EVAS® cockpit smoke protection flying in more Gulfstream aircraft than any other.
Kanehoe, Hawaii (PRWEB) September 21, 2016
VisionSafe today announced that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has approved the Emergency Vision Assurance System (EVAS) for use on the Gulftstream G280. VisionSafe received the supplemental type certificate and PMA earlier this month.
The EVAS smoke protection system retrofits aircraft to meet current 25.9A FAA-recommended standards for maintaining cockpit smoke control.
“Recent news and recommendations from the FAA have highlighted the importance for cockpit smoke protection to ensure the safety of pilots and passengers,” said Jonathan Parker VisionSafe’s VP. “Since 1992, the FAA has recommended that aircraft are certified to a higher standard for pilot vision protection in smoke.”
EVAS is available as an option on the Gulfstream G550, G450 and G280 (October 2016) and as standard equipment on the Gulfstream G650. For more information or retrofits contact Gulfstream Product Support, or visit http://www.visionsafe.com
About Smoke and Vision
There have been more than 18,000 reports of smoke, fire, fumes or explosions recorded by the FAA between 2000 and 2015. The FAA recommends that aircraft meet higher standards for continuous cockpit smoke protection (FAA AC25.9a). The Flight Safety Foundation ranks smoke/fire emergencies as the third highest cause of fatalities. Smoke is also a leading cause of diversions of ETOPS aircraft. The Air Line Pilots Association’s (ALPA) in-flight fire project reported more than 1,100 in-flight smoke and fire incidents over only 10 months, causing 360 emergency landings. The FAA’s concern about smoke continues — this is still a “serious” problem and the statistics remain essentially unchanged (Info 10019 10/6/10).
About EVAS
The patented Emergency Vision Assurance System (EVAS) is fully FAA tested and certified to ensure pilot vision in the presence of dense continuous smoke. With EVAS, pilots are able to see the flight path and vital instruments as well as read approach plates and emergency procedures. The ability to perform these functions in an environment of continuous smoke will make a critical difference to safety. EVAS — winner of the Aerospace Industry Award for Safety, with over 80 FAA and global certifications — has earned acceptance in every segment of aviation. Over 600 operators have chosen to equip their fleet with EVAS, including UPS, FedEx, the U.S. Military, the FAA, JetBlue Airways, Alaska Airlines and business aircraft operators. The equipment can also be found through the OEM’s customer options list or as standard equipment on select aircraft types.
Threats and trends are on the raise due primarily to lithium battery risk from passenger devices. Aircraft loses due to smoke and fire are no longer “Black Swan” events. The FAA’s recommended standard for cockpit smoke control under AC25.9a can be met with the installation of EVAS on a retrofit basis.
Over 4,000 EVAS systems are flying today. All business Jet OEM’s offer protection as either standard or optional on new aircraft and as a retrofit for in-service fleets.
Invest in safety, and never fly blind.
About VisionSafe
VisionSafe Corporation was formed to explore various new ways to provide vision in vision impaired conditions for individuals in common land and air environments as well as marine, and submarine environments. VisionSafe developed and patented the EVAS® smoke protection system for pilots to see to safely control and land when confronted with dense, blinding smoke in the cockpit. The system has been tested and certified by the Federal Aviation Administration, and holds valid certifications across the globe.
For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2016/09/prweb13705594.htm
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