
Bangalore INDIA NANO, Asia's biggest annual nanoscience & nanotech event, organised by the Department of IT, BT and S&T, Government of Karnataka under the able guidance of the Vision Group on Nanotechnology led by Bharat Ratna Awardee Prof. C.N.R. Rao, FRS, National Research Professor; Linus Pauling Research Professor; Honorary President, JNCASR was inaugurated today with a traditional lighting of Lamp by Shri Siddaramaiah, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Karnataka, followed by Bharat Ratna Awardee Prof. C.N.R. Rao, FRS, National Research Professor; Linus Pauling Research Professor; Honorary President, JNCASR; Chairman, Science Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India; Chairman, Vision Group on Science & Technology and Nanotechnology, Govt. of Karnataka, then by Chief Guest Nobel Laureate Prof. Sir Andre Geim, FRS Kt, Regius and Royal Society Research Professor, School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Manchester, UK. The other dignitaries were, followed by the other dignitaries including Mr. Srivatsa Krishna, IAS, Secretary to Government, Department of Information Technology, Biotechnology and Science & Technology and (DPAR) e-Governance, Government of Karnataka, Prof. A.K. Sood, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore and Mr. Jagdish Patankar, Managing Director, MM Activ Sci-Tech Communications Pvt. Ltd. Shri S.R. Patil, Hon’ble Minister for Information Technology, Biotechnology and Science & Technology; Planning and Statistics, Government of Karnataka, conveyed his address through a video clipping.
Prof. C.N.R. Rao Bangalore INDIA NANO Science 2013 Award was presented to Prof. Ashutosh Sharma, Institute Chair Professor & C.V. Seshadri Chair Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur for the use of NANO particles in sound systems and walls with NANO particles. The award was jointly presented by Shri Siddaramaiah, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Karnataka and Bharat Ratna Awardee Prof. C.N.R. Rao, FRS.
The dignitaries released a report on 'Creating Growth Opportunities for Indian Nano Science & Nano Technology,' 'Five years of Bangalore INDIA NANO' and an 'Indian Nanotechnology Industry & Institutions Directory' was released at the inauguration function.
A stunning four minute laser show on Nanotechnology and the pioneering efforts and breakthroughs, it's growth, applications, benefits for the common man and on Bangalore INDIA NANO had the audience spellbound.
In his Address by Shri Siddaramaiah, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Karnataka, said, “Karnataka is one of the pioneering States in the country in providing necessary eco system for the development of industry. Because of this, the State has achieved success in Information Technology, IT enabled industries, Bio-Technology, and in establishment of strong research and development institutions. These achievements have enabled the State to earn a pride of place in the global market as the Knowledge and Technology Capital of the Country. Karnataka has the distinction of bringing out policies for IT, BT, Semi-conductor, Animation, Electronics Systems Design and Manufacturing for the first time in the country to give impetus for the growth of these sectors.”
“The policies have immensely helped in attracting many industries, particularly, the Multi National Companies and enabled the State to become a global hub for knowledge-based industries. Bangalore has always been a trend setter in encouraging new wave of industrial development. In knowledge-based industrial development, Bangalore has reached iconic stature. I am delighted to state that the city is acclaimed as one of the Top 10 Techno-polises in the World.” he said.
“Given the enabling nature of nanotechnology and its ability to converge with other technologies, it has the potential to address key development-related challenges in diverse sectors like agriculture, energy, environment, health and water, diagnostic sensors and lab-on-a-chip technology, which will soon become an important part of the efforts to improve global health. Grapheme holds much promise for the future and the world's first FM Radio Transmitters made from it, was announced by Columbia University, just last week.” he added.
He called upon the scientists to come-up with tangible nanotechnology-based solutions for food security, energy security, water purification, Medicine and Health Care vis-a-vis waste management. He said, “The ultimate purpose of science and research should be to address the huge challenges faced by the common man in these areas and I am confident that over the next two days of this conference, the deliberations will focus on the possibility of evolving practical solutions, which would be of great value to our citizens.”
“Our Government proposes to establish a state-of-the-art Nano Park in Bangalore, which will have Nano Incubation Centre along with the necessary physical infrastructure and support systems including common facilities.” he said.
“I am sure this initiative will give a major fillip to the nanotechnology industry to blossom in the State in the coming years. The Indian Institute of Nano Science and Technology is being established in Bangalore with funding support from Government of India under the Nano Mission at an estimated cost of Rs 1000 Million, for which Government of Karnataka has already allocated 14 acres of land on Tumkur Road for locating this Institute. Several recommendations on initiatives for the growth and development of Nano Science and Technology in the State.” he added.
“The State Government will consider providing enhanced budgetary support for Nano initiatives and activities of the Vision Group on Science and Technology as well as for the other ventures of Science and Technology in the State.” he said.
PROF. C.N.R. RAO in his address said, “NANO technology excited the imagination and entire Scientific community as NANO technology benefits all, either a poor country or rich country and he keeps his complete faith on it; he thanked to Prof. Andre Geim for his work on GRAPHENE. He referred Karnataka as City of science – Nanoscience & technology and also mentioned that Shri Siddaramaiah, is the 1st CM to come for the inauguration ceremony.”,
He thanked the Chief Minister for promoting education, science and technology and India is the 3rd highest rank in the inventions of science & technology. JNCASR & Indian Institute of Science are the premier institutions in the aid of Nanotechnology. Some of the key application of nanotechnology such as nano-nose – breath and circulation in diagnosis, Medicines such as drugs for cancers cells, Hydrogen productions using nanotechnology, artificial photosynthesis using nano particles and very important for the common man. He thanked the present Government for it's keen interest in NANO technology and science.
Nobel Laureate Prof. Sir Andre Geim, FRS Kt, Regius and Royal Society Research Professor, School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Manchester, UK. In his informal speech he mentioned a story of last February where he was present in world Economic Forum where Elites were present from all over the worlds. Where he met a Multi millionaire and talked to him about NANO Technology where he explained by giving an example of a cell phone processor. He told “people around the globe do not really understand how the pyramid is build.” “We homosapiens are not wise animals but we use logic.” He stressed on the IMPORTANCE OF NANOSCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY for improvement of mankind.”
He said, he was very impressed by the JNCASR and that it stands among world’s best.
He quotes from Alice in Wonderland. by saying “My dear, here we must run as fast as we can, just to stay in place.” And if you wish to go anywhere you must run twice as fast as that” like that there should be continuous investment in NANO technology effort and I am looking beyond immediate arrival." He said.
He said that Bangalore is the home of nanotechnology. Bangalore has the premier institutions such as JNCASR, IISc, NCBS, and ISRO which are leading in the growth of science & nanotechnology. Contribution of NANO AGE is in Agriculture, Industries, Biotechnology, Electronics, Communications, Health Care, Space, Explorations, Energy, Material Sciences, and Environment.
Bangalore has institutions which focus on up gradation of science such as Regional Science Centres, Dharwad University. Lastly, he thanked Bharat Ratna Prof. C.N.R. Rao, FRS and other visionaries for the guidance and success of 6th Bangalore India Nano.
In his inaugural address, Shri Srivatsa Krishna, IAS, Secretary, Dept of Information Technology, Biotechnology and Science & Technology and (DPAR) e-Governance, Govt of Karnataka, spoke on nanotechnology and Richard Feynman who got Noble Prize in 1965. After 45 years in the field of physics Prof Sir. Andre Geim has received the Noble Prize."
"The growth and development of NANO technology on Global market, in 2009 $11.7 billion has been invested and it is expected that $1.1 trillion by 2015 with a CAGR of 14.8%."
“GRAPHENE is also known as wonder material. The material is 100 times stronger than steel and is super flexible in nature. By 2015 mobile phone screens are going to be made by this material.” he added.
The capital value of the Nanotechnology market which today is around $140 billion. He spoke on the work done by Sangeeta Bhatia from MIT university for NANO medicine which is a clot detector – a wonderful technology advancement. Now there's even a camera mounted on a Bugbot for investigating human Digestive System to trouble shoot and treat. Many other NANO magic has been mentioned like Nano-gloves for farmers, glass frames and drones that are an epitome of nanotechnology. “Karnataka awaits for it’s NANO future.” he said.
In a recorded video clip sent by Shri S.R. Patil, Hon’ble Minister for Information Technology, Biotechnology and Science & Technology; Planning and Statistics, Government of Karnataka, said, “Bangalore is the home of nanotechnology. Bangalore has the premier institutions such as JNCASR, IISc, NCBS, and ISRO which are leading in the growth of science & nanotechnology. Contribution of NANO AGE is in Agriculture, Industries, Biotechnology, Electronics, Communications, Health Care, Space, Explorations, Energy, Material Sciences, and Environment. Bangalore has institutions which focus on up gradation of science such as Regional Science Centres, Dharwad University.
About the event:
The successful “Research Industry Collaboration Hub¨ (RICH) program where-in start-ups in the field are given an opportunity to make presentations about Nanotechnology innovations that are commercially viable. This year SIX companies have been short listed and are being facilitated to give podium presentations and one-to-one meetings.
Over 225 leading International and Indian Companies are participating in the event. The Exhibition is an excellent platform for Nanotech Research Fraternity, Industry, start ups and corporates to connect for mutual benefit and showcase cutting edge research work, innovative technologies and products for commercial applications. The Exhibition attracted over 50 exhibitors with Germany Pavilion and an exhibitor each from Korea and Japan.
The event features an Awards Function where-in Bangalore INDIA NANO Innovation Award, Malhotra Weikfield Foundation NanoScience Fellowship Awards will be given, recognizing the nanotechnology enabled innovations in areas like medicine, electronics, materials, agriculture and biotech by an organisation / individual which would bring in path breaking change in the nanotech sector. The Best Posters from this years selection of 114 Poster displayed in the Poster-Walkway of Discovery are also recognized. A special program "Nano for the Young” is also being organized in the event. Students from various engineering, medical & Bio-Tech colleges across Bangalore can attend this special session. Over 500 Graduate students are expected to attend this exciting session.
visit: www.bangaloreindianano.in

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