
Adventure Summary: Trixie Lulamoon and members of the Night Guard are sent to convey a powerful magical artifact to it's new home. The crew travels in an experimental airship, flies into a storm, and faces a dragon who wishes to size the artifact for himself. Along the way, Trixie confronts personal demons, and Shank learns a hard lesson about his own weaknesses. Unfortunately, Frae could not complete the second half of the event, but, we assume he was there for it, even if the player was not. For those who wish a concise summary of events, I have placed one at the very bottom of this transcript so you can get a gist of what happened without having to read the whole event.

Shank: You have all been commanded (if part of the Canterlot military/intelligence), or invited (if civilian), by royal order of Princess Luna to appear at this date, and this time, for a mission of national interest. Where you are is near the upper levels of Canterlot, where the large platform docks for the airships air. When, is the vespers of twilight. Why... well, that's another question. There's a few Lunar Guards, some civilian contractors, and, oddly, one fairly famous showmare. And, of course, an airship.

Atom Smash: The MX-Comet is a rather unremarkable vessel by the outer looks of it. While airships aren't incredibly common in Equestria, there's enough about that the nation has a small merchant fleet, with a few larger military vessels. This isn't one of them. The Comet is definitely a merchant-class airship, though she seems to have been modified in several ways for military use.

The ship's overall look is heavier, iron straps brace the most vulnerable areas of the ship, where such precautions would not be needed on a merchant ship, and the weight of the iron would take away from it's cargo capacity. The mechano-magical engines look like your standard steam-powered rotary piston pounders, though the seam pipes have been replaced with iron channels that hold crystals, and presumably the engine room has been similarly upgraded with Crystal Empire magic.

The crew is busy, one or two pegasai, but mostly a motley lot of earth and unicorn ponies man the ship. As you arrive on the docks, you can see the crew readying the ship for launch, loading final supplies on board. These include, oddly, several very large crates which, if one takes a look, seem to be filled with glass bottles which contain nails. An odd choice of cargo to be sure.

While still a merchant vessel, the ship has been weaponized. Port and starboard sides each have two cannons, bearing the logo of "Clarkson Industries" stamped into the large barrels. Then, on each cannon, painted whatever colors someone had on hand at the time, the names of the cannons: Eva Destruction, Devilynne Syde, Moe YaDown, Buster Up. At the front of the ship is a much larger, forward-mounted, fixed-placement cannon with copper wires spiraling tightly around the barrel: Sintripetal Force.

Shank: After letting everyone get a good look at the ship, and some time with each other, Shank clears his throat and speaks. "Good evening, ponies. Princess Luna has brought us all together tonight to do an errand of significant importance to the crown, one which each of us brings a particular skill for. Before I get to that, why don't we do introductions all around... and then I'll explain the mission proper."

Frae Arnolo Montoya: Frae Montoya came flying in for a soft landing just as Shank started to speak. Frae had a saddle strapped with two bags for this journey.

Atom Smash: Atom, a white-colored, somewhat nerdy looking unicorn, walks down the gangplank of the ship to meet with his passengers. "I'm Atom Smash, civilian engineer in service to the Night Guard, Office of the Quartermaster. I'll be piloting The Comet to our destination."

Trixie Lulamoon: Trixie took a moment to inspect the shipyard. She didn't much care for airships - fueled with mechanical operation over magic certainly had a way to detract a showmare such as herself. Only when the deep rough voice of Shank's did she return her attention to the ensemble of ponies at hoof. Behind her were a large... probably excessive amount of baggage that she deemed necessities - but other ponies would probably contest that fact.

Trixie cleared her throat as she shifted her hat up, her lavender gaze peering upon all the other ponies with silent judgment, "It's quite clear why The Great and Powerful Trixie is here then, isn't it? Princess Luna had heard of her prowess and needs her magical talents. Hmph - Trixie is /hardly/ surprised~" She held an attitude of superiority in the air, clearly a bit vain.

Master Plan: Master Plan, a tan and wiry built unicorn with pepper gray tail and mane the latter with a light blue streak, trots up in what looks like the light armor combat mages occasionally use. "I am Master Plan he says in a distinctly Bittish accent, "Royal Tactical Adviser. I'll be in charge of the ships defenses for this mission " He looks at at Shank with a very haggard expression but nods to him "Shank."

Alona: To say the least the mare was impressed. Craftponyship like this was rare Very, very rare. Still, Alona stood at attention before her CO, silently taking in the sights of the craft while listening to every word from the thestral captain. What she carried was all she needed. Her heavy steel plated armor, her 6ft infantry lance, her average hoof-n-half longsword, her thick blackened oilskin cloak, and her saddle pack with varying assortment of items and supplies. Perfect for an average mare.

When it finally fell upon her the mare would stand as she would if addressing Luna herself, steeling her eyes and her voice to that of a Lunar Guard. "Sergeant Alona. Lunar Guard." Her introduction short, simple and very much to the point. No need for flashy word play, nor anything of the sort.

Frae Arnolo Montoya: Frae gave that look to Trixie with his handsome blue eyes slightly squinting with his lips tightening. Oh great, she reminds me of my aunt Tessa.. He thought in his head.

Shank: "You all know me, of course, so I'll skip the flourish... the reason we're all together with the greatest living unicorn wizard...." And Shank has ALWAYS known Trixie was better than Twilight, duh, but now that Twilight is an alicorn, he may finally be technically correct on that point. "Is that we will be conveying an ancient artifact into long-term storage. Atom is to fly us to the Night Storm Anchorage, deep in the northern mountains. There, the artifact will be interred in a vault for safe keeping. Myself, Alona, and Frae are to physically guard the artifact, which is stored on the ship. Atom and Master Plan each have one half of the spell to open the vaults. The spell is only good for the next twelve hours, and only works when they use it in tandem. Trixie, as an expert in magic, will know what to do if for some reason the artifact goes haywire, as she correctly summized."

Master Plan: "Yes.." he sighs "Keep a close eye on Shank for me would you?" he asks Alona with a smirk "He can be trouble."

Atom Smash: Atom walks past Master Plan, pulls out a pocket watch, gives him a funny look, and then puts it back in his breast pocket. He levitates up Trixie's bags, and will bring them onto the ship personally, given her celebrity status, no less than the ship's captain will do for such a job.

Shank: "We can discuss everything else en-route... so let's hop on board, shall we?" Shank bows to Trixie. "After you, Ms. Trixie..." He gestures with a wing for her to head up the ramp. "Oh, and well done on foiling that diamond thief in Manehatten. That made all the papers."

Shank: // Shank is making reference to Trixie's appearance in the comics, which, if you have not read... OMG. They're what the series should be.

Alona: She quirked her brow in MP's direction, cracking a sft smirk as she did. All she would offer in response was a soft shake of the head as she waited for the others to board the craft.

Master Plan: MP slowly trots up the gangplank without looking at his steps looking around slowly as if looking for anything out of place on deck once he arrives "Atom.." he flags down the other unicorn, "Tell me you have coffee somewhere on board, I have a feeling I'm going to need that vile stuff."

Trixie Lulamoon: If Trixie was touched by the Captain's kindness, she certainly didn't show it. In fact, Trixie wouldn't expect anything else. She took a few steps forward - taking in the compliment ... 'graciously' as her lavender eyes took a moment to look into Shank's, "Hmph, of course. The thief surely would have escaped had not Trixie been there to them." She advanced into the craft, taking a few steps upon the large ship and reluctantly waited for everypony else to climb aboard, "Now come on, The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't have all day."

Frae Arnolo Montoya: Frae walks up the ramp, passing Shank, and giving Shank a look, then a nod to replace a greeting with words. Frae stopped at the end of the ramp just before the deck of the ship and looked down, then looked back at Canterlot. This was something new.. new was scary.. But also proved exciting to have a new opotunity. He proceeded on the deck of the ship and studied it's body.

Shank: Shank nods, and when everyone else is on board the ship, he nods to Atom that everyone is ready, and pauses, rubbing at a fashionable silver chain around his neck that seems to be annoying him. "This is someplace I have always wanted to take you, Alona... the Night Storm is a perpetual storm over the end of the norther mountain range, so dense it blots out the sun, and so powerful it's not faded out in ten centuries. It's a place very... dear to some thestral clans. Just be warned.... technology not attached to your body goes wonky there, and magic doesn't work past a certain range."

Atom Smash: Atom stows Trixie's luggage efficiently, in the ship's only state room. The rest of you will have to suffer with crew billets if you rest, and he re-emerges to take the ship's wheel, barking orders to his crew. "Detach mooring lines! Warm up the ship's nexus core for a long-distance teleport once we clear Canterlot." With a spin of the wheel, and a pull of some levers, the airship slides back from the docks, and the engines begin to putt-putt to life, spinning up, and moving the ship away at a lazy speed. He nods to MP, and flips open a sqwak-pipe hatch. "Galley, bring up a pot of coffee to the wheel, double-strong, double sweet."

He smirks at Shank. "Meh, I'm not worried about the storm. Give me a stopwatch and a map and I'll navigate the Ghastly Gorge in an airship with no windows."

Shank: Shank starts to light up a cigar as they pull back, though the wind keeps him from getting a match going. He pockets the stogie, and grumbles at Atom. "Let's no test that while I'm on board, OK?"

Alona: "Then it's a good thing everything's still offline then. No interference from something that's active sir." She smirked at him, adjusting her armor to a more comfortable position.

Frae Arnolo Montoya: Frae's stomach cringes to the words "Teleport." He sighs not looking forward to the most sickening feeling in the entire world.. Teleportation. He stood at the side rails peaking his head out back at Canterlot city. Watching his home shrink.

Atom Smash: Atom smirks, and starts consulting his charts as they ship pulls out. "Teleport jump in ten minutes....unless, Ms Trixie... the core of this ship uses a giant mana stone to power the engines by magic, and supply the magic necessary to teleport the whole ship to its destination. Civilians rarely get access to such a thing, but if you would like to perform the teleport?"

Master Plan: MP takes a seat, looking glad when the coffee is brought up and takes a sip with barely a grimace, vastly preferring tea. He keeps a deep blue eye on Shank as he watches him over the rim of his telekineticlly floating mug. Glancing between Atom and Trixie now though as the offer is made for her teleport them.

Shank: While the ship is moving around, Shank idly looks through some of the cargo still on deck, aside from the bottles with nails in them he spotted earlier, Shank flips open another large box, which is full of sheep-shears, the scissors one uses to cut the fur of sheep, Except these are unfinished, so what you really have is a box of half-sheers. This... boggles him. "What the hay are these?"

Atom Smash: "Sheep sheers." Atom unhelpfully answers, while gesturing to a point on the map where he wishes to teleport, the coordinates laid out in magical runes. "Our destination... it's as close as we can get to the storm before teleport magic stops working."

Trixie Lulamoon: Trixie took a few steps towards her state room to set up her things, faltering slightly at the sudden shifting of the boat as it hoisted in the air. She shook her head at the feel of movement. Only when Atom suggested Trixie power the teleport did she hesitate. Quick to respond, she spoke, "Well, o-of course! Trixie is clearly powerful enough for such a spell." Her lips spoke with certainty, but her mind wasn't so sure of her capability - unfamiliar with how teleportation of an airship worked... That'd be exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, for even an experienced magician to move a ship a considerable distance. Perhaps she should have declined the offer, she thought, but as all the eyes were upon her, she wouldn't be able to decline the offer now. " ... Fine. Show Trixie this stone and she shall teleport to this storm without even breaking a sweat!" Big boasts, for certainly.

Master Plan: he swivels his gaze a moment "Teleport's not so bad." he says in a calming tone to Frae, watching his perhaps anxious expression and almost reading his mind.

Atom Smash: Atom grins at Trixie, and steps back from the wheel. He was standing on four copper plates on the deck. "Just stand here, Ms. Trixie, and you can tap into the mana stone below decks.... it will supply the power, you supply the magic. I feel much better about this jump in the hands of a true magister!"

Frae Arnolo Montoya: Mind reading? It didn't take a scan into the cortex of Frae to figure out he hated Teliportation. It was all over his face. The sickening look. Frae focused his attention over to Master Plan. " If Pegasi were meant to teleport, we'd have horns too.."

Alona: Well the mare not seeing her purpose at the moment merely leaned herself against the guardrail of the airship, clipping her lance in place at her side. First time she'd been on one of these. Hey, new experience and new adventures ahoy. And so she settled into a comfortable position, and waited. Now, granted she was not keen on teleporting either, but, she'd suffer through it. And, keep it to herself mostly. Of course that didn't stop the slight grimace appearing on her muzzle though.

Master Plan: "As I've said before.. just relax, and breath normally. Keep your wings loose." he smiles faintly and takes sip of his coffee

Frae Arnolo Montoya: Frae notices the coffee Master Plan had. It sounded very pleasing. But the thought of having it now to vomit it back out wasn't worth the mug full. It would have only made it worse for his stomach. The acids coffee had in it.. His throat would be sore for the rest of the day.

Shank: Shank does pretty much the same as Alona, leaning on a rail and relaxing. Air travel doesn't bother him, of course, and he's done enough work in the guard that a teleport is no big deal. "I'd like to tell you we could skip the teleport, and go the slow route, but the spells Atom and Master have for opening the vault only last a few hours, after that, the magical combinations will change, and they won't be any good."

Trixie Lulamoon: "And if unicorns were to fly, they'd have and not be on these revolting flying boats, they'd have wings" retorted Trixie to Frae. The stone supplied the power meant she would have her power amplified? She relished the idea. A moment's focus would have the mare trying to tap into the large bank of energy, her horn glowing a bright blue glow as a radiating aura focused throughout the ship. The blue mare shut her eyes closed as she tried to think of the location they would teleport. It is dangerous to teleport without seeing the area a pony would teleport to, she noted, as if you were to teleport where something else existed, it would cause gruesome aftereffects to both parties. In the air, however, this was highly unlikely, allowing Trixie to focus on the open area in the atmosphere far in the distance. It took a good few minutes of focus to both locate it and to begin supplying the spell to this grand stone.

Frae Arnolo Montoya: Frae perked his ears to Trixie's words and nodded. " As much as I like flying, I always had a greater trust for ships that sail in the water. Twice as much could go wrong with the airship than the mercy of the sea.. But of course, when something goes wrong, we would have to face the mercy of the sea if we were over it.."

Frae Arnolo Montoya: "Not to mention all the Pirates in the East these days.."

Atom Smash: There's a sickening (to some) sensation of one falling down into nothing. A chest-tightening feeling of the world dropping out from under you. Trixie was right on all counts, and a huge mass teleporting too much longer. That uneasy feeling that was only a blink of an eye normally took several minutes. And then, finally, a horrendous WHOOSH of magic, and the ship vanishes from Canterlot, appearing in a flash of exotic Trixie-blue energy over the Night Storm, which lives up to it's name in spades.

Above you, a tunnel of clouds showing only the moon and a few stars, down below, column of cloud that lead to no visible ground, just a huge turn to parts unknown. It was like being at the top of a giant tornado, the wind whipping the clouds in all directions.

Frae Arnolo Montoya: Frae hurls and goes dizzy, proceeding to vomit up his breakfast off the side of the rails. Some of it hitting the hull, giving it that new color everypony hates.

Shank: Shank nods to Frae. "Pirates, or others... are why we're here...." He sighs happily, the sight of this magnificent place over-riding any odd feelings from the teleport. He looks down over the rail of the ship, and sighs out. "The Night Storm....I shall never grow tired of it. It's a test of skill to be able to fly the storm, Alona. Some day, I want you to race it with me."

Trixie Lulamoon: She made sure she had proper footing, her eyes opening one at a time as she looked around - briefly in surprise before she quickly disguised it with a look of gleeful triumph, "Hah! See! Trixie knew she could do it! After all, she IS the gre-" And then Frae vomited, completely ceasing Trixie's gloating. She shook her head in disgust before looking away.

Atom Smash: Frae is not alone, some of the Earth Pony crew of the Comet are no less susceptible to the effects of such a dramatic teleport, and in a fit of irony, the ship becomes the Vomit Comet as several other ponies heave over the side of the ship. "Only five ponies throwing up... actually, that's very good, Ms. Trixie!"

Alona: Well to say the least, the mare was a bit more disoriented than most on the ship would have been, but then again, having a magic allergy wasn't very pleasant. Groaning as she leaned into the railing her eyes winced shut, as she felt a slight burning across her fur and, while passing quickly, left her a bit on edge. "...Sure...sir. Soon as I get done being cooked by magic..." She grunted running her hoof across her temple.

Master Plan: MP seem's unphased by the teleport and just takes sip his coffee, though wincing slightly as the crew and frae retch "It is a sight." he says, though perhaps a touch dully looking at the massive storm.

Master Plan: He looks at Atom "You'd think that they'd be almost used to this by now..." he says almost quizzically

Atom Smash: Atom retakes the wheel, and commences the ships run through the storm. "Engines to military thrust!" And the dual props whir up to a blinding speed, fighting for headway against the wind. Atom uses a spell to shield himself and his maps from all the gusts, and works diligently. "Roll 5 degrees starboard, yaw 20 degrees down-angle on the bow planes, pitch, y-minutes 10 degrees. Prepare for some chop, next turn in 20 minutes..." He pauses and shakes his head at MP. "This is an experimental ship. Last time we took it out, well... we came to a sudden arboreal stop. Bygones."

Shank: Shank grunts again, and looks at Alona. "They crashed in the Everfree Forrest."

Alona: With another grown, the mare would simply facehoof. He just had to say that didn't he? "Thanks captain... that's very reassuring..."

Frae Arnolo Montoya: As they caught speeds. Frae held onto the guardrails. He was getting worried. He watched the rigging of the ship creak and shake against the winds.

Master Plan: "Don't worry about the ship, We'll get there in one piece Sargent." he says with a very confidant nod.

Trixie Lulamoon: Trixie rose an eyebrow at their conversation with slight disinterest as she spoke dismissively, "Trixie doesn't plan to crash in a contraption such as this. Twenty minutes? Trixie shall prepare her things in her room then." A small shift had the mare walk into the state room and put away her assembled belongings.

Shank: "Even longer to complete the whole journey, ma'am. We'll call you when we're there." Shank says, though as much as he admires Trixie, nothing but Luna herself could distract him from gazing over in awe at the huge storm surrounding them.

Atom Smash: The rest of the journey is choppy, bumpy, and takes a good hour or more of maneuvering the ship through the center of a spiraling storm. Clouds race as the ship moves through the center of the eyewall. Lighting flashes almost non-stop as they get deeper, and finally, finally, Atom points ahead. "The Night Storm Anchorage." Deep down in the well of the storm is a slate mountain, the storm's bottom crashing against the mountain side. Down this low, flying too near the clouds would put one in a blender of rock shards. But there, at the base of the mountain, you see a huge cave, which the airship slowly moves towards, and finally into. The walls of the storm giving way to a massive cave system. The crew light up limelights to cast an eerie green glow into the cave, and you begin to approach what looks like a massive fortress built into the back all of the cave.

Master Plan: MP eyes their approach critically, seemingly lost in thought, but his tired face appears tenser in the dim light the closer they get to docking.

Trixie Lulamoon: "Good," she replied simply to Shank, expecting this to be a fairly easy event. Only when they finally arrive to the Night Storm Anchorage - the unusual sight of a mountain this high up, did Trixie return. The dark glow of the limelights didn't fit Trixie, shining a brighter light of magic when they traversed through this cave, "There. Much better."

Alona: Well she wasn't too keen on being torn apart by the blizzard of rocks and other whatnot, so what she did do was hunker down against the buffeting winds and other while the ship entered the cave. The casting light from the lamps did nothing to set her mood at ease, nor did the impending fortress before her. Felt like she was being lead to the pits of Tartarus more than anything. But she stayed quiet, and watched, a little uneasy.

Shank: Shank sighs as they get closer to the anchorage, and head towards the bleak citadel, and the vaults it contains. "A lot of dangerous items are stored here, and other places. Items of power forged by the alicorn princesses, things from before their time, and after. This is one of several royal vaults. On a regular basis, things rotate between these vaults, so nothing is ever stored in any one place for more than a few years. Tonight, it's our job to add one more thing to the collection."

Frae Arnolo Montoya: Frae was curious, so he asked Shank.. " So.. Why do they need all of these artifacts? What is special about this one here?"

Trixie Lulamoon: Trixie nods at Frae's comment, "Trixie must admit, she, too, is curious as to what is so special about what is being carried. It doesn't seem particularly... special."

Atom Smash: Atom brings the ship down for a landing, small struts come out from the underside of the ship to support it, and you all land near a long walkway that leads to the black gates of the ancient fortress. As the crew settles in, and a gangplank is stretched out for them to cross, he answers Frae. "Because some of them cannot be destroyed easily. and because others might be needed later. Right now, we have the Elements of Harmony to defend us, but if they ever failed... the contents of these vaults could once again be needed." He crosses the gangplank, and lights his horn brightly to make it easy for others to follow.

Alona: "...reminds me a little of the Stalliongrad facility..." She muttered, grimacing slightly as she followed behind Atom, her lance shifting in it's holster like her fur lined plated steel armor.

Shank: Shank crosses over the gangplank, and looks back at Trixie. "It's not the content of the cargo crates that is special. I've no idea what Atom is doing with all of that. What's special, Ms. Trixie... what we came here to seal up...." he sighs, and pulls at the chain around his neck. "Is this...."

Trixie Lulamoon: Trixie's eyes went wide at the sight of the amulet. Her lips literally trembling as she tried her best to act..... Oh who is she kidding, "What the... The ALICORN AMULET?" Of all things, she didn't expect that piece of magic to be in her sight again, as she tried to stammer out, "But... I... What..." She was /quite/ off-guard.

Master Plan: MP follows behind all the others as they trot down the walkway to the recesses of the fortress. He does not looks surprised when Shank pulls out the amulet, if anything he looks grimmer, but says nothing.

Frae Arnolo Montoya: Frae looks at the amulet and backs a few steps away. " What the hell... What.. Not that.. Please tell me you are joking."

Alona: Alona grimaces as the thestral pulls the chain out, moving towards him. "S-Shank... captain, are you sure that wearing that thing is a good idea?" She was skeptical, remembering certain conversation they had once about a certain event that would possibly take place if a certain artifact were to fall into his hooves.

Shank: Shank shakes his head. "I wish I was... Princess Luna gave this to me, and told me to store it in the vaults here. I'm going to have a little bit of pride and say that she tasks me with it, presumably, because I am loyal enough to her to keep it on my neck and unused until we get to the vault. I assume Trixie was asked because she could similarly be trusted not to be tempted by it." He starts following Atom towards the vault doors. He sighs and looks at Alona. "Yeah, I know... I've thought about that too."

Frae Arnolo Montoya: Frae was very uncomfortable about this. Now it was very hard to trust Shank. He has heard the legends.. That thing could brainwash him.

Master Plan: MP huffs and shakes his head at shanks words "Let's just hurry."

Atom Smash: Atom picks up the pace, and trots to the doors. HUGE doors, which look like they have not been opened in centuries. However, in the dead center of these two black wrought iron doors is a smaller door. Not even pony-sized, but... object-sized. Presumably, this is the place one "deposits" a relic. On either side of the depository are two holes in the wall, sized for alicorn horns. Atom nods to MP, and fires up his unlocking spell, he bends his head down, and slots it into one of the two holes.

Frae Arnolo Montoya: Frae took a huge look around this places architecture. " It's kind of beautiful..."

Trixie Lulamoon: Trixie let out a dry gulp. Certainly this was a different reason to be invited, she silently pondered. Did it affect Shank as it affected her? Her eyes watched him cautiously, feeling the darkness and dread glow over her just in memory. Could Luna truly trust somepony to ... wear it.

Shank: Shank looks glumly at Alona, and walks towards the deposit door, taking one stoic, forced, step after another, and coming up towards the unicorns, waiting, then, for MP to unlock the deposit door. "Yes it is... in times long past, this was a thestral fortress. Sometime after Nightmare Moon's banishment, and our routing by the solar guard, it was turned into one of the royal vaults. Nobody's seen the inside of this for ages. MP and Atom's spells could open the doors, though there's no need to this trip, and they would both have to agree to do it. Not to mention all the magical alarms it would set off."

Master Plan: MP nods back at Atom and his horn glows the same color of his eyes before he likewise steps forwards and lowers his head and inserts it into the other receptacle.

Atom Smash: And with an ancient creak of gears and magic, the smallish opening is unlocked by their spells. As MP and Atom step back, the depository opens, revealing inside a small glowing box that radiates nullification magic, designed to dampen the effects of anything put into it. He nods to Shank.

Alona: And the gray Guard would be alike in Trixie's thoughts. She'd heard the stories of what she'd done while under the influence of the amulet, and knowing Shank's past and history, it frightened her. But, like a loyal solider, she stood by his side, waiting for the doors to the fortress to open. Still, she could feel a slight grip of worry clawing at her mind. If something happened... could she harm Shank?

Master Plan: MP sucks in his breath eyeing Shank with a calculating gaze.

Frae Arnolo Montoya: Frae watches Shank as well. Hoping that it wouldn't be a trouble to get it off.

Trixie Lulamoon: "Trixie understands that Luna might have entrusted you with it," Trixie spoke slowly before continuing, "...But why do you choose to wear a cursed amulet?" Suspicions arose to this peculiar scenario - recalling only Shank could take it off.

Frae Arnolo Montoya: " It is curious..." Said Frae agreeing to Trixie.

Shank: "Because as long as I'm wearing it, nobody can take it off me, or so it was explained." Shank walks up to the small hatch, and puts one forehoof on it, balancing himself up, and reaches for the chain around his neck, and then pauses.

"This is horse apples, you know that? You know, I get the world is filling up with dangerous ponies. I get that ever since those thrice damned magic mirrors opened up Equestria to any and every alternate universe we get visitors from other dimensions, freaks with unimaginable power, demons from Tartarus... and not a damned one of them is worthy of Luna. To say NOTHING of the royal court, a bunch of buffoons without the wit or will to fight, none of whom have even a chance in hell of courting her."

Master Plan: "Shank," he stares at the big bat pony "For the Love of Luna this is the SIXTH TIME we've done this already!" he shouts "Get rid of that Faust damn thing already!" the normally composed unicorn looks rather angry "Im sick of this horseapples!"

Shank: "I don't see why I couldn't just...." He pauses and looks at Master Plan. "The sixth time? Beg pardon?" His monologue is cut short as he blinks at Master Plan.

Frae Arnolo Montoya: Frae thought.. if it werent for his helmet, id take that rock over there and knock him out.. Frae was beginning to think that it was going to become the only way.

Atom Smash: Atom was tensing up as much as Alona and Trixie, but then he stops, and gapes at MP, and pulls his pocket watch out of his jacket, and looks at it, looks at MP, looks at the watch again, his horn glowing with detection magic.

Master Plan: "This is not the first time I've done this with you.. its the sixth. I keep having to reset the day.." he growls

Alona: The grip on her lance tightened as she watched the thestral. Sixth time reseting the day? What?

Atom Smash: "I knew it!" Atom beams, the smile of someone more interested in puzzles than politics, or mortality. "I knew it! When you looked all tired getting on the ship! You've been casting a time travel spell!"

Frae Arnolo Montoya: Frae was losing track of all the talking. Time travel spells? Politics? " What? What are we going on about here?"

Master Plan: "Somewhat," he explains to Atom "Teleport spells actually have a usually unknown 4th input variable, Starswirl figured that out, but you need a massive amount of power so I keep running back and using the ship's nexus core to reset everything, I doubt I could do it if teleports weren't part of my special talent." he huffs and points an accusing hoof at Shank "But Im Sick of it! We might be comrades Starsinger, but Im not going to deal with another round of madness, Not again!"

Alona: She was in the same mindset as Frae was at the moment. Time travel? She may have been augmented by those of another country, but she wasn't capable of wrapping her young mind around this concept. Just... how? And was she caught in some sort of time loop herself? Things were getting weird. Weirder than the mare would like. And what to do with Shank? He was like a father to her... Damn magic... damn artifacts... damn it all...

Frae Arnolo Montoya: Frae side stepped over to the rock he was looking at earlier. This was getting aggressive.

Atom Smash: Atom explains, gently, to the non-magic ponies. "Every time this goes wrong, Master Plan has traveled back in time, and started the day over. In theory, a time looper could repeat the same day dozens, or even hundreds of times and we would never notice. Sadly, as we're seeing... it's very hard to change major events."

Frae Arnolo Montoya: "What!?" Frae was so shocked.

Trixie Lulamoon: Trixie rose a brow as she said slowly, "Trixie isn't sure she understands. This has gone wrong six times already? ... Hmph! Clearly you all were doing something wrong." She looked at the Alicorn Amulet. That must have been the major event in question, "What major event would cause someponies to fail so ... consistently?"

Shank: Shank sighs. "Let me guess.... Luna gave you access to the spell in case I failed to put the amulet away. The first time around you watched to see what I would do. The second time, was you being generous and giving me another chance to do it on my own. The third, time, you told me, and I didn't listen. And I assume trips four and five were more of the same?"

Frae Arnolo Montoya: "Well.. What are our options then? So we can stop multiplying eachother in dimensions."

Master Plan: "YES!" he shouts "You then go all berserk on us is what! You start ranting! About how you're "finally worthy of her!" How you can now compete with all 'the freaks!' About, "Power! Unlimited power!" he does a decent impersonation of the bat pony "Along with several other frankly rude comments and rather unmentionable confessions, before trying to do a few of us in! And Succeeding occasionally!

Atom Smash: "If I understand Master Plan, this is trip number six now, Ms. Trixie. But yes, each time, Shank has failed to remove the amulet..." He sighs. "I'm afraid, sir, Master Plan was not the only one given an emergency option... my crew has orders to fire the primary cannon on you if you come out all..." He jerks a hoof at MP. "Diabolic."

Alona: MP's words sent a very harsh chill down her spine. A perhaps noticeable chill. Her grip on the lance tightened, as her fur began to stand on end. She was becoming increasingly nervous.

Frae Arnolo Montoya: Frae slides the rock over to him with his hoof, looking at Master Plan. A look that was a gimmi the signal and ill do it look.

Trixie Lulamoon: Trixie shook her head as she walked slowly towards Shank, he was still gimped without the ability to use a horn as a magic apparatus - not to mention unfamiliarity with magic. Even such power would be hindered in his possession were they careful, "And it's all because of that Amulet. Even Trixie wasn't THAT mad under it's possession. If you can't control the influences of the amulet yourself, give it to somepony who can."

Master Plan: MP gestures to Atom Smash "Poor Atom's been killed by you thrice!! And NO way are you getting that amulet either Miss Lulamoon! One time you managed to get amulet, but then put it on and started cackling! Then did in Atom! Trip number 3 and 5 ended with the cannon option!" he looks furiously at Shank "So for your love of Luna take it off! Chuck it in the bin, and lets be done with it!" he pants having exhausted his own rant but still looking rather miffed and eyeing Shank carefully

Trixie Lulamoon: "Trixie would have done no such thing!" she exclaimed in protest, though she did realize the futility about such a scenario, huffing lightly, "Whatever. What makes this time different then, Plan? Telling a stallion to chuck out an amulet is hardly very convincing."

Shank: "No.... no, I'm dense, but I am not that dense, I guess." The stallion's wings fold down from their agitated position, and it looks as if, despite all the wind howling outside the cave, someone has definitely taken the wind out of his sails.

MP's own rant rather takes the thunder out of his, and the compounding of failures... between MP's furious exasperation, and the hurt look he sees on Alona, something finally gets through his thick skull, and Shank nods once, taking a shuddering breath. He sighs and shakes his head, and looks at Alona. "Guess I failed another one of Luna's tests..." Shank snarls and rips the amulet off his neck, snapping the chain, and he hurls the thing as hard as he can into the storage vault. "I'll never be worthy of her." He mutters and turns away from the vault, walking back to the ship with his head down. "Let's get out of here."

Atom Smash: Atom doesn't hesitate to use his magic to slam the door to the depository shut as quickly as possible! The iron hatch slams down with a hint of finality, and he looks at Alona. "I think I understand why you hate these things now." He watches the defeated thestral walking back to the ship, and sighs. "I don't much like them either."

Frae Arnolo Montoya: Frae sighed in relief and let go of the big rock. He looked at the vault, then at Shank and followed.

Alona: A quiet sigh of relief escapes her muzzle as the thestral threw the amulet into the vault; her fur and wings relaxing somewhat. But... damn it that thestral scared her. So easily he could have used that amulet. So easily he could have slaughtered them all. And even if Alona was augmented, she'd not stand a chance against him. She looked to Atom for a moment before following after Shank, her ears pinned with a rather heavy darkened frown on her muzzle. Today sucked... plain and simple...

Master Plan: MP takes a calming breath and nods with a relived expression as the amulet is finally sealed away and his exhaustion catches up on his features "Finally."he breaths as he stands up following the others "You did good shank.. It just took a little bit."

Trixie Lulamoon: On departure of the amulet from Shank's neck, Trixie saw the amulet fall in. For a brief moment, she felt the lull of magic attract her, only to be promptly shut from Atom's own magic, snapping her out of the brief daze. Trixie walked over to Shank - almost as if she was concerned for the stallion before speaking bluntly, "You're pathetic, you know that? You don't need a princess's approval to have worth of one. Trixie would never value her own worth based on her ability to heed some orders. It's ridiculous. It's shameful. Get a grip of yourself, or you'll be lucky if some tavern mule would want you."

Frae Arnolo Montoya: Frae sighed at Trixie. " Definitely like my Aunt Tessa.."

Master Plan: MP looks ready to say something to Trixie but thinks better of it.

Shank: Shank nods his head to Trixie as they walk. "I won't presume to debate your wisdom, Trixie. Though you of all ponies..." he pauses and looks at her. "Should have a SPECIAL insight into how that thing twists your thoughts around." He stares sharply at her for a moment, and resumes his walk. "I have her approval... or will until MP's report gets turned into her. What I didn't have was anything to set me apart from every other guard. As a common grunt solider the most I could ever be is some secret buck in the small hours of the night. That thing played on a long-held dream of being able to be with her with some legitimacy. Even if she did want me, right now, her sister would go mad, the royal court would go nuts, and the Elements of Harmony would just go... indiscriminately crazy. Thestrals are... supposed to love her from afar. None of us was meant to be her consort until one of us could be something... more." He shrugs. "Anyway.... as Atom once said, bygones."

Frae Arnolo Montoya: Frae was reminded when Shank spoke. " Oh, yeah.. And the Intelligence agency will too get a report on this.. I kind of have to.."

Atom Smash: Atom catches up finally from the back. "Nobody has to do anything. We were sent to deliver an artifact, and as far as the rest of the world knows, that's what happened, on time, on schedule. Nobody needs to know the particulars about a time that never happened, thanks to MP's spell."

Frae Arnolo Montoya: Frae was thinking about Atoms words.

Frae Arnolo Montoya: And considering them.

Trixie Lulamoon: Trixie did indeed know how it modified her mind, but at the same time, she could only reflect at that moment with her own personal disdain. She, herself, was pathetic at that moment. Trixie considered his words.., "Trixie does not know much about such affairs, but it sounds... ridiculous. At least you're more interesting than most Thestrals - you have that going for you." At Atom's suggestion, Trixie bit her lip before confessing, "Trixie... would not be opposed to this idea. She would rather not deal with any blow to her fame due to a reality that didn't even exist."

Frae Arnolo Montoya: " Like... Successfully making me puke.." Frae joked at Trixie's statement.

Master Plan: "Think of it this way Shank" he says "you are leaning to become worthy with each trial, Success or failure is irrelevant, since you lean from you failures too. But in the end, this time," he heh's "You did the right thing."

Atom Smash: "Otherwise, what, we ruin Shank's reputation, and soil Ms. Trixie's? Did any of you ever consider the make-up of this group. Six ponies... it took SIX ponies to do this right. Ponies capable of taking Shank down. Ponies who could do magic.... " he looks at Frae. "An RIA agent, no doubt ready to do what needed to be done." He looks at Alona. "A good friend to Shank whose approval means everything to him. NOPONY was meant to handle this amulet on their own. Is Luna really so dim she would think Shank immune to something nopony else is? Come on... the sisters are INFAMOUS for manipulating ponies to do JUST what they want them to do."

Alona: Alona wasn't sure what to say, nor do at this moment. So following her more basic nature, she just stayed quiet while keeping her distance from the group.

Shank: Shank pauses and looks at Atom with his mouth open in a gape.

Frae Arnolo Montoya: Frae was somewhat behind too. Just barely in front of Alona on the left side.

Master Plan: "That does sound like The Night Princess.." he chuckles "And a sneeky plan worthy of being one of my own." he smirks shaking his head having been likely out played at his own game.

Trixie Lulamoon: Trixie looked over to the stallion before reaching up to close Shank's jaw closed.

Shank: His jaw creaks as Trixie closes it, or maybe it's just some gear on The Comet squeaking, it's hard to say. "Buck me..." Shank face-hoofs, and sighs, getting back on the airship. "Can we go now?!"

Atom Smash: Atom chuckles, and nods. "With all due dispatch." He raises his head up, and yells to the crew. "Make ready for immediate departure!"

Master Plan: "By the way Atom," he pours himslef a new coffee and slumps exhausted against a wall "In all those loops, I've been meaning to ask but never got around to it.. what are all the nails and half sheers for?"

Alona: And Alona simply follows behind the group remaining silent; her armor giving soft noises as it shifted with each heavy step. What a day... what a bucking day. Once aboard, she took her place back at the railing, a little more shaken then she'd admit.

Frae Arnolo Montoya: Frae sits down on the deck and leaned against a cannon for back support. Sighing and watching the rest of the group. What an interesting bunch. Never has he worked in a team before. It was new..

Atom Smash: Atom looks over at MP as the ship casts out, and starts heading back out into the storm. "Well, to be honest... it's sort of experimental, MP... the ship's Nexus is can empower a unicorn, but most unicorn spells are such that, throwing gobs more power at them really doesn't help much. It's great for lifting big cargo, or teleporting, but I was pondering some other creative uses." He pauses in his discussion to start barking out orders for their ascent.

Shank: While MP and Atom are talking, Shank gives Trixie an understanding look, having a very clear idea now of what her second trip to Ponyville must have been like, and then he walks over to Alona, and looks down at her. "I'm sorry I let you down, Alona."

Master Plan: "I think I see where this might be heading, but please define what 'creative' might be?"

Atom Smash: Atom pulls out a telescope, peering up into the storm. "Direct ascent, engines to ascent thrust, 180 up-angle on the azipods. Roll, pitch, yaw, all steady at 0, 0, 0 until the first turn, then come right to 13 degrees, five degrees positive thrust forward...." More navigational babble follows for a while, and Atom speaks as he looks through the telescope before getting around to answering MP.

Trixie Lulamoon: Trixie still had to shake off the events and the chills up her spine from seeing the amulet once again. "You want to have more practical uses of magic beyond just displays of force? Trixie can appreciate that - illusion is oftentimes far more effective than a display of muscle."

Alona: The gray furred Guard would turn towards the captain, reaming somewhat neutral as she pulled her helmet free allowing her navy blue mane to fall free; a few stray bangs covering her green/blue eyes placing it on the clip above her lance. "Captain... Shank... if aypony failed, it as me. I stood on the sidelines while you were brainwashed by that damn thing... Trixie...MP, and Atom were the ones who had to break you while I stood there like a deer in a searchlight." She admitted glumly.

Shank: Shank leans down and gives Alona a nuzzle of his cheek against hers. "Not true.... you were what broke the hold it had on me. Not that MPs words weren't a big help in that direction, but he put me in a place where, when I thought about having to face you.... I just couldn't... bring myself to do it."

Master Plan: MP looks over at Alona while Atom directs navigation "Not quite so, your admonishments were the most effective of all of ours every other time.. I just happened to get the jump on things this time around." he says modestly

Atom Smash: Atom smiles at Trixie, and looks back to MP. "Sure, exactly the point!" he puts the telescope back up to his eye, and peers. "If I had a full time illusionist... well, think of what this thing could do if we could make it look like a cloud, or go completely invisible. Me, with my crew... we had slightly less subtle magic, so the plan was to use the sheers as flachettes and.... " Atom drops his telescope down, and slams his hooves into the copper plates on the deck before the wheel. "BRACE FOR IMPACT!" He yells, and his horn glows brightly, a shield-bubble forming around The Comet as the ship is blasted by a huge fireball. The roaring sound the accompanies the flame, while its origin is obscured by the fire, is unmistakable. The whole airship gimbals off its axis as the dragon-fire reduces Atom's shield spell to little more than a flickering ghost of a magical barrier.

Alona: She was going to retort, until the stallion at the helm shouted out. Her eyes went wide while they pin-pricked in dilation. With nothing but her hightened reaction time, the mare would pull her lance free from the holster at her side, slamming it into the deck with every ounce of strength she had wrapping her left hooves and her left wing around it, while reaching to grab onto Shank with her other wing and hooves. If the lance had gained purchase in the wood, 3 inches of solid steel would hold her and the thestral captain; assuming she grabbed him in time, in place as the ship rocked from the impact of the fireball.

Shank: Shank is easily enough grabbed, and the airship is not so sturdy that it's going to resist an adrenaline-fueled Night Guard slamming a lance into a locked position!

Atom Smash: Atom wobbles from the shield spell, even with the ship's Nexus, he was overloaded, and that hit took a lot out of him, he yells out to the crew. "EMERGENCY ASCENT! We need to get high enough to teleport!" With a yank of his own hoof, not unlike Alona, Atom grabs Trixe and shoves her into place at the brass plates, clearly expecting her to pull off something Great and Powerful.

Then he looks at MP in a panic. "Us! He's after us! Those door spells have six more hours left on them. If that dragon nabs you and me, he could force open the door to the vault!"

Master Plan: MP is throw sideways with the violence of the breath weapon on the shield, his concentration thrown by the sudden impact his coffee mug goes flying and sails through the air to impact on a wall, shattering. He picks himself up slowly shaking his head "Atom! Calm down! How long until we can make an emergency jump!?" he shouts as he moves over to weapons control and activates the system.

Shank: The dragon, at this point, easily smashes through the remains of the shield, and tries to come in for a landing right on the deck of the ship, but with Alona's lance in the way, and Shank and Alona bracing it, he can't get in close enough to land, and doesn't seem willing to risk a second blast of fire at this close range, which might fry the two unicorn horns he's trying to collect. - From now on, I will indicate "Dungeon Master" things with the double bars || to distinguish between action results, and shank's personal actions.

Shank: Shank holds the line with Alona, and takes no other actions this round but to brace hard, and dodge any claw/claw/bite attacks that come his way.

Atom Smash: Atom sighs as he works at the controls. "It took an hour to get down here.... an unsafe ascent will still take at least twenty minutes."

Trixie Lulamoon: Trixie panics, quickly casting some form of magnet spell upon her hooves, sticking her to the wood in a way that would normally be impossible - allowing her to remain upright despite the unsual angles sprung upon her. She, however, wasn't so used to being tossed around, feeling a sudden unease as adrenaline ran through her body. If the dragon planned to take out the crew, she knew a blast of magic wouldn't serve much success. Using her magic, she cast a small army of illusion ponies that seems far more vulnerable targets for the dragon to focus upon while they tried to prepare for retaliation

Shank: Trixie's illusion will apperate several copies of Master Plan and Atom, giving him several potential horn nabbing targets, as well as an array of other ponies to flummox him as potential attackers. At least for the moment, with her augmented power, the dragon is buying it. Good thing she locked her hooves down, every time the dragon tries to land, the whole ship shafts and lists. When MP goes for the cannons, some of the crew heave-to, and manually load up shot and cannon balls. An array of triggers lets MP fire from one location, but the cannons are rather conventional, and require a crew to constantly be reloading them.

Shank: Around this time, Shank tenses up, looking to see what Alona's going to do next, he seems willing to leap forward with her, and try and drive the lance into the dragon, hold the line here, or just do something else, depending on Alona's choices.

Master Plan: "Too long! Dump any ballast you can then!" he shouts back at Atom

Alona: Any and all attacks that had been thrown at Shank would have been absorbed by her embracing wings; probably tearing them and probably rending several of the onyx feathers from her body but she didn't care so long as Shank was spared from it's direct strikes. She was however, contemplating what to do. She could always try using her own smoothebore, or her coils, but against something that big, that fierce, she may not stand a chance and only piss it off more. That... and she wasn't even sure Shank would look at her the same way if she broke the training she'd implemented on herself.

As the captain tensed, the mare would quickly begin to rip the lance free, pulling him to his hooves as her armored greaves gave heavy thuds on the wooden planks. "Cap, we need a plan here... fast..." Her left green eye flashed to a deadly crimson red as she waited for him to devise a strategy.

Shank: Shank nods to Alona for her protection, but does add. "I'm not made of paper, worry about your own flank next time!" He looks around. "On my mark, we gotta lure him in front of the cannons so MP can fire! TRIXIE! JUMP THE SHIP DO IT NOW!"

Atom Smash: "Are you CRAZY? You can't jump the ship in here, we could end up anywhere!" Atom yells, and dumps ballast the best way he can. He makes use of the sheers and the bottles of nails exactly the way he'd intended to... by leviting them up, and hurling them out. Dozens at a time of the blades go flying at the dragon from the side opposite Shank and Alona, so when they make their move, the dragon will be bottleneck right into the cannons. The bottles with the nails.... are filled with oil. Atom is creating an explosive flack suppression barrier. None of this really -hurts- the dragon, but it's not fun to be in either.

Trixie Lulamoon: "How about we FIGURE THAT OUT LATER." Trixie wasn't about to take no as an answer, she wasn't about to have her own tail fried. Teleportation seemed a safer result! Shutting her eyes tight she aimed in any direction, but manifested her storm of magic to shoot them horizontally. Considering their altitude, they /probably/ won't run into anything. That sounded like a pretty good odd at the time. A surge of magic hit the core and the illusions slowly faded with her focus, leaving them somewhat vulnerable before they would vanish from the dragon's attack and into... well, who knows?

Shank: Shank grabs Alona when he senses the time is right, and the two guards do what big dumb guards do, they attack the bad guy, leaping into melee range with the dragon, if only for a moment, sweeping into the big creature's line of sight. And.... in typical guard fashion, the nasty swats them both aside with it's clawed forearms, slamming them down into opposite sides of the deck. Grabbing onto the railing, the dragon roars out in triumph as the illusions go away, and he sees the two ponies he really wants most. He prepares to leap onto the deck, not fully aware of the two cannons his chest is level with.

Alona: Well thank the maker she'd brought her heavy armor on this little outing, as the plated steel suit had absorbed most of the impact from the dragon's strike. But, that would not stop her from yelping as she was thrown into the deck, knocking her unprotected head through a virtual loop. Whiplashed ad dazed the mare struggled to rise as her lance rolled away from her. "...fuck..." She groaned whipping the little trail of blue tinted blood from her eyes.

Master Plan: MP smirks seeing the pair of aligned the main cannons and he swipes his hoof across the pair of fire switches activating the twin Clarkson heavy cannons and Eva Destruction and Devilynne Syde both roar to life! "NOW!"

Shank: Shank bounces against the deck, pretty much in the same manner as Alona, crashing into things, clanging off the side of "Buter Up"s barrel, little Luna's spinning around his head, his helmet irrecoverably dented. "I am sick of this mother-bucking dragon on this mother-bucking airship!"

Shank: || The two cannons fire, the balls blasting out of the barrels and slamming into the stomach of the dragon, knocking him backwards, detaching his claws from the airship, which is all the moment Trixie needs! With no dragon holding on, now is the time to teleport, and she VERY WISELY (and I just know it would have been bad otherwise) aims the teleport straight up!

Trixie Lulamoon: All of the sudden she aimed up and not horizontally. Take THAT, narration.

Shank: The ship vanishes in a lurch of teleport, blasting back into existence right at the edge of space. You all get a very disturbing view of the curvature of Equestria, but not for long, as everypony summarily passes out from oxygen deprivation. Hours later, you wake up, back at a lower altitude, having drifted somewhere over Appleloosa. Trixe looks about for her hat, which is LOST. Take THAT sarcastic mare! No, not really, her hat would never leave her that way, but DO NOT TEMPT FATE!

Atom Smash: Atom groans as he comes to, and groggily makes his way over to the wheel of the ship, slumping down against it. "Maybe.... maybe we should just skip another teleport, and fly home....."

Trixie Lulamoon: Trixie startled awake and clenched upon her head, with a rapid panicked expression, "Where's my hat, where's my haaat?!" It was upon her head still... A delighted sigh exhaled as she felt relief, "Oh, thank goodness. It was just a dream... Wait... What?" Why was everypony asleep? She rubbed her head in confusion, at least the spell seemed to work? The events were a bit hazy, if she was frank.

Shank: Shank listens to the odd groans and creaks of the ship, and the way it seems to strain to even hold together. He pushes himself up slowly, and looks around. "You did it....."

Alona: With a slight racking cough, the mare with a nasty headache slowly came to, grunting as she tried to rise from the deck, running her hoof over her busted brow. Well, thankfully it'd stopped by this point, but the flesh was still tender. "...well...that was fun..." She groaned again.

Atom Smash: After some time consulting with his crew, Atom's original idea holds solid, and he looks around the beat-up ship. "That dragon just did too much damage. I don't think The Comet could handle another jump without flying apart at the seams...." He grunts softly. "Crew to your stations... 20 percent thrust, make for Canterlot."

Trixie Lulamoon: She didn't decide to stand up yet. Feeling like she wasn't really physically ready yet, "Of course Trixie did it. She /is/ the... Ugh... Greatest Magician of all Equestria."

Master Plan: MP doesn't sound to enthused about the sounds the airship is making either trying to shake away his headache but deciding shaking his head made it worse after a moment sighing "If I didnt know this was going to be far faster I'd say let me off and I'll take the train home." he quips

Shank: Shank flops against one of the rails of the ship, and smirks at MP. "You could always reset the day, do this one more time, and warn us about the dragon.... hey, we could keep doing this over and over until, basically, it was perfect!"

Atom Smash: "NO!"

Master Plan: "NOT A CHANCE!"

Alona: And Alona facehooved. "...no... please for Luna's sake... no."

Trixie Lulamoon: Trixie lets out a light giggle - a rare feat for the mare, at the joke before shaking her head, "He might have a point, Trixie would be sure to be even more grand next time she attempts this!"

Shank: Shank agrees with Trixie, to a resounding chorus of "NO!" from everyone else on the ship, as The Comet sails off into the sunrise.


Concise Summary: The Nightstorm Anchorage is an ancient castle located in the mountains of Northern Equestria. Surrounded by a perpetual storm that causes havoc to advanced magic, the ancient structure has been turned into a kind of depository of magical artifacts. As Zecora has kept the Alicorn Amulet safe for some time, it's been decided it needs to be moved someplace else.

The party members board the Equestrian airship "Comet", fly to the Anchorage, and descend into the violent storm to reach the depository. Just as he is about to place the Alicorn Amulet into the vault, Shank has second thoughts about giving it up. He proclaims that with it, he could finally deal with many of the super-powered "freaks" that now inhabit Equestria, and finally be worthy of Princess Luna's love.

The real shocker kicks in when Master Plan announces that this is the sixth time they have come to the Anchorage. Master Plan has been using a time-travel spell to "reset the day", because Shank (and Trixie one time) keep succumbing to the temptation to keep the amulet, with terrible consequences each time.

Everyone has a part to play in talking down Shank: Master Plan's rant, Trixie's past experiences with the amulet, Frae standing ready to take Shank down if he must, Alona's sad realization she could not go against Shank because of their mentor-student relationship, and Atom Smash's assumption that Luna always knew no one pony could do this and that a team of six were needed. Ultimately, the emotional hurt he causes Alona finally breaks Shank out of his repeating cycle of temptation, and he gives up the amulet to the vaults.

On their way out of the Anchorage, they encounter a dragon, who somehow knew about the amulet, and came to claim it for himself. A pitched battle is fought and the crew manage to escape, knowing that without the keys to the vault, the amulet is safe from the dragon. The damaged airship finally heads back to Canterlot, and the crew agree never to discuss the fact that it took six time loops to get the mission right.

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