
It might be Wildin’ Out Wednesday on “NewsOne Now,” but on Monday the Twitterverse  was wildin’ out over the premiere of VH1’s “Sorority Sisters.”

Roland Martin and this week’s comedians’ panel, featuring Chris Paul, Nikki Carr and Huggy Lowdown,  discuss the reality TV show that has everybody up in arms.

Carr call the VH1 reality show “ratchetry.” She told Martin, “It’s a gazillion-dollar industry. People are nosy, they like that kind of stuff.”

Paul said he had no plans of watching the show, but after reading Martin’s tweets about it he had to tune in. “I haven’t seen make-up like that since Heath Ledger in the Dark Knight,” said Paul.

Huggy Lowdown added, “I read a tweet from Stevie Wonder that said it was bad.”

Martin also said two of VH1’s advertisers, Carmex Lip Balm Company and Hallmark are pulling their ads over the nature of the show. Ava DuVernay, director of the MLK biopic, “Selma,” wants ads for the upcoming movie pulled from the show as well.

Earlier today, Martin reported on Twitter that Coca Cola will join Carmex and Hallmark and have their ads pulled from the reality show that has everyone crying foul.

Listen to Martin and the Wildin’ Out Wednesday comedians panel blast VH1’s new reality series “Sorority Sisters” below and let us know if the African American community should boycott this show and others like it?

Be sure to listen to “NewsOne Now” with Roland Martin, weekdays at 7 a.m. EST and watch at 9 a.m. EST on TV One.

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