“I’ve always believed writing ads is the second most-profitable form of writing. The first is ransom notes…”
- Phil Dusenberry
Hey Gang,
As you may have seen, we’re having a little sales, influence and copywriting focus here in the Preneur Community at the moment… and that’s spilling over to today’s Noise Reduction below.
Now, have you ever noticed that nearly every week there’s some calendar event going on, be it a local, national or international holiday, an awareness week, a cultural celebration, or a lead-up to a major sporting event? Have you noticed savvy marketers in other businesses and industries seizing upon these calendar events and thought, “Wow, I wish I was that clever?” Well, with a new blog series we’ve started (below), we’ve got your back with a massive swipe file of sales and promotional ideas!
Plus, the podcast will be back real soon with some cool conversations — including one with an absolute direct-response legend and author of the must-read book Triggers, Joe Sugarman.
The Sword of Sales [Game]
Remember those old text-based video games from the ’80s and ’90s? I loved those things! I’d go walking through the caves, killing Orcs… Well, about a year ago, a guy I got to know recently started working on a a text-based game that would train people in sales. And so this new online game, ‘Sword of Sales,’ was born. At the end of approximately 30 minutes of game play, the answers you’ve given throughout the game will be incorporated into a sales script that’s emailed to you — so that the script is completely customized for your product and/or service. It’s awesome and free! (Game cheat: ‘Ask for the sale.’)
Kennedy on Copywriting at Speed [Video]
Most people take too long between ideas and implementation, and it costs them money. A lot of it. We all know ideas are a dime a dozen. You need tools and reliable, proven formulas to take that idea, and put it into a form where people can give you money for it… you know, a Sales Letter! In the third video of a new series, Dan Kennedy describes a major tool you need to have in your marketing and sales arsenal. (There’s a downloadable PDF checklist worth having as well.)
September 2014 Promotional Calendar Ideas [Blog]
As mentioned above, we’re starting a new monthly series with marketing, advertising and sales ideas that tie in with the already occurring events and holidays each and every month. This week on the Blog, we started with September Promotional Ideas so you have time to run to get everything up and running for next month.
My Life in Advertising and Scientific Advertising [Book]
Preneur Advisory Board members would already know this is my favourite advertising book of all time, and something I just started rereading for about the seventh time last week. In my opinion, it really is the original on direct response, and something everything else on the subject is a derivative of. If you haven’t checked out this classic, and consider your self a marketer, shame on you.
Be the Best on Your Worst Day
A really quick read that made an impact on me this week.
17 Small Productivity Habits
Author S.J. Scott writes, “The core idea behind the mini-habits concept is that you can build a major habit by thinking small enough to get started. Most people don’t need motivation to do one pushup, so it’s easy to get started. And once you get going, you’ll find it’s easy to keep at it.” All of these habits are from his book, Habit Stacking: 97 Small Life Changes That Take Five Minutes or Less. He argues that if you add them to a routine, “you’ll see a dramatic improvement in both the quantity and the quality of your efforts.”
Digital Coupons ‘Close the Deal’ for 80 Percent of Consumers
In a study conducted on behalf of RetailMeNot, the majority of consumers said digital coupons were more likely to influence their purchase decision than any other type of promotion. But while the study makes coupons sound like the superheros of the e-commerce world (RetailMeNot is a coupon/promo code site), this article looks at a few more facts.
So What’s Noise Reduction? Well, we all know there is so much crap out there on the web, especially in the business /marketing space — and it’s hard to remove all the noise to find the stuff that’s actually valuable. So we started a really small (almost) weekly e-mail with just a handful of the cool, noteworthy, and important stuff we stumble across each week. This post is one of those editions.
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Copywriting, Sales Games + September Marketing Ideas [Noise Reduction .77] is a post from: Preneur Marketing Blog
The post Copywriting, Sales Games + September Marketing Ideas [Noise Reduction .77] appeared first on Preneur Marketing Blog.