
PrimeTek is excited to announce the 1.1 release for PrimeNG featuring the all-new Bootstrap (4) theme, customizable datatable filters, advanced row grouping and more. In total, there over 40 improvements.

Bootstrap Theme

PrimeNG does not depend on bootstrap in any way however if you need to use PrimeNG components with it, we have a free theme based on bootstrap styling. The theme itself also does not require bootstrap and can be used standalone as well.

CSS Refactoring

We’ve reviewed the entire css of the components and migrated them to em units, this makes scaling easier and also we’re now using box-sizing border-box which makes sure 3rd party libs like bootstrap, zend, semantic do not break PrimeNG components.

Customizable DataTable Filters

DataTable now supports using custom elements as filters via the new filter template so you’ll be able to use dropdowns, sliders, spinners as filters.

Row Grouping

Rows can either be grouped by a separate grouping row or using rowspan. Additional optional features are toggleable groups and footer rows.

New Features and Enhancements

Severity buttons

Add appendTo for context menu

Pass original event to chip events

Deprecate type property of pTemplate

Pass original event to onRowExpand and onRowCollapse

Community Themes Refactor

Migrate MegaMenu to new Grid CSS

Missing tabindex for calendar

Only upload when files array is non-empty in ‘auto’ mode

Code review CSS of all components

Replace px with em unit

appendTo support for components

[Enhancement] Ability to make Calendar HTML5 Required

Provide rowIndex to DataList template

Require a pTemplate for RowExpansion

New FilterMatchModes for DataTable: “in” and “equals”

Filtering for Listbox

Add type property to inputMask

onSlideEnd of slider should pass the value

New Bootstrap Theme

Expose home menuitem in breadcrumb

Ensure no border of .ui-datatable-scrollable-header

Schedule component – add changeView method

fileupload onBeforeUpload should be fired before appending files to FormData

Checkbox support for Listbox

Improve documentation for dependencies – e.g. Quill

Migrate all primeng component’s css to box-sizing: border-box

Bootstrap compatibility

Row Grouping on DataTable

Custom Filter Elements for DataTable

Defect Fixes

Null check for DataTable resolve field data

p-chips doesn’t fire onRemove if chip is deleted with backspace

datatable: error on destroy if not initialized

Fixed #1505 – acceptVisible and rejectVisible not changing value

Chips empty value problem

Add positionStyle property to tooltip

Improve property check in datatable

Chips isn’t exported

TieredMenu show method nevers shows menu when called directly

Karma test throws “documentResizeListener is not a function” message in dialog.js

Bug in bootstrap theme for growl component

Bootstrap theme. .ui-growl-item-container.ui-state-highlight.ui-growl-message-… is not defined

Deprecation Notice

pTemplate now requires the type value using pTemplate=”value” syntax instead of pTemplate type=”value”. Both cases are supported and in 2.0, we’ll remove support for the former.

Breaking Changes

Row expansion template requires a pTemplate whose value is rowexpansion to correctly identify it.

Ultima Users

A special note for Ultima Material Template users, 1.1 is not compatible with Ultima and we’ll update Ultima next week with full support and various other enhancements such as RTL support, colored growl messages and error messages support for material inputs.

License and Download

PrimeNG is fully open source under MIT license and can be downloaded from NPM.


Next major version is 2.0, it is planned to be fully backward compatible. We’ll do an internal refactor to replace javascript based ui-state-hover, ui-state-focus with pseudo :hover and ui-state-focus where necessary, this will reduce code on our end and speed up the application as it will avoid unnecessary change detection runs. Captcha will be the new component and we’ll also introduce the Spreadsheet component that provides excel like functionality with initial set of core editing features. Development time is expected to be 3 weeks and 2.0.RC1 is set to 11 January 2017 so we’ll start the new year with a new major release. After that we’ll stay on 2.x.

We’re really happy with the increasing number of PrimeNG PRO Support subscribers such as FOX Network Group, Mercedes-Benz and also there is a lot of interest in premium templates such as Ultima. As a result, PrimeTek has decided to invest even more in PrimeNG in 2017 by expanding the team to start with.

Always bet on Prime!

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