
"What If We Have A Nuclear War?"--AsapSCIENCE (5 min.)


"Skin That Smoke Wagon! Fundamentals of Clandestine Carry Pistol (Part 1 of 3)"--John Mosby at Prepared Gun Owners. This first part covers the topic of "Be Able to Hit What You NEED to Hit, As Many Times As Necessary." That is, for the handgun, proper grip, sight alignment, sight picture, and trigger squeeze.  It also discusses your responsibility for where every round goes, and selection of the proper strike zone on the target. Mosby's comment on this is:

I want students of the gun to be able to hit the bad guy wherever they feel, in the moment, is going to be effective. For this reason, I don’t focus my courses on hitting a specific part of a photo-realistic target or a silhouette. Instead, we shoot 3×5 index cards, at ranges out to 15 meters (45 feet) depending on the class and students’ abilities. If you can smoke multiple rounds into a 3×5 box—consistently—in an quantifiable time limit, you are going to be able to smoke rounds into the bad guy’s bread box, as needed.

"Skin That Smoke Wagon! Fundamentals of Clandestine Carry Pistol (Part 2 of 3)"--John Mosby. This second article is concerned with "Be Capable of Getting the Gun Into the Fight, in Time to Be Useful." Thus, he discusses overcoming fear and disbelief so that you can initiate your draw stroke within a useful period of time, the actual mechanics of drawing the handgun (which he breaks down into four parts), and concludes with his thoughts concerning appendix carry (which he likes ... a lot).

"Skin That Smoke Wagon! Fundamentals of Clandestine Carry Pistol (Part 3 of 3)"--John Mosby. His third installment tackles the issue of "Make Appropriately Good Decisions, Under the Stress of a Life-or-Death Fight." He describes the basic considerations and issues:

I firmly believe that, the moment you strap on a gun, you need to make some very real, very specific decisions about a couple of things. A) What am I willing to draw my gun over? B) What am I willing to shoot someone over? C) Which of those am I willing to spend the rest of my natural life in prison over? Adding that last question, a lot of the times, plays a pretty significant role in drastically changing the answers to A and B, but in the real world, where most of us live, it is a pretty important consideration to make. It’s cool to say, “I’ll smoke anybody that points a gun at me,” until you realize, some kid pointing a gun at you, from far enough away that he probably doesn’t actually pose a threat, and you shooting him, is just as likely to land you with a new roommate/lover as it is to land you with the accolades of a public hero.

“We should shoot looters! If I saw someone looting, I’d shoot them!” Great, so you are willing to kill someone, and potentially spend the rest of your life as someone’s prison sex toy, over the physical, material property of someone you probably don’t even know? Your call, dude.

Read the whole thing.

"Fire Starting Tips: How to Process Tinder"--Outdoor Life. How to turn grasses, leaves, pine needles, fibrous tree bark, weed tops, seed down, wood shavings, palm fiber or dried mosses into usable tinder.

Clever idea: "Recover Tactical Glock Magazine Clips"--The Firearms Blog. Recover is producing a new floor plate for Glock 17 magazines that allows you to add a pocket clip. When the magazine is inserted into the weapon, the clip slides up into the cavity behind the magazine well.

"Sierra Bullets Publishes 6.5 Creedmoor Reloading Data"--The Firearms Blog. The article reproduces the reloading tables.

"How to make awesome thermal curtains"--Appropedia (h/t The Homestead Survival). These are heavy curtains that not only can block light, but help insulate your apartment or house from heat loss through the windows.

Other Stuff:

"War in the East"--West Hunter. The author presents evidence and his argument as to why he believes that the Soviets used a biological weapon--tularemia--during the Battle for Stalingrad.

Black on White Hate Crime? "Suspect Shot Dead by Police After Stabbing 3 People, Leaving 2 Critical, in Hollywood: LAPD (Warning: Graphic Video)"--KTLA 5. The perp was black and, from what I can tell from the video, his victims appear to have been white.

The cuck doesn't fall far from the tree: "'This is not the America I know': Jenna Bush Hager quotes dad's unifying speech after September 11 in response to Trump's immigration ban"--Daily Mail. Another progressive arguing that our "love" for the stranger should outweigh our concern for our neighbor.

"Embracing no fault divorce is the natural result of elevating romantic love to a moral force."--Dalrock. I and many others have noted that the adoption of wide-spread "no fault" divorce was the end of the family unit. In this article, Dalrock explores how "no fault" divorce was the natural result of the elevation of romantic love (a/k/a passionate love) to a moral force that provides the moral space for sex and marriage (instead of marriage creating the moral space for romantic love and sex). Read it and understand what a long path it has been to the current moral decadence of the West.

Diversity is our strength: "Migrants at WAR: Tensions in Paris as children attacked with knives for being 'too rich'"--Express. The article is about the large numbers of attacks, in France, by African immigrants on Chinese immigrants. What is interesting is the r-select attitudes underlying the attacks: "This comes amid a growing perception that recent migrants from North Africa have become 'too demanding' and consider themselves 'victims' who deserve pity." In contrast, the story notes that "the long-standing Chinese community in Paris has gained a reputation for being 'hard-working and managing without taxpayer help'."

"Violence is spiking in NYC schools – even if the city denies it"--New York Post. Somehow, New York City lost the statistics, but state records show that 2015-16 year was the worst on record when it comes to serious violence in city schools, having increased nearly 6%.

"Connoisseur of Chaos"--City Journal. Background information and commentary regarding George Soros (or as I like to refer to him, Palpatine).

"In Overthrowing and Annexing the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Bergoglio Is Intentionally Setting Up The Vatican For Exactly The Same"--Barnhardt. A Catholic blogger gives his opinions about the current Pope (or anti-Pope, as he puts it).

... By the friends you keep: "Connection Between Bill Clinton And Child Trafficker Laura Silsby"--Captain's Journal.

A reminder that we live in the 21st Century: "Scientists are making genetically modified cyborg dragonflies"--Engadget. The genetic modification has to do with modifying nerves so that they can be triggered by light. The cyborg part is attaching a device to the insects with fiber optics inserted into nerve clusters that control flight, so that by using bursts of light, the researchers can control the dragon fly's flight.

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