Aug. 21, 2014
PROJECT: Water Distribution System Improvements on behalf of the County Line Special Utility District for the City of Uhland (TxCDBG Project No. 713470); SWE Project No. 0142-014-13
Receive bids until: Friday, September 5, 2014 at 10:00 AM at City Hall
15 N. Old Spanish Trail, Uhland, Texas 78640
Bids publicly opened and read aloud: 10 am 9-5-14
Location: City Hall
Street/Mailing Address: 15 N. Old Spanish Trail, Uhland, Texas 78640-9338
Project Description: The entire project generally consists of water line replacement completed by 3 separate contracts. Contract A (4,410’+ of 8” PVC Main with Bored & Open Cut Casing, Valves, Fittings, Flush Valves, Fire Hydrants and Customer ROW Service Transfers); Contract B (5,893’+ of 8” PVC Main with Valves, Fittings, Flush Valves, Fire Hydrants and Customer ROW Service Transfers); Contract C (2,275’+ of 8” PVC Main with Valves, Fittings, Flush Valves, Fire Hydrants and Customer ROW Service Transfers).
Bid/Contract Documents including Drawings and Technical Specifications are on file and may be examined at the following locations:
SOUTHWEST ENGINEERS, INC., 307 St. Lawrence Street, Gonzales, Texas 78629
Phone: (830) 672-7546
FAX: (830) 672-2034
Plans and Specifications are available at the office of Southwest Engineers, Inc. in three different formats:
Hard Copy – $80.00 (Non-Refundable)
CD in PDF Format – $30.00 (Non-Refundable)
Download – $25.00 (Non-Refundable)
A bid bond in the amount of 5% of the bid issued by an acceptable surety shall be submitted with each bid. A certified check or bank draft payable to the City of Uhland may be submitted in lieu of the Bid Bond.
The City of Uhland requires Payment and Performance Bonds in 100% of the contract amount.
Attention is called to the fact that not less than the federally determined prevailing (Davis-Bacon and Related Acts) Wage Rate, as issued by the U.S. Department of Labor and contained in the Contract Documents, must be paid on this project. In addition, the successful bidder must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of their race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or disability. Adherence to the grant recipient’s Section 3 Policy is required for contracts and subcontracts in excess of $100,00.00.
The City of Uhland reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities in the bidding.
Bids may be held by the City for a period not to exceed 30 days from the date of the bid opening for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the bidder’s qualifications prior to the contract award.
All contractors and/or subcontractors who are debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation on federal assistance programs may not undertake any activity in part or in full under this project.
August 11, 2014
The Honorable Glenn Smith
Mayor, City of Uhland
2014-2015 BUDGETS
The City Council of the City of Lockhart and the Board of Directors of the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation will hold a public hearing on the proposed budgets for Fiscal Year 2014-2015 on September 2, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. at the Clark Library-Masonic Building, 217 South Main Street, 3rd Floor, Lockhart, Texas. Copies of the budgets are available for public inspection at the desk of the City Secretary, and at the Dr. Eugene Clark Library. Ordinances establishing the budget and property tax rates for the year October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015 will be considered on September 23, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at the Clark Library-Masonic Building, 217 South Main Street, 3rd Floor, Lockhart, Texas. All interested persons are invited and encouraged to attend the hearing.
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held to receive input on the proposed creation of Caldwell County Emergency Services District No.3 for Caldwell County, Texas .
Date: August 11, 2014 and August 28, 2014
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Place: Commissioners Courtroom, 1403 Blackjack Street, Lockhart Texas
Name: Caldwell County Emergency Services District No. 3
A petition requesting the creation of the Emergency Services District No. 3 has been presented to the Commissioners Court to operate under the provisions of Article Ill, Section 48-e of the Texas Constitution, as proposed by S.J.R. No. 27, Acts of the 70th Legislature, Regular Session, 1987, and adopted by the voters at an election held November 3, 1987.
Each person who has an interest in the creation of the district may attend the hearing and present grounds for or against the creation of the district.
The boundaries of the proposed district are as follows:
Being an approximate 23.073 square mile tract of land in Caldwell County, Texas, to comprise the proposed Emergency Services District No. 4 in said County.
BEGINNING at the intersection of the centerline of the Old Bastrop Road (Cty Rd 101) and of the projected South line of a called 300.96 acre tract of land (#2801 0) which is described in a deed to the City of San Marcos, Texas, said deed being of record in Vol 175, at Pg 866, Official Records of Caldwell County,
THENCE generally East, crossing the East line of said road and with said South line and the North line of a called 99.95 acre tract (#28001), which is described in a deed A.A. Harper, Jr, said deed being of record in Vol 386, at Pg 196, Deed Records of Caldwell County, and continuing with the North line of a 83.52 acre tract (#28005) which is described in a deed to Dudley Harper, said deed being of record in Vol 380 ,at Pg 199 (as Tct 1), said Deed Records, to the northeast corner of said 83.52 acre tract for an interior corner of this tract,
THENCE generally South, with the East line of said 83.52 acre tract to the Southeast corner of said 83.52 acres tract and the North right-of-way boundary of Highway 80,
a.k.a. San Marcos Highway, for an exterior corner of this tract.
THENCE Easterly, with said right-of-way boundary, to the Southwest corner of a called
2.00 acre tract (#35168) which is described in a deed to Ivar Gunnarson, said deed being of record in Vol 112, at Pg 242, said Deed Records, for an exterior corner of this tract.
THENCE Northerly, with West line of said 2.00 acre tract and continuing North to the Northwest corner of said 2.00 acre tract.
THENCE Easterly, with the North line of said 2.00 acre tract, to its Northeast corner in the west line of a 160.2 acre tract (#27881) which is described in a Deed to Curby Ohnheiser, said deed being of record in Vol 283, at Pg 366, said Official Records. Also being the intersection with a Southwesterly line of Caldwell Emergency Services District (ESD) No.2, the limits and boundary of said ESD being of record in the 17May10 Minutes of the Commissioners Court of Caldwell County, Texas.
THENCE Southerly with East line of said 2.00 acre tract Southeast corner and projecting line to centerline of Highway 80, San Marcos Highway and an exterior corner of this
tract. Following the Southwesterly line of the Caldwell Emergency Services District (ESD) No. 2 boundary.
THENCE Easterly along the centerline of Highway 80, San Marcos Highway, to the intersection of a projected line from the East line of a 10.16 acre tract (#28068) which is described in a Deed to Cynthia & Terry Alford, said deed being of record in Vol 131 Page 775, said Official Records . Following the Southwesterly line of the Caldwell Emergency Services District (ESD) No.2 boundary.
THENCE Southerly with th e East line of said 10.16 acre tract, passing a 1.50 acre tract (#28128) which is described in a Deed to Mark & Barbara Mayhew, said deed being of record in Vol 534 Page 243, said Official Records. Then continuing along the East line of said 10.16 acre tract to the projection of s aid property line and gradient boundary of the San Marcos River and further projecting to its intersection with the thread of said River. Following the Southwesterly line of the Caldwell Emergency Services District (ESD) No. 2 boundary.
THENCE Easterly along the San Marcos river to the projection of the West line of a 6.00 acre tract (#27950) which is described in a Deed to Joycelyn F. Pratt, said deed being of record in Vol 491 Page 503 , said Deed Records .
THENCE Northeasterly along West line of said 6.00 acre tract to the projection of said line and the center of Highway 80, San Marcos Highway. Following the Southwesterly line of the Caldwell Emergency Services District (ESD) No. 2 boundary.
THENCE Southeasterly along the centerline of Highway 80, San Marcos Highway, to the intersection of FM 1984. Following the Southwesterly line of the Caldwell Emergency Services District (ESD) No.2 boundary and also being a common comer of ESD #2.
THENCE Northeasterly along centerline of FM 1984 to the intersection of a projection of the North line of a 48.26 acre tract (#46178) which is described in a Deed to Robert W. & Joanna Bagley, said deed being of record in Vol 386 Page 876, said Official Records. Following the Southwesterly line of the Caldwell Emergency Services District (ESD) No. 2 boundary and also being a common corner of ESD #2.
THENCE Southeasterly along North line of said 48.26 acre tract to the Northwest corner of Butterfly Meadows subdivision, Lot 18 (#44035), said subdivision being of record Cabinet B Slide 3, said Official Records. Following the Southwesterly line of the Caldwell Emergency Services District (ESD) No. 2 boundary.
THENCE Southeasterly along North line of said Butterfly Meadows subdivision to the Northwest corner of Hopson Ranch Estates subdivision, Lot 20 (#39109), being of record in Cabinet A Slide 138,said Official Records.
THENCE Southeasterly along North line of said Hopson Ranch Estates to the most East corner of said subdivision, Lot 30 (#39119). Following the Southwesterly line of the Caldwell Emergency Services District (ESD) No.2 boundary and also being a common corner of ESD #2.
THENCE Southwesterly along West line of s aid subdivision to the most North corner of Skyview subdivision ,Lot 119 (#28589) ,said s ubdivision being of record in Cabinet A Slide 41, Official Records .Following the Southwesterly line of the Caldwell Emergency Services District (ESD) No. 2 boundary and also being a common corner of ESD #2.
THENCE Southeasterly along Northeast line of said subdivision to the Northeast comer of Skyview subdivision and Lot 109 (#28579). Following the Southwesterly line of the Caldwell Emergency Services District (ESD) No.2 boundary and also being a common comer of ESD #2.
THENCE Northeasterly along West line of a 231.15 acre tract (#27898) which is described in a Deed to Herbert Conrads, Inc, said deed being of record in Vol 346 Page 76, said Deed Records. Also being the most North comer of said 231.15 acre tract. Following the Southwesterly line of the Caldwell Emergency Services District (ESD) No . 2 boundary and also being a common comer of ESD #2.
THENCE Southeasterly along East line of said 231.15 acre tract and West line of a
133.45 acre tract (#28119), which is described in a Deed to James Neumann & Marjorie Torian, said deed being of record in Vol 350 Page 279, said Probate Records. Continuing to a projection of said 231 .15 acre and 133.45 acre tracts to the center of Quail Run Road. Following the Southwesterly line of the Caldwell Emergency Services District (ESD) No. 2 boundary and also being a common comer of ESD #2.
THENCE Northeasterly along centerline of said Quail Run Road and continuing past the bend of said road, to the corner of said 133.45 acre tract and a common corner of a 150.00 acre tract (#28092) which is described in a Deed to John Mauldin, said deed being of record in Vol 359 Page, said Deed Records. Following the Southwesterly line of the Caldwell Emergency Services District (ESD) No.2 boundary.
THENCE Northeasterly along West line of said 150.00 acre tract to a West comer of a
573.65 acre tract (#28017) which is described in a Deed to Walton Texas LP, said deed being of record in Vol523 Page 710 and Vol524 Page 599, said Official Records.
THENCE continuing Northeasterly along said 573.65 acre tract to a North corner of said
573.65 acre tract and a salient comer in the Northeast line of this tract. Following the Southwesterly line of the Caldwell Emergency Services District (ESD) No .2 boundary and also being a common comer of ESD #2.
THENCE Southeasterly along East line of said 573.65 acre tract to an interior comer of said 573.65 acre tract and a North line of a 9.41 acre tract (#31779) in a Deed to Sheryl J & Gary D Carlson, said deed being of record in Instrument #123428, said Official records. Following the Southwesterly line of the Caldwell Emergency Services District (ESD) No. 2 boundary and al so being a common comer of ESD #2.
THENCE Southwest and then Southeasterly along common line of said 573.65 acre and 9.41 acre tracts to a projection of said line to the centerline of Highway 142. Following the Southwesterly line of the Caldwell Emergency Services District (ESD) No. 2 boundary and also being a common corner of ESD #2.
THENCE Northeasterly along centerline of Highway 142 to an intersection with the centerline of Hwy 142,to a projection to the northwest of a southwest line of a called 3126.44 acre tract (#28355) which is described in a deed to JDB Turner Crest LLC, said deed being of record in Instrument #118325, said Official Records. Following the Southwesterly line of the Caldwell Emergency Services District (ESD) No. 2 boundary and also being a common comer of ESD #2.
THENCE Southeasterly with the southwest line of said 3126.44 acre tract to its most Southerly comer and an interior comer of this tract. Also being a Southwest comer of a 607.42 acre tract (#28368) which is described in a Deed, said deed being of record in Vol 554 Page 708, said Official Records . Following the Southwesterly line of the Caldwell Emergency Services District (ESD) No.2 boundary and also being a common comer of ESD #2.
THENCE Northeasterly along common line between said 3126.44 acre and 607.42 acre tracts to the most North comer of the said 607.42 acre tract. Following the Southwesterly line of the Caldwell Emergency Services District (ESD) No. 2 boundary and also being a common corner of ESD #2.
THENCE Northwesterly along line of said 3126.44 acre tract and a 178.25 acre tract (#28359) in a Deed to Doris L Steubing, which said deed being of record in Vol 255 Page 475, Official Records, to Northwest corner of said 178.25 acre tract. Following the Southwesterly line of the Caldwell Emergency Services District (ESD) No. 2 boundary and also being a common comer of ESD #2.
THENCE Northeasterly along line of said 3126.44 acre tract to an interior comer of said 3126.44 acre tract. Following the Southwesterly line of the Caldwell Emergency Services District (ESD) No.2 boundary and also being a common comer of ESD #2.
THENCE Southeasterly and then Northeasterly along said 3126.44 acre tract most East comer. Also being the Southwest comer of a 405 .69 acre tract (#77385) and 196.18 acre tract (#77383), which is described in a Deed to Marjorie N & J Claude Wallace Trust, which said deed being of record in Vol 592 Page 508, said Official Records.
THENCE Northeasterly along North line of 87.00 acre tract (#37021) in a Deed to LA Bahia Investments LLC , which said deed being of record in Instrument #121355 ,said Official Records and with a southeast line of ESD 2,for a northerly comer of this tract, being also an interior comer of a 340.5 acre tract described in a deed to NAMI RANCH LLC, said deed being of record in Vol554, at Pg 735,said Official Records.
THENCE Southeasterly with a southeast line of said 340.5 acre tract and of ESD 2 being a northeast line of this, to a projection of said 340.5 acre tract to the centerline of Tower Road (Cty Rd 109A) .
THENCE Southeast, with the centerline of Tower Road, the southwest line of ESD 2 and the northeast line of this to the common intersection with Black Ankle Rd (Cty Rd 109), Continuing Southeast with said centerline and said common lines to the intersection with the centerline of Long Rd (Cty Rd 110) and in a Northwest line of the Tri -Community VFD for the most easterly corner of this tract
THENCE Southwest, with the centerline of Long Rd, passing the intersection of Spoke Hollow Road approximately 610 feet to a point being the same as the Tri -Community adopted boundary. This point being a projected line from the most South corner of a 16.925 acre tract (#79295) in a Deed to Ronjon Ranch LTD, said deed being of record in Vol 492 Page 320, said Official Records.
THENCE Northwest, passing the Southwest corner of said 16.925 Acres tract (#79295) and continuing across SH 130 toll road to the Southwest corner of a 415 .823 acre tract (#14918) in a Deed to Ronjon Ranch LTD, said deed being of record in Vo1492 Page 320, said Official Records. This point also being the Southeast corner of a 652.365 acre tract (#12227) in a Deed to Ronjon Ranch LTD, said deed being of record in Vol 492 Page 320, said Official Records .
THENCE Northwest along common property boundary of said 415 .823 Acre tract and 652.365 Acre tract, to the Northwest corner of said 415.823 Acre tract. This point being the most South corner of a 10.29 acre tract (#14903) in a Deed to Thomas Chrystal, said deed being of record in Vol 496 Page 677, said Deed Records. This point also being a common corner of the Martindale VFD and the Tri-Community VFD boundary.
THENCE Southwest with the common boundary between Martindale VFD and Tri Community VFD, crossing a property line of a 549 .95 acre tract (#26564) in a Deed to Cherryville #5 LTD, said deed being of record in Vol492 Page 365, said Official Records. This point being the most North corner of a 339.33 acre tract (#27628) in a Deed to Cherryville #4 LTD, said deed being of record in Vol492 Page 349,said Official Records.
THENCE Southeast with said 339.33 Acre tract to the most Northeast corner of said
339.33 Acre tr act. This point being the most North corner of a 89.05 acre tract (#60209) in a Deed to Cherryville #2 LTD, said deed being of record in Vol 492 Page 292, said Official Records .
THENCE Southwest with said 89.05 Acre tract to the most Northwest corner of said
89.05 Acres tract. This point also being a common corner of the Martindale VFD and the Tri -Community VFD boundary.
THENCE Southeast with the most West line of said 89.05 Acre tract to the most Southwest corner of said 89.05 Acre tract. Continuing on said Southeast line crossing Cherryville Parkway and SH 130 Toll Road to a projected point on Long Road. This point also being a common corner of the Martindale VFD and the Tri-Community VFD boundary.
THENCE Southwest on a straight projected line, approximately 1930 feet, from Long Road to Cherryville Parkway, crossing SH 130 toll road. This point being approximately 207 feet from the most South corner of a 147.965 acre tract (#26564) in a Deed to Cherryville #2 LTD, said deed being of record in Vol 492 Page 292, said Official Records.
THENCE Southwest along the centerline of Cherryville Parkway and a Northwest line of the Tri-Community VFD, crossing Highway 80, being also known as the San Marcos Highway, to the terminus of said Cherryville Parkway in the northwest line of a called 198.791 acre tract (#37146) described in a deed to Langford Family Irrevocable Trust, said deed being of record in Instrument #126690, said Official Records and of a called 105.979 acre tract (#26565) described in a deed to George Partnership LLP, said deed being of record in Vol 545 Page 563, said Official Records.
THENCE, continuing to the Southwest with said common line to its terminus at the gradient boundary of the San Marcos River and further projecting to its intersection with the thread of said River for the most southerly corner of this tract.
THENCE, generally Northwest, with the thread of the San Marcos River, being also the southwesterly boundary of this, to its intersection with the centerline of the Old Bastrop Road for a southwesterly corner of this tract.
THENCE, Northeasterly with the centerline of the Old Bastrop Road and crossing Highway 80,San Marcos Highway, and extending northerly to the Point of Beginning
Hydraco Power, Inc. Project No. 12588-010
(August 7, 2014)
Take notice that the following hydroelectric proceeding has been initiated by the Commission:
a. Type of Proceeding: Notice of Intent to Terminate Exemption
b. Project No.: 12588-010
c. Date Initiated: August 7, 2014
d. Exemptee: Hydraco Power, Inc.
e. Name and Location of Project: The A.H. Smith Dam Hydroelectric Project is located on the San Marcos River near the town of Martindale, Caldwell County, Texas.
f. Exemptee Contact Information: Mr. Warren David Long, Owner, Hydraco Power, Inc., P.O. Box 280, 204 Main Street, Martindale, Texas, 78655, (512) 357-1456.
g. FERC Contact: Jennifer Polardino, (202)502-6437,
h. Deadline for filing comments, protests, or motions to intervene is 30 days from the issuance of this notice by the Commission. Please file your submittal electronically via the Internet (eFiling) in lieu of paper. Please refer to the instructions on the Commission’s Web site under and filing instructions in the Commission’s Regulations at 18 CFR section 385.2001(a)(1)(iii). To assist you with eFilings you should refer to the submission guidelines document at In addition, certain filing requirements have statutory or regulatory formatting and other instructions. You should refer to a list of these “qualified documents” at You must include your name and contact information at the end of your comments. Please include the project number (P-12588-010) on any documents or motions filed. The Commission strongly encourages electronic filings; otherwise, you should submit an original and seven copies of any submittal to the following address: The Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Mail Code: DHAC, PJ-12, 888 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20426.
i. Description of Project Facilities: the project utilizes the existing facilities: (1) a 10.5-foot-high by 86.5-foot-long concrete dam; (2) a 3-foot-wide by 4-foot-high wooden stopgate positioned in the east bank of the dam which regulates flows to the turbine; (3) a 10.62-acre impoundment; (4) a powerhouse; (5) a 150-kW turbine-generator unit; (6) a trashrack with 2-inch bar spacing; and (9) appurtenant facilities. The exemptee stated that the rehabilitation of the project would consist of (1) repairs to the existing powerhouse; (2) refurbishment of the existing turbine and trashrack; (3) installation of a new 100-foot-long, 480-volt buried transmission line; and (4) installation of a water surface elevation gage in the headpond.
j. Description of Proceeding: The exemptee is in violation of Article 10 of its exemption, which was granted June 2, 2006 (115 FERC ¶ 62,250). Article 10 states, in pertinent part, that the Commission may revoke this exemption if actual construction of any proposed or required facility has not begun within two years (i.e., by June 1, 2008) or has not been completed within four years from the issuance date of the exemption (i.e., by June 1, 2010).
The exemptee’s 2008 plan and schedule stated the project would be operational by June 2009. The exemptee has only recently completed minimal work to the project which includes: (a) portage and safety signage as required by Article 15 of the exemption; (b) the installation of new trashracks; (d) exterior lighting for dam and spill way; and (c) installation of the underground portion of the transmission line. The transmission line is not connected to the powerhouse or power pole because it has not met the requirements for interconnection with the transmission grid. The construction on the powerhouse interior is currently at a standstill, which includes rebuilding the generating unit. The Commission has made repeated attempts requesting the exemptee to submit a plan and schedule to restore the project. To date, the exemptee has not filed a plan and schedule to complete project construction or to surrender the exemption. The exemptee’s most recent filing on August 1, 2014 stated that it cannot provide a fixed time frame when the project would resume generation due to the indeterminable time frame of major component repairs. In the August 1, 2014 filing, the licensee stated that it would hopefully start generation within the next three years or sooner.
k.This notice is available for review and reproduction at the Commission in the Public Reference Room, Room 2A, 888 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20426. The filing may also be viewed on the Commission’s website at Enter the Docket number (P-12588-010) excluding the last three digits in the docket number field to access the notice. You may also register online at to be notified via email of new filings and issuances related to this or other pending projects. For assistance, call toll-free 1-866-208-3676 or e-mail For TTY, call (202) 502-8659.
l. Comments, Protests, or Motions to Intervene: Anyone may submit comments, a protest, or a motion to intervene in accordance with the requirements of Rules of Practice and Procedure, 18 CFR 385.210, .211, .212, .214. In determining the appropriate action to take, the Commission will consider all protests or other comments filed, but only those who file a motion to intervene in accordance with the Commission’s Rules may become a party to the proceeding. Any comments, protests, or motions to intervene must be received on or before the specified comment date for the particular proceeding.
m. Filing and Service of Responsive Documents — Any filing must (1) bear in all capital letters the title “COMMENTS, PROTEST,” or “MOTIONS TO INTERVENE,” as applicable; (2) set forth in the heading the project number of the proceeding to which the filing responds; (3) furnish the name, address, and telephone number of the person commenting, protesting, or intervening; and (4) otherwise comply with the requirements of 18 CFR 385.2001 through 385.2005. All comments or protests must set forth their evidentiary basis. All comments, protests, or motions to intervene should relate to project works which are the subject of the termination of exemption. A copy of any protest or motion to intervene must be served on each representative of the exemptee specified in item f above. A copy of all other filings in reference to this notice must be accompanied by proof of service on all persons listed in the service list prepared by the Commission in this proceeding in accordance with 18 CFR 4.34(b) and 385.2010.
n. Agency Comments – Federal, state, and local agencies are invited to file comments on the described proceeding. If any agency does not file comments within the time specified for filing comments, it will be presumed to have no comments.
Kimberly D. Bose,
Division of Career and Technical Education
(Public Notification of Nondiscrimination in
Career and Technical Education Programs)
Lockhart Independent School District offers courses in Career and Technical Education in the following clusters: Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, Arts, AV/Technology and Communication, Business, Management and Administration, Education and Training, Information Technology, Health Science, Hospitality and Tourism, Human Services, Marketing, Sales and Service, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, and Transportation, Distribution and Logistics.
It is the policy of Lockhart ISD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or handicap in its vocational programs, services or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.
It is the policy of Lockhart ISD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap, or age in its employment practices as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.
Lockhart ISD will take steps to assure that lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in all educational and vocational programs.
For information about your rights or grievance procedures, contact Janie Wright at P.O. Box 120, Lockhart, TX 78644, 512.398.0000.
Notificación Publica de No Discriminación en
Programas de
Educación de Carreras y Tecnología
1. El Distrito Escolar Independiente de Lockhart ofrece cursos en profesión de Educación Técnica en el siguiente racimos: Agricultura, Alimento y Recursos Naturales, Artes, AV / Tecnología y Comunicación, Negocios, Gerencia y Administración, Educación y Entrenamiento, Tecnología de Información, Ciencia de la Salud, Hospitalidad y Tturismo, Servicios Humanos, Mercadeo, Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas, Ventas y Servicios y Transportación, Distribución y Logística. Admisión para los programas de CTE esta abierta para todos los estudiantes.
2. Es norma del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Lockhart no discriminar por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo o impedimento, en sus programas, servicios o actividades vocacionales, tal como lo requieren el Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, según enmienda; el Título IX de las Enmiendas en la Educación, de 1972, y la Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973, según enmienda.
3. Es norma del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Lockhart no discriminar por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, impedimento o edad, en sus procedimientos de empleo, tal como lo requieren el Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, según enmienda; el Título IX de las Enmiendas en la Educación, de 1972, la ley de Discriminación por Edad, de 1975, según enmienda, y la Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973, según enmienda.
4. El Distrito Escolar Independiente de Lockhart tomará las medidas necesarias para asegurar que la falta de habilidad en el uso del inglés no sea un obstáculo para la admisión y participación en todos los programas educativos y vocacionales.
Para información sobre sus derechos o procedimientos para quejas, comuníquese con la Coordinadora del Título IX, Janie Wright, en P.O.Box 120, Lockhart, TX 78644, (512) 398.0000.
The Caldwell County Unit Road System is seeking bids for the period beginning October 1st, 2014 and terminating September 30th, 2015. The following bid items are Aggregate, Asphalt, Materials, Flexible Base, Fuel (Regular Unleaded/No.2 Diesel – Low Sulfur), Oil and Lubricants.
Specifications may be obtained by contacting (512) 398-7269 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. (Monday thru Friday.) The item bid on should be clearly marked on the front lower left hand corner of the envelope. Bids should show unit pricing and be submitted to the County Auditor’s Office, Caldwell County Courthouse, located at 110 S. Main St., 3rd fl., or P.O. Box 98, Lockhart, Texas 78644
The deadline is September 8th, 2014 at 3:30 p.m. Bids will be opened in a public meeting of Commissioner’s Court, September 15th at 9:00 a.m., located at 1403 Black Jack St., Lockhart.
Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Fred H. Blundell, Deceased, were issued on August 7, 2014, in Cause No. 9950, pending in the County Court of Caldwell County, Texas, to: Norma Blundell.
All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law.
c/o Norma Blundell
718 S. Guadalupe
Lockhart, Texas 78644
Dated the 15th day August, 2014.
Hollis Burklund
Attorney for Norma Blundell
State Bar No.: 24006079
403 S. San Antonio St.
Lockhart, Texas 78644
Telephone: (512) 398-4045
Facsimile: (512) 398-4046