
INVISALIGN: A Modern Approach to Straightening Teeth.
Have you or someone you know used Invisalign Teen? And if yes, what was your/their experience?   Last month, I joined a group of bloggers at an Invisalign Straight Talk Blogger Event in Boston, Massachusetts. We were invited by Invisalign and The SITSGirls to come learn more about the brand and to share the information we gathered with our readers, friends, and family. It was a highly informative event with a slide show, live demonstration, and an excellent in-depth presentation from Dr. Barry J Glaser of Glaser Orthodontics. What impressed me most was learning how easy and comfortable it is to wear the Invisalign Teen clear aligners, and how effective they are at straightening teeth for preteens, teens, and even adults. Many of us had heard of the brand name but knew very little about it. A few of us had never heard about it until we were invited to attend the training. We came with a lot of questions and Dr. Glaser deftly walked us through the myths and facts about Invisalign. I have shared them throughout this post and invite you to spend some time reading them.

Myth #1: Invisalign can only treat minor or cosmetic issues. FACT: It treats a wide variety of orthodontic issues including severe bite issues.
Myth #2: Invisalign is more expensive than metal braces. FACT: The cost is usually comparable to the cost of traditional braces and most dental insurance plans cover a portion of it.
Myth #3: I won’t be able to tell if my child is wearing Invisalign often enough for it to be effective. FACT: The aligners have small blue dots, officially called compliance indicators, that gradually fade as they are worn. The dots offer a quick visual check for parents and teens.
Myth #4: If my child loses their aligners, it’s going to cost me an arm and a leg to replace. FACT:  The teen gets up to six FREE replacement aligners with Invisalign Teen.

What is Invisalign Teen? Invisalign Teen is a clear plastic, custom-made, molded teeth brace/aligner that requires less effort to insert and remove; unlike the old metal braces of my childhood. It is both removable and invisible and offers an innovative way to help straighten your teen's teeth. We can toss the metal braces for a "smooth, comfortable and virtually invisible plastic that your child will wear over their teeth."  I immediately fell in love with the aligner and even got a sample to examine. They are light, flexible and effective. The aligners straighten teeth without traditional wires/brackets and give teens the confidence to get on with living life to the fullest. So why aren't more teens wearing them?  Qualified Orthodontists need additional training on using them, some people are resistant to change, and there are even myths about Invisalign Teen that need to be addressed and corrected.  Misinformation about any product can discourage people from using it, so it's important to do some research and ask questions. The myths and facts are in block quotes throughout this post. Read them, visit the Invisalign website and then make an informed choice for your child.

Teeth Straightening | See How Invisalign Works | Invisalign

Myth #5: After Invisalign Teen, my child’s teeth  may revert back to their original position. FACT: Without retainers, straight teeth can revert, and that's why they advice you to consider Vivera retainers
Myth #6: I don’t need to take my child to see an orthodontist until they are a teenager. FACT: The American Association of Orthodontics recommends children get their first orthodontic check-­up by age 7.
Myth #7: Invisalign takes longer to complete than braces. FACT: The Invisalign treatment length is comparable to braces and, like traditional braces, can vary per individual.
Myth# 8: If my child’s dentist or orthodontist recommends braces over Invisalign, I should trust their opinion. FACT: You are entitled to a second opinion. Visit www.invisalign.com to "find a doctor" and get help locating experienced Invisalign and Invisalign Teen doctors in your area.
Were you surprised to hear that the 8 myths listed above about Invisalign are untrue?  Until our event, I had very little knowledge of Invisalign and knew only one person who had them. As I watched the demo, I flashed back to one of my twin daughters who spent 2-3 years wearing painful metal braces that needed regular adjustments. My first question was why wasn't this offered to her as a viable option? I don't know the answer but you won't have to worry about that either if you take the time to learn about Invisalign Teen. Learn to recognize myths from facts and make an informed choice. It would be the best investment of time spent learning about an alternative to metal braces. Is Invisalign the right choice for you or your child? Take the Invisalign Smile Assessment to find out.  Continue below for 4 more myths.

More Below On Invisalign Teen

Myth #9: Braces work better than Invisalign. FACT: Invisalign Teen corrects minor to severe dental issues. The clear aligners are removable and teens feel confident wearing them.
Myth #10: We can’t afford Invisalign. FACT: The calculated cost is usually comparable to the cost of traditional braces, and most dental insurance plans cover a portion of it; some cover about 50% and some doctors can arrange a payment plan.
Myth #11: Braces are a rite of passage. FACT: Invisible aligners mean you never have to second guess whether others will accept you or not because of your braces.
Myth #12: Invisalign treatment will disrupt our lives. FACT: Invisalign Teen is flexible and easy to wear. Teens can play sports and enjoy their daily activities without worrying about needing emergency help for broken wires and such.
How does Invisalign Teen compare to traditional braces?  Very well. Take a look at the comparison chart below and you'd agree that it offers more. Given the information shared so far, I wouldn't hesitate to  recommend them to my friends and family or have my child get them. I wish I knew of invisible braces when my daughter needed them because it would have been an easier time for her and cost effective too. They cost about $5000 and, just like traditional braces, they are covered (for some plans even up to
to 50% ) by most dental insurance policies. I hope you've found this information helpful to your decision-making. What are your thoughts on the subject? I'd appreciate your honest feedback. Thank you!  If you would like more information on Invisalign Teen, you may reach out to the Invisalign team through the following sites: Invisalign Website:, Invisalign on Twitter: or Invisalign on Facebook

As a way to encourage my readers to consider Invisalign, you are invited to enter the Invisalign Straight Talk Sweepstakes for a chance to win a free Invisalign/Invisalign Teen treatment. Sweepstakes end on September 30th, 2014.
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Some Food for Thought: Has anyone in your home tried Invisalign Teen?  If yes, What did/didn't you love about it? If no, Would you consider it as an alternative to braces if/when you decide to move forward? Keeping our teeth in the best shape is key to staying healthy. Choosing a teeth straightening program that delivers on its assurances counts. Would you make a note of it today?

I would love to hear from you: Please leave me a comment. Thank You!

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post via Invisalign and The SITSGirls. Even though I am being compensated for my honest feedback, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photographs:  Straight Talk and Infographic via Invisalign.com, Others via my personal collection.

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

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