
ANOTHER MORNING TWEETSTORM by @realDonaldTrump -- at 7:14 a.m.:“Watched Saturday Night Live hit job on me.Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Media rigging election!” ... at 7:36 a.m.: “Polls close, but can you believe I lost large numbers of women voters based on made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED. Media rigging election!” ... at 8:31 a.m.: “Election is being rigged by the media, in a coordinated effort with the Clinton campaign, by putting stories that never happened into news!”

-- “Fears mount on Trump’s ‘rigged election’ rhetoric: Top Republicans are coming under pressure to defend the legitimacy of the electoral system,” by Isaac Dovere: http://politi.co/2ec73C1

GOOD SUNDAY MORNING. It feels like fall this morning in D.C. It’s in the 60s and the sun is out. And there are 23 DAYS until Election Day.

CHOOSE YOUR NEWS -- WAPO/ABC POLL -- “Clinton holds four-point lead in aftermath of Trump tape,” by WaPo’s Scott Clement and Dan Balz: “The poll was conducted during one of the most tumultuous periods of Trump’s candidacy, after the release of a video in which he spoke about taking sexual advantage of women and during a time when numerous women have accused him of sexual misconduct.

“Nearly 7 in 10 respondents believe Trump probably made unwanted sexual advances, and a majority say his apology for boasts about forcing himself on women on a hot-mic videotape was insincere. Nonetheless, the controversy appeared to have had only a minimal impact on his overall support. Overall, Clinton leads Trump by 47-43 percent among likely voters, a slight edge given the survey’s four-percentage-point error margin. Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson has the support of 5 percent, and Green Party nominee Jill Stein is at 2 percent. Among registered voters, the poll shows a similar four-point margin, with Clinton at 44, Trump at 40, Johnson at 6 and Stein at 3. In a two-way matchup, Clinton leads Trump by 50-46 percent among likely voters and by 50-44 percent among registered voters.” http://wapo.st/2dXY2Bw

--NBC/WSJ poll: “Hillary Clinton Extends Lead Over Donald Trump to 11 Points: Democratic nominee picks up support from women, swing voters in latest WSJ/NBC News poll,” by WSJ’s Janet Hook: “Heading into the final presidential debate in Las Vegas on Wednesday, Mrs. Clinton led Mr. Trump by 11 percentage points among likely voters, 48% to 37%, a big jump from the six-point edge she held in mid-September. Moreover, the Republican presidential nominee is losing his advantage on matters that were once the cornerstone of his campaign—his trade policies, command of economic issues and claims to be more honest and straightforward than his opponent.” http://on.wsj.com/2dg5WnS

OUR TAKE: Polling averages are your friend, but this race is much closer to the WaPo/ABC then it is to the NBC/WSJ. The new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll is out tomorrow, and we have data illustrating the deep distrust in institutions, including how many people think the election will be rigged.

--CBS “Battleground Tracker” -- NEVADA: Hillary Clinton 46, Donald Trump 40.

SUNDAY BEST -- Newt Gingrich to Martha Raddatz on ABC’s “This Week”: RADDATZ: “But you say it’s not at the precinct level, but Trump has also told people to monitor polling stations.” GINGRICH: “They should. You look at Philadelphia, you look at St. Louis, you look at Chicago, I mean, again I’m old enough, I remember when Richard Nixon had the election stolen in 1960 and no serious historian doubts that Illinois and Texas were stolen. So to suggest that we have -- that you don’t have theft in Philadelphia is to deny reality.” RADDATZ: “So you really think this election could be stolen. Do you believe that if Mr. Trump loses, it will be because of a massive conspiracy or fraud, not because more Americans voted for someone else?”

GINGRICH: “I think that without the unending one-sided assault of the news media, Trump would be beating Hillary by 15 points. I think when you look at WikiLeaks and you look at all the things she has said, when you look at the deals in Russia that Bill Clinton made, and that the Clinton Foundation -- I mean, all this nonsense by Kaine about Russia, it’s Clinton, Bill Clinton, who got a half a million dollar speech. It is the Clintons who got money for the Clinton Foundation from Russia. It is -- it is Podesta who was on a Russian company advisory board that was apparently funded by Putin. So the news media’s one-sidedness is the worst I’ve seen in my lifetime, and I’m old enough that’s a fairly long statement.”

--MIKE PENCE to John Dickerson on CBS’s “Face the Nation”: DICKERSON: “I’m trying to deal with what your candidate is saying on the stump in real time right now. Another thing he’s saying is that the election is rigged. My question is, is that a responsible thing for a candidate to say?”

PENCE: “I think what Donald Trump is talking about is frankly what appears to be the monolithic support of the national media for Hillary Clinton’s campaign, their willful ignorance about the avalanche of hard evidence, not allegations John, but hard evidence now coming out in these emails about collusion and pay-for-play politics and the American people are just tired of it … Let me be very clear. Donald Trump said in the first debate that we’ll respect the will of the American people in this election. The peaceful transfer of power is a hallmark of American history. And elections get really tough. But the American people are getting awful tired of this two-on-one fight with many of you in the national media doing half of Hillary Clinton’s work for her every day. All we’re asking for is whatever you want to report about our campaign, let’s get out there, let’s let the facts speak for themselves, but let’s get before the American people this avalanche of emails that is confirming pay-to-play politics and outright corruption during the Clinton years.”

--“Giuliani: ‘Dead people generally vote for Democrats’,” by Connor O’Brien: “Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani argued Sunday that Democrats are more likely to promote voter fraud than Republicans, citing elections in the cities of Chicago and Philadelphia as examples … [T]he prominent Trump surrogate told host Jake Tapper that if he were to say ‘that I think the election in Philadelphia and Chicago is going to be fair, I would have to be a moron to say that.’ ‘I’m sorry. Dead people generally vote for Democrats rather than Republicans,’ Giuliani said.” http://politi.co/2dVtf5K

LINE OF THE MORNING -- TAPPER TO REP. RENEE ELLMERS -- @CNNSotu: “.@Jaketapper on Trump accusations: ‘it’s a he said/she said, she said, she said, she said... situation.’ #CNNSOTU” http://bit.ly/2ej3LvV

HACKED! -- “Hacked Transcripts Reveal a Genial Hillary Clinton at Goldman Sachs Events,” by NYT’s Amy Chozick and Nick Confessore. http://nyti.ms/2dtaDcN

CASH DASH -- “Peter Thiel to Donate $1.25 Million in Support of Donald Trump,” by NYT’s David Streitfeld: “The only prominent supporter of the Republican candidate in the high-tech community, Mr. Thiel is making his first donation in support of Mr. Trump’s election. He will give $1.25 million through a combination of super PAC donations and funds given directly to the campaign.” http://nyti.ms/2eiSagu

DEEP DIVE -- NYT A1, “Rise of Saudi Prince Shatters Decades of Royal Tradition,” by Mark Mazzetti and Ben Hubbard: “He has slashed the state budget, frozen government contracts and reduced the pay of civil employees, all part of drastic austerity measures as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is buffeted by low oil prices. But last year, Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s deputy crown prince, saw a yacht he couldn’t resist.

“While vacationing in the south of France, Prince bin Salman spotted a 440-foot yacht floating off the coast. He dispatched an aide to buy the ship, the Serene, which was owned by Yuri Shefler, a Russian vodka tycoon. The deal was done within hours, at a price of approximately 500 million euros (roughly $550 million today), according to an associate of Mr. Shefler and a Saudi close to the royal family. The Russian moved off the yacht the same day. It is the paradox of the brash, 31-year-old Prince bin Salman: a man who is trying to overturn tradition, reinvent the economy and consolidate power — while holding tight to his royal privilege. In less than two years, he has emerged as the most dynamic royal in the Arab world’s wealthiest nation, setting up a potential rivalry for the throne.” http://nyti.ms/2ec3ID9

LATE-NIGHT BEST – “Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton Town Hall Debate Cold Open – SNL” -- “Anderson Cooper”: “Mr. Trump: same question, do you feel you’re modelling appropriate and positive behavior for today’s youth?” “Trump,” played by Alec Baldwin: “No, next.” Anderson: “So you don’t care about the kids?” Trump: “Anderson, I love the kids, okay. I love them so much I marry them.” http://bit.ly/2dsSX0W

SWING STATE FRONTS -- Canton Repository (right-hand side, one column), “Sick of them? You are not alone -- but will that push you to vote?” http://bit.ly/2e9g5k6 … Cleveland Plain Dealer (lead story, one column), “Cracks showing in Trump campaign: Manager renounces Ohio GOP chair” http://bit.ly/2e9hmaI … Miami Herald (banner headline, front page), “Before Trump attacked foreigners, he helped sell them condos” http://bit.ly/2dg2FoO … Orlando Sentinel (centerpiece spread, with photos), “Fatigued voters want election to be over now” http://bit.ly/2dY45pm … Philadelphia Inquirer,“Trump Fires Away...Exhorting his base, he alleged a wide conspiracy theory by Clinton and the media” http://bit.ly/2eiXSyR … Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, “Over 1M set to lose health plans -- As insurers quit ACA, 32 states look ahead” http://bit.ly/2eFS5b9

DAILY DONALD -- “Donald Trump camp rebukes Ohio GOP Chair Matt Borges, cuts ties,” by Columbus Dispatch’s Darrel Rowland: “Underscoring the searing divisions over Donald Trump within the Republican Party, Trump’s Ohio campaign [on Saturday] disassociated itself with state GOP Chairman Matt Borges because of his lack of support for the party’s presidential nominee. Trump ‘is very disappointed in Matt’s duplicity,’ Trump’s Ohio director, Robert Paduchik, told the state GOP’s state central committee in an extraordinary letter today — a mere 24 days from the election. ‘Mr. Trump told me, “this is why people have lost faith in the establishment and party leaders,”’ Paduchik added to the 66-member group.” http://bit.ly/2dV8uXZ

-- David A. Clarke Jr., the sheriff of Milwaukee County (@SheriffClarke): “It’s incredible that our institutions of gov, WH, Congress, DOJ, and big media are corrupt & all we do is bitch. Pitchforks and torches time” http://bit.ly/2euFND2

INSIDE THE CAMPAIGNS -- “Trump cash haul bypasses campaign,” by Politico Influence’s Isaac Arnsdorf: “Donald Trump posted an impressive fundraising haul last quarter, but a less efficient operation and his dependence on an estranged party apparatus mean his campaign only benefits from only about a third of that. Only about $68.7 million of the almost $212 million that Trump collected in the last three months through joint ventures with the [RNC] and state parties actually reached his campaign … Almost as much -- $63.5 million -- was eaten up by operating expenses such as paying for fundraising and compliance consultants, catering and event spaces, list rentals, direct mail and digital ads.” http://politi.co/2dTjXpK

--AMY CHOZICK on A1 of the NYT: “Issues in Hillary Clinton’s Past Leave Her Muted in Furor Over Donald Trump” http://nyti.ms/2dVwni4

COMING ATTRACTIONS -- “The People Who Pick the President,” by Kyle Cheney: “Tear up your countdown calendar: The 2016 election will not end on Nov. 8. In fact, it’ll carry on until mid-December, when 538 members of the Electoral College huddle in their respective state capitals and cast the only ballots with the power to formally elect the next president. Because they have rarely deviated from the will of the voters -- and never changed the outcome of an election -- this constitutional process remains an obscure and anonymous relic of the Founding Fathers. But for six weeks, this assortment of party insiders, donors and, in some cases, fringe activists will be the most powerful force in American democracy. And most Americans will never know who they are.” http://politi.co/2euUpT5

THE NEW GILDED AGE -- WashPost Business cover, “For $500,000, a hotel inaugural package that includes a private chef for your dog,” by Abha Bhattarai: “For half a million dollars, the Trump International Hotel is offering four nights in a suite with gold-encrusted bathrooms, dinner for 24 and an on-call car service. At the W Hotel, $500,000 will get you a three-night stay and unlimited Veuve Clicquot during January’s inaugural celebrations. Meanwhile, for that price, the Fairmont will provide round-trip travel on a private jet, a closetful of clothing from Saks Fifth Avenue and home-cooked meals for your dog. ... The JW Marriott’s $2.5 million inauguration package -- so far the city’s priciest -- includes four presidential suites, 325 guest rooms and $400,000 worth of food and drink over four or five nights.” http://wapo.st/2dg43Ic

OMAHA WORLD-HERALD endorses Hillary – “Hillary Clinton is prudent pick for president” http://bit.ly/2dTxk9s

JON MEACHAM in NYT’s Sunday Review, “Nostalgia for the Grace of George H.W. Bush”: “The suggestion, the vice president told his 1988 campaign diary, was ‘strange and unbelievable.’ Twenty-eight years ago, George H. W. Bush, fresh from securing the Republican presidential nomination to succeed Ronald Reagan, was about to choose a running mate of his own. His campaign manager, Lee Atwater, always on the lookout for the unconventional and the unexpected, had apparently had informal talks with Donald J. Trump, the New York developer. Mr. Trump, Mr. Atwater told his boss, was willing to be considered for the second spot on the Republican ticket. Mr. Bush found the thought outlandish and, after reporting the conversation in his diary, promptly forgot about it.” http://nyti.ms/2dV7cfF

-- NICK KRISTOF in NYT’s Sunday Review, “If Hillary Clinton Groped Men” http://nyti.ms/2e8pj1S

-- GROVER NORQUIST asks and answers “Is the GOP about to Disintegrate?”:http://bit.ly/2eep8ni

--E.J. DIONNE on the cover of WashPost Outlook, “Even if Trump loses big, the anger will remain. Here’s how the left can address it”: “[P]rogressives should resist complacency bred by the idea that the anger on display in this election will soon subside as older voters uneasy with change decline in numbers. Throughout the West, social-democratic and left-liberal parties are facing defections, divisions and decline. Their economic model — combining a market orientation with welfare states, strong unions and regulations — is no longer delivering the broadly shared prosperity that was once its hallmark ... The left is in trouble precisely because it has not responded adequately to this fear or managed to tame the forces that produced it. This is not just a political mistake but also a moral failing.” http://wapo.st/2ec2mbi

--BRUCE BARTLETT on the cover with E.J., “Even after Trump loses, the GOP is still toast”: “Trump’s candidacy has exacerbated the Republican Party’s weaknesses, alienating minorities, fracturing the base and stunting smart policy development. The party’s structural problems are so severe that reform is impossible. Even if Trump loses and the GOP races to forget him, the party is doomed. And very few of our leaders seem to care. In the short run, it will be easy for Republicans to convince themselves that nothing needs to change. The establishment believes that Trump is an anomaly, an aberration.” http://wapo.st/2e5PZzd

MEDIAWATCH -- Chris Wallace to Bret Baier on Fox News Sunday on what moderating the final presidential debate means for him and Fox News: “It means a lot. It means a lot personally. It’s kind of a statement of where you are in this business. It also means a lot to me because, quite frankly, it means something from Fox. I’m the first Fox moderator to do a general election debate and I’m very proud for the news organization. I think it’s a recognition of the fact that we do serious journalism. Some critics say no, but the fact is, you and I know we do. And here’s the Commission on Presidential Debates recognizing that. There’s a lot of pressure. There’s a lot of stress. We’ve seen the previous moderators get criticized. And at certain points, I’ve had to remind myself this may be a once in a life opportunity. So have fun. To the degree you can stop biting your nails, have fun with it.”

BONUS GREAT WEEKEND READS, curated by Daniel Lippman:

--“Hillary’s Billionaire,” by Devin Leonard on the cover of Bloomberg Businessweek: “Univision Chairman Haim Saban was raised in Israel, made a fortune off Japanese superheroes, and has built an audience of 40 million American Hispanics.” http://buswk.co/Univision ... The cover http://bit.ly/2dky3hd

--“My First Gulfstream,” by Anonymous (rumored to be Nathan Myhrvold) in the Oct. 1998 issue of Vanity Fair: “A top Information Age entrepreneur decided to join the elite fraternity of private-jet owners–a world in which you are what you fly, and size definitely matters. Sixteen months, $12 million, and thousands of F.A.A. regulations later, he assesses the ride.” http://bit.ly/2dTD9Ht

--“Why We’re Living in the Age of Fear,” by Neil Strauss in Rolling Stone: “This is the safest time in human history. So why are we all so afraid?” http://rol.st/2ei9raH

--“Panama: The Hidden Trillions,” by Alan Rusbridger in the N.Y. Review of Books: “‘The economic system is, basically, that the rich and the powerful exited long ago from the messy business of paying tax,’ [says journalist Luke] Harding ... ‘The burden of taxation has moved inexorably away from multinational companies and rich people to ordinary people.’” http://bit.ly/2egrHS4

--“War Goes Viral,” by Emerson T. Brooking and P.W. Singer on the cover of November’s Atlantic: “How social media is being weaponized across the world.” http://theatln.tc/2e4GJus … The cover http://bit.ly/2e8qxdO

--“Saving Conservatism From Trump’s GOP,” by Molly Ball in November’s Atlantic: “Avik Roy—a former adviser to Marco Rubio, Rick Perry, and Mitt Romney—wants to rescue conservatism from Trump’s divisive tribalism. But can he persuade his party to join him?” http://theatln.tc/2epHhyi

--“Ezra Klein on Media, Politics, and Models of the World”: “Ezra Klein, editor-in-chief of Vox.com, joins Tyler Cowen for a conversation on biases in digital media, the morality of meat-eating, how working for large organizations has changed his worldview, the psychographics of CEOs, what’s missing in public discourse, the most underrated member of the Obama administration, and why you should never follow his lead on what’s good culture.” http://bit.ly/2dQjS5W

--“Glossary: Luck,” by Leopold Froehlich in Lapham’s Quarterly: “The language of luck, from ‘gris-gris’ to ‘Irish lottery.’” http://bit.ly/2eBr6gL

--“Elon Musk’s Wild Ride” – Bloomberg Businessweek: “Biographer Ashlee Vance examines the troubles at Tesla, SpaceX, and SolarCity.” http://bloom.bg/2dQrIxD

--“From Sarajevo to Aleppo: Lessons on Surviving a Siege,” by Janine Di Giovanni in The Atlantic: “In Bosnia and in Syria, the tactic has been used to destroy bodies—but it’s really an attempt to annihilate the spirit.” http://theatln.tc/2e4A4jE

--“Trump, China, and the Ties That Bind,” by Spencer Woodman in Racked: “A visit to the Chinese factories that made Donald Trump’s clothing brand possible.” http://bit.ly/2dQkE2S (h/t Longreads.com)

--“Obituary: Great Barrier Reef (25 Million BC-2016),” by Rowan Jacobsen in Outside Magazine: “Climate change and ocean acidification have killed off one of the most spectacular features on the planet.” http://bit.ly/2epz1hY (h/t TheBrowser.com)

--“Liquid assets: how the business of bottled water went mad,” by Sophie Elmhirst in The Guardian: “How did a substance that falls from the air, springs from the earth and comes out of your tap become a hyperactive multibillion-dollar business?” http://bit.ly/2egrsGB (h/t Longform.org)

--“How Trump Took Hate Groups Mainstream,” by Sarah Posner and David Neiwert in Mother Jones: “The full story of his connection with far-right extremists.” http://bit.ly/2e7XnbJ

BONUS WEEKEND LISTEN, curated by Jake Sherman:

--GRATEFUL DEAD today in 1981 in Amsterdam. Some great acoustic stuff at the beginning of the show. http://bit.ly/2e5M45s

SPOTTED: Michelle Obama last night at Cactus Cantina

FT’S AT HOME -- “Fundraiser Georgette Mosbacher on why Trump is a ‘decent man’: GOP stalwart talks about cloning her dog and why her old pal Donald deserves support,” by FT’s Gary Silverman: “She is particularly hard on former presidential candidates such as Romney and Bush for their resistance. ‘You know what, when something’s inevitable you get behind it and you try to help make it the best you can,’ she says. ‘You don’t take your toys and go home because you don’t like the playground … It’s the responsibility of every Republican to make [Trump] the best he can be.’ ... ‘I know he isn’t bigoted,’ she says. ‘He treats women very well. I have never known him to be anything but a gentleman. I have never seen him in anything but a suit and tie or golf clothes. Never. I never heard him use a four-letter word.’” http://on.ft.com/2ekFNC1

OUT AND ABOUT -- A crowd packed into Lapis on Saturday evening to celebrate the 40th birthdays of Democratic strategists Ben Clark and Rodell Mollineau. Biz Markie manned the DJ booth.

SPOTTED: Doug Thornell, Jamal Simmons, Donnie Fowler, Doug Heye, Brian Danza, Christine Delargy, Perry Bacon, Nick Masella, Sheena Arora, Ron and Sara Boniean, Brian and Veronica Walsh, Kevin Sheridan, Adam Hodge, Mark Paustenbach, Liesl Hickey, Chandler Smith, Pete Albrecht, Heidi Nels, Will and Marcie Kinzel, Christina Sevilla and Steve Rochin, Tom and Gretchen Toles, Matt and Megan Miller, Khalid Pitts, Kenny Day, Ashley Spillane, Sam Dealy, Brian Beutler, Chris Harris, Sara DuBois, JD Schlough, Tom Williams, Reid and Veronica Wilson, Lee and Pascaline Brenner, Lauren Weiner, the Ramsey Crew.

WEEKEND WEDDINGS – OBAMA ALUMNI -- “Howli Ledbetter, Dan Pfeiffer”-- N.Y. Times: “The bride, 33 ... works at Rally, a communications firm in San Francisco specializing in social and political issues. She is a director who develops communications and media-relations strategies for clients and also recruits new business. She graduated from California State University, Chico. ... The groom, 40, is the vice president for communications and policy at GoFundMe, a crowdsourcing and fund-raising website based in Redwood City, Calif. He graduated from Georgetown. ... The couple met in 2011 at the White House, where Ms. Ledbetter was the director of message planning and Mr. Pfeiffer was the assistant to the president and the senior adviser for communications and strategy.” With pic http://nyti.ms/2e8gaqi

BUSH ALUMNI -- Garrett Marquis and Ashley Hickey got married at the Ocean Forest Club in Sea Island, Georgia. Pool report from Stuart Siciliano: “The bride is a veteran of the Bush White House Oval Office Operations team and is now Vice President at the Glover Park Group. The groom is also a veteran of the Bush Administration and is now a founder and managing partner at Prism Strategy Group. Guests partied through the night to Big Swing and the Ballroom Blasters.” Pics http://bit.ly/2e9mTyb ... http://bit.ly/2e8pXwE

SPOTTED: Rich and Carolyn Ward, Jimmy and Kate Hickey, Caroline and Patrick Floeck, Katherine Hickey, Jonathan and Kristen Dennis, Tom and Corinne Hoare, Alex and Emily Siciliano, Fritz and Elizabeth Vaughan, Geoff and Ann Morrell, Jimmy and Kate Hickey, Jonathan and Anne Marie Hoffman, Jeannie Etchart, Rawson Hart and Chip Smith, Jamie Carroll, Jamie Durnil, Justin and Kayla Brown, Jared Weinstein, Karen Keller, Freddy Ford, Caroline Nugent, Justine Sterling Converse.

--“Mika Morse, Cole Berrier”: “The couple work in the Washington office of Senator Brian E. Schatz, the Hawaii Democrat. She is a legislative counsel, and he is the administrative director.” With pic http://nyti.ms/2e98v8Z

BIRTHDAYS: Bob Weir is 69 … Jim Courtovich ... Rokk Solutions’ Rodell Mollineau, a hip-hop aficionado … John (“Goody!”) Goodwin, VP at The Herald Group and the pride of Cranston, RI, is 38 (h/t son Jack) … Bully Pulpit Interactive partner Ben Coffey Clark ... North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple is 68 ... Amy Walter ... Politico’s Jenny Hopkinson, Ryan Walters, and Beatrice Petersen … Rep. Andre Carson (D-Ind.) is 42 ... Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-NJ) is 56 ... Rep. Dave Trott (R-Mich.) is 56 ... WaPo’s Alexandra Lemley, a Politico alum ... Dan Hirschorn, director of news at TIME, is 33 … Steve Friess is 44 … Tiph Turpin ... Linda Miller (h/ts Jon Haber) ... WashPost mobile editor Andrew Heining (h/t Colby Bermel) ... Frank Green ... Michael Pratt, AEI’s director of digital strategy ... Tyler Evans, American Bridge’s graphics/digital whiz ... Christopher Cox, former SEC chairman, is 64 ...

… Washington Examiner’s Sarah Westwood (h/t best friend Melissa Brown) ... Bradley Becnel ... Garrett Murch, senior editor at LifeZette and a Sessions alum ...Vanessa Dennis, PBS NewsHour’s director of digital design and development (h/t Nick Massella) ... Delacey Skinner ... Nate Morris, proud Kentuckian and CEO of Rubicon Global … Avi Fink, De Blasio mayoral aide and diehard Mets fan, is 31 … Devora Kaye, Obama 2012 alum, now press secretary at the NYC Dept. of Education ... ... Bruce Plaxen of Plaxen & Adler ... Jim Pribyl ... Mark Bohannon ... Jeff Link ... McCloy Dickson ... Susan Friebert (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) ... Emily Karl ... Alexandra Fetissoff … Elizabeth McGreevy … Becca Milfeld ... Ric Arenstein is 63 ... Richard Penze ... Robert Lewy is 73 ... actor-director Tim Robbins is 58 (h/t AP)

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