Good Sunday morning. PATRIOTS VS. FALCONS face off in SUPER BOWL LI tonight in Houston. The Pats are a three-point favorite. Someone bet $1.1 million on the Falcons.
-- WSJ A-HED: “Will Lady Gaga Take on Trump at the Super Bowl? Place Your Bets! Offshore bookmakers are split on whether the outspoken pop star will mention the president in her halftime show; ‘I believe in a passion for inclusion’,” by Hannah Karp.
COMING ATTRACTIONS -- THE SUPER BOWL INTERVIEW -- TRUMP AND O’REILLY -- O’REILLY: “Putin’s a killer.” TRUMP: “A lot of killers. We got a lot of killers. What, you think our country’s so innocent?” … @marcorubio at 8:59 a.m.: “More When has a Democratic political activists been poisoned by the GOP, or vice versa? We are not the same as #Putin. MR” … @StephensWSJ: “Trump puts US on moral par with Putin’s Russia. Never in history has a President slandered his country like this.”
-- SEN. BEN SASSE to George Stephanopoulos on ABC's “This Week”: “There is no moral equivalency between the United States of America, the greatest freedom living nation in the history of the world and the murderous thugs that are in Putin's defense of his cronyism.”
SUNDAY BEST -- VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE to George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s “This Week.” STEPHANOPOULOS: “Russia has been violating the ceasefire in Ukraine. Are they ‘on notice’ as well?” PENCE: “We’re watching. And very troubled by the-- the-- increased hostilities over the past week in Eastern Ukraine. I know the president-- had a conversation with-- Vladimir Putin.”STEPHANOPOULOS: “Did he say he was troubled?” PENCE: “They-- they spoke at that time about Ukraine, and I expect those conversations are going-- to be ongoing. But-- but look, there’s-- I think there's a growing recognition in the world community that there is-- there’s a new style of leadership, not just a new leader in the White House. President Trump is bringing a very candid-- and direct type of leadership to the White House. And in conversations with leaders around the world, frankly, I think they all find it very refreshing.”
STEPHANOPOULOS: “Some of them find it unsettling.” PENCE:“Well, and-- to the extent that we have a president who’s got broad shoulders and is willing to put the interests of the American people first and speak directly to leaders about the world about America’s interests-- that may be unsettling to some. But I think it’s very encouraging to millions of Americans.” STEPHANOPOULOS: “So but ... will the sanctions on Russia remain in place as long as Russia is violating the ceasefire in Ukraine?” PENCE: “I think that’s-- I think that’s a question that will be answered-- in the months ahead. And it-- it just simply all depends.”
ANOTHER JUDGE BLOCKS TRUMP -- NYT A1, “Appeals Court Rejects Request to Immediately Restore Travel Ban,” by Mark Landler in West Palm Beach, Florida: “A federal appeals court early Sunday rejected a request by the Justice Department to immediately restore President Trump’s targeted travel ban, deepening a legal showdown over his authority to tighten the nation’s borders in the name of protecting Americans from terrorism. In the legal back and forth over the travel ban, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in San Francisco said a reply from the Trump administration was now due on Monday. The ruling meant that refugees and travelers from seven predominantly Muslim nations -- Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen -- who were barred by an executive order signed by the president on Jan. 27 would, for now, continue to be able to enter the country.”
-- “Visa holders rush to board flights to US amid reprieve,” by AP’s Tammy Webber in Chicago: “Visa holders from seven majority-Muslim countries who were turned away from the United States due to President Donald Trump’s travel ban are hoping to make it through a narrow window opened by legal challenges. The federal appeals court in San Francisco denied Trump’s effort to immediately reinstate the ban early Sunday. For now, it remains blocked by a judge's temporary restraining order, and federal officials have told their staffs to comply. Advocates weren’t taking any chances, telling people who could travel to get on the earliest flights they could find after the week-old ban was blocked Friday by U.S. District Judge James Robart in Seattle. ‘We’re telling them to get on the quickest flight ASAP,’ said Rula Aoun, director of the Arab American Civil Rights League in Dearborn, Michigan.”
SEN. DIANNE FEINSTEIN to CHRIS WALLACE on “FOX NEWS SUNDAY”: “The president is not a dictator … The framers of our Constitution wanted a strong Congress for the very reason that most of these kinds of things should be done within scope of lawmaking. This is done within scope of executive power … I have no doubt that it will go to the Supreme Court and probably some judgment will be made whether this president has exceeded his authority or not.”
-- “McConnell rebukes Trump’s judge attack,” by Isaac Arnsdorf: “Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell on Sunday distanced himself from President Donald Trump’s positions on Russia, voter fraud, and the travel ban, while criticizing the president for attacking a federal judge. ‘It is best not to single out judges,’ McConnell told Jake Tapper on CNN’s ‘State of the Union.’ ‘We all get disappointed from time to time. I think it is best to avoid criticizing them individually.’ … The Kentucky Republican said he wouldn’t consider legislation to implement the travel ban, instead leaving it to courts to determine the legality of Trump’s executive order. ‘The courts will decide whether or not the executive order of the president that is issued is valid or not,’ he said. ‘I think proper vetting is important, but there is a fine line here between proper vetting and interfering with the kind of travel or suggesting a religious test.’”
TRUMP ON THE BAN -- @realDonaldTrump at 3:44 p.m.: “What is our country coming to when a judge can halt a Homeland Security travel ban and anyone, even with bad intentions, can come into U.S.?” … at 4:44 p.m.: “Because the ban was lifted by a judge, many very bad and dangerous people may be pouring into our country. A terrible decision” … at 6:37 p.m.: “Why aren’t the lawyers looking at and using the Federal Court decision in Boston, which is at conflict with ridiculous lift ban decision?” … at 7:48 p.m.: “The judge opens up our country to potential terrorists and others that do not have our best interests at heart. Bad people are very happy!”
A COURSE CORRECTION -- NYT A13, “White House Pulls Back From Bid to Reopen C.I.A. ‘Black Site’ Prisons,” by Charlie Savage: “The Trump White House appears to have backed off for now on its consideration of reopening overseas ‘black site’ prisons, where the C.I.A. once tortured terrorism suspects, after a leaked draft executive order prompted bipartisan pushback from Congress and cabinet officials. On Thursday, the White House circulated among National Security Council staff members a revised version of the draft order on detainees that deleted language contemplating a revival of the C.I.A. prisons … The draft order retains other parts of the original that focus on making greater use of the military’s Guantánamo Bay prison, which the Obama administration had tried to close.”
FROM 30K FEET -- “‘The Senate is coming apart,’” by John Bresnahan and Burgess Everett: “The Senate is barely functioning. And the future looks even bleaker. ... It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Total GOP control of Washington should mean that Trump gets everything he wants out of Capitol Hill. But Senate Democrats -- the last line of Democratic defense -- are slow-walking the installation of Trump’s Cabinet to a historic degree, so much so that Republicans haven’t even started yet on Trump’s legislative agenda. ... The Senate’s confirmation of Trump’s Cabinet is the slowest in modern history, spanning back to President Dwight D. Eisenhower.”
ROSIE GRAY in The Atlantic, “How Stephen Miller’s Rise Explains the Trump White House”: “The gossip in Washington is that this is a classic palace intrigue story; two axes of power in a dysfunctional White House, taking aim at each other in the press ... But in an interview, Miller batted down the idea that he’s in conflict with Priebus and his allies, and instead emphasized what he says is a close relationship with him. ‘I’ve had the enormous privilege to get to know Reince throughout the campaign, then the transition and now the administration,’ Miller told me. ‘We’ve spent hours and hours together flying across the country all during the general election. I developed a close relationship with him. My respect for him has only deepened as time has gone on.’”
PAGING THE FACT CHECKERS -- @BraddJaffy: “White House just put out a recap of Trump’s calls w/foreign leaders—including the ‘President of Australia’ (Australia has a prime minister)” ... “Not only is Turnbull not ‘President of Australia’—he’s prime minister—White House also doesn’t list his name (like all other leaders’ names)” ... “White House release also lists Kelly as ‘Secretary of Defense’ (he’s DHS Secretary) — and Pompeo as Director of ‘The’ Central Intelligence”
THE OPPOSITION -- “The Democrats face up to their Trump problem,” by Isaac Dovere: “Democrats don’t know how long they’ll be able to keep up the pace of protests against President Donald Trump—and they’re worried Trump and his team are counting on them to run out of energy before the White House does. Two weeks into the Trump administration, party leaders have already reached a frantic, fevered pitch, throwing around talk of constitutional crisis and raising the specter of impeachment. … Democrats are having as much trouble defusing Trump now that he’s in the White House as they did all through last year’s campaign. [Seattle Mayor Ed] Murray said he’s seen neither a clear understanding among leaders in Washington of how far left their base has careened in just the past few weeks nor the emergence of any infrastructure among progressive groups for turning what’s going on in the streets into concerted opposition.”
-- FIRST IN PLAYBOOK -- PINKOS TO VPOTUS OFFICE: American Continental Group lobbyist Stephen Pinkos is leaving K Street to join Vice President Mike Pence’s office as staff secretary and deputy director for domestic policy. Pinkos is a 20-year political veteran. He previously worked as policy director and general counsel to House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy. He also served as deputy under secretary of Commerce for intellectual property and deputy director of the USPTO and was counsel and staff director of the House Judiciary Committee. He has lobbied on behalf of: International Franchise Association, National Association of Home Builders, Juno Therapeutics and Sound Exchange, among others.
-- RET. USMC COL. DAVE LAPAN is joining Homeland Security as acting assistant secretary for public affairs. He was most recently the senior director at the Military Child Education Coalition.
-- MAR-A-LAGO’S NEW MEMBERS: Donald Trump’s club put out the list of new Mar-A-Lago members. The mix of well-heeled philanthropists, developers and business owners would have applied to join before the November election, according to one Playbooker. The list: Carlos and Mari Arredondo, Carlin and Brenda Axelrod, Robert Berg, Theodore and Debbie Berman, Raul Bernal-Mora and Julia Shen, Richard and Roberta Brudner, Frank and Christine Foti, Thomas and Kathleen Fuchs, Joseph and Carole Hankin, Joel and Cynthia Hirsch, Mark and Tricia Holloway, Richard and Heidi Horowitz, Glenn and Susan Kaplan and Letitia Koch. Harvey and Barbara Kroiz, Clifford and Randi Lane, Urs and Anna Maria Ledermann, Lloyd and Susan Miller, Philip Nicozisis, Mitchell and Sharon Quain, Laetitia Rittmeister, Edward and Deborah Robinson, Martin and Andrea Schlossberg, Ira and Whitney Schneider, Martin and Audrey Schwartz, John and Jane Shalam, Robert and Jane Shipman, Gary and Linda Talarico and Jeffrey and Judith Weiss were also listed as new members.
-- FIRST IN PLAYBOOK: ERIN MCPIKE is returning to the press corps. McPike will be chief White House correspondent for IJR and starts Monday. She was previously at 1776 and has worked at CNN, Reuters and National Journal.
IF YOU WATCH TWO THINGS – “Sean Spicer Press Conference” on SNL last night: “White House press secretary Sean Spicer (Melissa McCarthy) and secretary of education nominee Betsy DeVos (Kate McKinnon) take questions from the press (Bobby Moynihan, Kristen Stewart, Cecily Strong, Vanessa Bayer, Alex Moffat, Mikey Day).” 8-min. video with a great “Glenn Thrush” cameo
--“Oval Office Cold Open”: “President Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) calls Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (Beck Bennett), Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto (Alex Moffat) and German Chancellor Angela Merkel (Kate McKinnon)” -- TRUMP to a young WH aide: “How do you like working at the White House? Are your parents proud?” Aide: “I tell them I work at Applebee’s.” TRUMP: “That’s great. One more thing. You know I love my daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared. They always keep me so calm and make sure I don’t do anything too crazy. So, quick question: are they gone?” Aide: “Yes, they don’t work on Shabbat.” TRUMP: “Perfect, when the Jews are away, the Goys will play. Send in Steve Bannon”. He enters as Darth Vader. 6-min. video
KNOWING GORSUCH -- NYT A1, “In Fall of Gorsuch’s Mother, a Painful Lesson in Politicking,” by Adam Liptak, Peter Baker, Nick Fandos and Julie Turkewitz: “Judge Neil M. Gorsuch’s first taste of rough-and-tumble Washington politics was bitter and lingering. He was 15 years old and his mother was a high-ranking official in the Reagan administration caught in an ugly showdown with Congress. When she was forced to step down, her reputation in tatters, young Neil was furious. ‘You should never have resigned,’ he told his mother, Anne Gorsuch Burford ... ‘You didn’t do anything wrong. You only did what the president ordered. Why are you quitting? You raised me not to be a quitter. Why are you a quitter?’ ...
“He inherited a frontier skepticism of government rooted in his home of Colorado and nurtured in Washington during the 1980s. An examination of his early, formative years finds that he swam in the liberal waters of Columbia and Harvard and rebelled against the dominant thinking to develop a fully formed conservative philosophy that has propelled him to the threshold of the Supreme Court.”
RUSSIA WATCH -- “Russian Arrests Spur Questions Over Links to U.S. Hacking,” by WSJ’s Nathan Hodge and Olga Rzumovskaya in Moscow and Shane Harris in Washington: “A series of high-profile arrests in Russia, purportedly including officers of the country’s secretive Federal Security Service and a cybersecurity expert, has intelligence officials on both sides of the Atlantic trying to unravel a mystery they suspect may be connected to Russian hacking in the U.S. Russian news media have described the arrests—including at least two intelligence officials at the FSB, the successor agency to the KGB, and an employee at Kaspersky Lab, Russia’s most prominent cybersecurity firm—as being part of a treason case.
“Russian officials haven’t publicly confirmed details of the case or the arrests, but local news outlets have reported dramatic details, including the arrest of one of the intelligence officers at an FSB meeting, with the suspect being led away with a bag over his head. The reports have fueled speculation among Western intelligence officials who have been monitoring the situation closely that the arrests may be tied to allegations that Russia was involved in hacking aimed at influencing the recent U.S. presidential election and an unverified dossier alleging collusion between the Kremlin and the President Donald Trump’s campaign.”
IN HOUSTON TONIGHT -- “Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl show to feature hundreds of drones,” by CNN’s Dylan Byers: “Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl halftime show will feature hundreds -- yes, hundreds -- of lit-up drones ... The source said the inclusion of unmanned aerial vehicles required clearance from the Federal Aviation Administration, which has placed a ban on drones at or near the stadium.”
MEDIAWATCH -- @northernshort: “Congrats to Scott Mahaskey @smahaskey of @Politico, the 2017 #northernshort Course Photographer of the Year!! #nppa”
-- KELLYANNE CONWAY addressed the “Bowling Green massacre” mishap on Fox News’ “Media Buzz.”
BONUS GREAT WEEKEND READS, curated by Daniel Lippman:
--“The man who sleeps in Hitler’s bed,” by Alex Preston in The Guardian: “Kevin Wheatcroft has quietly amassed the world’s largest collection of Nazi memorabilia. Now he wants to share it with the world. What is behind this dark obsession?”
--“Killing of a Young Woman Grips Iceland,” by Dan Bilefsky and Egill Bjarnason in the NYT: “There are few places in the world where someone is less likely to be murdered than in Iceland. Over the last two decades, an average of about two people have been murdered annually in the small and prosperous nation of 336,000. It has had entire years — 2003, 2006 and 2008 — when not a single person was murdered.”
--“High-Pressure Parenting,” by Ryan Avent in the Feb./March issue of 1843 Magazine: “We invest far more time and money in raising our children than our parents did. Ryan Avent wonders whether we’re doing it in their best interests – or in ours.”
--“How Think Tanks Became Engines of Royal Propaganda,” by Jacob Soll in Tablet Magazine: “And what their French origins, and their waning and rising relevance to the power structures over the centuries, say about the new Washington.” (h/t
--“The persistence of technological creativity and the Great Enrichment: Reflections on the ‘Rise of Europe,’” by Joel Mokyr in “[P]olitical fragmentation, coupled with an intellectual and cultural unity, a more or less integrated market for ideas, allowed Europe to benefit from the increasing return associated with intellectual activity.”
--“The Darkest Super Bowl,” by Drew Magary in Deadspin: “I’ve lived through crisis Super Bowls ... [which make] everything feel good and normal. That will not happen on Sunday. This game has never been bigger while the nation itself has been so unstable.”
--“Make America Bohemian Again,” by Joe Bagel in Medium: “Artists were drawn to the ‘convivial’ feel of the Chelsea [Hotel] and the ‘workshop atmosphere’ that permeated its hallways, elevators, and dining rooms. The good vibes attracted artists for more than a hundred years: Residents included Samuel Clemens (pen name Mark Twain), Tennessee Williams, and Dylan Thomas.”
--“Xenu’s Paradox: The Fiction of L. Ron Hubbard and the Making of Scientology,” by Alec Nevala-Lee, author of the forthcoming “Astounding,” in A “forthcoming book on the history of science fiction, digs into the writing career of L. Ron Hubbard, gaining new insights into the life of the controversial founder of dianetics and the origins and nature of Scientology itself.”
--“Why Hollywood as We Know It is Already Over,” by Nick Bilton in Vanity Fair: “With theater attendance at a two-decade low and profits dwindling, the kind of disruption that hit music, publishing, and other industries is already reshaping the entertainment business. From A.I. Aaron Sorkin to C.G.I. actors to algorithmic editing, Nick Bilton investigates what lies ahead.”
--“How the FBI Conceals Its Payments to Confidential Sources,”by Trevor Aaronson in The Intercept: “A classified policy guide creates opportunities for agents to disguise payments as reimbursements or offer informants a cut of seized assets.”
--“Imperial melting pot: how a new book reveals the remarkable history of Istanbul,” by Maureen Freely in The New Statesman, reviewing “A Tale of Three Cities” by Bettany Hughes: The book “shows how kings, emperors and sultans have been fighting over the city for millennia.” ... $18.60 on Amazon
--“Why Grandpa Is Homeless,” by Rachel Nuwer in PSMag: “A sagging economy, a complex job market, and a lack of social programs have led to an increase in the number of elderly people living—and dying—on the streets.” (h/t
--“Eichmann in Jerusalem,” by Scott Alexander in Slate Star Codex: In “Eichmann in Jerusalem,” Hannah “Arendt recorded a lot of weird, surprising, and disturbing things in her study of Eichmann’s trial. I found five particularly interesting: Eichmann’s psychological profile, the Nazis’ early pre-war plans for the Jews, the ways German-occupied nations did or didn’t resist genocide demands, the politics surrounding claims that Jews didn’t resist the Nazis enough, and the discussion of why more Germans didn’t protest.” ... Arendt’s book -- $9.99 on Amazon (h/t
--“Can We ‘Cure’ the Men Who Pay for Sex?” by Brooke Jarvis in GQ: “Inside a two-month program that aims to end prostitution—and help dismantle the patriarchy—by rehabilitating the men who perpetuate it.” (h/t
--“Sick But Not Sick,” by Jerome Groopman in the N.Y. Review of Books, reviewing “Is It All in Your Head? True Stories of Imaginary Illness,” by Suzanne O’Sullivan: “Physicians who practice family medicine, pediatrics, or internal medicine learn that a substantial proportion of people seeking care have inexplicable complaints. Some surveys indicate that at least a quarter of such patients report symptoms that appear to have no physical basis, and that one in ten continues to believe that he has a terminal disease even after the doctor has found him to be healthy.” ... $39.99 on Amazon
--“Vanishing point: the rise of the invisible computer,” by Tim Cross in The Guardian: “For decades, computers have got smaller and more powerful, enabling huge scientific progress. But this can’t go on for ever. What happens when they stop shrinking?”
OUT AND ABOUT IN PALM BEACH -- SPOTTED last night at the International Red Cross ball at Mar-a-Lago: Just before the cocktail hour Rush Limbaugh was spotted leaving Mar-a-Lago from a meeting with President Trump -- pic -- also spotted at the party: Reince Priebus, Wilbur Ross and wife Hillary, Magnolia Strategy’s Nick Owens, John Arundel, Justin Caparole, SIFMA’s Lenwood Brooks, Patricia De Stacy Harrison, CEO of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Anita McBride, Adam Falkoff, Dentons lawyer David Tafuri, ambassadors of Switzerland, Hungary, Afghanistan, Italy, Denmark, Peru, Colombia, and Sweden and former U.S Ambassador to the Vatican Jim Nicholson, former U.S. Ambassador to Bahamas Mary Ourisman, Bonnie McElveen-Hunter, the former ambassador to Finland and first female chair of the American Red Cross, Prince Carlo and Princess Camilla of Bourbon Two Sicilies. 2-min. audio of Trump speaking to the crowd …1-min. video of the Trumps gently dancing …Pic of the menu … Pic of Trump’s name card at his table
--SPOTTED at the Sweethearts and Patriots ball last night at the City Tavern Club, sponsored by the Sons of the American Revolution and the Daughters of the American Revolution and benefitting Dog Tag Bakery: Ryan Williams, Rachel Hicks, Byron Tau, Alysha Love, Katy Summerlin, David O’Brien, Taylor Lorenz, Chris Lydon, Stephanie Green, Allison Schneider, Caitlin Carroll, Ben Droz, Kaitlyn Martin, Jared Parks, Andrew Kovalcin, Patrick Hillman, Katherine Faulders, Betsy Klein.
ALEX MOE and DEREK FLOWERS in WaPo, “12 dates in 12 states: Finding love on the campaign trail,” by Megan McDonough: “The pair met in Iowa at a debate watch party in October 2011. Once Alex arrived in Iowa in July 2011, their paths crossed quickly and often, as they ran in the same political circles and maintained mutual friends. But they weren’t formally introduced until a debate watch party in mid-October. ... Derek, who is now a consultant for the D.C.-based public-affairs advocacy firm Woodberry Associates. ... Derek continues to split his time between Des Moines and Washington, while Alex covers the House of Representatives as an NBC producer.” With 3 pics
BIRTHDAYS: Michael Steel, managing director of Hamilton Place Strategies and the pride of Durham, N.C. (hat tip: Columbia J School classmate Mark Paustenbach) ... Tom Reynolds, former strategic comms adviser at the White House and an EPA and OFA alum ... Clark Stevens, member of the public policy team at Airbnb, and an Obama and DHS alum … Evan Wolfson, founder of Freedom to Marry … Jaime Harrison, South Carolina Democratic Party chairman who is running for DNC chair, is 41 ... Phil Kim of KKR ... Drew Godinich is 26 ... Kristina Baum, comms director for House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology ... Ryan Velasco with Ogilvy PR ... M. Joseph (Matt “Coup D’état”) Coudert is 53 … William Upton, COS at In Defense of Christians ... Shelly Palmer ... Politico’s Glen Mazza ... writer Gina Hyams ... Jayne Chapman ... Marshall Project reporter Alysia Santo ... Grant Carlisle, director of advocacy for NRDC partner E2 ... Trevor Kincaid, former deputy assistant U.S. Trade Representative for public and media affairs and a proud FSU Seminole & North Carolinian (h/ts Andrew Bates) ...
... Sarabeth Berman, V.P. of public affairs at Teach for All (hubby tip: Evan Osnos) … Jacquie Bloom ... Mike Kiernan (h/t Teresa Vilmain) ... Vinoda Basnayake, of counsel and chair of the D.C. gov’t relations practice at Nelson Mullins ... Bret Jacobson, partner at digital shop Red Edge ... Jordan Wilson … Armstrong Williams is 55 ... Ralph Z. Hallow, chief political writer for the WashTimes ... former Mich. Gov. Jennifer Granholm is 58 … Margaret Franklin ... Rachel Swartz, former Alan Grayson staffer ... Rizwan Asghar ... Bob Gibson, executive director of the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership ... Phyllis Watt Jordan ... Douglas MacKenzie ... Richard Parker ... Navy doc Andy Baldwin ... Rich Scully, partner at Fluet Huber + Hoang and former State diplomat ... Lisa Kohnke … Jordan Wilson ... Baseball Hall-of-Famer Hank Aaron is 83 (h/t Rick Klein) ... financial writer Jane Bryant Quinn is 78 ... Christopher Guest is 69 ... Darren Criss (“Glee”) is 3-0 (h/ts AP)