
Hello all! Happy HUMP DAY! Hope you’re having a great week.

Today is the FIFTH day of our 12 Days Of Giveaways Series & just in-case you haven’t entered the first 4 days – check them out  Rooted Beauty Skincare Giveaway, VEGA one giveaway, Harbinger Fitness & HumanX Gear Training Pack, & Kill Cliff Giveaway!

Today I am so excited to bring to you not only an amazing tasty product (peanut butter lovers put those hands upppp!), but a company founded by an amazing woman who I am honored to have on the blog – A Loving Spoon Nut Butters!

The A Loving Spoon nut butters story begins back in 2009, when founder and CEO, Sarah Kay Hoffman, was on the Gut and Psychology Syndrome diet (she has Colitis, and was in the beginning stages of healing her gut). Sarah bought raw coconut butter, walnut butter, peanut butter, cashew butter, pecan butter and almond butter as a way to satiate her cravings for sugar, snacks and dessert. Every night you would find her digging into the raw nut butters. As Sarah began to heal, she also stopped craving the traditional form of snacks.

Her passion for nut butters never faded, and when she was gifted a food processor, she decided to start playing with raw tree nuts, peanuts and various other ingredients. Batch after batch, flavor after flavor, a new love for dessert and flavor without guilt was born. Friends and family confirmed that bare ingredients and bold flavor didn’t have to mean a product filled with the standard ingredients.

In a heartbeat, A Loving Spoon nut butters were born. She chose to produce a product in 4 oz jars so they would be the perfect traveling and on-the-go companion for people everywhere. She decided on spoons over knives to further enhance what was already perfectly acceptable and divine: eating nut butters straight out of the jar, on a spoon or with the index finger! She became devoted to these brand new ways of thinking about nut butter, and about the experience people would have each loving spoonful they took.

Now let’s chat a bit about the lovely & beautiful founder – miss Sarah Kay Hoffman. She has been a driving force in the blog world for a while now & someone I have always looked up to.

Sarah has high hopes and big dreams for the nut butters, what they stand for and the message she is passionate about delivering through their charming taste.

You will find Sarah Kay Hoffman blogging via the A Loving Spoon nut butter blog. You can also find her via her personal blog, Sarah Kay Hoffman, where you will find her entire story. Sarah can be personally reached at sarahkayhoffman (at) alovingspoon.com.

I also love knowing that Sarah does wedding favors, bridal showers, baby showers, corporate events, and so much more with her nut butters!

As if all of that wasn’t amazing enough – I came to find that  10 cents of each jar purchased goes to their mission: 147 Million Orphans Love+ 1 Food Project in Haiti. HOW AMAZING is that!?

When I first received my nut butters in the mail, I was instantly introduced to a comforting feeling. You can tell that Sarah pays close attention to detail and cares deeply about customer satisfaction.

After instantly opening my first Honey Vanilla Bourbon peanut butter jar and using the “love is sweet” wooden spoon to dig in – I knew that this would be an amazing ingredient in a protein shake.

This is a COMPLETE BODYfuel protein shake loaded with fats, carbs, & protein!


1/2 Cup Plain Greek Yogurt

1/2 Scoop Vanilla Protein Powder of choice

2 Heaping Spoonfuls of A Loving Spoon Honey Vanilla Bourbon Peanut Butter

3/4 Cup Almond Milk

1/2 Cup Oats

1 Large Frozen Banana

Sprinkle of Cinnamon

Optional – 1 TB flax meal


Add all ingredients into a blender (I used my Vitamix S30)

Blend on low speed then slowly move it to full power to make it nice & whipped!

I found these adorable stainless steel straws that come with little cleaners on my new favorite shopping website – nomorerack.com!

Drink & Enjoy!

Sarah is being SO sweet & offering one lucky winner a chance to win their own A Loving Spoon Nut Butter!

How To Enter:

Leave a comment below letting us know what you would do with your nut butter! Spread it on toast? Throw in a smoothie? Get creative!

Optional Extra Entries (not mandatory): please leave a separate comment for EACH entry.

1) Tweet about the giveaway, “I am entering to win @ALovingSpoon peanut butter #Giveaway via @Powercakes #12DAYSOFGIVEWAYS at http://www.powercakes.net/alovingspoon12days”

3) Re-Gram the image I post today on Instagram & let me know that you did below!

4) Re-Pin the Image I post today on Pinterest or post an image from the post & let me know that you did below!

5) Subscribe to my blog so you don’t miss a giveaway or post!

6) “Like” A Loving Spoon Nut Butter & Powercakes on Facebook

7) Follow @ALovingSpoon & Powercakes on Twitter

8 ) Follow A Loving Spoon & Powercakes on Instagram

9) Subscribe to my YouTube Channel so you don’t miss a video!

10) Check out my soon-to-be launching Online Membership at KaseyArena.com & if it interests you at all, let me know below if you signed up for more info.

*This Giveaway will run until , until January 3rd 2015 @ Midnight and all winners will be announced a few days later!

Open to US Residents!

Have an amazing Wednesdayyyy & be true to you,

xo Kasey

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