We recently shared leaked images of a Google x LG smartwatch and looks like they were on the right track. Google’s unveiled Android Wear, an official jump into wearables via an operating system that’s designed specifically for wearable devices like smartwatches. Below are two videos showing off the watch interface while also announcing the first Android Wear smartwatches from Motorola.
There’s a lot to expect from the OS, including a focus on fitness. Users will be able to get real-time speed, distance and time information from run, cycling or walk, meaning Google Maps will be built in. Google Now integration is looking pretty impressive as automatic, passive reminders will be sent to users via their smartwatch. Beyond that, you can do things like say “OK Google” to perform voice searches or even call a taxi, send a text, make a restaurant reservation or set an alarm. The voice command functionality is really taking things next level as you can cast a video to your Chromecast or even get a certain song to play on your phone. Naturally, the watches will also connect with Android smartphones so that you can get all the notifications you want from apps installed on your phone.
Google’s also launched a new section on developer.android.com/wear focused on wearables where devs can download a Developer Preview to tailor existing app notifications for watches powered by Android Wear. And to give you a sense of things to come, Google’s working with several consumer electronics manufacturers, including Asus, HTC, LG, Motorola and Samsung; chip makers Broadcom, Imagination, Intel, Mediatek and Qualcomm; and fashion brands like the Fossil Group to bring watches powered by Android Wear later this year.
Look to hear more details around Android Wear at Google I/O from June 25th to 26th.
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