
DirectBuy, the largest franchiser of Consumer Buying- Clubs in North Americaand eInfochips, a leading engineering services company announced collaboration for a BI (Business Intelligence) solution that integrates data from warehouse clubs and the DirectBuy ecommerce portal. The solution drives consumer behavior with an enhanced shopping experience, and also enables analytics for data-driven decision making.

“The solution integrates multiple isolated systems to generate tangible and actionable data with BI and analytics.” said Armin Roeseler, the CIO of DirectBuy. “It has improved productivity and decision making with process automation and some very relevant business dashboards.”

The solution deploys the Microsoft® BI Stack with Self Service BI and Power BI to integrate data systems from clubs as well as the website to provide a unified view of the business, and drive consumer behavior for DirectBuy.

Parag Mehta, the Chief Marketing and Business Development Officer at eInfochips said, “We are proud to be associated in this business transformation with DirectBuy. The solution will generate insights that are critical for business expansion.”

eInfochips – DirectBuy Collaboration

eInfochips and DirectBuy have partnered to drive Data Analytics and Business Intelligence across membership clubs and eCommerce platforms. In the past, the companies have collaborated for process automation to drive operational efficiency and improve team productivity. This includes test automation with Selenium for their member website, integration ofwarehouse data systems, portal performance improvement, and web-crawling automation to drive operational efficiency and customer experience across platforms.

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