
Created page with "There seems to be an adjustment of the time frame for the Go Europe option. It used to be: ''La cuota de Internet es válida las 24 horas naturales siguientes a la primera co..."

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There seems to be an adjustment of the time frame for the Go Europe option.

It used to be: ''La cuota de Internet es válida las 24 horas naturales siguientes a la primera conexión, superadas esas horas o los megas consumidos, se cobra una nueva cuota exactamente igual.''

Now it's:'' Precio navegación Go Europe: 1€/100MB IVA incl. (0,88 IGIC incl.) por día de uso en países de la Unión Europea, Islandia y Noruega. Cuota válida hasta las 23:59 horario peninsular.''

Translated this means that Orange changes from a 24 hour clock from the 1st connection for the 1€ charge to a strict calendar day (0.00h-23.59h) based on Central European Time. This also means that a new 100 MB bundle is only valid for the rest of the day and not for another 24 hours.

May someone who is just using it, can check his/her billing history and confirm that the new policy is really enforced?

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