
Dear Preston:

I need your advice. I have been trying to start a new design for a client. Though my intentions are good, I cannot seem to begin. Every time I try and start, I wind up leaving it for “tomorrow”. Speaking candidly, I am a huge procrastinator and it is really having a negative impact on my business and marriage. Do you have any advice on this matter? How can I get started and follow-through?


Dear P:

Let me begin by saying that you are not alone in the world of procrastination. In fact, for many years I have been thinking about writing a book by the name of ‘Preston Bailey’s Biggest Mistakes” in the hopes that it would help others understand that the only way to survive in this industry is to embrace your mistakes and learn from them.

But guess what?

I cannot seem to start writing the book. So, P, to say that I understand you would be a fair statement. The crazy thing about procrastination is that we always have an excuse as to why we can not/should not get things done.

See if any of these ring true for you:

“I am too busy with my event this week. I have no time to to do anything else.”

“I work better under a tight deadlines. I will wait until later.”

“I am too busy with the kids and family to get this done right now.”

What I discovered in myself is this: When I say I will start a project “tomorrow” it usually means that “tomorrow” will remain one day ahead of me. I personally believe that, at the root of most procrastination is a very real fear of not being good enough. We are so afraid of failing, being found a “fraud” or whatever else that we look for every possible excuse we can find to not get started.

Today, I would like to offer five suggestions as to how to overcome your procrastination.

Take The First Step Today. Start your new project and work on it for a total of five minutes today, but no more than five minutes. You should not attempt to tackle a large complicated project all at once, and by spending five minutes on it, you will have overcome your fear of getting started.

Expect To Be Uncomfortable. Please remember that comfort is the enemy of change and change is necessary to growth. You need to accept that discomfort is a part of the process. There may be times when you feel that you are not doing it right. That’s OK.

Change Your Perception: The trick to beating procrastination is to stop associating the task at hand with pain and hardship. Associate it with pleasure instead. Once you finish a new project, give yourself a treat. It could be cup of ice cream or the dress that you have wanted so badly.

Timing Is Everything. If, like me, you are a morning person, start that new project as soon as you get out of bed (that is when you brain is at it’s best). If you are a night person, work at night. The key is to utilize your time wisely.

Get a Sponsor. Ask for help from a spouse or a good friend. They can gently remind you that you need to start that new project that you have been putting off and check in on your progress.

The bottom line, P, is that successful people have worked to create a life habit of getting things done now. In today’s blog, I would like to make a commitment to you all. I am starting my new book today. In fact, I am going to start as soon as I finish writing this blog.

Share with us: What is the one thing that you have been putting off that you commit to start TODAY.




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