
“Another fresh new year is here . . . Another year to live! To banish worry, doubt, and fear, To love and laugh and give!" William Arthur Ward 

New Year 2014 Fireworks celebrations at Times Square NY

 Happy New Year and Hurray for 2014! I watched the ball drop at Times Square and the first thought that crossed my mind was "Thank God for a New Day of goals, dreams and blessings!" After the challenges of 2013, I'm ready for positive change in 2014. What about you?  Are you ready for 2014? What will you do differently this year? What will remain the same?  Some of the blogging opportunities I'll be involved in are:  NaBloPoMo and Zero to Hero. To stay focused in 2014, I've put together a short list of 8 goals to keep me on track.  You are welcome to use them and offer some of yours in my comments section.

♥Set Goals you can accomplish - Keep it real and simple

♥Celebrate your Blessings - Eat, Live, Love, Pray with abundance

♥Maintain a Healthy physical, emotional & mental state - Work and be better at maintaining equilibrium and a positive attitude

♥Express Gratitude regularly for all gifts, skills, God's blessings and  people's grace - Believe that the knowledge/ability to find the best solutions in all situations is within.
I've added the remaining 4 points after the page break below. What resolutions or goals are you working on for 2014?

List of 10 Good Luck Foods to Eat on New Year's Day (catch up w/in the week too) 
• Black eyed beans and/or Lentils for prosperity
• Buttered bread for nourishment (Ireland)
• 12 Grapes/Raisins before midnight (New Year’s Eve) for great fortune (Spain)
• Greens like Spinach, Kale, Collards remind us of green money and health and drive away evil spirits
• Pork as a way to stay focused in moving forward with our goals and desires.
• Long Noodles offers longevity and eating an unbroken long noodle is extra luck. (Asia)
• Cornbread – the sweet, sunny, yellow, satisfying food augurs prosperity on all fronts.
• Round Foods – desserts, citrus fruits, wave off the old and welcome the new into our sunny lives
• Whole Fish on New Year’s Day is a sign of great prosperity. Fish is a prosperous symbol in Asia
• Chocolate is always great as a digestive and a luxury treat signifying a year of pampering. ;-)
 More below!

The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals.” Melody Beattie 

New Chapter: Are You Ready for 2014? Time to fill the Blank sketchbooks above and heed Melody Beattie's Quote

♥Visualize Goals & Act on them - Use affirmations to zero in on opportunities and goals, then follow through with some of your own idea. Create/make your own opportunities.
♥Find a Mentor and/or a Workout Buddy - Effort pays dividend and patience helps. Take at least one step towards your goal each day.
♥Perform Random acts of Kindness and Peaceful communication -   Look for ways to help others and end exchanges peacefully.
♥Don’t Give Up even if You Mess Up -  We all fall down but don't stay there. To quit is not an option unless our life is endangered. Go for it!

Last year, I shared twelve words/gifts that have helped me focus on the positive. I'll do so again this year as it is a wonderful way to set affirmations; especially if you don't want to create resolutions. Let me know your thoughts.  Each month, choose a word from the list to write/share/meditate on. You can also follow the order presented below:
♥ Health
♥ Happiness
♥ Hope
♥ Abundance
♥ Grace
♥ Peace & Love
♥ Wisdom
♥ Friendship
♥ Goodwill
♥ Success
♥ Adventure
♥ Divine Protection 
Thinking of a single word to focus on in 2014 is not so easy but one that comes to mind is TRY - and with trying comes Trust. If we try new things and trust in seeing a beneficial outcome, then ultimately, we will. I pray that Abundance and compassion will touch all of our lives in 2014.

Some Food for Thought: What are your goals/resolutions for the New Year? How do you plan to make a difference/an impact as an active member of the global community in 2014? I would love to hear from you: Please leave me a comment.
Thank You!
Positive Motivation Tip: Start the New Year ready to jump in and take charge of your life. with a reflective heart and a positive spirit and then act on your dreams! ♥HAPPY NEW YEAR :-)

PHOTO CREDITS/ATTRIBUTIONS: All Photos via my Personal Collection

Until Next Time…
Ask. Believe. Receive. ©
Elizabeth Obih-Frank
Mirth and Motivation
Positive Kismet

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