Commentary & Analysis
L. A. Marzulli
“We all admire the senator from Texas for wanting to talk,” said Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). “But it’s been a big waste of time.”
Ted Cruz should be applauded, instead our media attempts to tell us his actions were silly, a waste of time, and were absurd! (See links above) However, there are a lot of Americans who are cheering his actions and I for one, will be counted as such. The American people were forced to accept ObamaCare, as the more than 1000 pages of legislation was voted into law by the democratic controlled house and Senate.
As I stated in my last post, Speaker of the House Pelosi stated: we have to pass the bill before we can read the bill!
It is this kind of arrogant, condescending statement, that makes our House of Representatives look like a High school Student Council meeting gone wild! Who are these people and how can they get away with this type of governing? It’s no wonder Congress approval rating is at an all time low!
Our media blasted Cruz and attacked his actions rather than his ideas. This is standard fare, as our media regularly engages in the public evisceration of whomever they set their sights on. Here is a part of what Cruz actually said, which is NOT being reported, and thus, may expose a media which is not doing their job, but are more than likely “in the tank” with Obama.
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Mr. CRUZ. Madam President, I rise today in opposition to ObamaCare. I rise today in an effort to speak for 26 million Texans and for 300 million Americans.
All across this country Americans are suffering because of ObamaCare. ObamaCare isn’t working. Yet fundamentally there are politicians in this body who are not listening to the people. They are not listening to the concerns of their constituents, they are not listening to the jobs lost or the people forced into part-time work, to the people losing their health insurance, to the people who are struggling.
A great many Texans, a great many Americans feel they don’t have a voice. I hope to play some very small part in helping provide that voice for them. I intend to speak in opposition to ObamaCare, I intend to speak in support of defunding ObamaCare, until I am no longer able to stand, to do everything I can to help Americans stand together and recognize this grand experiment 3\1/2 years ago is, quite simply, not working.
I also say at the outset that I am particularly honored to be standing side by side with my friend and colleague Senator Mike Lee from Utah. Senator Lee has shown visionary leadership in standing and taking the mantle of leading the effort to defund ObamaCare and to challenge this train wreck of a law, and Senator Lee has been repaid at times with vilification from official Washington.
In my judgment there is no Senator in this body, Republican or Democrat, who is more principled, who is more dedicated, who is more fearless and willing to fight for the principles that make this Nation great than is Senator Mike Lee. It is a singular privilege to serve with him and to stand side by side with him and so many others in this body, and, even more importantly, so many millions of Americans all across this country.
There is a problem in Washington, and the problem is bigger than a continuing resolution. It is bigger than ObamaCare. It is even bigger than the budget. The most fundamental problem and the frustration is that the men and women in Washington aren’t listening. If you talk to the man and woman on the street, that is the message you hear over and over again: Why don’t they listen to me? Why don’t they hear what we have to say? They aren’t listening to the millions of people, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, across the spectrum who say our elected officials get to Washington and they stop listening to the people.
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Cruz is what I would consider a populist, he’s for the people, he’s not a Washington insider, who is more concerned with reelection than the welfare of his constituents. Cruz stood for hours on the floor of the Senate, and he did so because he believes in what he was saying, it is part of his core values, it is a reflection of his ideals, his principles. It is not a stunt! I wish there more like him in the halls of government.
In closing todays post: I believe Cruz is in touch with the people. His voice is raised in protest, against what will be the biggest the tax increase—because that is what ObamaCare is—in the history of the country!
We, the American people need to raise our voices by calling our senators and demanding they postpone this onerous law.
237 years ago the people in this country rose up against the King of England. We demanded taxation with representation. Now we are taxed from the moment we awake until we go to bed. Almost every facet of our lives is taxed and that money goes to a bloated government who has now over 800 military bases world-wide, and who is bogged down in the quagmire of the Afghan war for over 12 years, after Bush declared, mission accomplished! What happened to, we the people? Both Congress and our media are out of touch with the average American. Surely if we raise our voices loud enough “they” will hear us, at least Ted Cruz will!
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Hey LA, Richard Shaw, and crew!
Watcher’s 6 was TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!History Channel eat your heart out! Watcher’s 6 not only gives you clear video evidence but they present sane logical explanations about who, what, when, and how! You don’t have to check your brain at the door when you view Watcher’s 6! (But putting unfounded prejudges aside might help )Thanks for all the HARD work, and consistent dedication to these topics. Kerry
Hello L.A.,I wanted to say how much we enjoyed your latest watchers 6 DVD. My nine year old son was asking all kinds of questions afterwards. We are looking forward to the book OTTOT Nephilim. Your trip to Peru must have been an amazing experience and adventure. Alan
In Other News: Tracking the Birth Pains
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