
Volunteer anesthesiologists participate in annual trick-or-treat event

Orange, Calif. (PRWEB) December 01, 2015

Four Allied Anesthesia physicians dressed in costume and handed out candy as part of Children’s Hospital of Orange County’s annual trick-or-treat event Oct. 30.

Drs. Raymond Bailie, Gregory Perkins, Manoj Kulkarni and Joe Kim were among the volunteers who took time off work to help bring goodies and good cheer to CHOC’s young patients.

Bailie, who dressed as Buddy Blue from the Rainbow Brite franchise, said Halloween is one of his family’s favorite holidays.

“It was important for us to be involved at CHOC's Halloween celebration so the children at the hospital would not miss out on Halloween,” Bailie said. “It was especially heartwarming to see the genuine smiles from the children and all the adult participants.”

Perkins, a hockey player, dressed as an Anaheim Ducks hockey player.

“The look of amazement on the younger kids’ faces was priceless and very satisfying,” Perkins said.

He said the older children were more subdued because they realized what they were missing by being in the hospital during Halloween. However, he said, they appreciated all the great costumes and decorations.

Everyone from neurologists to security officers participate in CHOC’s annual Halloween event, which is open to inpatients and outpatients alike. Many of the children wear costumes, some of which are donated.

Child Life specialists guide the patients down to the second floor where they walk around to collect their candy. They also go trick-or-treating for patients in isolation and deliver the goodies to their rooms.

“It is important for Allied physicians to participate in such events to build teamwork with CHOC Children’s Hospital,” Perkins said. “We provide exceptional care in the operating rooms but it was nice to provide compassion and generosity outside of the ORs as well.”

About Allied Anesthesia: With over 100 highly qualified physician anesthesiologists on staff, Allied Anesthesia provides adult and pediatric anesthesia services to St. Joseph Hospital of Orange, CHOC Children’s Hospital, St. Jude Medical Center in Fullerton, San Antonio Community Hospital in Upland, St. Mary’s Hospital in Apple Valley and many other Southern California health care facilities. In 2014, Allied Anesthesia joined with Fullerton Anesthesia Associates and Upland Anesthesia Medical Group to consolidate best practices in more than six hospitals and more than a dozen ambulatory surgery centers. The expanded medical practice is dedicated to offering the highest comprehensive quality of care and the most cost-effective procedures in all facilities they serve. All Allied physician anesthesiologists are board certified in Anesthesiology and they staff and manage the most efficient operating rooms in Southern California. Allied is a member of the California Society of Anesthesiologists, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, and the Anesthesia Quality Institute.

For more information, visit: http://www.alliedanesthesia.com

For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2015/12/prweb13107299.htm

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