
Cigna TTK Health Insurance a joint venture between U.S. based global health service leader, Cigna Corporation (NYSE:CI), and Indian conglomerate TTK Group, today announced the launch of a health insurance product “ProHealth” with an add-on Critical Illness option.

Announcing the launch, Mr. Sandeep Patel, CEO and Managing Director, CignaTTK Health Insurance Company Limited said “We strongly believe that different consumers have different requirements, hence we have developed ProHealth to be flexible to consumer’s unique needs. The product has four variants and multiple customization options to cater to all consumer segments. Also at Cigna TTK our focus is on Health & Wellness, hence we have introduced unique benefits such as healthy rewards and health maintenance benefits to encourage consumers to stay healthy. In addition our Healthy life service solution ProLife, provides consumers with online programs to live a healthier lifestyle.”

ProHealth offers immediate benefit to the policy holder through Cigna TTK Health Maintenance Benefits that will cover the cost for diagnostic tests, drugs and doctor’s fees prescribed by the physician for minor ailments. In addition, Cigna TTK facilitates a Healthy Reward Program that allows its customers to earn reward points on the premium paid and accrue additional points by opting for Cigna TTK’s ProLife - an online wellness program.

One of the significant features of this product is that it offers world-wide emergency health cover to the policy holder. Through this facility, a customer is covered for health emergencies anywhere across the world.

The plan has a Smart Restoration feature that has been designed in a consumer friendly way that restores the entire sum insured, in case the balance is insufficient for the subsequent claims, within the same year.

“A strong service proposition is vital to complement a feature rich product. Therefore at Cigna TTK we have clinically trained service representatives to handle customer queries and industry leading turnaround times to help customers when they need us the most during illness or health” added Mr. Patel.

ProHealth will offer customers to avail sum insurance ranging from Rs. 2.5 Lakh to 100Lakh. Developed after extensive research, ProHealth aims to address multiple customer requirements through 4 plan options - ProHealth Protect, ProHealth Plus, ProHealth Preferred and ProHealth Premier. The plan also allows ProHealth Protect, Plus and Preferred customers to opt for an add-on Critical Illness cover.

As a part of this plan, the insured is eligible for maternity and new born baby coverage. In addition, there are value added features such expert medical opinion on critical Illnesses, deductible plans for consumers with existing health cover or those who can afford to pay the initial claim amount. Tax benefits are offered as a part of ProHealth plan along with standard features such as in-patient, pre and post hospitalization, ambulance expenses and donor expenses. 

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