
(Official Publication)



(A-H School District)


The School Board of A-H Independent School District No. 11 held a regular meeting on Monday, October 26, 2015, at the Sandburg Education Center, Anoka, Minnesota.

Chair Heidemann called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

The following members were present: Marci Anderson, William Fields, Bill Harvey, Nicole Hayes, Tom Heidemann and Jeff Simon.

Chair Heidemann led the pledge of allegiance.

Champlin Park High School (CPHS) students who achieved the rigorous International Baccelaurte (IB) Diploma status were recognized for their accomplishments. The 16 students who earned this status were required to complete international benchmarks in six areas including English, history, world language, science and an elective. IB full-diploma recipients also completed a 1,400 word paper, a 4,000 word extended essay and completion of 150 activity/service hours. CPHS Principal Michael George and IB coordinator Ashley Hyatt led the presentation that honored students Timmie Britton, Miranda Chrisenson, Andrew Dolge, Sarah Doran, Belinda Huang, Merlyn Jensen, Sarah Kalsow, Makayla Larson, Joe Martini, Brandon Nguyn-Calkins, Kelly Petersen, Cheyenne Skager, Rachel Urquart, Kendrick Walton, Amber Westlund, and Alex Will.

The Blaine High School Robotics Team was recognized for taking third place in the Minnesota State Robotics Tournament held May 16 at Marriucci Arena in Minneapolis. Principal John Phelps and advisor Tim Nestrud recognized the 30 students and community mentors involved with the program. Recognized students included Carl Newcomer, Mitchel Thermos, Maddie Alinder, Blake Zehms, Amelia Kedrowski, Kallie Schuchard, Stevan Zorich, Andrew Grout, Cole Enstad, Fischer Johnson, Alexandra Pribula, Kevin Nguyen, Sammy LaCoe, Emma Butzer, Thomas Frosch, Joe Williams, Alex Akermann, Alec Shufelt, Max Schwinghammer, Dan Stanley, and Gabe Ziebol.


Marci Anderson moved and Jeff Simon seconded the motion to approve the following consent agenda items.

1. Minutes from the October 12, 2015, Board Work Session.

2. Personnel items as follows:


Current or Most Last Day

Name Recent Position Employed

Sandra Board Morris Bye-Child Nutrition 12/22/2015

Bonnie Graving Morris Bye-Principals Secretary 1/29/2016

Rosemary Seifert CED-ABE-Teacher 6/19/2015

A detailed list of the Resignations/Terminations, Leave of Absence, Modified Leave of Absence, Appointments, Extra Service Agreements, Curriculum Writing, and Cash Disbursements is available through the Anoka-Hennepin ISD 11 home page on the Internet or at the district office located at 2727 N Ferry Street, Anoka, MN 55303. If you would like a printed copy of this portion of the minutes, please send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the attention of Sue Seul at the above address.

3. The cash disbursements report:

Fund No. Description Amount

Checks $ 8,745,922.64

Electronic Payments $ 15,322,034.65

Employee Reimbursements $ 152,780.08

P-Card $ 434,412.23

TOTAL DISTRICT $ 24,655,149.60

4. The cash balance report:



01-101 02-101 04-101 06-101 07-101 08-101 20-101


07/01/15 109,871,788 4,940,501 6,726,277 1,212,795 7,508,393 89,502 19,341,264

07/31/15 90,911,063 4,914,395 6,767,441 (2,357,988) 5,024,806 89,502 14,935,352

08/31/15 104,075,999 4,475,398 6,372,943 5,666,282 5,025,140 89,502 10,476,769

09/30/15 101,603,070 4,752,817 5,105,150 3,272,448 6,608,755 89,502 14,803,173

OPEB FY15 Total



21-101 22-101 47-101 CASH INVESTMENTS BALANCES comparison)


1,309,312 3,458,361 1,437,015 155,895,208 36,134,000 192,029,208 184,465,596

827,101 3,468,304 973,774 125,553,750 45,102,000 170,655,750 156,404,607

397,140 3,488,706 973,814 141,041,693 55,102,000 196,143,693 174,968,261

844,047 3,518,568 980,001 141,577,532 60,102,000 201,679,532 184,643,712

The donations received for the month of October are $57,180.13 and the scholarship funds received total $50.00. A detailed list of the donations and scholarship funds received is available through the Anoka-Hennepin ISD 11 Home Page on the Internet or at the district office located at 2727 N Ferry Street, Anoka, MN 55303. If you would like a printed copy of this portion of the minutes, please send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the attention of Sue Seul at the above address.

5. The immunization exclusionsnames and specifics are not included because of data privacy.

Motion passed.


Rick Heller provided the School Board with data, website information, literature and materials for the districts reading and print disabled families. See full presentation on district website.

Superintendent Law highlighted events on the school calendar: Anokas Big Parade of Little People on Nov. 27 and the Anoka Grand Day Parade on Nov. 28, the Anoka-Hennepin Tech High School open house on Nov. 30, WE Day (brings together young people and teachers to celebrate positive change in their local and global communities) on Nov. 3, and Coffee with the Superintendent at the Bean in Andover on Nov. 7. He also gave a summary of events: advisory panels at schools in the district to hear directly from students, legislative hearings to weigh in and offer testimony, Fall Shout Out at the Wings, an opportunity organized by the Anoka-Hennepin Education Foundation (AHEF) and the Prairie Home Companion-Garrison Keillor event showcasing past and present students from Anoka High School. Superintendent Law wished all sports teams good luck. With fall plays and concert season starting he encouraged the community to come out and see our students at their best. Bill Harvey mentioned the AHEF will have another opportunity, Garrison Keillor will be the featured guest at the Northern Stars Ball (Feb. 27).

Peter Leatherman of the Morris Leatherman Company presented results and analysis of a survey of district residents for School Board consideration. Information gained in the survey is used to guide direction and measure public opinion on key indicators. The community survey is an important tool the School Board utilizes to gain feedback from stakeholders.

Dr. Joel VerDuin, chief technology and information officer, led a presentation regarding the Oct. 1 enrollment. The data reported that overall enrollment at Anoka-Hennepin schools increased by 78 students for a total of 36,556. VerDuin noted that this is the first increase in enrollment for Anoka-Hennepin since 2004, and enrollment increases were noted at all three levels – elementary, middle school and high school. Michelle VanDenTop, director of information services, provided further analysis of student enrollment including percentages of students involved with programs such as free and reduced, English learner programs and others. Information included in this report is used for district planning processes.

The School Board reviewed and approved a proposal to improve math instruction and achievement levels at all five district high schools based on the successful pilot of a Bridge to College Math program at Anoka High School (AHS). The class is offered to freshman students at grade-level proficiency to improve preparedness for college, postsecondary and career options. Results comparing students in the program to others across the district show higher student achievement on common assessments and a failure rate of roughly half the rate of students in Intermediate Algebra. Jeff McGonigal, associate superintendent for high schools, Mike Farley, principal of AHS and Kim Pavlovich, director of secondary curriculum, presented the proposal. Tom Heidemann motioned to approve the Bridge Math Proposal. Marci Anderson seconded the motion, which carried with Bill Harvey voting against the proposal.

The meeting recessed at 7:58 p.m. and resumed at 8:09 p.m.

Johnna Rohmer-Hirt, director of research, evaluation and testing, presented a comprehensive update on student performance on key academic measures along with results from surveys of student perceptions in the district. Along with data, Rohmer-Hirt provided background information on the districts continuous improvement model, key demographic information and alignment of information with the districts scorecard to measure performance. Rohmer-Hirt provided data in a wide range of areas including early learning/kindergarten readiness, Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments results for reading, math and science, achievement gap closure, graduation rates and additional measures. Data from this report is considered an important source to shape decision making for the School Board and staff at all levels.

Jeff McGonigal, associate superintendent for high schools, presented a resolution to involve Anoka-Hennepin students in funding and support provided by the Minnesota State High School League Foundation. Jeff Simon motioned to approve the Resolution of School Board Supporting District Application to Minnesota State High School League Foundation. Nicole Hayes seconded the motion. Motion carried.




WHEREAS, the Minnesota State High School League Foundation was formed to provide support for Minnesotas high school youth to participate in athletics and fine arts;

WHEREAS, the District Anoka-Hennepin ISD11School Board recognizes the value of students participation in extracurricular activities; and

WHEREAS, the MSHSL Foundation is offering grants and funding to assist school districts in recognizing, promoting and funding extracurricular participation by high school students in athletic and fine arts programs.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Anoka-Hennepin ISD11 School Board supports the Districts application to the Minnesota State High School League Foundation for a FORM A grant to offset student activity fees.

Paul Cady, general counsel, Nicole Tuescher, executive director of human resources and Kay Villella, assistant director of communication and public relations, presented a draft policy that would provide guidelines regarding the use of social media. This policy applies to district staff in their use of district provided sites and personal social media sites in relation to their employment with the district. This was a first reading of the policy and the School Board asked for further communication and feedback with key employee groups prior to approval.

Paul Cady, general counsel, presented the Anoka-Hennepin School Board and Anoka-Hennepin Education MN Working Agreement 2015-2017, which was negotiated within budget parameters established by the School Board. The agreement provides step movement in both years, 1 percent increase for all members in each year of the contract and a 2.5 percent adjustment for career level members in the first year. Tom Heidemann motioned to approve the Working Agreement. Marci Anderson seconded the motion which carried with Jeff Simon abstaining and William Fields voting against the agreement. (Minutes correction: Jeff Simon abstained from voting because of MN law stating a conflict because his spouse is a member of the teachers bargaining unit. He did make a public statement supporting the contract agreement.)

Mr. Cady also presented the working agreement with Special Education Program Supervisors for July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2017. Mr. Cady led negotiations on the contract that was settled within the budget parameters provided by the School Board. The agreement includes step movement each year, a $1,500 schedule increase in year one and a $700 schedule improvement in the second year of the contract. The agreement also included performance pay as a condition of the agreement. Tom Heidemann moved to approve the Special Education Program Supervisors Association Agreement. Jeff Simon seconded the motion. Motion carried.


William Fields visited Adventures Plus at Andover Elementary and felt it was a great program.

Chair Heidemann proposed under Minnesota State Law 13D.03 sub 1 that they move into a closed session to deal with matters of labor negotiations. The closed session will be held in the Michael Sullivan Room. Chair Heidemann recessed the meeting at 9:01 p.m. The meeting reconvened in closed executive session at 9:10 p.m. to discuss negotiations.

The meeting reconvened in open session at 9:35 p.m. Nicole Hayes moved and Jeff Simon seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed.

11/19/15, 3SP1, 3CDT, Oct 26 Reg Min, 475031


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