
In business today, effective influence is essential. Want your ideas implemented? You must influence others to act on them. Want more clients? You must influence people to buy from you. Want more advancement or responsibility? You must influence executives to see the value you offer. And to be an effective leader you must be able to influence others. In all respects, being able to influence others is the ultimate power tool.

Today and tomorrow, Promotional Consultant Today shares these six universal principles of persuasion you can use to influence a change in behavior.

1. Reciprocity

There’s a powerful rule that says we should try to repay what others have done for us. If someone gives us a gift, we feel compelled to give a gift in return. If someone extends us an invitation, we should extend one to them. And if someone does us a favor, we owe them a favor in return. By virtue of the Reciprocity Principle, people feel obligated to the future repayment of items, actions, favors and gifts.

You see reciprocity initiated in business every day, even if you don’t immediately recognize it. From suppliers sending relevant industry-specific information to clients, to managers providing personalized guidance, to co-workers helping each other meet a deadline, reciprocity can be initiated in many ways. The key to effectively using reciprocity is to be the first to give, give unconditionally and be sure that your “gift” is personalized and unexpected.

2. Scarcity

Have you ever noticed that people seem to want more of those things they can have little of? That’s the Scarcity Principle at work. Marketers know the power of this principle, which is why their ads often contain such phrases as “Limited Time Only” or “Limited Quantities Available.”

When true, scarcity affects the value of information too. In other words, information that is exclusive is more persuasive. So the next time you gain access to information that is not readily available and that supports an idea or initiative you would like the organization to adopt, gather the key players and say, “I just got this information today. It won’t be distributed until next week, but I want to give you an early look at what it entails.” Your listeners will lean forward and listen intently. The key to using scarcity successfully, whether for a product, service or information, is to not just honestly tell people the benefits they’ll gain, but also point out what’s unique and what they stand to lose if they don’t move in your direction.

3. Authority

Research shows that people typically follow the lead of those they perceive as credible and knowledgeable experts. For example, physical therapists are able to persuade more of their patients to comply with programs if they display their medical diplomas on their office walls. That’s because people tend to defer to legitimate experts for information and guidance on what to do.

Surprisingly, people mistakenly assume that others recognize their experience. To ensure that they do, first determine what your relevant background, experience and expertise are for the person you are trying to influence. If you don’t do this, you will be sabotaging the power of your own message. For maximum impact, arrange to have a third party communicate this information. Another option is to direct the person you want to influence to something in writing that highlights your credentials (i.e., your LinkedIn profile, your bio on your website, etc.) The key to using authority successfully is to signal to others what makes you credible and knowledgeable before you make your influence attempt.

Influence is a very powerful tool. When you ethically implement these scientifically validated principles of persuasion, you’ll be making small, practical and often cost-free changes that can lead to big differences in your ability to change others’ behavior.

Source: INFLUENCE AT WORK (IAW®) was founded by Robert Cialdini, Ph.D, professor emeritus of psychology and marketing and author of the New York Times bestseller, Influence. Dr. Cialdini is a highly sought after keynote presenter on the ethical business applications of the science of influence. Additionally, IAW offers customized, in-house Principles of Persuasion (POP) Workshops conducted by Cialdini Method Certified Trainers.

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