
What is an RSS feed?

RSS solves a problem for people who regularly use the web. It allows you to easily stay informed by retrieving the latest content from the sites you are interested in. You save time by not needing to visit each site individually. – whatisrss.com

What is Feedburner?

Feedburner is a rss feed service provided by Google that allows your visitors to subscribe to your blog. Feedburner also formats your rss feed so that it’s reader friendly and provides you with tools to optimize your feed. You can choose to have a new email sent when you have new content, or on a specific day etc. Your feed can be the full content of your new post, or it can be just a teaser with a link to your blog post. Best of all, this service is free. It even allows you to brand your emails with your logo.

The Genesis framework comes with the eNews widget. This allows you to place a subscribe widget in your sidebar by simply dragging the widget into place, typing in your feedburner id and clicking save. I have these widgets on all of my sites and highly recommend them to clients as well.

It’s an easy way to build your audience and keep them coming back. Often times people simply forget about “that fun blog I read a couple of days ago, what site was that?” If your subscribe widget is at the top of your sidebar, or above the fold they’re more likely to quickly enter their email address and be reminded the next time you post. To enable the “subscribe by email” option on your feed with feedburner, simply click the “publicize” tab on your feedburner home page, click “email subscriptions in the sidebar of that page, then scroll down and click “activate” at the bottom of that screen.

Just click here, or go to www.FeedBurner.com to sign up and get your widget up and running.

That said, be sure and subscribe to my blog in the sidebar over there

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