
The Architecture/Landscape/Interiors Department at Otis College of Art and Design hosts the seventh annual Donghia Designer-in-Residency with studio mk27, the renowned firm from São Paulo, Brazil.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) March 18, 2015

The internationally renowned architecture firm studio mk27 will present the seventh annual Donghia Designer-in-Residency lecture on March 25, 2015 at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles. The Donghia Designer-in-Residency is hosted by the Architecture/Landscape/Interiors Department at Otis College of Art and Design, and consists of a one-week Master Class on Otis’ Westchester campus between March 20 and 25, culminating with a public lecture at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles. Architect and founder Marcio Kogan and manager Mariana Simas will represent studio mk27 during the Donghia Residency.

Marcio Kogan was born in Brazil and graduated from the Architecture and Urbanism program at Mackenzie University. In the early 1980s, he founded studio mk27, located in São Paulo, Brazil that today consists of 28 architects as well as several collaborators worldwide. The team of architects, great admirers of the Brazilian modernist generation, seeks to fulfill the difficult task of rethinking and giving continuity to this iconic architectural movement. The projects of studio mk27 are valued for their formal simplicity, always working with special attention to detail and finishing.

The studio mk27 founder is an honorary member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and a professor at Escola da Cidade. Kogan was also considered by Epoca magazine one of the 100 most influential people in Brazil and is part of the list “The Wallpaper* 150 Famous for 15 Years.”

Kogan leads a team of architects, who at large, have been working with him for over a decade. Since 2001, when he started a co-creation and cooperative work system at the office, studio mk27 has won over 200 national and international awards, including the following: IAB (Institute of Brazilian Architects), Sao Paulo Architecture Biennale, WAF, Architectural Review, Dedalo Minosse, Record House, LEAF, D&AD, Spark, Barbara Cappochin, Iconic, AZ and Wallpaper Design Award.

The team at studio mk27 has spoken at the Royal Academy of Arts, AIA, Societe Francaise Des Architectes, Clubovka, FAU-USP e Mack universities, FAAP, Polytechnic of Milan and Valencia, South Florida, Rice University, Texas, among others. In 2012, studio mk27 had the honor of representing Brazil at the Venice Biennale. – http://studiomk27.com.br/en/


Donghia Designer-in-Residence Lecture by studio mk27

Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles – Ahmanson Auditorium

250 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90012

March 25, 2015, 7:30 PM

Open seating begins at 7:00 PM

A reception will follow the lecture at 9:00 PM.

This lecture and reception are free and open to the public.

Reservations are recommended, as seating is limited to 150. Call 310.665.6867 or email mherrera@otis.edu to reserve a seat(s).

This Donghia Designer-in-Residency was made possible through a generous grant from the Angelo Donghia Foundation, which provides support for the advancement of education in the field of interior design, and for the investigation and treatment of AIDS and its related diseases.

The Residency was organized by the Architecture/Landscape/Interiors Department at Otis College of Art and Design. For information about the lecture or department call 310.665.6867, email ArchitectureLandscapeInteriors@otis.edu or visit http://www.otis.edu/ali.

ABOUT ARCHITECTURE / LANDSCAPE / INTERIORS DEPARTMENT Architecture/Landscape/Interiors (A/L/I) seeks to contribute to the emergence of imaginative contemporary practices through a synthetic curriculum of the spatial design fields: architecture (buildings), landscape (spaces between buildings), and interiors (spaces within buildings). Additional information is available at http://www.otis.edu/architecture-landscape-interiors

ABOUT OTIS COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN Established in 1918, Otis College of Art and Design is a national leader in art and design education. The College mission is to prepare diverse students of art and design to enrich our world through their creativity, skill, and vision. Alumni and faculty are Fulbright, MacArthur, and Guggenheim grant recipients, Oscar awardees, legendary costume designers, leaders of contemporary art movements, and design stars at Apple, Abercrombie & Fitch, Pixar, DreamWorks, Mattel, Nike, and Disney.

Otis enrolls approximately 1,100 full-time students, and offers Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees in Architecture/Landscape/Interiors, Digital Media (Game and Entertainment Design, Animation, and Motion Design), Fashion Design, Communication Arts (Graphic Design, Illustration, and Advertising Design), Fine Arts (Painting, Photography, and Sculpture/New Genres), Product Design, and Toy Design. Otis also awards the Master of Fine Arts degree in Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Public Practice, and Writing.

The five-acre main campus is located on L.A.’s Westside near the beach and LAX; Fashion Design is in the heart of the downtown fashion district; and the Graduate Studios are on the Creative Corridor in nearby Culver City, and in the 18th Street Arts Center in Santa Monica.

2,700 adults and children participate in Continuing Education art and design classes and workshops.

Additional information is available at http://www.otis.edu

For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/architecture/Los-Angeles/prweb12594401.htm

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