
By Mike Allen (@mikeallen; mallen@politico.com) and Daniel Lippman (@dlippman; dlippman@politico.com)

TOMORROW’S TIMES TODAY – “Obama After Dark: The Precious Hours Alone,” by Mike Shear: “Obama has dinner at 6:30 with his wife and daughters and then withdraws to the Treaty Room, his private office down the hall from his bedroom on the second floor of the White House residence. There, ... he spends four or five hours largely by himself. ... The president ... watches ESPN, reads novels or plays Words With Friends on his iPad.

“Michelle Obama occasionally pops in, but she goes to bed before the president, who is up so late he barely gets five hours of sleep a night. ... To stay awake, the president does not turn to caffeine. He rarely drinks coffee or tea ... His friends say his only snack at night is seven lightly salted almonds.” http://nyti.ms/29oB40w

Good Saturday morning, and happy Fourth weekend to you and yours. Coming to you from United Wi-Fi, en route from Denver after Aspen Ideas Festival. Will head straight from Dulles to my brother’s place on Lake Gaston. Half of the Allen family’s Oregon branch is already there.

It’s 16 days to Cleveland, 23 days to Philly, 130 days to Election Day -- and 60 days since Donald Trump became the presumptive nominee with his Indiana victory.

**SUBSCRIBE to Playbook: http://politi.co/1M75UbX

SUBJECT LINE DU JOUR – From Donald J. Trump: “I haven’t heard from you” (Maybe he meant that for Schreck!) ... JOHN PODESTA email to Hillary’s list: “You could be the person who nominates Hillary at the convention!”

JUST POSTED – “Ryan does Trump damage control in Silicon Valley: Even in San Francisco, the House speaker can’t escape the shadow of Trump,” by Tony Romm: “Republicans’ fundraising has already taken a hit after months of Trump's rhetorical shots — from skewering tech’s biggest players to making incendiary comments about women, minorities and immigrants. By the end of May, the [NRCC] had pulled in only $79,000 from Silicon Valley-based tech donors, down ... from ... $211,000 the committee had raised from those donors by the same point in 2012, according to ... Crowdpac, a nonpartisan website that tracks campaign finance.

“The [NRSC] has fared about the same, collecting $85,000 in tech donations from the region ... That’s down nearly 70 percent from the $266,000 the committee raised by this point in 2012 from that group. The fundraising numbers paint a grim picture for a GOP that's long been eager to make headway with tech executives.” http://politi.co/299PjZ1

SWING STATE SATURDAY – Denver Post lead story, “Trump, Colo. GOP still aren’t aligned,” by John Frank (online: “Trump not ready to bury the hatchet with Colorado Republicans”): “[He] made his debut in the state at the Western Conservative Summit only to again lament Colorado’s caucus as a ‘rigged system’ that cost him national delegates [to Cruz] ... just as the party wanted to move forward with a unified vision ahead of the convention ...

“Trump predicted a ‘tremendous victory’ in Colorado ... ‘We do have to win Colorado. I will be back a lot, don’t worry about it. I will be back a lot.’ Trump attended a fundraiser at the home of former Denver Broncos coach Mike Shanahan.” http://dpo.st/29dkIK1

--“Trump aide quits during third week on job, calls experience ‘interesting,’” by Patrick Reis: Kevin Kellems’ note: “To whom it may concern: i hereby resign my appointment as Director of Surrogates for Mr. Trump. While brief, it has been an interesting experience ... Look forward to running across several of you going forward.’” http://politi.co/29zvNlK

--Trump campaign statement: Trump “has hired Kellyanne Conway [to join] his senior campaign team. ... Karen Giorno has joined ... as a senior political advisor.”

SCENARIOS – HOLMAN JENKINS column in WSJ, “Trump’s Would Be No Ordinary Defeat: How would Donald behave if he decides he can’t win and won’t throw good money after bad?”: “Base-broadening campaigns require lots of paid TV to reach non-engaged voters and Trump skeptics, pummeling them with reassuring images suggesting that a Trump presidency would be OK. Mr. Trump not only is unwilling or unable to finance such a campaign. He evidently is unwilling to do what’s necessary to entice GOP donors to finance it on his behalf.

“This means GOP officeholders ... can expect a constant headwind of inflammatory Trump statements designed to stimulate ... free media coverage ... Republican candidates ... therefore become unwilling sharers of a high-risk Trump electoral wager, a gamble more likely to end in a Hillary landslide than a Trump White House. ... Look for [campaign vendors to] quickly to cut off services rather than get stiffed in the inevitable Trump campaign bankruptcy filing. ...

“[L]ikely, he will simply and coldbloodedly toss the ball to the GOP, saying, in effect, ‘If you want to pay for some events or TV, I’m available. Otherwise I’m done.’ The GOP would then have to shoulder the dual burden of propping up a minimally respectable Trump campaign while also distancing its down-ballot candidates from Mr. Trump ... He might well decide to cover his retreat ... with a flurry of lawsuits and conspiracy theories about a ‘rigged’ election. ...

“The thing [Republicans worried about House and Senate majorities] should fear most: An autumn dynamic in which Mr. Trump believes the best outcome for him personally is one that does as much damage as possible to the long-run GOP cause.” http://on.wsj.com/29jT7aV

FORECAST -- Barron’s cover, “WILL THE GOP LOSE CONGRESS? No matter what happens with Trump and Clinton this fall, we predict Republicans will keep control of the House but lose the Senate. What it means for investors,” by John Kimelman: “If the GOP manages to hold on to the Senate, it may be due to contests in Florida and Pennsylvania ... [With a Clinton White House, Dem Senate and R House, some] see room for some compromise on drug-price reform and perhaps even on taxes.” http://bit.ly/29lMJ3m

IF YOU READ ONLY 1 THING – PEGGY NOONAN, “A World in Crisis, and No Genius in Sight: An old order is being swept away, and political leaders everywhere seem lost”: “There was a small genius cluster in World War II—FDR, Churchill, de Gaulle. ... There was a genius cluster in the 1980s— John Paul II, Reagan, Thatcher, Vaclav Havel, Lech Walesa ... The military genius cluster of World War II—Marshall, Eisenhower, Bradley, Montgomery, Patton, MacArthur, Nimitz, Bull Halsey, Stilwell—almost rivaled that of the Civil War—Grant, Lee, Stonewall, Sherman, Sheridan, Longstreet. ...

“Terrorism, waves of immigration transforming whole nations, Islam at war with itself and parts of it at war with the world. In the West, the epochal end of public faith in institutions, and a dreadful new tension between the leaders and the led. In both background and foreground is a technological revolution that has actually changed how people experience life. It is a world crying out for bigness, wisdom, steady hands and steady eyes. We could use a genius cluster.” http://on.wsj.com/29eAfH0

SOCIAL 2016 -- “Can Hillary Clinton emojis win over the Snapchat generation?” by CNN Money’s Sara Ashley O’Brien: A “new iOS emoji keyboard called Hillarymoji ... hit the Apple store on Thursday with 20 Hillary Clinton-related stickers. It features emojis like Clinton sporting a T-shirt that reads, ‘The future is female,’ Clinton channeling ‘Rosie the Riveter,’ and a pink credit card that reads ‘Woman Card.” http://cnnmon.ie/29bWdNc ... The keyboard in the Apple store http://apple.co/29cHRef

SPOTTED: Newt and Callista Gingrich having dinner Thursday night at The Source

“Newt was in a charcoal suit. Callista was in a cream dress.” ... Phil Musser chatting with Gary Johnson, who was wearing jeans, T-shirt and a backpack -- and pretty incognito at the Lark Creek Grill in Terminal 2 at SFO, en route to the Bill Maher show. Musser was returning from an RGA meeting -- Johnson used to be a member.

PRESIDENT CLINTON II – Boston Globe p. 1, “Liberals list Cabinet picks for Clinton: Progressive Democrats don’t want to be left out,” by Annie Linskey: “[A]ctivists are preparing for a behind-the-scenes tussle over key economic appointments at the Treasury Department, White House ... Spearheading the effort is a New York-based liberal think tank called the Roosevelt Institute, whose top economists include a prominent Warren ally. Staff members from the institute have been interviewing hundreds of progressive economists and other professionals who could fill posts throughout a Clinton administration.” http://bit.ly/29ijFJw

AIRS TONIGHT – AP Entertainment Writer Mike Cidoni Lennox: “Garrison Keillor served up a bittersweet farewell for some 18,000 fans at the Hollywood Bowl, as he hosted his final episode of ... ‘A Prairie Home Companion.’ ... (Obama [called] in for a special segment recorded earlier Friday) ... The 73-year-old Keillor delivered one last ‘Lives of the Cowboys’ comedy sketch as well as ‘News from Lake Wobegon,’ ... a fictional town where ‘all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average.’ ...

“‘Companion’ attracts more than three million public-radio listeners in the U.S. ... [I]t will return with new episodes in October with an updated format and new host, Chris Thile. Keillor will do concerts and is working on a ‘Wobegon’ screenplay.” http://apne.ws/29exkOk

FOR YOUR RADAR – L.A. Times 2-col. lead, “Fatal Tesla crash exposes U.S. rules gap,” by Jim Puzzanghera: “Automakers do not need to get the technology approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ... Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx, who oversees NHTSA, is expected to issue guidelines for autonomous vehicles this month. ... Those guidelines were expected to focus on fully self-driving cars, which are different from the Tesla Model S that was involved in the fatal crash ...

“But the Florida accident could lead transportation officials to add guidelines for autonomous features such as autopilot, said Karl Brauer, senior analyst at Kelley Blue Book.” http://lat.ms/29dEUsT

ISIS CLAIMS RESPONSIBILITY – “Savage attack on oasis of calm in Dhaka shakes expat community,” by Reuters’ Serajul Quadir and Ruma Paul in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh: “[T]he rampage ... left 20 civilians [including 9 Italians], two police and six gunmen dead ... [T]he small South Asian nation that depends heavily on foreigner sentiment and a $26 billion garment export sector. The World Bank has warned previously that militancy could derail Bangladesh's path to becoming a middle-income country.

“All 20 of those who were killed by the militants at the restaurant were foreign nationals ... To many, the restaurant and bakery were a symbol of the possibility of a more cosmopolitan future.” http://reut.rs/29ckGRr

MARC RACICOT, former Montana governor and RNC chairman, who usually lays pretty low, “Americans can choose better than Trump,” in WashPost: “I cannot endorse or support Trump for president. And I offer my prayer for a second miracle in Cleveland.” http://wapo.st/29fnUnq

GROUNDHOG DAY -- “New Anti-Trump Super PAC Hopes to Raise $20 Million,” by NBC’s Leigh Ann Caldwell: “Keep America Great PAC ... was formed by [Nathan] Lerner and Scott Dworkin, who worked on the Draft Joe Biden effort.” http://nbcnews.to/29dhZh4 ... www.keepamericagreat.us/

CLICKERS – “The nation’s cartoonists on the week in politics,” edited by Matt Wuerker – 11 keepers http://politi.co/29hZWby

--Politico’s Sarah Palin Vine that blew up yesterday. http://bit.ly/299AMJw

USED NEWS – Politico’s Gabe Debenedetti, last Monday, “Does Hillary Clinton still need Elizabeth Warren? The rationale behind a Clinton-Warren ticket is fading as Democrats consolidate around the presumptive nominee” http://politi.co/29f3KtM ... WashPost A1 today, at fold, “Does Clinton really need Warren on her ticket?” http://wapo.st/298tK6L

... Politico’s Ellen Mitchell, May 22: “The Pentagon’s battle of the bands: Music in the military is a storied tradition, but some lawmakers say $437 million in yearly spending is too much.” http://politi.co/29kdZPn ... NYT, yesterday: “Military Is Asked to March to a Less Expensive Tune” http://nyti.ms/29mFfdo

GREAT HOLIDAY WEEKEND READS, curated by Daniel Lippman:

--“I Love You, Mr. Wonderful!” by David Samuels in Tablet Magazine, reprinted by Longform: “Seeing ‘Hamilton’ with Barack Obama.” http://bit.ly/29bI6HN

--“Fathers in Chief,” by Tevi Troy in The Weekly Standard: “A revealing look at presidents as parents.” http://tws.io/29aMtl3

--“Renewing the University,” by Alan Jacobs in National Affairs: “For the past several years, American universities have been buzzing with protests and counter-protests, charges and counter-charges. These have centered on a rather small cluster of concepts: safe spaces, the campus as home, microaggressions, and trigger warnings. ... Universities need to get beyond these disputes, at least to some degree, if they are going to retain any meaningful chance to fulfill their social missions.” http://bit.ly/29hMINk

--“The secret of taste: why we like what we like,” by “Traffic” author Tom Vanderbilt in The Guardian: “How does a song we dislike at first hearing become a favourite? And when we try to look different, how come we end up looking like everyone else?” http://bit.ly/29f1NO7 (h/t TheBrowser.com)

--“Why We’re Different: A Conversation With Robert Plomin” (a professor of behavioral genetics at Kings College London) – Edge.org: “The only genetics that makes a difference is that 1 percent of the 3 billion base pairs. But that is over 10 million base pairs of DNA. We’re looking at these differences and asking to what extent they cause the differences that we observe.” http://bit.ly/296rGMn

--“Parting Ways with the Queen,” by Stephen Marche in Walrus: “Why the time has come for Canada to abandon England altogether.” http://bit.ly/298zWQI

--“No peace after progress,” by Jeremy Seabrook in The New Statesman: “How the death of the industrial way of life gave us choice – and stoked resentment and fear.” http://bit.ly/29cZlWI

--“Cost of Living,” by Emily Maloney in Virginia Quarterly: “Escaping the maze of medical debt.” http://bit.ly/29bC3EJ

--“Brexit: a disaster decades in the making,” by Gary Younge in The Guardian: “On the day after the EU referendum, many Britons woke up feeling that the country had changed overnight. But the forces that brought us here have been gathering for a very long time.” http://bit.ly/296sxg1 (h/t Longform.org)

--“Angels in America: The Complete Oral History,” by Isaac Butler and Dan Kois in Slate: “How Tony Kushner’s play became the defining work of American art of the past 25 years.” http://slate.me/29bRNUm (h/t Longreads.com)

TRANSITIONS – ALEXANDRA DE LUCA emails friends and colleagues: “[A]fter nearly two amazing years at West End Strategy Team, I will be joining EMILY’s List as deputy press secretary on July 5.”

OUT AND ABOUT – Sebastian Gorka, whose new book, “Defeating Jihad: The Winning War,” made the N.Y. Times bestseller list last week, held a book signing Thursday night at the home of March Bell, staff director for the House Select Panel on Infant Lives. $19.44 on Amazon http://amzn.to/299BLJD

POOL REPORT – PARIS DENNARD emails us: “On Friday over 60 people from all over the country with the National Diversity Coalition came to the RNC for a meeting where they heard from Senior RNC political and communications staff, the NDC leadership team and the newly hired Director of Coalitions for the Trump campaign. ... Every coalition director was present including Telly Lovelace who heads up African American Media and Initiatives. Special guest remarks by Stacey Dash ...

“Presentation from Jenny Korn (Deputy RNC Political Director) ... about the work [of] the RNC ... focusing on coalition building and mobilization through their (Republican Leadership Initiative) RLI. [Also attending:] Omarosa, Alan Cobb and Bruce LeVell who put Michael Cohen on the phone who spoke about the efforts and goals of the coalition and how they want to work with the RNC and the campaign to mobilize and grow the national ground game.” Pic http://bit.ly/29f35Zv

OUT AND ABOUT IN ASPEN: JewishInsider.com hosted a Shabbat dinner last night for Aspen locals, festival attendees and speakers at the Downtown Aspen JCC. Guests enjoyed a farm-to-table menu of a mushroom and leek tart, grilled wild salmon and paonia peach soup poached with Moscato wine. Venture capitalist Yitz Applbaum led an upscale kosher wine tasting and Leon Wieseltier and Julia Ioffe led the dinner conversation. Steve Clemons crashed the dinner; other attendees included Dan Senor and Eric Kuhn. www.JewishInsider.com

THE PRESIDEN’TS WEEK AHEAD: “On Monday, the President and the First Lady will celebrate the Fourth of July by hosting military heroes and their families for an Independence Day celebration with a barbeque, concert, and a view of fireworks on the South Lawn. Staff and their families from throughout the Administration will also attend this event for the fireworks viewing and performance by Janelle Monáe and Kendrick Lamar. The President will deliver remarks, which will be pooled press. ... On Tuesday, the President will travel to Charlotte, North Carolina for a Hillary for America campaign event. ...

“On Thursday, the President will travel to Warsaw, Poland to attend the 2016 NATO Summit, his fifth and final Summit with NATO leaders. ...

“On Friday, the President will meet with the Presidents of the European Council and the European Commission ... Afterward, the President will hold a bilateral meeting with NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg. In the afternoon, the President will hold a bilateral meeting with President Duda of Poland to discuss U.S.-Polish relations ... Afterward, the President will participate in a NATO family photo and attend a NATO session on the NATO Alliance Council. In the evening, the President will participate in a family photo and attend a working dinner with NATO leaders. The President will remain overnight in Warsaw, Poland.

“On Saturday, the President will attend a NATO session on Afghanistan followed by a session of the North Atlantic Council. In the afternoon, he’ll participate in a session of the NATO-Ukraine Commission before holding a press conference. In the evening, the President will depart Warsaw ... to Seville, Spain. ... The President will remain overnight in Seville, Spain.”

THE V.P.’s HOLIDAY WEEKEND: Today “at 1:45 PM MDT/3:45 PM EDT, the Vice President will participate in a conversation with Walter Isaacson on the Cancer Moonshot at the Aspen Ideas Festival; Dr. Biden will also attend. This conversation at the Aspen Meadows Campus Greenwald Pavilion will be open press. The Vice President and Dr. Biden will remain overnight in Aspen, Colorado. On Sunday morning, the Vice President and Dr. Biden will depart Aspen, Colorado en route Wilmington, Delaware. On Monday, the Vice President and Dr. Biden will be in Wilmington, Delaware. There are no public events scheduled.”

BIRTHDAYS: David Lopez, special assistant to the White House Chief of Staff ... Luci Baines Johnson is 69 ... Jonathan Capehart (h/t fiancé Nick Schmitt, who was spotted at the Hotel Jerome in Aspen on Thursday night) ... Katherine Lehr (like “beer!”), COO of Matter Studios and a Politico alum ... former White House chief of staff John H. Sununu is 77 ... former Mexican President Vicente Fox is 74 ... Larry David is 69 (h/t Dick Keil) ... former Philippine first lady Imelda Marcos is 87 ... Matthew Dybwad, head of political and public affairs for Tube Mogul and a CRAFT alum ... BerlinRosen SVP Ben Wyskida, a Nation alum, is 39 ... Gus Ericson, one of the Oregon nephews, is 26 … Kara Rowland, Fox News Capitol Hill producer ... Alysha Love, CNN Politics’ deputy multi-platform editor a Politico alum ... Berrin Tunçel ... Courtney Geduldig, EVP of public affairs of S&P Global ... U.S. Army Captain Chuck Nadd, founder of nonprofit Operation American Dream ... Arkadi Gerney, executive director of The Hub Project and SVP of campaigns and strategies at CAP Action ... Ethan Oberman, co-founder and CEO of SpiderOak, is 4-0 ... Trevor Neilson, co-founder and president of the Global Philanthropy Group ... Jean Cecil Frick, former Bush 43 WH legislative affairs staffer now CEO of Beam & Hinge (h/t Paris Dennard) ... Marie Formica, VP of partnerships and operations at FamousDC ... Brad Todd, GOP ad guru and founding partner of On Message who hails from Tenn. (h/t Gary Karr) ... Sara Roberts, digital director of the House Natural Resources Committee (h/t boyfriend Sean T. Travers) ...

... NFL’s Caroline Keyes, celebrating in Chicago with friends (h/t sister Christyn Lansing) ... Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) is 32 ... Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-Calif.) is 55 ... Rep. Randy Weber (R-Tex.) is 63 ... Collin Davenport, senior foreign policy advisor for NoVa Rep. Gerry Connolly, is 3-0 (h/t Jamie Smith) ... Devon Gallagher, RSLC’s director of events ... Jessie Niewold, WashPost editorial producer and former Politico events guru ... Gina Woodworth, VP of public policy and gov’t affairs at the Internet Association ... Derek Gianino, director of strategic initiatives at the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition and a Romney alum ... Scott McGee, gov’t relations and public policy adviser for Kelley Drye ... Michele Gershberg, health news editor for Reuters in the U.S. ... Sam Nitz, data and targeting manager at Emily’s List ... fearless, fire-fighting, flood chasing Jonathan Woods, supervising producer at Time … Brooke Oberwetter Coon, manager of external affairs at Facebook D.C. … Emily Stanitz, coordinating producer at ABC News … Lily Velasquez … Lyndsey (Hamilton) Fifield ... Hannah Rosenthal … Sam Hutchison … Michael Matthews … John Brown ... Ali Chishti ... Ashley Zohn ... Mike Chapman ... Josh Cahan ... Racing Hall of Famer Richard Petty is 79 ... Roy Bittan (Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band) is 67 ... race car driver Sam Hornish Jr. is 37 ... figure skater Johnny Weir is 32 ... Lindsay Lohan is 30 ... actress Margot Robbie is 26 (h/ts AP)

THE SHOWS, by @MattMackowiak, filing from Austin:

--NBC’s “Meet the Press”: Tom Perez; Tom Cotton; Richard Engel; roundtable: Kasie Hunt, Andrea Mitchell, Kelly O’Donnell and Katy Tur

--ABC’s “This Week”: Sherrod Brown, Rick Santorum; Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (Ret.); Adm. James Stavridis (Ret.); roundtable: Steve Inskeep, Cokie Roberts, Kimberley Strassel and Alex Wagner

--CBS’s “Face the Nation”: John McCain and Lindsey Graham (from Kabul, Afghanistan); Adam Schiff; roundtable: Ed O’Keefe, Molly Ball and Gerald Seib; presidential book panel: authors Arthur Herman (“Douglas MacArthur: American Warrior”), Jean Edwards Smith (“Bush”), Douglas Brinkley (“Rightful Heritage: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Land of America”) and Annette Gordon-Reed and Peter S. Onuf (“Most Blessed of the Patriarchs: Thomas Jefferson and the Empire of the Imagination”); discussion with Mitt Romney (taped from the Aspen Ideas Festival)

--CNN’s “State of the Union” (9am ET / 12pm ET): Cory Booker; Gary Johnson; Corey Lewandowski; roundtable: Bakari Sellers, Amanda Carpenter, Andre Bauer and Ben Jealous

--“Fox News Sunday”: Devin Nunes; Xavier Becerra; roundtable: Brit Hume, Heidi Przybyla, Charles Lane and Scott Brown

--CNN’s “Inside Politics” with John King (SUN 8am ET): Roundtable: Julie Pace, Ed O’Keefe, Jennifer Jacobs and Sara Murray

--Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” (10am ET / 9am CT): Rudy Giuliani; Ron Johnson; Mike Pompeo; Ben Carson; roundtable: Ed Rollins, Stephen Sigmund and Al D’Amato

--CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS”: (SUN 10am, 1pm ET): Special episode, updated, “Why They Hate Us,” the question asked since the 9/11 attacks 15 years ago – and again in the wake of horrific attack on the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida last week.

--Fox News’ “MediaBuzz” (SUN 11am ET / 10am CT): Ashley Parker; Amy Holmes; Penny Lee; Washington Examiner’s Sarah Westwood; Susan Ferrechio

--CNN’s “Reliable Sources”: (SUN 11am ET): NYT’s Carolyn Ryan and Yale Journalism Initiative founder Steven Brill; Dr. Jill Stein; millennial roundtable with Vox’s Elizabeth Plank, Mic founder Jacob Horowitz and The Daily Caller’s Jamie Weinstein; media roundtable: Ryan Seacrest, iHeartMedia chairman and CEO Bob Pittman, Cosmopolitan editor in chief Joanna Coles, NYT president & CEO Mark Thompson and AOL CEO Tim Armstrong

--Univision’s “Al Punto” (SUN 10am ET / 1pm PT) National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference president Rev. Samuel Rodriguez; marketing executive and political consultant Lionel Sosa; Univision KMEX (Los Angeles) anchor Leon Krauze; former Mexican Foreign Affairs Secretary and Univision’s Jorge Castañeda; Gary Johnson and William Weld; actor Jaime Camil

--C-SPAN: “The Communicators” (SAT 6:30pm ET): Will Hurd, questioned by Politico’s Tim Starks ... “Newsmakers” (SUN 10am ET): National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci, questioned by Politico’s Jennifer Haberkorn and WaPo’s Lena Sun ... “Q&A” (SUN 8pm & 11pm ET): Author and public advocate Mark Green (“Bright, Infinite Future: A Generational Memoir on the Progressive Rise”)

--“MSNBC Live”: (SUN 9-10am ET): Attorney and NBC News contributor Raul Reyes; former CIA director R. James Woolsey; The Hill’s Cate Martel; MSNBC.com’s Beth Fouhy; New York Democratic Party executive director Basil Smikle; NBC News’ Perry Bacon; author and Terror Asymmetrics Project executive director Malcolm Nance (“Defeating ISIS”); ISIS expert and NYT’s Rukmini Callimachi; MSNBC contributor and The Atlantic’s Steve Clemons (hosted by MSNBC’s Ayman Mohyeldin live from New York)

--MSNBC’s “AM Joy”: (SUN 10am-12pm ET): MSNBC.com’s Beth Fouhy; New York Democratic Party executive director Basil Smikle; MSNBC contributor and The Atlantic’s Steve Clemons; NBC News’ Perry Bacon; ISIS expert and NYT’s Rukmini Callimachi; author and Terror Asymmetrics Project executive director Malcolm Nance (“Defeating ISIS”)

--MSNBC’s “The Place for Politics”: (SUN 12-2pm ET): NBC / WSJ pollster Fred Yang; Joaquin Castro; Republican strategist Susan Del Percio; Howard Dean; Jay Newton-Small (hosted by MSNBC’s Alex Witt live from New York)

--PBS’s “To the Contrary” with Bonnie Erbé: Special documentary episode: “Our Nation’s Infrastructure at Risk”

--SiriusXM’s “No Labels Radio” (SAT 6pm ET, SUN 1PM ET): Best-of show featuring guest hosts No Labels vice chair Charlie Black and No Labels executive director Margaret Kimbrell discussing the 2016 Presidential Election, the Cyber Act of War Act with Mike Rounds

--Sinclair’s “Full Measure” with Sharyl Attkisson (SUN 10am ET on WJLA and airing on Sinclair stations nationwide): Sharyl reports “what did not happen to save American lives the night of the Benghazi attack?”

--Hearst / Sony’s “Matter of Fact” with Fernando Espuelas (airing Sunday in most markets): The Economist’s David Rennie; Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett; Vice President Joe Biden; social media sensation Florida teacher who gave an impromptu performance of the Star Spangled Banner at the Lincoln Memorial.

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