
Flying straight to your heart on Valentine’s Day

Did you make something special for a loved one this Valentine’s Day? For those with a laser cutter handy (that includes Ponoko users, too!) here is a cute little Laser Cut Cupid from Rob Ives that is sure to win over more than a few hearts.

All of the parts for this romantic automata are available for free over at Instructables and on Rob’s blog. Assembly is quite straightforward, and made even easier thanks to the detailed instructions provided. With the laser cut parts, some thin dowel, and wire from two paperclips, your Cupid will be flapping away in no time.

Turn the handle, and watch as the laser cut wooden gears work their magic.

There are also a few small neodymium magnets to keep the wings in place. Click through to see images of the laser cut parts and assembly process.  

All the components:

Neodymium magnets, purchased off eBay:

(magnets in place)

The gear assembly:

Attaching the push rods (made from paperclips):

…and to see more, head to the detailed tutorial at the link below.

Rob is a prolific maker of paper models, automata and all manner of fun, quirky little creations. You can see them on his website, where there is also an active community of papercraft enthusiasts. Dive in and have some fun!

Rob’s site is also a fantastic resource if you want to make your own romantic gift for that special someone on Valentine’s Day.

Rob Ives: Laser Cut Cupid

Posted in Functional Art + Objects, Guy Blashki, Laser Cut Wood, Laser Cutting, Toys + Games by Guy Blashki | No Comments

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