
Nation’s Leading New Mover Marketing Franchise Helps Local Businesses Cultivate Long-term, Loyal Relationships with New Movers

St. Petersburg, FL (PRWEB) October 28, 2015

Our Town America, the nation’s premier new mover marketing franchise, has announced its third Florida location on October 5th in St. Petersburg. This is big news as the Our Town America business model, a direct mail marketing program specializing in delivering warm community welcome packages filled with free offers for new residents, is a perfect fit for St. Petersburg – a fast-growing city filled with local businesses eager to develop loyal relationships with new customers.

Melissa Nelson and Steve Schroeder were inspired to open the newest Our Town America location in St. Petersburg because they believe the city is poised for long-term, sustainable growth. And according to Schroeder, they believe no other direct mail marketing program does a better job helping small businesses acquire new, loyal customers.

“We fell in love with the local restaurants here when we first visited in 2013, but when we returned a year later, many of them were gone. St. Petersburg has traditionally relied on seasonal visitors to survive, making the summer months difficult. We wanted to own a business that could help these small businesses survive those leaner times,” Schroeder said. “The economy is improving and more people are moving down here permanently. Our Town America of Greater St. Petersburg will help local businesses connect with these new residents and establish relationships for the long term, turning slow seasons into growth seasons and growth seasons into booms.”

Statistics suggest that new mover marketing has never been more powerful as moving is back on the rise – more than 40 million Americans are expected to move this year – and new movers need a helping hand from local business owners more than ever before. Consider the following from a recent survey of more than 300 Americans who have moved in the past five years:

●    More than 53% of new movers say today’s neighbors are not as friendly as the neighbors they remember as a child because they “seem too busy.”

●    Nearly 9 in 10 (88%) new movers say that receiving a housewarming gift would make them feel more comfortable in a new neighborhood, yet less than half (46%) have ever received a housewarming gift after a move.

●    More than 4 in 5 (81%) of new movers say they would like advice about their new community upon move in.

●    And 93% of new movers say they would take advantage of an offer from a local business that took the time to welcome them to the community.

According to Michael Plummer, Jr., Our Town America’s President and CEO, the commitment shared by all franchisees in the Our Town America family to satisfy the housewarming void with warm and personalized community welcome packages filled with valuable offers from local businesses has been the key to the company’s expansion to 59 locations in 23 states since its initial inception in 1972.

“Melissa and Steve are going to do an excellent job with their new Our Town America franchise because they truly understand the value of our new mover marketing program,” says Plummer. “As a couple who recently moved to St. Petersburg, they understand how important it is for local businesses to connect with new movers as soon as they come to town. Plus, they realize that the St. Petersburg/ Tampa area is evolving from a vacation destination to a desirable place to live permanently. And as more and more Americans relocate to St. Petersburg, Melissa and Steve will be there to help local businesses connect with them in meaningful ways. We are eager to see the impact Melissa and Steve make in their local community as they work with local businesses to help new movers feel more comfortable and welcomed in their new neighborhood.”

Serving all types of businesses, including, but not limited to, pizzerias, salons, auto repair shops, dentists, restaurants, and furniture stores, Our Town America has established itself as the industry leader offering local small business marketing that connects local businesses with new residents as soon as they come to town. The company has been franchising since 2005 and has been the proud recipient of countless Franchise Business Review distinctions, including a Top 100 award for veterans in franchising and the Franchise Business Review Top Company Award – an honor bestowed upon only one franchise company per decade who has earned a top 50 franchisee satisfaction award for ten straight years.

To contact Melissa and Steve of Our Town America of Greater St. Petersburg, you can fill out a Contact Form or call (727) 490-8155.

About Our Town America

For more than 40 years, Our Town America has been providing new movers with traditional hospitality by mailing warm housewarming gifts from local neighborhood businesses in a premium welcome package. Since the company started franchising in 2005, Our Town America has consistently been placed in the Franchise Top 50, ranking #16 in 2015 for franchisee satisfaction.

Our Town America's dedication to the “sponsor exclusivity” concept, meaning Our Town America will only recommend one of each business type in any specific zip code within its welcome packages, has been one of the key catalysts for the company’s long term success. In addition, sponsors consistently rave about other unique aspects of the new mover marketing program – such as their ability to reach a brand new audience of impressionable new movers each month and the insightful data/metrics delivered by Our Town America’s innovative pinpoint tracking system.

Due in large part to Our Town America’s devotion to those concepts, thousands of satisfied business owners throughout the United States attest to the success and effectiveness of the program. Additionally, dozens of locally owned franchisees validate Our Town America's concept as a viable business opportunity.

It is Our Town America’s mission to assist new movers adjusting to their community, help businesses gain new and loyal customers and provide franchisees with an excellent opportunity. The eight million households who receive Our Town America's welcome packages each year prove that Our Town America is committed to following through on that mission statement.

For more information, visit the Our Town America website at http://www.ourtownamerica.com.


For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/ourtownamerica/saint-petersburg-florida/prweb13045018.htm

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