
Good Wednesday morning. There are 55 days until Election Day and we have spent all week talking about whether Hillary Clinton’s health situation is affecting the race. So we partnered with our friends at Morning Consult to develop a poll to quickly capture public sentiment on the issue. Here’s what the wizards at Morning Consult found, polling 1,501 registered voters from Sept. 12-13:

--It’s a trust issue: 50% of people polled say Hillary Clinton has given the public false information about her health. Just 37% say the same about Donald Trump.

--The story broke through: 79% of respondents say they have heard a lot or some about Clinton’s health issues. At its highest point, nine in 10 said they heard a lot or some about her use of a private email server.

--More people think Trump is healthier than Clinton: 22% of those polled say Clinton’s health is above average or excellent -- down from 29%last month. 41% say her health below average or poor, compared to 26% who said that last month. 36% of people say Donald Trump is above average or excellent health.

--It’s a partisan issue: 68% of Republicans said Clinton’s health was below average or very poor, vs. 16% of Democrats.

--The press cares about transparency more than voters do: Normal people aren’t so worked up about reporters’ constant access to the candidates’ movements. Just 22% of those polled say the press pool should have access to candidates at all times. 33% say most of the time, 28%say some of the time.

--And/but: 60% of respondents say it’s somewhat important or very important for candidates to have a protective pool. The polling memo http://bit.ly/2c9WzFM

WHAT TRUMP IS SAYING -- “Trump on Clinton’s health: ‘I really have no view’,” by Cristiano Lima: “Donald Trump -- who for weeks has accused opponent Hillary Clinton of having ‘failing’ health -- told Fox News he has ‘no view’ on the matter Tuesday night. ‘I really have no view. I just hope she gets better and can get back out,’ the Republican nominee told Fox’s Sean Hannity on Tuesday. ‘I just -- I have no view. You know, I just don’t want to get involved with it.’” http://politi.co/2cqvMDs

-- “Clinton has history of ignoring health -- and paying a price,” by AP’s Lisa Lerer and Ken Thomas in White Plains, New York: “Hillary Clinton, far more popular than her embattled husband, had become a one-woman campaign machine. But the non-stop travel back in 1998 took a toll. Clinton developed a blood clot behind her right knee, prompting the White House doctor to recommend hospitalization and a week of bedrest. Nothing doing. Clinton settled on an alternative: A nurse would travel with her to administer the medicine needed to monitor her health. She kept her condition a secret from nearly everyone but her Secret Service detail, alerted only because an injury could have been life-threatening.” http://apne.ws/2cDDWtu

NEW CLINTON WEB AD -- “Trump’s Foundation -- Corrupt Politics” -- SCRIPT: “You probably heard Trump talk about the Clinton Foundation. But you might not have heard while he attacks one of America’s top charities, his foundation has been fined for an illegal donation. He sent Florida A.G. Pam Bondi thousands from his foundation just as she was considering an investigation into his sham university. She cashed the check, blocked the case and he tried to cover up the donation. So, when you hear Donald Trump talk about corrupt politics, remember what candidate actually practices it.” http://bit.ly/2crKGIX

WHAT TRUMP TOWER IS READING -- “Donald Trump, New Team Recast His TV Image: Republican nominee shifts from raucous televised rallies to ‘presidential’ appearances but still sometimes ad libs,” by WSJ’s Monica Langley: “After Mrs. Clinton’s campaign announced late Sunday that she had been diagnosed with pneumonia, many expected Mr. Trump to pounce on the news, arguing that it proved his claim she lacks the stamina to be president. Instead, Mr. Trump told campaign advisers deluged with media calls to stand down. The response struck opponents as uncharacteristic, and some supporters attributed Mr. Trump’s restraint to his new campaign organization.

“Mr. Trump said efforts by previous campaign leaders to remake him into a politician were ‘dishonest.’ And, Mr. Trump said, he resisted at times by going off script. The Republican nominee said he was more comfortable with his new team, which, ironically, has succeeded in some of the same changes sought by former campaign chairman Paul Manafort: Mr. Trump is sticking closer to a teleprompter, giving more policy details in speeches — and making fewer off-the-cuff remarks, which hurt his campaign after the GOP convention this summer.” http://on.wsj.com/2cvjt9C

PRESIDENT TRUMP -- “Donald Trump unveils child-care policy influenced by Ivanka Trump,” by WashPost’s Sean Sullivan in Aston, Pennsylvania, and Bob Costa in D.C.: “Donald Trump, in softer tones than he normally uses, on Tuesday unveiled several policy proposals for lowering child-care costs that were crafted in part by his eldest daughter, Ivanka, including a plan to guarantee six weeks of paid maternity leave that marks a striking departure from GOP orthodoxy.

“Conservative Republicans, in particular, have long seen a mandated expansion of the social safety net as anathema to their attempts to shrink government spending and give companies more control over their leave policies. In a speech here, the Republican presidential nominee proposed ensuring six weeks of paid maternity leave to mothers who do not already receive leave from their employer. ‘We need working mothers to be fairly compensated for their work, and to have access to affordable, quality child care for their kids,’ said Trump, who appeared determined to show off a more sensitive side … He used a subdued delivery that contrasted with his tendency at larger rallies to raise his voice. After his speech, he held up a baby in the crowd.” http://wapo.st/2cmMP7h

PENCE FACES ROUGH HILL REENTRY -- “Mike Pence Is Rebuffed as He Tries to Rally G.O.P. Leaders Over ‘Deplorables’,” by JMart and Alex Burns, on A18 of the NYT: “Gov. Mike Pence came to Capitol Hill on Tuesday on a mission to promote Republican unity, attacking Hillary Clinton for describing many supporters of the G.O.P. ticket as bigoted ‘deplorables’ and urging Republicans to rally behind their nominee, Donald J. Trump. But Mr. Pence struggled to press the attack: In separate news conferences, House and Senate Republican leaders declined to join Mr. Pence, the Indiana governor and vice-presidential nominee, in rebuking Mrs. Clinton over her remark …

“It was a noticeable break in stride for the Trump campaign, which had zeroed in on Mrs. Clinton’s remark at a Manhattan fund-raiser Friday night — one for which she expressed regret the next day — running a new commercial and dispatching surrogates to attack her for what Mr. Trump has termed a ‘slander’ of his ‘wonderful, amazing’ followers.

“Congressional Republicans were even blunter in private. An otherwise friendly morning meeting with House Republicans turned awkward when Mr. Pence was pressed by Representative Jeff Fortenberry of Nebraska about Mr. Trump’s difficulties with women, said two House Republicans who relayed the conversation. Mr. Fortenberry told Mr. Pence that his young daughter had come to him and said, ‘Daddy, Donald Trump hates women,’ according to one of the lawmakers, who both insisted on anonymity to recount a private conversation. ‘It’s just not true,’ Mr. Pence shot back, arguing that Mr. Trump was improving with women, the two House Republicans said.” http://nyti.ms/2cvLKNw

SWING STATE WATCH -- “Trump Has 5-Point Lead in Bloomberg Poll of Battleground Ohio,” by Bloomberg’s John McCormick and Mark Niquette: “Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by 5 percentage points in a Bloomberg Politics poll of Ohio, a gap that underscores the Democrat’s challenges in critical Rust Belt states after one of the roughest stretches of her campaign. The Republican nominee leads Clinton 48 percent to 43 percent among likely voters in a two-way contest and 44 percent to 39 percent when third-party candidates are included.” http://bloom.bg/2c8bewu ... 802 likely Ohio voters, +/- 3.5 MOE. Full results: http://bit.ly/2ca7S10

-- “GOP Gains Ground on Dems in Voter Registration in Key States,” by AP’s Hope Yen: “Republicans have gained ground on Democrats in registering voters in three battleground states and kept their razor-thin advantage in Iowa — encouraging news for Donald Trump eight weeks before Election Day.” http://abcn.ws/2cvV8QZ

HAPPENING TODAY -- Donald Trump is rallying in Canton, Ohio and taping an episode of “The Dr. Oz Show” to discuss his health. Mike Pence is rallying in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Chelsea Clinton is campaigning in Roanoke, Virginia and Bill Clinton is in Las Vegas at the College of Southern Nevada.

BARACK OBAMA is meeting with Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma. In the afternoon, the president is meeting with Treasury Secretary Jack Lew. Joe Biden has breakfast with Aung San Suu Kyi at his house, will attend a meeting with her and Obama, and will have lunch with Obama in the White House. He’ll head to Capitol Hill to address a meeting of Rhode Islanders, hosted by Sen. Jack Reed, and will deliver remarks at the memorial service for Rep. Mark Takai (D-Hawaii). At night, he’ll speak at the America@250 dinner at the National Museum of American History.

HILLARY CLINTON returns to the trail Thursday in Greensboro, North Carolina.

PALACE INTRIGUE -- NYT A1, “Details of Syria Pact Widen Rift Between John Kerry and Pentagon,” by Helene Cooper and David Sanger: “The agreement that Secretary of State John Kerry announced with Russia to reduce the killing in Syria has widened an increasingly public divide between Mr. Kerry and Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter, who has deep reservations about the plan for American and Russian forces to jointly target terrorist groups. Mr. Carter was among the administration officials who pushed against the agreement on a conference call with the White House last week as Mr. Kerry, joining the argument from a secure facility in Geneva, grew increasingly frustrated. Although President Obama ultimately approved the effort after hours of debate, Pentagon officials remain unconvinced.” http://nyti.ms/2cIsOKk

ON THE TRAIL -- “Obama: Election ‘shouldn’t be close, but it’s close’,” by Isaac Dovere in New York: “‘This shouldn’t be close, but it’s close,’ Obama told donors Tuesday night at a fundraiser for the [DCCC] here on the Upper East Side. ‘The presidential race, we should win. But Donald Trump got the nomination, so weird stuff happens.’ Obama, who earlier in the day campaigned for Hillary Clinton in Philadelphia and has repeatedly said that he’s sure Trump won’t win, entered the final two months of the election trying to put the donors on edge. He embraced the apocalyptic talk that’s been going around Democratic circles at the prospect of a Trump presidency, saying early on in his remarks, ‘It is a cliché that every election is the most important in our lifetime, but I got to tell you, this one — this one counts.’” http://politi.co/2cscsF1

GROUND GAME -- “In Florida, Trump faces a Clinton campaign behemoth,” by AP’s Bill Barrow in Miami: “For Donald Trump, the fight for Florida begins and ends with mass appeal: signature rallies and direct social media contact with voters who believe he can ‘make America great again.’ Add some 30 Florida Trump employees to about 80 Republican Party field workers deployed around the state and that pretty much covers the GOP nominee's conventional ground game operation in the largest battleground state.

“Then there’s Hillary Clinton: 51 offices, with more on the way, and 500 employees combing Florida, and an overall ground game that rivals that of the previous Democratic nominee, President Barack Obama. Trump loyalists say they have a deliberate strategy and far-reaching footprint to counter the Clinton behemoth, even if his apparatus doesn’t measure up in campaign offices, staff and paid advertising. But the organizational disparity leaves more than a few Republicans scratching their heads. All agree Trump has no path to the required 270 electoral votes without claiming Florida’s 29. ‘Everyone keeps saying you’re not doing this in a traditional way, why?’ says Trump adviser Karen Giorno. ‘Well, we don’t have a traditional candidate.’ She oversaw Trump’s Florida operation from the primary season until last week, when she moved to national duties.” http://apne.ws/2ca2fjq

STUFF PETER HAMBY AND ROB SALITERMAN LIKE -- @frankthorp: “Donald Trump’s running @Snapchat ads in Ohio”: http://bit.ly/2cMpixk

CAPITOL HILL WATCH -- “Cruz’s conundrum: Help GOP save the Senate?,” by Burgess Everett: “With the Republican Senate majority on the line, Ted Cruz has been politically dormant. Few contributions to colleagues, no campaign appearances with endangered incumbents and little talk of how important a GOP Senate is next year. On Tuesday, that finally changed. As Republican insiders began grumbling to POLITICO about Cruz's lack of activity, Cruz forked over $100,000 to the National Republican Senatorial Committee. He did so at the behest of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who Cruz has described as both a liar and a Democrat. But Cruz's contributions - representing about a quarter of his Senate funds - produced a rare warm moment between the sometime adversaries.” http://politi.co/2cDOs3V

-- “Sen. Menendez loses in appeals court,” by John Bresnahan: “Sen. Robert Menendez has lost another round in federal court in seeking to have the bribery and corruption charges against him dismissed, and the New Jersey Democrat will now ask the Supreme Court to get involved in his case. In another legal blow, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in Philadelphia ruled Tuesday that it will not hold an ‘en banc’ hearing on Menendez's case. In July, a three-judge panel of that court let stand the charges against him, rejecting his claims that his constitutional protections as a senator were violated. Menendez and his co-defendant, Dr. Salomon Melgen, can now ask the Supreme Court to take up his appeal, or the Menendez can take his chances in front of a jury.” http://politi.co/2c7k25L

-- SQUEAKER -- It looks like Rep. Frank Guinta, the embattled New Hampshire Republican, is going to win his House primary. But AP hasn’t yet called the race, which is separated by just a few hundred votes. http://politi.co/1OEVzHd

FROM CALIFORNIA PLAYBOOK AUTHOR CARLA MARINUCCI -- “Issa challenger was accused of ‘stalking,’ harassing wife”:“Retired Marine Colonel Douglas Applegate — a Southern California Democratic House candidate who was endorsed Monday by Attorney General Kamala Harris — was accused of ‘stalking,’ harassing and threatening his ex-wife, who was granted two temporary restraining orders, according to court records on file in Orange County, California. Court records also show that the candidate in 2000 was charged with driving under the influence and pled guilty to reckless driving, then was ordered to attend an alcohol abuse program. In 2004, Applegate was also ordered by the California Superior Court to surrender two firearms related to the domestic violence accusations made by his then-wife, the records showed ...

“Applegate, in an interview with POLITICO, said that the accusations surfaced during a contentious divorce, and that ‘taking things out of context’ does not fairly reflect what was a very difficult personal situation. He said the charges in the court documents reflected issues, including child custody, that have long since been resolved with his ex-wife and mother of his two children, who is now remarried. ‘Allegations aren’t proof,’' Applegate said. ‘The court looked at them [and] rejected any findings of wrongdoing on my part.’” http://politi.co/2cG9Oij

PLAYBOOK EXCLUSIVE -- WHITE HOUSE OFFICIALS, IN THEIR OWN WORDS -- Susan Rice kicks off Georgetown’s “Exit Interview” series this evening at 6 p.m. The event series -- put on by the Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service -- will feature top officials reflecting on the Obama administration. Before each event, the officials will also come to Playbook to discuss their time in the White House. Here’s Rice:

--What’s an accomplishment you consider to be underappreciated? “Many have forgotten just how dire the situation was in West Africa at the height of the Ebola epidemic in 2014. American leadership -- especially by the president, our military, humanitarian responders, and public health officials -- saved tens of thousands of lives, if not more. And we're helping to save countless more through our Global Health Security Agenda, a partnership we founded that now includes more than 50 countries and international organizations, through which we aim to build the capacity to address disease outbreaks early and before they become epidemics.”

--What do you wish you had more time to do? “I spend a good deal of my time in meetings -- often behind closed doors in the Situation Room -- so it’s too infrequent that I have an opportunity to meet with talented, enthusiastic young people, including aspiring national security leaders. I always get energy seeing the passion, intellect, and drive of so many emerging young leaders, whom I plan to see more of starting in January.”

--What’s a little known hobby or interest of yours? “My husband and close friends will tell you that -- if I had my druthers -- there are few places I'd rather be in my spare time than on the tennis court.”

HACKED -- “Colin Powell Urged Hillary Clinton’s Team Not to Scapegoat Him for Her Private Server, Leaked Emails Reveal,” by The Intercept’s Lee Fang and Naomi LaChance: “‘Sad thing,’ Powell wrote to one confidant, ‘HRC could have killed this two years ago by merely telling everyone honestly what she had done and not tie me to it.’ ‘I told her staff three times not to try that gambit. I had to throw a mini tantrum at a Hampton’s party to get their attention. She keeps tripping into these ‘character’ minefields,’ Powell lamented. He noted that he had tried to settle the matter by meeting with Clinton aide Cheryl Mills in August. Powell’s private messages were leaked by D.C. Leaks, an anonymously managed website that shares hacked emails from U.S. military and political figures. D.C. Leaks has a relationship with Guccifer 2.0, a hacker that many allege to have ties with Russian intelligence. ...

“The emails show Powell regularly corresponding with reporters and friends about the Clinton email server scandal, explaining that his situation was different. When Powell arrived at the State Department, the information technology system was badly dated, he argued. And unlike Clinton, Powell never set up a private server. Instead, he used his personal AOL account, on a server maintained by AOL, and used a government computer for classified communications. ... He implored the dozens of reporters and producers who emailed him to read his book, It Worked for Me: In Life and Leadership, in which he devoted an entire chapter to his efforts to revamp the State Department’s IT system.” http://bit.ly/2cvw2Sh

--“[Condi] Rice: If Rumsfeld, Pentagon Had Done Their Job, Iraq Might Have Turned Out Different,” by BuzzFeed’s Christopher Massie: “‘If Don and the Pentagon had done their job (after claiming the rights to lead post-war rebuilding — things might have turned out differently).’‘Don should just stop talking,’ she added. ‘He puts his foot in his mouth every time.’ Powell replied by seconding Rice’s critique, saying ‘the boys in the band were brain dead.’” http://bzfd.it/2cqnX0j

--“Colin Powell Called Benghazi A “Stupid Witch Hunt” — And Condi Rice Agreed,” by BuzzFeed’s Andrew Kaczynski and Talal Ansari: “Powell said about the fatal attack on the diplomatic compound in 2012, ‘basic fault falls on a courageous ambassador who thoughts Libyans now love me and I am ok in this very vulnerable place.’” http://bzfd.it/2cMqd0D


WEST COAST WATCH -- House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy is putting the “Empowering Employees through Stock Ownership Act” on the floor next week for a vote. The bill -- which is getting marked up in Ways and Means today -- eases the tax burden on people who get stock in a private company. This bill is a priority of many in Silicon Valley, and it’s part of an “innovation initiative” led by McCarthy and Chief Deputy Whip Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.).

VALLEY TALK -- “Pittsburgh, your self-driving Uber is arriving now” – per an Uber blog post at 6 a.m. from Uber CEO and co-founder Travis Kalanick and Anthony Levandowski, founder of Otto and VP of Self-Driving Technology at Uber: “Today, we’re excited to announce that the world’s first Self-Driving Ubers are now on the road in the Steel City. We’re inviting our most loyal Pittsburgh customers to experience the future first. If a Self-Driving Uber is available, we’ll send it along with a safety driver up front to make sure the ride goes smoothly. ... [W]e know that self-driving Ubers have enormous potential to further our mission and improve society ... Self-Driving Ubers will be on the road 24 hours a day, which means they will need a lot more human maintenance than cars today.” With a 90-second video http://ubr.to/2c9Nmxw

WASHINGTON, INC. -- “How Bancroft Found a New Home at Kirkland,” by American Lawyer’s Katelyn Polantz: “Give credit to Mark Filip, the former deputy U.S. attorney general and current Kirkland & Ellis partner, for the firm’s acquisition of appellate litigation boutique Bancroft and its marquee partner Paul Clement. Kirkland approached Bancroft earlier this year, and Filip, now a member of Kirkland’s management committee, was the man who drove the deal. ... Clement has appeared in an almost superhuman number of briefs and high-profile cases, especially ones that pressed a conservative political agenda.” http://bit.ly/2cI7FQg

MEDIAWATCH -- “Vice News delays launch of nightly news show,” by Hadas Gold: “Vice News is delaying the launch of its nightly news show ‘Vice News Tonight’ on HBO by nearly two weeks. But for Josh Tyrangiel, Vice’s head of news who is overseeing the program, that doesn’t really matter. The official reason for the delay until Oct. 10 is because of HBO’s high technical standards. But Tyrangiel, speaking to reporters at a preview of the nightly show at Vice’s headquarters in Brooklyn on Tuesday, seemed unconcerned about the delay, pointing to their expectation of being on the air for ‘many years.’ ‘More is not better. Better is better,’ Tyrangiel said.” http://politi.co/2c9wff0

-- From Fox Business: “Neil Cavuto made a triumphant return to the anchor chair on Tuesday … scoring his highest rated week ever for CAVUTO Coast to Coast … Following a medical leave of absence that took him off air for three months, Cavuto saw his ratings rise 28% in total viewers (170,000) and 17% in the key A25-54 demo with (21,000).”

-- “Fox News adds new political analysis show hosted by Perino, Stirewalt,” by Hadas Gold: “Fox News is launching a new political analysis show, starring ‘The Five’ host and former White House Press Secretary Dana Perino and Fox's digital politics editor Chris Stirewalt. The weekend show is slated to be a temporary part of the channel’s lineup, with the channel committed to running it through the election. ‘Perino & Stirewalt: I’ll Tell You What’ will air Sundays at 5 PM from Sept. 18th through Nov. 13th and will be similar to the podcast the two host, which carries the same name.” http://politi.co/2c9NRHI

TV TONIGHT – “Tonight Bloomberg Media debuts its new six-part television and video series ‘Big Problems, Big Thinkers.’ Featuring journalist Terre Blair’s interviews, conducted over several years, with Warren Buffett, the Dalai Lama, Madeleine Albright, Thomas Friedman, Steven Soderbergh, Michael R. Bloomberg … and others, it’s an exploration of the biggest threats facing humanity today and the solutions underway to solve them. ... The episode will air globally at 8pm ET on Bloomberg.com and Bloomberg Television, and, in a historic first, on a billboard in New York City’s Times Square with closed captions. Future episodes will address economic dislocation, measuring success, foreign affairs, media and political paralysis.” Teaser http://bloom.bg/2c7ZL4S

SPORTS BLINK -- “NFL to launch new $100 million concussion initiatives to improve player safety,” by WaPost’s Mark Maske: “The NFL is launching a new set of concussion-related initiatives under which the league will devote $60 million to technological development, aimed in part at improving helmets for players, and an additional $40 million toward funding medical research into the effects of head injuries, Commissioner Roger Goodell said.” http://wapo.st/2cYXV6A

-- Former NHL players and families of NHL players who passed away from brain injuries are continuing to make their Washington play with a series of meetings with lawmakers on Capitol Hill. The group, which includes former Buffalo Sabre Jeff Parker, former NY Ranger Dale Purinton and Dan LaCoutre who spent 13 seasons with the Pittsburgh Penguins, also attended a White House meeting on the subject earlier this week. Len Boogard, father of the late Derek Boogard and Tony Sanneh, a former US Men’s National Soccer player, also attended.

SPOTTED: Retiring Florida Rep. Curt Clawson on Pennsylvania Avenue at 3 p.m. Tuesday, wearing a Purdue basketball shirt tucked into jeans, and running shoes. “Still have votes this afternoon,” one tipster said … Impromptu Edwards campaign reunion yesterday with WH principal deputy press secretary Eric Schultz and Clinton campaign communication director Jen Palmieri in Pennsylvania for POTUS event. Pic http://bit.ly/2cXbmkF ... Gov. Rick Scott going into Charlie Palmer last night ... Joel Kaplan at Shabbat dinner last week in Jerusalem at historian Gil Troy’s house ... “Scooter Libby, suited up at Mastros. His dining companion asked to be seated in the back.” … Juleanna Glover at breakfast at the Four Seasons yesterday with Tim Miller

TRANSITIONS – Justin Goodman to The White Coat Waste Project: STOP Taxpayer-Funded Animal Experiments as Vice President of Advocacy and Public Affairs: “Previously, Goodman ran campaigns to end taxpayer-funded animal testing for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).” Profile http://bit.ly/2cvQK1q

PAM STEVENS to Main Street Advocacy as senior advisor – per a Sarah Chamberlain email: “Main Street Advocacy is responsible for the Women2Women outreach program, which has brought so many issues, including mental health, to the forefront of the Republican Main Street Partnership. Pam’s recent work to expand women’s outreach for the House Republican Conference will prove vital for our mission at Main Street Advocacy.”

--“LCV Announces New Hire, Chispa Communications Director Betsy Lopez-Wagner”: “Chispa is LCV Education Fund’s longer-term effort to build and strengthen Latino grassroots and national leadership on climate change and energy issues. ... Most recently, Betsy was Earthjustice’s bilingual press secretary, facilitating the growth of their Latino outreach and media work.”

ROMNEY ALUMNI – birthday girl Jolyn Lorenzetti to Genworth: “Jolyn has held previous roles with Governor Jeb Bush’s campaign, WWP Strategies, Governor Mitt Romney’s campaign, The LS Group, Bogart Associates, and Congresswoman Judy Biggert (R-IL).”

OUT AND ABOUT – SPOTTED at Politico Magazine’s party last night at the Renwick Gallery to toast the Politico 50: Robert and Dr. Elena Allbritton, Kristen Soltis Anderson, Marc Andreessen, Ady Barkan, George Borjas, Pat Buchanan, Ben Chang, Stephanie Cutter, Angus Deaton, Debbie Dingell, Deesha Dyer, Thomas Frank, Michael Froman, Gary Gensler, Becca Glover, Susan Glasser, Sara Goldrick-Rab, John Harris, Stephen Heuser, Mark Holden, Jesse Jackson, Khizr and Ghazala Khan, Bill Kristol, Alan Krueger, Annie Linskey, H.E. Martin Lousteau, DeRay McKesson, Stephen Miller, Hilary Rosen, Gene Sperling, Sen. Debbie Stabenow, Neera Tanden, Johan Verbeke, Maxine Waters, Dave Weigel, Alex Wirth. Pic of the museum from outside http://politi.co/2c9MxVo ... Pic of Brad Dayspring, John Harris, Wolf Blitzer http://politi.co/2cmuDuH

--Tammy Haddad hosted guests last night at her house to enjoy UberEATs food from the Chickery, Chaia Tacos, Buredos, Sombie Donuts, Captain Cookies and the Milkman, who made handmade milkshakes on-site.

SPOTTED: Jill Hazelbaker, Niki Christoff, Rachel Holt, Todd Brewer, Greta van Susteren and John Coale, Marty Baron, Cecilia Kang, Jeremy Peters, Michelle Lee, Alan Davidson, Carol Melton, Dede Lea, Erin Egan, Kimberley Fritts, Ron Bonjean, Craig Gordon, Rick Klein, Robin Sproul, Juleanna Glover, Heather Podesta, Kristina Pearson, Kevin Cirilli, Shailagh Murray and Deesha Dyer.

--“Amazon DC welcomed the cast of the original series Transparent for a premiere of season three at the Navy Heritage Center last night. Jeffrey Tambor, Amy Landecker, Trace Lysette and Kathryn Hahn joined moderator Jonathan Capehart for a panel after the screening and then hit the after-party at [the] restaurant Penn Quarter.” Trailer http://bit.ly/2cwaa6c … Pics by Daniel Swartz http://smu.gs/2c9Luoh

SPOTTED: Jay Carney, Brian Huseman, Steve Hartell, Eric Fanning, Monique Dorsainvil, Nick Schmitt, John Harwood, Diane Blagman, Jay Brown, David Chalian, Laura Durso, Mark Paustenbach, Jon and Stephanie Allen, David Corn, Kate Bennett, Elizabeth Thorp, Matt Dornic and Kyle Volpe, Erin McPike, Nick Massella, Marissa Mitrovich, Abby Livingston, Kevin McDonald, Ali Rogin, Peter Binazeski, Gary and Julie Greenstein, Alison Share, Lee Brenner and Pascaline Clerc on date night, Laurence Wildgoose, Will Jenkins, Jackie Wisman, Jonathan Capehart, Jena Gross and Steve Hartell.

--“Last night the historic Ford’s Theatre hosted a special performance of Come From Away, a musical inspired by the true events of September 11, 2001, for veterans. Prior to the performance … VA Sec. Robert McDonald and Sen. Johnny Isakson addressed a crowd of over 400 attendees, comprised mostly of veterans and their families.” WashPost review http://wapo.st/2cUVItX

SPOTTED: Air Force Sec. Debbie James, Rep. Mark Takano, Rep. Brad Wenstrup, Kent Knutson, Cathy Merrill Williams, Shannon Gerber, Hon. Togo West, Teresa Wynn Roseborough, Giles Bowman, Garry Augustine, Verna Jones, Jared Lyon, Michaeleen Crowell, Crystal Hanlon, Pam Erickson, Jay Gertsema, Karen Guenther, Judith Otter, Helen Tolar, Fred Wellman, and Bonnie Carroll.

OUT AND ABOUT – Apple hosted a party at the Roof Terrace last night for the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Legislative Conference. The event featured several food stations with chicken and waffles, macaroni and cheese, paella, fresh fruit popsicles, and cupcake sticks.

SPOTTED: Rev. Jesse Jackson, Angela C. Rye, Lisa Jackson, Michelle Jawando, Rep. Bobby Scott, Donna Brazile, Leah Le’Vell, Rep. Cedric Richmond, Lauren Victoria Burke, Leah Daughtry, Paris Dennard, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, Janaye Ingram, Rep. Joyce Beatty, Rep. Alma Adams, Rep. Gwen Moore, Rep. Stacey Plaskett, Harry Johnson.

HAPPENING TODAY -- Larry Tye, a former reporter at the Boston Globe now writing books, is in Washington for talks on his latest, a Random House biography called “Bobby Kennedy: The Making of a Liberal Icon.” He’s speaking at noon today at Kelley Drye & Warren and is giving a 5:15 p.m. talk at Capitol Hill Hotel at 200 C St. SE. $20.69 on Amazon http://amzn.to/2ck1wNG … The cover http://bit.ly/2cjp98q

BIRTHDAYS: Alex Korson, executive producer of “Morning Joe,” and crossword-puzzle aficionado ... Bloomberg’s Jen Jacobs ... Kirsten Kukowski, a Scott Walker and RNC alum … Will Nichols … Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is 51 ... NYT’s Matt Flegenheimer ... Russell Berman, senior associate editor at The Atlantic ... Courtney Cohen, PR guru and ABC News alum … Victoria Esser, assistant secretary for public affairs at Treasury, alum of State and Glover Park Group (h/t Ben Chang) ... NYT Baghdad bureau chief Tim Arango, who studied American civilization at Brown ... Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) is 38 ... Paula Dobriansky ... Jolyn Lorenzetti, who worked for Lisa Spies in 2011 during the Romney campaign and is a Jeb 2016 alum, and now gov’t relations specialist and GENPAC Manager at Genworth Financial (h/t Lisa) ... Jim Angle is 7-0 ... Brian “Breeze” Walsh … Scott Foster, senior producer for NBC’s “Today Show” in Washington … Howlie Davis ... Joyce Brayboy ... Jay Preciado, DOE energy analyst, celebrating with Erin and later at Nationals Park (h/t Jon Haber) … Abigail Collazo, an OFA alum in Florida now doing digital strategic consulting ... Rae Ryan ... Jillian Hughes, CBS News White House associate producer ...Jacob Bell, Commerce Dept. press assistant and the pride of Doylestown, PA (h/t Pat Kelly) ... Concord Coalition policy director Josh Gordon is 42 (h/ts his twin 5th graders Samantha and Natalie) ...

… Brittany Parker, WINEP alum now a grad fellow at the Edward R. Murrow Center for a Digital World at Tufts’ Fletcher School ... Katie Boyce, editorial product manager for Bloomberg and a TIME alum … John Ladd, executive managing director at the Carmen Group … Kirstin Mende ... Kelly Scott ... Politico’s Molly Fluet and Ethan Stackpole ... Tim Baker, COS for Rep. Rick Allen ... Ben Merkel, LA for Sen. Patty Murray … Reynaldo Benitez of Senate DPCC ... Brian Greer, military LA for Sen. Schumer ... Hunter Matson ... former Rep. Ron Lewis (R-Ky.) is 7-0 (h/ts Legistorm) ... DCCC staff favorite Jon “Bowzer” Bauman of Sha Na Na … Ben Murray, VP at Blue State Digital … Katie Smith … Kari Scott Abitbol, marketing manager at LexisNexis and a CRC alum … Carey Kluttz … Judy Vilmain … Dan Langer … Hope Warschaw … Pam Porter … Link Zingale … Dave Dogan … Ken Strasma (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) ... Trent Duffy ... Elliot Berke ... Maria Dorfner ... Amy Wren ... Clay Chandler ... Paul McCarthy, deputy director for Europe at International Republican Institute ... Doug Mainwaring ... J. Eden Gordon ... Julia Cohen ... Dan Morris, founder and president at Progressive Cities, is 37 ... Christopher Lagan ... Kathleen O’Connell ... Ted Gupp is 66.

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