Fort Mill deploys Registration Gateway Online Enrollment through innovative RapidStart process in a matter of weeks.
Center Valley, PA (PRWEB) March 20, 2015
SRC Solutions, Inc. would like to announce that Fort Mill (York 4) School District in South Carolina has migrated away from their previous online enrollment solution and upgraded to the Registration Gateway online enrollment platform. Registration Gateway caters to the specific needs of South Carolina districts and greatly improves the ability to enable two-way, real-time communication between Registration Gateway and the state-selected student information system, PowerSchool.
SRC Solutions and Fort Mill teamed up in early January to meet the tightly scheduled challenge of enabling online registration for Kindergarten by early March. SRC Solutions then used their RapidStart process to deliver to Fort Mill a new student enrollment portal within two weeks. The RapidStart process understands and acknowledges that district personnel are pulled in many directions and that it is much easier to achieve a larger goal if that goal is broken into smaller, more easily attainable modules. The results are a resounding success.
"We have had overwhelmingly positive feedback from our Kindergarten parents. We put the web link out on our main page last night, and 75 families found it and registered before we even made the announcement that the site was open. At 11:30 today, we did a phone/email blast, and within the first 2 hours, we have over 300 students registered. About 1/3rd of our expected registration has already completed their ‘paperwork.’”
– Jean McMullen, Technical Support Specialist, Fort Mill School District
"I would like to personally welcome Fort Mill into the SRC Solutions family. Fort Mill’s success is proof positive that Registration Gateway is the resounding choice for school districts not only in South Carolina but across the country. We listened to our customers and developed this unique RapidStart model to align district resources in a more manageable way, delivering faster implementation and improved school and parent satisfaction.”
– Patrick Maher, CEO, SRC Solutions, Inc.
The Registration Gateway online student enrollment difference begins when parents enter critical information just once online, either at home or at a school kiosk. Registration Gateway ensures precision by implementing unique typeahead and select list features that allow the system to capture clean data with 99% accuracy. Additionally, district staff members can scan supporting documents such birth certificates and other identifying documents directly into the student record and store those documents in a digital file
“Parents were ready to move beyond online registration for existing students and wanted an online process for new student registration as well. We chose SRC Solutions’ Registration Gateway platform because of its ease of use, ability to integrate with our preferred online payment system, and the real-time data flow into PowerSchool.”
– Brian Spittle, Director of Technology Services, Fort Mill School District
For more information about Registration Gateway visit:
About SRC Solutions, Inc.
SRC Solutions flagship product Registration Gateway has had a long and successful partnership with K12 school districts. Being a technology leader is nothing new to SRC Solutions. Whether it is our integration with PowerSchool dating back to 2008 which offered the first Online Enrollment solution to offer real-time data integration of both standard and custom fields into PowerSchool or our completely integrated document management solution On Demand K12 Gateway delivering Electronic Cumulative Folders.
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