In order to streamline the emerging business opportunities, FICCI will be submitting a policy framework for the non-store retail sector, according to Mr Avinash Vashistha, Chairman, FICCI Karnataka State Council and Chairman & MD, Accenture-India. Mr Vashishta was speaking at the Seminar on Emerging Trends in Non-Store Retail in India: Opportunities and Challenges organised by FICCI at Bangalore. Non-Store Retail is the fastest growing segment of the retail industry in India with an estimated growth of 25 to 35 % per annum consisting of Direct Selling and E-Commerce Companies.
According to FICCI Chairman the Non-Store Retail offers great potential in India as we are experiencing major shifts in consumer purchasing patterns in favour of internet and direct sales. However, the Non-Store Sector is yet get due share of support and recognition and is plagued by plethora of rules and regulations. FICCI is working with the National Law School of India University to review the existing labour laws, tax structure and applicability various labour laws, tax regulations and acts like Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act and will be recommending a policy for Non-Store Retail.
Direct Selling industry is rapidly establishing in India boosting self-employment opportunities, encouraging women empowerment and it holds immense importance to the overall economic system. There are about 407 Direct Selling Companies in India of which 157 are in the organized sector. The sales revenue by the Direct Selling Industry reached INR 71,641 million in 2012-13 from INR 63,851 million in 2011-12 and INR 52,294 million in 2010-11.
The Seminar also discussed ways for creating transparent systems for consumer rights like helpline numbers, speedy disposal of consumer complaints, ensuring quality standards, etc. and changes required in the policy and legal framework to ensure consumer rights and growth of non-store retail sector.
Sector experts Prof. Anil B Suraj, Law and Public Policy, IIM Bangalore, Mr. Bejon Misra, International Consumer Policy Expert, Member, FICCI Direct Selling Sub Committee, Dr. O V Nandimath, Professor of Law & Registrar, National Law School of India University, Mr. Manish Panicker, Area Manager – Karnataka, Amway India Enterprises Pvt Ltd, Mr. Sanjeev Gupta, Managing Director – Corporate Affairs, Accenture – India, Mr. Mohan Lavi, Member, FICCI, Direct Selling Sub Committee and CEO, Ayana Group, Mr. Anshu Bagai, Managing Director, AMC Cookware India Pvt Ltd, Mr. Azizuddin Hafiz, Joint Director - Civil supplies and Consumer Affairs, Government of Karnataka, Mr. Pramod M V, Vice President, Unicity Health Private Ltd and Mr. Santosh Patil, Founder and CEO, addressed the gathering consisting of NGOs, Government representatives and industry.