
I forgot how fun our weekend was until tonight when I dumped the pics off my phone. The incredibly perfect weather aside, Mardi Gras season is in full swing, and that means Pet Parade.

Because why wouldn’t we drive just a few minutes East to Soulard, park our car exactly 3 million blocks away from the parade route, strap a three month old to my chest, and stand in the blazing sun while trying to avoid dog poop for three hours? Ahhhhh St. Louis Mardi Gras.

Do you know St. Louis hosts the 2nd largest Mardi Gras celebration in the country? And this is the BIGGEST pet parade in the country? Now ya do.

Reflecting on years past we decided to forgo the stroller to easily navigate the crowds. On our long walk Ethan shouted “There’s a parade dog!” every four seconds in excitement—parades are his jam, dressed up dogs are just icing on the cake. Finn took a 15 block and one beer wrap-nap before waking up and wanting to look around.

We even found my friend Kelly and her family to parade-watch (and drink beer) with. And no, I didn’t finish that giant beer on my own in all my baby-wearing glory, Stu shared. Beers at Mardi Gras really only come in one size. Big.

Ethan, who’s asked daily “What the heck is Mardi Gras?” as we pass purple, green, and gold decorations on our drive to school, seemed to get into the spirit of this weirdly great holiday.

Totally different experience celebrating this holiday with kids then without, but still awesome all the same. Total debauchery on every inch of this little St. Louis neighborhood makes for excellent people watching. This coming weekend is the main Mardi Gras event where I’ll be celebrating mom-style, pouring beer in a booth to raise money for Ethan’s school…now that is my kind of volunteering!

When I told Ethan about my task, saying I’d be “Serving drinks at the grown-ups-only parade this Saturday” he responded with, “Yeah! You’ll take milk and lemonade and water and everyone will love it. It will be so great!”

You got it buddy.

This coming Saturday also happens to be Valentine’s Day, a holiday I never celebrated until Ethan arrived, but now find myself planning for weeks ahead. This year Ethan requested an F-15 Valentine design so, after a little quiet time with my Silhouette machine, I came up with something.

I SWEAR he put them together, little paper pieces and all. The plane is four pieces pasted on a printed card. I helped on everything but the hearts—those were all him (and they don’t all look as nice and straight as this picture, this was by far the best one).

Signing his name on the back, also all his work. It took many short signing sessions to get this part done and I seriously questioned my sanity at about round three, but the practice greatly improved his “A” writing skills, so it’s a win.

At one point, for motivation, I did a cheer after each card signing.

“Mom, don’t I make the best E’s?” A-b-s-o lutely! Gooooooo Ethan!!!

We soaked up every minute of sun and warmth until Sunday evening when things started getting chilly again. It was all just enough of a tease to make my cabin fever all the more unbearable.

Then I remember none of my spring/summer clothes fit me and think it may be ok to continue the yoga-pants-leggings-sweatshirt weather a little longer.

Happy Mardi Gras & Valentine’s Day!

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