
Thank you Little Fashion Boutique for sending me this adorable girls swimsuit to review.  All opinions are 100% mine and I was not paid for this review.  Little Fashion Boutique is also giving away a $25 gift card to their store to one lucky winner!  THANKS LITTLE FASHION BOUTIQUE!!

Product Description:
Your princess will look adorable in this delicate blush pink and aqua 1 piece swimsuit by Floatimini.  You will love how their signature petal design looks on little girls.  This swimsuit was featured in the runway show and has been a huge hit with the audience.  50 SPF.  There are also lots of little girl swimsuits and toddler girl swimwear that are sure to melt your heart when you see your little girl in one.

My Review:
You know your daughter loves a swimsuit when she gets home from school and see's it and tries to put it on before taking off her clothes!  It was a good laugh.  We both agree that the pink and the frill on top and skirt is fun and I am thrilled she likes it.  As a mom who wants to keep my daughter from dressing to old I want her to maintain a modest attire so I was thrilled to find an adorable one piece and modest suit. :)
I had made some plans to go to the water-park so we could test it out in the waters but unfortunately our house was hit with the flu bug and our plans never got rescheduled.
It is nice to have a swimsuit and be ready for spring and summer to arrive.  My daughter keeps asking if its spring yet because living in Wisconsin we are tired of the snow come March!
Don't worry all you Praises of a Wife and Mommy fan, there will be lots of pictures to come this summer with my daughter in this suit!  :)
Beyond just the swimsuit I have found so many other items at http://www.littlefashionsboutique.com/  They have new spring arrivals for any diva in your household.  :)  Make sure you take some time to look around and instead of all that candy in the Easter Basket you find something nice your diva can wear this spring and summer.

Also make sure to check out the baby girl swimsuits and designer girls swimwear on Little Fashion Boutique.

Who wants to win?  Enter the easy rafflecopter form below to enter to win a $25 towards Little Fashion Boutique!  Giveaway starts 3/12 and ends 3/26.

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