you. For me I love yoga, barre class, walking and weekend hikes. It’s important to find something you enjoy and that feels good for your unique body.
What’s your beauty philosophy?
I believe beauty comes from within, and that’s exactly what I teach in my online program Get Your Glow On. Nothing is sexier than someone who is confident in her own skin. I also believe less is more. I used to lather my body in toxic products and makeup but now I opt for the more natural approach. I hardly wear makeup and choose to wear a smile instead. Sounds cheesy, but I believe there’s nothing sexier.
What are your must-have beauty products?
Coconut oil is my number one. I use it as my body moisturizer, to take off my eye make up, in the bath, as a shaving cream and a hair mask. It’s so versatile, smells divine and makes my skin so silky and smooth.
I love Ere Perez makeup for when I do wear it and 100% Pure Black Tea Mascara. And I love the Vanessa Megan organic shampoo and conditioner.
Where to next for you?
Career wise, I have just launched my book Mastering Your Mean Girl which you can purchase here and I have a book tour coming up in February 2016 which is going to be epic.
On top of that, every Tuesday night I run The Goddess Group, which is a weekly gathering for women who want to go deeper, get inspired, and become the best version of themselves.
You can stay up to date with everything I am up to by signing up to my database here.
How do you stay inspired?
I find inspiration in so many different places — from taking a walk in nature, a juicy meditation, a soulful conversation or watching an epic TED talk. Inspiration is all around, you just have to open your eyes to it.
Tell us Primpers…
How’s your inner mean girl looking? Does it need some help?
Are you feeling inspired?