103 Tricks For a Tsunami of Visitors To Your Website
You have already been active for a while on the internet. You have a blog, online store or other type of website…Yet somehow it’s not quite right.
You’ve done your best to be unique in your positioning and still have your website more like a desert island than a vibrant resort.
Now, a little rest from time to time does not hurt – but this is not what you had in mind when you decided to become an online business.
Is this how it’s supposed to be? Not if I can help it!
What did you think of it in order to change your uninhabited island into a real tourist attraction?
The problem: a website does not promote itself
The situation I have just described, often stems from the following problem.
In many cases, make – or let’s make a website. We fill several pages.
About ourselves or business, about the products or services we offer and maybe even a blog with several posts.
Some folks even blogging daily and EVEN THEN remains their tropical disrupt (including all treats) uninhabited.
Many people do not realize that having a website is only the beginning.
This is exactly explain why relatively few people succeed online. They do not realize that a lot of time and energy to sit down. They wait for the visitors almost “magically” come visit their website.
Just like making a trip, pick out a location only the first step.
You’ll also need to buy the tickets, you have to pack your bags and move towards the airport – otherwise nothing happens.
Unprepared trip
If you go unprepared on a journey, the journey will cost you in the end a lot more than you had budgeted in advance. Most things can be easily avoided with a little thought and planning.
The same rules apply to getting more visitors to your website.
If you do not plan to attract visitors to your website, you end up with empty hands. And a lot of frustration. . .
Not exactly the ideal holiday.
It is a constantly recurring problem of (starting) online entrepreneurs.
With this post I want to give you an idea of the possibilities to generate more traffic to your website.
I want to inspire you to brainstorm about creative ways to your own private island to give the attention it so desperately need.
What can you do to attract more visitors?
There are a lot of things you can do to attract more visitors. Some are easy, others less. A lot of things cost money, but some do. One technique works in the short term and the other is more of a long term strategy.
You will understand, not everything is equally suitable or effective for your own market. Learn from others and test particularly well and what is not working properly!
Without going to stray, here we go.
Search Engine Optimization
1. Immerse yourself in search engine optimization. Bluntly, the higher your status in search engines, the more traffic you will attract. Try especially to the base ASAP your own:
2. Do keyword research to see / how are looking for / your target audience. For this you can use the free keyword tool from Google. Then create pages (blog posts, messages, etc.) for these searches.
3. Use your keywords in the page title. Furthermore, the front still has a beneficial effect on the ranking.
4. Create unique and readable content – copy or “borrow” (duplicate content) have negative consequences.
5. Have you come back keywords frequently in the text (1-4% is optimal), so let search engines know what your page is about.
6. Use graphics to your content to “enrich”, do not you put keywords in the “alt text” (this will be visible when the image is not displayed).
7. Link to others as relevant. Your website must be connected to other sites, that’s where the Internet is built on.
8. Spend time on link building. Links to your website will be used as a yardstick for popularity!
9. Create “core content”. These include multi-part series of tutorials about a specific topic you regularly refer back to. This is my term for what they call at Copyblogger “cornerstone content”.
10. Ensure proper linking structure within your own website. Links from new articles back to previous articles relevant. So let your search engines know that these pages are still relevant!
11. Do not dwell on generic keywords with lots of competition (“digital camera”), but focus on the long tail. Longer searches with less competition (“buy digital camera where to look”).
12. Do not be evil. Do not put any time into “tricks” or “secrets to outwit search engines.” That will cost you in the long run only traffic.
content marketing
Creation of content marketing is the key to more -betrokken- traffic.
13. Write or publish something more general. See what effect this has on your traffic numbers.
14. Interview a “special” someone (known in your field, for example).
15. Write a report (and give it away for free).
16. Publish something truly groundbreaking. What so good, new, funny or amazing is that people have to share it.
17. Start a podcast, oftewewel own radio show that you record and share via your website and different channels (Spotify, iTunes, SoundCloud).
18. Bundle some articles or use a report to publish in the iBookstore (and later on Amazone.nl!)
19. Learn to create better content. How can you take your pieces (or video / audio) to the next level? The better something is, the greater the chance that people will come back and recommend others.
20. Make or later make an infographic of a popular message.
21. Experiment with making “follow-up series” that last example a few weeks. Where people can take a topic or new challenge, so they constantly return to your website and get more involved.
22. Pay attention to writing headlines (heads). “5 Ways To Get Rid Of Your Dog Fleas – Without cost” sounds a lot more appealing than “Removing Fleas.”
23. Write some articles for larger article websites as infoNu and LeerWiki with links back to your website.
24. Try structurally better content than your competition to deliver – do that little extra effort to really make something good.
video marketing
Video, video, video. 2012 really seems to be the year of the video – you’d better make sure you’re there!
25. Start making videos. Today. Dare you not with your face on camera? Film than your screen or make an animated movie. It does not have direct professional. You will be naturally better, so start today!
26. Start a YouTube channel.
27. Post your videos on several major channels (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) You can use a service like Oneload.com to automate this part.
28. Give a webinar, live training, explanations party, etc.
more traffic website
Do not forget your website not!
29. Make sure your website looks “good”. Prefer to use a professional design and not a “cobbled-together construction.”
30. Make use of platforms and designs that are search engine optimized.
31. Pay attention to the usability of your website (usability).
32. Keep the speed of your website regularly. Visitors hate slow websites and will quickly leave when your website is fast. Due to this fact too slow search engines penalize websites.
33. Add actually slightly. Make sure you do not “another” in a row.
34. Do not sell only. Is there a visitor also something else to do than buy something from you? Can they learn something, get a taste or immerse themselves before they make a decision – or if it means the COMPETITION?
35. If an authority with your website and content rather than someone who is “everything” offering.
36. Offer multiple products or services? Consider setting up multiple websites. This allows for more targeted traffic and higher conversions.
37. Is it clear immediately what your website is about? Take for example, you use a descriptive subtitle? A visitor should be able to see within seconds whether this is relevant for her – otherwise she’s gone.
38. Although this course is all important, not everything needs to be perfect IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT wait until everything is perfect. That day does not exist. Go “live” and adjust it gradually to!
email marketing
Email is still the largest after browsing activity on the Internet. Research also shows that 72% of people email over any other medium elects to receive commercial messages. You can also see email as a “traffic on demand” medium with very targeted traffic.
39. Start a mailing list. Join a service like Aweber (€) today and start collecting email addresses. This way, you build a list of potential buyers (prospects).
40. Make special content for subscribers to your mailing list / newsletter, so they have a reason to sign up.
41. Let regularly hear from you. This has two advantages: a) on a regular basis you draw more visitors to your website b) you build easily a bond with your followers.
social media marketing
What Social Media is concerned there are also plenty of options. . .
42. Use search.twitter.com to find people you can help. Use keywords or phrases relevant to your (niche) market to do so.
43. Use hashtags (#) when you post a tweet. So you end up in relevant channels and get more people to see your Tweets.
44. Use a tool like TweetAdder (€) to track people automatically. Disclaimer: This is not fully in line with the rules of Twitter. Usage is at your own risk. As long as you do not overdo it, however, you usually are safe.
45. Create content shareable – Add sharing buttons to your blog or website.
46. Use a service like Pay Social to give away something exchange for a “Tweet” or “like” – so you come to many people’s attention who do not know specifically you.
47. Encourage comments and discussions on your website.
48. TEST on the platforms where you have an account on. You throw traffic and possible euro’s way by not doing so.
49. Embark not immediately on all platforms. It is a great mistake to think that you need to be everywhere instantly. Choose a platform that you know your target audience would use it. Focus on this. Build it, and when you are ready – take a platform upon.
50. Make use of “Social Proof” by example, testimonials, some times shared or popular items / products to display.
51. Promote your social accounts NOT prominently on your website. You want to send visitors to your website, not away from it.
52. Start a Facebook fanpage. Most people have a Facebook account, and it is very beneficial to appear in the timeline of your target audience.
53. Understand the benefits and possibilities of Google+ (using Google+ search results have directly influenced by people who have you in their “circles”).
54. Start a forum. Maybe a little old school, but still very effective to bind people to you and to always keep coming back.
55. Build a community! Eventually you want a loyal group of users / fans are behind you and along with their your website make an unprecedented success be – until you have as monarch to address the power of the internet (6).
56. Go Viral! With the power of social media, it’s never been easier to achieve a large amount of people in no time. Combine a real “must-have” with a service like Pay Social and a little promotion of yourself – and see it spread like wildfire!
Advertising is as old as the road to Rome, but in many cases still very effective. Here are some examples for the taste!
57. Use Facebook Ads.
58. Start a Google Adwords campaign.
59. Advertise with banners on other websites.
60. Check out the possibilities for an ad in a relevant print magazine.
61. Do a radio spot.
invent the wheel
Contrary to what many people think, you do not invent the wheel again.
62. Be active in places where your target market already spends time.
63. A good example of the above is to help people in existing forums (and where logical to refer to your site).
64. The regular writing valuable comments on other popular blogs is also an example.
65. Ask to guest blogging with fellow bloggers in the same or related industry. (Make sure you include the post “about the author” puts a link to your website).
66. Only put things where your target audience (customers) benefit from it. Reasoning from the “what’s in it for them?” Principle.
67. Expand! Who else would benefit from your ideas, products or services?
68. Do only things that are relevant to your business. Do not bother with peripheral issues. FOCUS.
69. Investigate what customers / readers like best and give them more of that.
70. “Loan” what works for others. With some competitors have much success?
71. Do more to your current customers. Many entrepreneurs are so obsessive to recruit new customers, that they have forgotten their current customers. Mortal sin! It cuts here in two ways: a) it is easier for an existing customer or visitor to recover than to attract a new one b) the yields on happy faces – happy faces and tell their friends.
72. Become a review sample. People love reviews. Review all. Your own products, which the competitor and other relevant products. And, do it honestly!
73. Use affiliates to promote your product / service in exchange for a commission.
74. Increase the commission to affiliates (I promote harder for you when I get € 100, instead of € 25).
75. Make it affiliates as easy as possible. If you leave them to their fate, they will be less traffic (and sales) for your generation than if you “train” and all tedious jobs have already done for them.
online networking
Connect with other website owners. Together we are stronger than alone.
76. Start an action or competition with another website.
77. Go look at offline events to meet and expand your network peers.
78. Brainstorm with each other. What works for someone else might also work for you. What can you do better?
Web statistics
Measuring = Knowing. If I had a euro for every time I heard it (and a dime for every time I said it). . .
79. Measure your website statistics such as Google Analytics.
80. Enhance pages with high bounce rate. These are pages that people get directly without looking further.
81. Test and measurement conversions.
82. Split test pages and elements to see which work best.
83. Analyze your data and create more content on what already works. It’s a big mistake -and much gemaakte- topics or pages that do well, left to pass up.
84. Learn to see online business as an experiment and not as a piece of porcelain that could burst any moment.
85. Make it a game to improve your results (figures) every month.
online actions
Special actions: let your creativity run wild!
86. Launch a special activity or event in which people can participate.
87. Have you really thought something nice? Send a press release!
88. Make up a nice guerilla action. These are “spontaneous” actions (if you plan well and execute) can produce a lot of attention and relatively inexpensive.
89. Do a launch. People love a bit of tension and mystery and love to talk about it with others.
90. Make good use of controversialiteit. Pretend something that critics get immediate itch and throw it to them. Lok something out.
91. Write a joint contest. Where everyone is trying to achieve the same goal as quickly as possible.
92. Consider a recurring theme day. Such as white bread Wednesday, Friday or Video “Rebels Blow day” (yes, as in the sleeve).
93. Do you have a unique product (s) or service? Approach the local media and see if they have a (small) item to your wish meadows.
94. Capitalize on current affairs within your market. Gets something (soon) a lot of attention? Pay attention to it!
personal positioning
Personality. This is perhaps less obvious, but will definitely influence your overall success (and traffic) in the long term.
95. DO NOT try to be perfect. If people with people we do business rather than robots in gray suits.
96. Be unique. No cry from anything or anyone else.
97. Make sure you have a clear direction or path where you want to go. For example, make use of an “editorial calendar”. What makes it attractive to follow you if you have no idea where you’re going?
98. Continue to develop yourself. How much understanding you have of your products or services if you do not get your expertise learns an “expiry date”. Stay informed and adapt to the trends.
99. Be helpful.
100. Take it crazy. It does not hurt to occasionally be entertaining.
101. Say what more “thanks” – just like you and I think others like it when they are SINCERE thanks.
BONUS TIP 102. Promote LEAST as hard as you create !! You can make all -and the best- content in the world, if you have no time spent on its promotion takes much longer (if not forever) before being detected content.
So much information, what is my next step?
I realize that this is much too much is to “take a while to get going.” I would advise you to first give some time to your work in.
Then choose a number of parts to join them get started. Focus this entirely and only then go on to the next. You have more benefit from one very good thing, then five things half done.
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