For the past two seasons, the fashion of Revenge has played almost as integral role in the Hamptons drama as Victoria Grayson. As season 3 opens back on the island, I had a chance to get some of Revenge’s deepest style secrets from Revenge costume designer Jill Ohanneson, who promises nearly as many Revenge style surprises as plot twists.
Possessionista: You’ve teased that there are some new styles this season. Give Revenge fans a sneak peek at who’s back and what’s different?
Jill Ohanneson: Season 3 will have a lot of sexy new twists and turns with at least 2 new characters. Emily is revenging steadfastly towards her wedding, Daniel has a new business venture, Charlotte has moved on from the tears and trauma of of her season 2 losses and Aiden is stepping back out into Hamptons society at the side of someone new.Possessionista: How would you describe Emily Thorne’s style this season on Revenge. How has it changed since season one.
JO: Emily is in the throes of planning her wedding and so needs to show an outward appearance of serene and joyous bridal bliss even more than usual while continuing to exact her revenge. As the strain of pretending and plotting starts to show Emily style starts to unravel a bit and I’ve helped that along with more of a muddied and inconsistent color palette.
Possessionista: During season 1, Victoria Grayson was synonymous with bandage dresses. But now we’ve seen Victoria’s past, and her style has changed. What should we expect this season.
JO: Grayson has always epitomized the elegance and sophistication of old Hamptons money. She is desirable yet unattainable and her costumes need to convey that sensual aloofness. I’ve given her a cooler color palette this season to convey her icy determination to stay in control of her world.
Possessionista: Tell us a little about Charlotte Grayson’s Revenge fashion. How has Charlotte’s style evolved?
JO: Charlotte has left behind her florals and ruffles along with the tears and losses of season 2. She will be emerging in Season 3 with a darker edgier look to reflect her recent trials and tribulations.Possessionista: Revenge takes place in the Hamptons which provides some seasonal challenges. What stores and labels do you use to give your actors summer style, even when you’re shooting in cold weather months.
JO: When the season our show is set in is out of sync with the fashion world, I usually turn to either the Internet, costume rental houses, or to building garments to fill in what we are not able to purchase in the stores. I can often find a similar version or knock off of the sundress or coat that I need online or I’ll find last year’s version of something I’m looking for at a rental house and I’ll modify it to be make it more current. If I have time I always like to build what I need as I can use the exact color and texture of fabric I want along with the perfect silhouette.
Possessionista: You choose a lot of beautiful, high end style for Revenge, but you’ve mixed in attainable pieces throughout the show’s first two seasons. Where are some of the places you look for inspiration for your leading ladies’ style?
JO: Inspiration comes to me in everything from art and literature to urban street style and eclectic ethnic cultures. I take bits and pieces from all of these sources and use them in designing my characters costumes. Sometimes its an entire head to toe outfit and other times it’s just a hint of a color or a bit of a pattern used as trim on a garment. The leading ladies themselves and their individual styles inspire me as well. Emily’s, Victorias and Charlottes looks are all so different that I feel I get to dress the best of all worlds.
Possessionista: Which of your characters’ closets would you most like to raid? Do you have one particular look from past seasons that was your favorite? IS there a look this season that we should keep an eye out for?
JO: I truly love ALL of my characters closets. The variety of costumes I get to design for REVENGE is part of what keeps me creatively inspired and stimulated. If I only got to design for one age range, one gender, or one economic bracket it wouldn’t be nearly as fun and interesting. Past favorite looks include many of the REVENGE cast at Victorias wedding and the skeet shooting party. Moving forward favorite looks in the future abound at Nolan’s nautically themed housewarming party. Bon Voyage!!
The post Revenge Fashion Season 3 Preview Interview with Jill Ohanneson appeared first on Possessionista Celebrity Style.