Good Sunday morning! We’re coming to you from D.C. this morning -- Anna is heading to Philly today, Jake and Daniel head out tomorrow morning. Do your laundry, get some rest -- we’ll see you soon.
FLASH -- DONALD TRUMP pulled ahead of HILLARY CLINTON, 42-41, in a CBS “Battleground Tracker” poll taken after the Republican convention. More here:
BIG NEWS -- @jeffzeleny (10:50 p.m. Saturday night) -- “Democratic chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz no longer has major speaking role at convention, source says, in wake of email leak at DNC.”
BEHIND THE SCENES -- DNC leak edition -- For once, things seemed to be going Democrats’ way. They said they thought the Republican convention encapsulated everything wrong with the party. They had a smooth vice-presidential pick and rollout. And then then the DNC became a problem -- again. The DNC didn’t choose to leak 20,000 emails to Wikileaks, but the massive document dump is yet another headache and distraction for Team Clinton as they head to Philadelphia to begin the general election campaign. And, surprising no one, it has resulted in another round of calls for Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s firing.
D.C. Democrats are doing their best to push back on the narrative that the DNC was always some big pro-Hillary machine. To be honest, it’s an unconvincing argument. DNC staffers were pushing storylines to halt Bernie Sanders’ rise in the most personal way possible, including raising questions about his faith.
The argument coming from establishment Democrats is that the damaging emails (there are many) represent individual staffers discussing their preferences -- not the DNC officially getting behind a candidate.
Fair enough -- aides at all the party committees (DCCC, DSCC, NRCC, NRSC) have their favored candidates and try to spin reporters off the record, provide us opposition research and push us polling about why they’re right. Politics is hand-to-hand combat, and often the jousting is within the same party. But make no mistake -- the DNC dump is BAD for Democrats, and they know it. You’re just getting a peek at how things really go down.
The Democrats standing up for the DNC are pushing emails showing that the party aides also dumped on Hillary. We don’t find it particularly convincing, given the volume of anti-Bernie stuff, but take a look for yourself.
--Mark Paustenbach (DNC nat’l press secretary) on May 20: “After they get nervous for our strong stand against Bernie violence, Brooklyn suddenly grows a backbone. Sad!”
--Luis Miranda (DNC comms director) on May 22: “Unfortunately, there is a faction within Clinton world that seems to be in the mindset that they can win without anyone else, and they’re promoting the idea that the focus should be on showing how Republicans are shunning Trump because he’s so extreme. They worry that our narrative, the points you make about who to blame, make Trump look like everyone else, and thus a viable option.”
--Luis Miranda on May 19: “Clinton campaign is a mess, they’re afraid of their own shadow and didn’t like that we engaged. I happen to think they’re wrong and it explains why they’re hobbling along unable to close it out. But they’ll be unhappy regardless, so better to get out there and do some strong pivots and land good punches on Trump. They can’t tell us NOT to do TV right now, we shouldn’t pull ourselves out until they actually do.”
BERNIE TO SPEAK ON OPENING NIGHT -- Bernie Sanders will give an opening-night address Monday at the convention. Per his campaign: “Sanders will stress that the most progressive platform in Democratic Party history includes agreements he reached with Clinton to dramatically expand health care access and to make public colleges tuition-free for students from families with annual incomes up to $125,000 a year … Sanders also plans to rip into Trump for siding with the Koch brothers and echoing fossil fuel industry claims that climate change is a hoax despite the virtually-unanimous scientific consensus that the warming planet is causing devastating harm.
“Sanders also will send a message to the convention and to the 13 million voters who supported him that they have begun a political revolution to transform America and that the revolution – Our Revolution – continues. ‘Together,’ he will say, ‘we continue the fight to create a government which represents all of us, and not just the 1 percent – a government based on the principles of economic, social, racial and environmental justice.’”
CHUCK TODD interviewed Trump for “Meet the Press” – TODD: “Finally, Roger Ailes. Is he helping you? Is he advising you?” TRUMP: “Well, I don’t want to comment. But he’s been a friend of mine for a long time. And I can tell you that some of the women that are complaining, I know how much he’s helped them. And even recently. And when they write books that are fairly recently released, and they say wonderful things about him. And now all of a sudden they’re saying these horrible things about him. It’s very sad. Because he’s a very good person. ... Look what he’s done. So I feel very badly. But a lot of people are thinking he’s going to run my campaign.” TODD: “Yes, what’s—” TRUMP: “My campaign’s doing pretty well.”
--TRUMP suggested he would tax companies anywhere between 15 percent to 25 percent if they manufacture overseas and sell to the U.S. When Chuck told him that wouldn’t pass muster at the World Trade Organization, Trump said, “Even better. Then we’re going to renegotiate or we’re going to pull out. These trade deals are a disaster, Chuck. You know, the World Trade Organization is a disaster.”
--TODD: “You said, ‘Lastly, and very importantly,’ this was in your speech on Thursday night, ‘We must immediately suspend immigration from any nation that has been compromised by terrorism until such time it’s proven that vetting mechanisms have been put in place.’ This feels like a slight rollback—’”
TRUMP: “I don’t think that’s—” TODD: “Should it be interpreted—” TRUMP: “I don’t think so. I actually don’t think it’s a rollback. In fact, you could say it’s an expansion. I’m looking now at territory. People were so upset when I used the word Muslim. Oh, you can’t use the word Muslim. Remember this. And I’m okay with that, because I’m talking territory instead of Muslim.”
OBAMA TO DICKERSON: TRUMP IS NOT PREPARED -- On “Face the Nation” about his NATO comments -- “[F]or Mr. Trump, who has in the past suggested that America's weak and not looking out for its allies, to then maybe not have enough information or understanding to go out and say that America might not stand by its solemn commitment to protect those same allies who stood with us after 9/11 when we were attacked I think is an indication of the lack of preparedness that he has been displaying when it comes to foreign policy.”
TRUMP to Bloomberg Politics’ Mark Halperin on walking into the convention with Ted Cruz on stage -- “Tweak him? I would never do a thing like that. But yes.”
BERNIE on CNN on VP candidate Tim Kaine -- “Tim is an extremely bright guy, a very nice guy. Are his political views different than mine? Yes, they are. He is more conservative than I am. …[T]rust me, on -- on his worst, worst, worst day, Tim Kaine is 100 times better than Donald Trump will ever be.”
MISSING FROM GOP CONVENTION -- A photo of Paul Ryan and/or Mitch McConnell with Donald Trump in Cleveland!
THE PLAYBOOK INTERVIEW: Democratic convention fundraising chief JASON O’MALLEY
Veteran Democratic fundraiser Jason O’Malley earned his stripes raising money across the country in House races, for the DCCC and at the DNC. Now, the native Pennsylvanian talks for the first time about how the Philadelphia 2016 Host Committee will meet its fundraising targets -- a stark contrast to Republicans, who were begging donors and corporations for millions of dollars in the leadup to the confab in Cleveland.
“I think we had to work extra hard to be here where we are going to hit our goal,” O’Malley told Playbook, adding that he was “99.9 percent confident” the convention committee wouldn’t need to tap into its emergency reserves.
--On how the Trump effect hurt Democrats: “Definitely made [fundraising] a little bit harder in some cases when the Cleveland host committee and the RNC were getting hit by some progressive groups for some comments that Donald Trump made. I don’t know if they cared, or knew what the residual effects would be, but it definitely affected us in some ways. Certain companies decided they didn’t want to participate in the Cleveland process and the way they view their company is saying, ‘We’re not going to work in Philadelphia, either.’”
--By the numbers: “I think at the end of the day we will fully pay the $46.5 million, which is in our contract. That will be paid. We have in-kind contributions (not completely finalized) [of] at least $15 million to $16 million. And then there is the host committee budget of about $11.5 million to $12 million depending upon if any additional expenditures that come on. I’m pretty confident we are going to hit all those numbers. Right now I’m just chasing money in — I’ve got to collect another $2.5 million.”
--Labor is back: “The difference between us and Cleveland we have some other groups who are excited about this who want to participate in the process, like labor. Labor has been a strong partner of the host committee here. Philadelphia is a strong union town. Sometimes our guys get a bad rap and it’s not fair. They’ve been very helpful to us.”
For more from O’Malley on fundraising and how tech has doubled down on the Democratic party, click here:
FIRST LOOK -- New Morning Consult Democratic poll -- Cameron Easley: “Much has been made of division within the Democratic Party as Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders spent the presidential primary attacking Hillary Clinton from the left. But a new Morning Consult survey shows voters are considerably more united than their Republican counterparts … About one out of four registered Democrats (24 percent) said their party has pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track, compared with almost half of Republicans (46 percent). Almost six out of 10 Democrats (59 percent) said the party is going in the right direction ... By comparison, less than half of Republicans (40 percent) said their party is on the right track.”
FOR YOUR RADAR -- “LAUSANNE, Switzerland (AP) - AP Source: IOC decides against complete ban on Russians from Rio Olympics.” … “LAUSANNE, Switzerland (AP) - IOC says Russia barred from entering any athlete who has ever been sanctioned for doping.”
SEND US YOUR BREAKOUT STARS! - Thank you to nearly 100 people who have sent us your breakout media stars of 2016! Please send more today -- and we’ll feature early this week!
TICK-TOCK -- “Inside the VP hunt: How Clinton picked Kaine,” by Isaac Dovere and Gabe Debenedetti: “They had to turn over every password for every social media account for every member of their families. They had to list every piece of property they’d ever owned, and copies of every résumé that they’d put out for the past 10 years. Every business partner. Every gift they’d ever received, according to those familiar with the details of the vetting process. For the finalists in the hunt to be Hillary Clinton’s running mate, it was five weeks of questions and follow-up, and follow-up to the follow-up questions, starting from when they were summoned one-by-one to meet with campaign chairman John Podesta and lawyer Jim Hamilton and told to bring along just one trusted person who’d serve as the point of contact.
“Last Friday was interview day at Clinton’s D.C. home, the final exam that some of the VP candidates had spent weeks with their staffs preparing their pitches for. Clinton, with Podesta seated nearby as the only other one in the room, would start the session by talking them up. Then she’d ask: “Why do you want the job?’”
-- “Kaine brings down the house in Miami,” by Gabe Debenedetti and Burgess Everett in Miami. “The appearance of Kaine and Clinton together as a ticket for the first time showed precisely why she picked him: He’s perfectly comfortable playing second fiddle to the nominee and won’t go rogue. It was four minutes into Clinton’s speech before she acknowledged Kaine, and 13 minutes more before Kaine got to speak. The whole time Kaine sat patiently in a chair behind her, grinning from ear to ear.”
FIRST PERSON – “My Adventures With Tim Kaine: The veep candidate’s former body man [Beau Cribbs] reveals his signature dance move, Dr. Pepper fixation and whether he deserves that pesky ‘boring’ label,’ by Gillian Brassil on Politico -- [Q]: “So, the question on everyone’s mind: Boring or not boring?” Cribbs: “A boring person is someone you would dread getting stuck next to at a party, or someone you wouldn’t want to go on a transatlantic flight with. Tim Kaine can talk to you about anything, and he can talk about it much more eloquently than you could. I think he’s just gotten a bad rap because he doesn’t get in Twitter fights, and he doesn’t wear trucker hats with campaign slogans on them.”
THE CONVERSATION -- @RichLowry: “Kaine has the affect of an earnest suburban dad” … @PhilipRucker: “Tim Kaine comes across as down to earth & normal, which I bet will be quite refreshing to many voters exhausted by the Clintons & Trump.” … @SabrinaSiddiqui: “A small group of protesters start chanting ‘DNC leaks! DNC leaks’ when Clinton thanks Debbie Wasserman Schultz.”
SNEAK PEEK – RNC is releasing a new video this morning called “Hillary’s Baggage”
NEWS -- from JMart with the EARLY Philly dateline on A10 of the NYT -- Gov. Terry McAuliffe “said that in his new capacity as chairman of the National Governors Association he would convene an infrastructure summit meeting with the nation’s governors immediately after the election to build momentum for a bill and exert pressure on congressional Republicans.”
“Who’s against infrastructure?” McAuliffe told JMart.
--HEY TERRY it’s not that easy! But you know that. (Will the summit happen at The Palm?)
DAVID REMNICK in next week’s New Yorker, “The Donald Trump-Roger Ailes Nexus”: “[F]or the past twenty years Ailes has been the chief of the most influential institution for American conservatism: Fox News. ... It was from the start a reflection of Ailes—his swaggering personality, his resentments and furies, his misogyny and ethnic prejudices, his quest for personal power. At each stage of his career, he has helped amplify the reactionary memes of the moment: Willie Horton, Whitewater, Travelgate, Monica Lewinsky, the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, Benghazi, ‘the war on Christmas.’ Ailes also helped weaponize the language of casual racism in the Obama era.”
HOT TAKES -- GARRY KASPAROV in WashPost, “Donald Trump reminds me of Vladimir Putin — and that is terrifying”: In “Donald Trump’s dark and frightening speech at the [RNC] on Thursday ... I saw an Americanized version of the brutally effective propaganda of fear and hatred that Vladimir Putin blankets Russia with today. ... The language and tone were comparable the way that the Russian and American flags make different designs with the same red, white and blue. Nor was it merely the character of the text; Trump’s mannerisms and body language — toned down from his usual histrionics — were startlingly similar to the sneering and boastful delivery Russians know all too well after Putin’s 16 years in power.”
--MIKE BARNICLE in The Daily Beast, “Donald Trump to America: Be Afraid, Very Afraid. And Then Vote For Me”: “He is a Hall of Fame salesman, always pushing the perfect product, the only item that exists in his mind: himself. He views himself as the answer to everything that ails or angers us. Any ill at all, he tells us, will be dealt with and taken care of by mid-afternoon on January 20, 2017 if only we will be smart enough to make him president.”
WALK BACK -- “Top DNC staffer apologizes for email on Sanders’ religion,” by Kristen East with Jake Sherman: “One email among the thousands of internal DNC messages released this week by Wikileaks showed DNC CFO Brad Marshall questioning Sanders’ Jewish faith, and suggested that painting the candidate as an atheist ‘could make several points difference’ in several late primary contests. ... [Marshall wrote on Facebook]: ‘I deeply regret that my insensitive, emotional emails would cause embarrassment to the DNC, the Chairwoman, and all of the staffers who worked hard to make the primary a fair and open process. The comments expressed do not reflect my beliefs nor do they reflect the beliefs of the DNC and its employees. I apologize to those I offended.’”
BIDEN SPEAKS! -- “Joe Biden won’t slow down after official exit,” by Margie Fishman in the News Journal of Wilmington: “Joe Biden has every reason in the world to take a breather and ride off into the sunset. But that's not Sheriff Joe’s MO. ‘What I plan on doing is staying engaged in all the issues I’m engaged in now,’ the vice president said in a phone interview from his Greenville home Friday after returning from a week in Australia and New Zealand.
--ANOTHER RUN FOR OFFICE?! -- Biden added that while he has no ‘intention’ of running for public office again, he won't formally rule it out. ‘If something happens and it's appropriate for me to be engaged,’ he said, trailing off. ... The vice president said Friday that he hasn't ‘approached anybody about having to make a living.’ But he plans to continue advocating for women’s rights, criminal justice reform, quality education and other issues central to his platform, explaining that he measures public servants’ sincerity and devotion by their willingness to remain involved in their private lives. Biden said his wife, Jill, is weighing an offer to head up an international organization focused on helping women, which he declined to name. He also said he is in preliminary discussions with the University of Delaware about collaborating on a facility, possibly a vice presidential library. In 2014, Biden donated nearly 2,000 boxes of his Senatorial papers to UD.”
JOSH EARNEST PROFILE -- “The best day in a job of a lifetime for White House Press Secretary, Royals fan Josh Earnest,” by Kansas City Star’s Vahe Gregorian: “Growing up in the Red Bridge neighborhood in south Kansas City with two younger brothers, the son of a psychologist (mother Jeanne) and coach/athletic director (father Don is the AD at the Pembroke Hill School) was another one of those kids in Little League who ‘wanted to be No. 5’ — George Brett. Earnest attended the Barstow School, where he recently delivered a graduation speech he composed on Air Force One on the way to Saudi Arabia. ... As a pitcher, he playfully told Royals flamethrower Yordano Ventura, his fastball was ‘several ticks below (Ventura’s) off-speed stuff’ — thus leaving Earnest acknowledging ‘I’m not sure I would be much help in the fifth-starter position.’” ... A Playbooker’s pic of Obama holding his custom “44” Royals jersey with the winning team at the WH on Thursday ... Video
BONUS GREAT WEEKEND READS, curated by Daniel Lippman:
--“How not to name your child – five golden rules,” by Phoenicia Hebebe Dobson-Mouawad in The Guardian: “Thinking of giving your baby an unusual name? Think about the effect it will have on their life.”
--“A Terrifying Journey Through the World’s Most Dangerous Jungle,” by Jason Motlagh in Outside magazine: “The Darién Gap is a lawless wilderness on the border of Colombia and Panama, teeming with everything from deadly snakes to antigovernment guerrillas. The region also sees a flow of migrants from Cuba, Africa, and Asia, whose desperation sends them on perilous journeys to the U.S. Jason Motlagh plunged in, risking robbery, kidnapping, and death to document one of the world’s most harrowing treks.” (h/t
--“The Civil War That Could Doom the N.R.A.,” by Sarah Ellison in Vanity Fair: “As the tragic pattern of gun violence continues, federal gun laws remain unchanged, thanks to the hardball tactics of the National Rifle Association. But despite the organization’s $310 million in revenues, political clout, and five-million-plus membership, the N.R.A. does face a genuine threat to its future: a growing divide between its ferocious leadership and sportsman rank-and-file.”
--“The bicycle problem that nearly broke mathematics,” by Brendan Borrell in Nature: “Jim Papadopoulos has spent a lifetime pondering the maths of bikes in motion. Now his work has found fresh momentum.” (h/t
--“Why You Should Believe in the Digital Afterlife,” by Michael Graziano in The Atlantic: “A professor of neuroscience says it will one day be possible to live on in a computer after death.”
--“White Plight,” by Hua Hsu in The New Yorker: “In working-class America, an élite-resenting identity politics has emerged in which whiteness spells dispossession.”
--“The Future of Economics Uses the Science of Real-Life Social Networks,” by Paul Ormerod in Evonomics: “Why the focus of policy needs to shift away from prediction and control.”
--“The Philosopher of Feelings,” by Rachel Aviv in The New Yorker: “Martha Nussbaum’s far-reaching ideas illuminate the often ignored elements of human life—aging, inequality, and emotion.”
HOLLYWOODLAND – “Inside the Saga, Secrets and Sale of CAA,” by James Andrew Miller in The Hollywood Reporter: “For most of the past 40 years, Creative Artists Agency has been the most innovative, most influential and, yes, most feared talent agency in Hollywood. From its launch in 1975 by five young agents who broke from then-dominant William Morris, it ascended in the 1980s and '90s under Michael Ovitz, who perfected the packaging of clients — actors, writers, directors — into a single project and began representing nontraditional clients like Coca-Cola. ... But now that dominance is under attack. Employing his signature oral history style, James Andrew Miller (Live From New York, Those Guys Have All the Fun) charts CAA's past, present and future with exclusive access to all the players.” … $21.79 on Amazon -- pre-order (out Aug. 9)
MEDIAWATCH – NYT A1, “At Fox News, Kisses, Innuendo, Propositions and Fears of Reprisal,” by Jim Rutenberg, Emily Steel and John Koblin: “In interviews with The New York Times, current and former employees described instances of harassment and intimidation that went beyond Mr. Ailes and suggested a broader problem in the workplace. The Times spoke with about a dozen women who said they had experienced some form of sexual harassment or intimidation at Fox News or the Fox Business Network, and half a dozen more who said they had witnessed it. Two of them cited Mr. Ailes and the rest cited other supervisors.”
--DAN ABRAMS, former general manager of MSNBC, in the NYT, “What It Was Like to Compete Against Roger Ailes and Fox News”: “Mr. Ailes encouraged his hosts to let their personalities and patriotism show through in their coverage. ‘I’ was a typical refrain. ‘We’ and ‘us’ often referred to the United States (something that most mainstream media entities dropped during the 1960s). ... On the other side of the Hudson, I was on the phone pleading with reluctant NBC stars like Brian Williams, Tim Russert and Ann Curry to give our new vision for MSNBC a shot by doing some occasional anchoring for us. In fact, part of the reason we billed the network ‘The Place for Politics’ was so I might persuade the biggest names in my own company to get behind us. Fox was adapting on an hourly basis, while on our side, change was often glacial as numerous executives weighed in on what sometimes seemed like even minor changes.”
DATA DU JOUR -- “GOP Convention 2016 Breaks Records in Digital Reach” – per RNC: There was “15,000 reporters in town to cover convention ... We reached 18 million views on Facebook alone, as well as over 4.5 million views on YouTube Live. We reached regional audiences with well over one thousand local TV interviews and nearly the same for national radio, national print, as well as hundreds of national TV bookings.”
OOPS! -- After Tim Kaine spoke Spanish at his rollout rally Saturday in Miami, CNN Political Commentator Scottie Nell Hughes said on air that Donald Trump “spoke in a language that all Americans can understand, that is English … I didn’t have to get a translator for anything that was going on at the RNC this week. And I’m hoping I’m not going to have to kinda start brushing up on my Dora the Explorer to understand some of the speeches given.”
--@scottienhughes at 4:47 p.m. Saturday: “I never meant 2 cause hurt rather attempt 2 reference a cute tool I learned/taught Spanish 2 my own children obviously failed. I was wrong”
--BEFORE THE TWEET -- CNN spokespeople did not respond to questions from Playbook about whether they would keep Hughes as a commentator after the remarks.
SPOTTED: On the 9:55 a.m. AA Miami to Philadelphia flight: Gabe Debenedetti, former Florida Gov. and Sen. Bob Graham, Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine wearing a Hillary hat, Alex Seitz-Wald, Josh Haskell … Bill de Blasio in Fiumicino (Rome) airport. “Was with his wife and a plainclothes security detail. Looked pretty relaxed with his shirt untucked and sleeves rolled up.” ... Sen. Tim Kaine’s Chief of Staff Mike Henry and Hillary for America’s Adam Parkhomenko huddled over lunch at Union Station last week. ... Rachel Maddow at Parc restaurant for dinner al fresco in Philadelphia … Team Sanders’ Mark Longabaugh and campaign manager Jeff Weaver huddling during the rules committee meetings … Also on site: Clinton adviser Charlie Baker and Clinton spokeswoman Karen Finney.
HAPPENING TODAY IN PHILLY – RNC chairman Reince Priebus and Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort are hosting a reception from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. tonight kicking off the official GOP response to the RNC in Philadelphia, PA at 2300 S. Swanson St.
-- The news and humor media network CAFE will be celebrating its official launch on Sunday at Time Bar in Center City, Philadelphia, kicking off a week of convention coverage with a party featuring special guests and a live recording of a new podcast. CAFE is led by editor-in-chief Blake Zeff, a former Salon politics editor and BuzzFeed contributor and former presidential campaign aide to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
PLAYBOOK IRL -- Media and Democratic operatives came out in full force last night for a kick off party at Citizens Bank Park, home of the Phillies. Entrants to the media party were greeted by the sound of Rocky theme music. SPOTTED: DNCC chief Butler. Bryan Driscoll, MSNBC’s Ari Melber, CBSN’s Mosheh Oinounou, Locust Street partner honcho Joe Maloney and Di Blasio press guy Dan Gross ... Sen. Bob Casey … Mary Schumann, Meghan Meehan, Michael Meehan of Squared Communications, Hayley Richard and Leslie Lillard. (h/t Michael Meehan)
SPOTTED AT THE LOGAN PHILADELPHIA: Top Clinton lawyer Marc Elias, former Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, Democratic fundraiser P.J. McCann, Rodell Mollineau and DNCC’s Casey Frary, Hilly Armstrong, Matt Butler and April Mellody.
WEEKEND WEDDINGS -- Samantha Sault, VP for US Fashion Industry Association and Matt J. Lauer, EVP of Qorvis-MSLGROUP, belatedly celebrated their March 11th marriage that took place in Geneva, Switzerland with a “Between the Conventions” & their “First Annual Dead of Summer Party” on the rooftop of the Hay Adams, followed by an After Party at The Living Room on Friday night. Pic
SPOTTED: Chuck Conconi, David & Hope Bass, Michael Petruzello, Nick Owens, Juleanna Glover and Christopher Reiter, Roxanne Roberts, Kevin Chaffee, Sam Dealey, Janet Donovan, Nick Swezey, Sol Levine, Sara Warner, Sean Miles, Heidi Keller, Victorino Matus, DJ Neal Keller, Yuri Melnick
BIRTHWEEK (was yesterday): Eric Werwa, deputy CoS and LD for Mike Honda ... Caleb Zigas, executive director of San Francisco’s celebrated La Cocina
BIRTHDAYS: Joel Benenson ... Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) is 62 ... political cartoonist Pat Oliphant is 81 ... Marc Racicot, former RNC chair and Montana governor, is 68 … AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka ... Ryan Sims, digital comms officer at the Gates Foundation ... WSJ’s Kim “Potomac Watch” Strassel, the pride of Banks, Ore. ... John Brabender, chief creative at BrabenderCox, is 60 … CNBC’s Eamon Javers … Jennifer Sarver, proud Texas Longhorn and alum of Karen Hughes’ office at Burson-Marsteller ... Rob Anderson of The Stanford Fund, and alum of FP1 Strategies and Pawlenty and Perry campaigns in Iowa … Robert Hoopes, president of Vox Global and recently named Washington GM of FH (Fleishman Hillard) is 5-0 (h/ts Josh Alcorn and Sandy Maisel) ... Beth Scully ... Jessica Doyle ... Olivia Morgan (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) ... Juergen Baetz, DPA’s Africa bureau chief and an AP alum, is 36 ... Magee Quick McBride, VP at Jeffries ... Emily Casarona, associate at the George W. Bush Institute ... Kerri Briggs, education policy officer at ExxonMobil ... Eli Center ... Chris Bond, comms. director for House Majority Whip Scalise and Young Guns; NRSC and AFP alum, is 33 … Michelle Kessel, producer for ABC’s “Nightline” ... former Fla. Gov. Charlie Crist is 6-0 … Trey Hollern of Porter Novelli and an APCO alum …
... Colin Peppard, innovation manager at the LA County Metropolitan Transportation Authority and a Tom Carper alum ... Will Holloway ... Carmen MacDougall, VP of comms of the Nuclear Threat Initiative ... Dan “The Man” Reilly (h/t Vicki Kennedy) ... Stephen Dinan … NBC’s Brian Mooar ... Katherine Ragsdale ... David Fuscus, president/CEO of Xenophon Strategies ... Maryann Sedlack of Belfast, Me., is 61 (h/t son Will) ... Jamie Linski … Jessica Doyle … Olivia Morgan … Beth Scully (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) … Courtney Carlson (h/t Mom, Margaret) ... Dan Slater ... VJ Sahi, partner at Clark Street Associates ... Jay Townsend ... actor John Aniston is 83 ... Gallagher is 69 ... actress Lynda Carter is 65 ... movie director Gus Van Sant is 64 ... basketball Hall of Famer Karl Malone is 53 ... retired MLB All-Star Barry Bonds is 52 ... Kristin Chenoweth is 47 ... Jennifer Lopez is 47 ... Jay McGuiness (The Wanted) is 26 ... Bindi Irwin is 18 (h/ts AP)