
Sky and Telescope: NAME New Braunfels Astronomy Club ADDRESS 14490 FM 306 #33 Canyon Lake, TX 78133 USA CONTACT Michael Homer PHONE 8309644510 EMAIL mhomer2012@yahoo.com URL http://www.astronomynbtx.org NUMBER OF MEMBERS OTHER INFORMATION Founder: Larry Pratt in 1998 Larry (who turned 85 in 2016) still attends meetings and writes an astronomy article in the Herald Zeitung newspaper in New Braunfels, Texas. The group has their meeting at "T.J. Burgers and More" in New Braunfels on the third Thursday each month at 7 pm (except December). They have "Astronomy Nights" at Tye Preston Memorial Library www.tpml.org located at neighboring Canyon Lake, Texas each month along with community star parties for scouts and other groups upon request. The post New Braunfels Astronomy Club appeared first on Sky & Telescope.

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