Members of the elementary school student government, led by advisers Dana St. Pierre and Michele Smith, hosted a food collection to benefit the Outreach program at Infant Jesus R.C. Church. The student leaders did their best to make a difference in the local community by collecting nonperishable food items as well as toiletries to help keep the food pantry’s shelves stocked.
“Our mission is to try and make a difference around us in any way we can, starting with our small ‘world’ – meaning what occurs in and around our school,” said Smith. “We also want to make a difference in the bigger ‘world,’ the community we live in, and lastly, the entire world around us.”
This year’s food drive correlated with the school’s Scraggy Olympics, an event where teachers and parents compete in sports and games. The student government asked attendees to donate nonperishable items and drop them in collection bags for the team they were supporting.