
Lori Skurbe – Registered Dietician

Nutrition Corner by Lori Skurbe

Nutrition Corner is a monthly column for post-op and pre-op patients of bariatric surgery in NJ written by Prime Surgicare’s Lori Skurbe. Lori has been a dietitian for over 20 years with an extensive background in weight management, bariatric nutrition and diabetes education.

The holiday season starts for many of us at Halloween and ends with ringing in the New Year.

Holidays mean rich foods, tempting treats and more opportunities to indulge. So how can you navigate through the holidays and start the new year on the right foot?

7 Tips to Control Your Weight During the Holiday Season

Here are seven helpful tips for keeping your weight under control after weight loss surgery during the holiday season.

1. Go small.

Use smaller plates, bowls, glasses and silverware. Larger dishes and utensils encourage overeating. Smaller plates and utensils help keep your portions under control.

2. Bring healthy food.

If you’re going to someone else’s house for a holiday meal, offer to bring healthy food to share. At least you know you’ll have a weight loss surgery friendly dish to enjoy.

3. Modify your holiday recipes.

Modify your holiday recipes to make them more healthful. Look for fat and sugar in the ingredients and make lower fat and sugar substitutions.

4. Don’t skip workouts.

Make sure you’re not skipping your workouts during this busy time of year. Make time for you!

5. Give away tempting leftovers.

If you are hosting holiday meals or parties, don’t keep the tempting leftovers around the house. Give each guest a “goody bag” with leftover treats and other tempting foods. If tempting foods aren’t around the house, you won’t eat them.

6. Remember your nutrition principles.

Remember your weight loss surgery nutrition principles: eat protein first, then vegetables. Drink lots of calorie free fluids and eat slowly.

7. Enjoy new holiday traditions.

Make new holiday traditions that aren’t food-focused. For example, during Halloween, make crafts and tell ghost stories instead of eating candy.

If you live in New Jersey and need any additional help getting through the holiday season, or for some smart holiday recipe ideas, give the Prime Surgicare office a call at (732) 982-2002.

The post How To Navigate the Holidays After Weight Loss Surgery appeared first on Prime Surgicare.

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