
Astroblog: The ISS passes near Venus, Sagittarius, as seen from Adelaide on the evening of Tuesday November 5 at 21:33 ACDST. Simulated in Stellarium (the ISS will actually be a bright dot), click to embiggen.The ISS passes beside Venus and the crescent Moon, as seen from Adelaide on the evening of Thursday November 7 at 21:34 ADCST. Simulated in Stellarium (the ISS will actually be a bright dot), click to embiggen.All sky chart showing times from Heavens Above for Tuesday November 5 for Adelaide.Click to embiggenAll sky chart showing times from Heavens Above for Thursday November 7 for Adelaide. Click to embiggenThis week sees another series of bright evening passes of the International Space Station. For many places in Australia this series is capped midweek to end week by a series of spectacular passes as the ISS comes close to Venus while Venus itself is close to the Moon. When and what you will see is VERY location dependent (eg on the 5th in Sydney the ISS crosses the Zenith, far from Venus, but on the 7th it is closer to Venus than from Adelaide), so you need to use either Heavens Above or CalSky to get site specific predictions for ...

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