
By Mike Allen (@mikeallen; mallen@politico.com) and Daniel Lippman (@dlippman; dlippman@politico.com)

DRIVING THE CONVERSATION: Rubio pile-on at tonight’s debate – “Rubio walks into the lions’ den: ‘There is no question that the target on our back has increased,’ says Rubio adviser,” by Shane Goldmacher in Manchester: “Trump may be back on the debate stage but Rubio’s the candidate everyone’s looking to take down. ... Christie has started calling Rubio ‘the boy in the bubble.’ ... Cruz’s team sees New Hampshire as one of the few early states Rubio has a chance to win, despite trailing Trump badly in the polls. And they want to stunt any momentum he might have before South Carolina in two weeks.” http://politi.co/23PKmrQ

WORTH THE CLICK -- SUPERCUT of Marco’s repetitive jokes and lines in his stump speech: CNN’s Manu Raju and Brenna Williams with Lauren Selsky – 3 min. video http://cnn.it/1TKwPNY

Happy Saturday! Republican debate on ABC from Saint Anselm College in Manchester, N.H., moderated by David Muir and Martha Raddatz: Coverage begins at 8 p.m.; candidates take the stage at 8:15. Podiums, left to right as a viewer looks at the stage: Kasich, Bush, Rubio, Trump (center), Cruz, Carson, Christie. Per ABC: “ABC News will be hosting the debate with the Independent Journal Review, and in partnership with the Republican National Committee. Additional questions will come from WMUR political director Josh McElveen and conservative journalist Mary Katharine Ham.” Also streams live on ABC.com.

BEARISH IN HILLARYLAND -- L.A. Times A1 tease, with story on A7, “Clinton’s strategists are positioning her team to weather a loss to Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire,” by Evan Halper and Mike Memoli in Manchester: “shifting their focus to holding Latino voters in Nevada, which votes Feb. 20, and then win in South Carolina, with its large black population, the following week. ... [Bill] is thousands of miles away in Nevada ... Chelsea ... is also elsewhere. And even Clinton’s hearty corps of volunteer door-knockers, who were out in force braving the wintry mix that hung over the region Friday, seemed less than sanguine about her New Hampshire prospects.” http://lat.ms/1QN16c8

--“Bush super PAC hedges on ad strategy,” by Alex Isenstadt: “The pro-Jeb Bush super PAC Right to Rise ... had planned to begin airing commercials on Monday in Virginia, Tennessee, Texas, Georgia, and Oklahoma — all states that hold primaries on March 1. But Right to Rise on Friday moved the start dates for the ads three days later, to Thursday ... [which would] save money in the event Bush decides to end his campaign.” http://politi.co/1K4bFZc

TOP TWEETS -- @Bencjacobs: “In the past hour, both Ben Carson and Jim Gilmore have appeared in the Radisson bar in Manchester. Only one of them was recognized.” ... Betsy Fischer Martin (@BFischerMartin): “Campaign car optics: @BernieSanders staff at car rental counter in NH only willing to rent USA made car and must have NH plates.”

WHAT N.H. IS READING – Union Leader p. A1 pic by Dan Tuohy, with story on p. A8, “Help from a familiar face: Former first lady Barbara Bush, 90, campaigned at MaryAnn’s Diner in Derry on Friday. Walking in through big snow flakes, she joked that no one would notice the snow in her hair. She greeted diners with her son, ... Jeb.” http://bit.ly/1nP7t4N

TRAIL PIC -- @kristymcampbell: “Proud Mom snapping pics of @JebBush on the campaign bus” http://bit.ly/1Sztnqe

--Concord Monitor lead story, “Dole calls Cruz ‘an extremist’: Ex-GOP nominee blasts contender,” by Nick Stoico: Dole told the Monitor: “If Cruz were the nominee, ... because of his philosophy, he is so self-absorbed, we would lose seats in Congress and governor’s seats and in state legislatures.” http://bit.ly/20geE2h

--“New Hampshire set for record primary turnout,” by Daniel Lippman: “New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner predicted on Friday that a record 550,000 voters will head to the polls next week. Gardner projected 282,000 ballots will be cast in the Republican primary and 268,000 in the Democratic contest. ... Gardner’s lofty turnout prediction squares with high rates of absentee ballot requests and returns across New Hampshire so far. ... [R]equests for absentee ballots are up 12 percent in seven of New Hampshire’s 12 largest towns, per POLITICO’s analysis of figures provided by local elections authorities.” http://politi.co/1QMtw64

WHAT NEVADA IS READING: Las Vegas Review-Journal, owned by Sheldon Adelson, endorses Rubio. http://bit.ly/1oftier

TV TONIGHT -- “Bernie Sanders headed to New York for expected ‘Saturday Night Live’ cameo,” by WashPost’s John Wagner: “The show is being hosted this week by comedian Larry David, who has played the Vermont senator with uncanny precision in multiple skits this season — even winning praise from Sanders. As of Friday morning, it was unclear what Sanders’s role on the long-running late-night comedy show would be.” http://wapo.st/20fKMDk

SPOTTED: Danny Diaz intensely focused on his phone last night in the Courtyard Marriott lobby in Concord.

OUT AND ABOUT IN MANCHESTER – Independent Journal Review and iHeartMedia, in partnership with ClearPath Action, a foundation that’s promoting a conservative approach to clean energy, hosted an “I’s Have It” party last night at the restaurant 1 Oak on Elm, with endless lobster rolls and their signature drink: Sound Proof!

--SPOTTED: N.H. GOP Chairwoman Jennifer Horn, iHeart President Joe Graham, iHeart host Jack Heath, Phil Musser, Kenny Day, ClearPath Action’s Jay Faison, Benny Johnson, Rich Powell, Sara Chadwick, Sean Spicer, Alex Skatell, Margaret Carlson, Meredith Carden, Mark Preston, Steve Chaggaris, Chris Frates, Blain Rethmeier, Rob Collins, Ana Marie Cox, Kate Bennett, Bret Baier, Matt Lira, Alexandria Swoyer, Brian Baker, Charlie Spies, Sam Smith, Brittany Bramell.

TOP TALKER – “OUT OF ORDER: Twitter To Introduce Algorithmic Timeline As Soon As Next Week: A Tweetstorm is brewing,” by Buzzfeed’s Alex Kantrowitz: “The timeline will reorder tweets based on what Twitter’s algorithm thinks people most want to see, a departure from the current feed’s reverse chronological order. It is unclear whether Twitter will force users to use the algorithmic feed, or it will merely be an option. ... [A]n algorithmic timeline ... could solve some of Twitter’s signal-to-noise problems. It is also widely assumed to be anathema to the platform’s typically vocal power users.” http://bzfd.it/1PdH0HA

REACTION ON THE TWITTERS is almost universally negative. http://bzfd.it/1QjNT81

--A Twitter senior software engineer, Brandon Carpenter (@bhcarpenter): “Seriously people. We aren’t idiots. Quit speculating about how we're going to ‘ruin Twitter’ ... Wow people on Twitter are mean ... it’s an honor to work on a product that people feel this strongly.”

PARENT MUST-READ – N.Y. Times A1, bottom of page, “App Provides Anonymity to Teenagers, and to Predators, Too,” by Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Richard Pérez-Peña: “[L]aw enforcement officials say Kik — used by 40 percent of American teenagers, by the company’s own estimate — goes further than most widely used apps in shielding its users from view, often making it hard for investigators to know who is using it, or how. (Yik Yak is another popular app under fire for its use of anonymous messages.) ‘Kik is the problem app of the moment,’ said David Frattare, commander of the Ohio Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force ... ‘We tell parents about Kik, and to them it’s some earth-shattering news, and then it turns out it’s been on their kid’s phone for months and months.’ ...

“Law enforcement officials say they often run across Kik in cases of ‘sextortion,’ or blackmail, in which a sexual predator coaxes a young person to send nude photos — and then threatens to post the photos online, or alert the child’s parents or harm the child, if he or she does not send more.D avid Finkelhor, director of the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire said research suggests that social media has not spawned an uptick in violent crimes involving children, but cases involving pornography are on the rise. So are arrests. ... Those who are socially isolated, who have conflict with their parents, who are bullied in school or who are depressed are ‘at higher risk.’” http://nyti.ms/1UTdBUI

MATH PROBLEM – Des Moines Register lead story, “As [caucus] results questioned, Dems look to tweak final tallies,” by Jennifer Jacobs: “[A]s errors are being discovered, the final tally is being changed, party officials confirmed. ... The latest development follows widespread questions among Iowa Democrats and national media about the accuracy of the counts reported on caucus night, which saw ... closest result in Democrats’ caucus history. The Register ... has received numerous reports that the results announced at precincts ... don’t match what the Iowa Democratic Party has posted.” http://dmreg.co/1PdLhKY

DRUDGE banner, “DEM PANIC: BRING OUT BIDEN!” ... Links to: “Democratic donor contacts Biden allies about possible run,” by Reuters’ Luciana Lopez: “A prominent Democratic donor [Bill Bartmann, CEO of debt collecting company CFS2] worried about the party’s chances of winning the presidency emailed dozens of fans of ... Biden on Friday, urging them to remain prepared to donate if Biden jumps into the race.” http://reut.rs/1UTh3OY

CAMPAIGN EMAIL OF THE DAY – From “ted@tedcruz.org” using The Daily Caller’s email list, with the subject line, “help”: “Friend, I’m praying this email reaches you immediately because I really do need your help before the clock runs out...let me explain. We received great news when a few very generous donors stepped up after we won Iowa and agreed to match all online donations -- one for one -- for 48 hours, BUT that has expired. However, today I have even BETTER NEWS! For the next 24 hours, several donors have stepped forward to DOUBLE the match of all donations made through the links in this email.”

SOCIAL 2016 – Digital agency Engage has launched Scorecard, “a digital dashboard that aggregates all available social media and fundraising data of every presidential candidate who officially entered the 2016 race.” http://bit.ly/20NIMo7

NEW VIDEO – “This morning at 11:06am, the exact moment when Speaker Ryan held the gavel for the first time, his office [released] a video featuring 100 photos in 100 seconds to mark his first 100 days on the job. 1/3rd of the photos have never been released.” http://bit.ly/1SSurUv

CLICKER – “The nation’s cartoonists on the week in politics,” edited by Matt Wuerker – 15 keepers http://politi.co/1TK8840

GREAT WEEKEND READS, curated by Daniel Lippman:

--“Cheap cab ride? You must have missed Uber’s true cost,” by Evgeny Morozov in The Guardian: “When tech giants such as Google and Uber hide their wealth from taxation, they make it harder for us to use technology to improve services.” http://bit.ly/1Pd6xki

--“The Noma Way,” by Tienlon Ho in California Sunday Magazine: “One chef, ten weeks, thirty dishes, and hundreds of new ingredients. How Danish superstar René Redzepi created an entirely new restaurant in Australia.” http://bit.ly/1KwsxHW (h/t Longreads.com)

--“Scammers and Spammers: Inside Online Dating’s Sex Bot Con Job,” by David Kushner in Rolling Stone: “Sexy, single and artificially-intelligent — fake profiles are wooing lonely hearts on sites far beyond Ashley Madison.” http://rol.st/20yWD51

--“The Walter White of Wichita,” by Cristina Costantini and Darren Foster in Fusion: “George Marquardt was an eccentric gadgeteer in Kansas. But his self-taught chemistry made drug dealers millions. And when federal agents finally caught him, America’s first fentanyl epidemic came to a screeching halt.” http://fus.in/1PqwwCu

--“The Strange, Crazy Afterlife of a Reality TV Star,” by Washingtonian’s Luke Mullins: “Step into Tareq Salahi’s house and you’ll pass a framed Washington Post article crowning him a 2009 Person of the Year.” http://bit.ly/1QMsg2O

--“The 100 Jokes That Shaped Modern Comedy,” by Jesse David Fox in New York Magazine: “From the Marx Brothers to The Simpsons, Richard Pryor to Amy Schumer: 100 bits, sketches, and one-liners that changed humor forever.” http://bit.ly/1S6ALsH

--“The Problem with Jewish Museums,” by Edward Rothstein in Mosaic Magazine: “Ours is an era of museums celebrating the identity of nearly every group and ethnicity. But something else takes place when the identity in question is Jewish.” http://bit.ly/1PqwTwZ

--“The epic uncool of Philip Seymour Hoffman,” by Nathan Rabin in The Dissolve: “When Philip Seymour Hoffman died of an accidental drug overdose on February 2, 2014 at age 46, it felt like a huge part of the past two decades of cinema had disappeared as well, as if all the wonderful characters he created were on some level buried with the man who played them.” http://bit.ly/1K4aWae

--“A Conversation With The New York Times’ A.O. Scott,” by Isaac Chotiner in Slate: “On the purpose of film criticism, the academy’s diversity problem, and why Leo DiCaprio shouldn’t get an Oscar for 2.5 hours of grunting.” http://slate.me/20yXcM8

His new book, “Better Living Through Criticism: How to Think about Art, Pleasure, Beauty, and Truth” -- $17.76 on Amazon http://amzn.to/1QMviUX

--“The Bouvier Affair,” by Sam Knight in The New Yorker: “How an art-world insider made a fortune by being discreet.” http://bit.ly/1QjqP9j

--“Inside the Eye: Nature’s Most Exquisite Creation,” by Ed Yong in February’s National Geographic: “To understand how animals see, look through their eyes.” http://bit.ly/1QMsEye (h/t Longform.org)

--“The Road to Little Dribbling,” by Bill Bryson in Penguin: “Read the prologue from Bill Bryson’s hilarious new book: ‘One of the things that happens when you get older is that you discover lots of new ways to hurt yourself.’” http://bit.ly/1USHbcW

--“The congresswoman who grew up in a gas station,” by Arizona Republic’s Rebekah L. Sanders: “U.S. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema’s journey from homelessness to holding a Ph.D., law license and an office on Capitol Hill.” http://bit.ly/1S6TCUF

--“In Search of Forty Winks,” by Patricia Marx in The New Yorker: “Gizmos for a good night’s sleep.” http://bit.ly/1mjWUpi

--“The Lives and Lies of a Professional Impostor,” by James C. McKinley Jr. and Rick Rojas in tomorrow’s Times: “He had spent 25 years stealing Social Security numbers and fabricating new aliases ... Though fraud has become an increasingly invisible offense in a digital world, [Jeremy] Wilson ... has portrayed himself as a Scottish-born D.J., a Cambridge-trained thespian, a Special Forces officer and a professor at M.I.T.” http://nyti.ms/1Q1f1hY

--“How Joan Didion the Writer Became Joan Didion the Legend,” by Lili Anolik in Vanity Fair: “Joan Didion arrived in Los Angeles in 1964 on the way to becoming one of the most important writers of her generation, a cultural icon who changed L.A.’s perception of itself.” http://bit.ly/1TK7iob

ENGAGED – Didi Cardenas to Anthony Clavero: Didi, daughter of former ACU chairman Al Cardenas, is marketing director for Dr. Jaime Flores, a plastic and reconstructive surgeon and the project manager for a new medspa in Miami. Anthony is owner and founder of Advanced Aerospace Components LLC, an aviation trading company. They met on the slopes of Snowmass, Colorado about 18 years ago, but didn’t date until college. Pic http://bit.ly/1PaVvfn

THE PRESIDENT’S WEEK AHEAD: “On Monday, the President will host President Sergio Mattarella of Italy ... On Wednesday, nine years after he announced his candidacy for president, the President will return to the place where his political career began by traveling to Springfield, Illinois. Now in the final year of his second term, the President looks forward to addressing the Illinois General Assembly about what we can do, together, to build a better politics – one that reflects our better selves. In the evening, the President will travel to the San Jose, California area, where he will remain overnight. On Thursday, the President will attend a DSCC event and a DNC event. Later in the day, the President will travel to the Los Angeles area to tape an appearance on the ‘Ellen DeGeneres Show’ and attend DNC events and will remain overnight.

“On Friday, the President will travel to the Palm Springs, CA area, where he will remain overnight. On Monday, February 15th and Tuesday, February 16th, the President will host a summit with leaders from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations at Sunnylands in Rancho Mirage, CA to continue important conversations about the Asia-Pacific region. Following the conclusion of the summit, the President will return to Washington.”

BIRTHWEEK (was yesterday): Phil Kim of KKR ... (was Thursday): David Rauf, Austin bureau reporter for the San Antonio Express-News and a Politico and Reuters alum ...

(was last Friday): Barbara Fiala, managing partner at Prism Group (h/t Qianwei Zhang)

BIRTHDAYS: Tom Brokaw is 76 ... ABC’s Amy Robach is 43 ... Zsa Zsa Gabor is 99 ... Ronald Reagan was born 105 years ago in Tampico, Ill. ... The Daily Beast’s Lloyd Grove, the pride of L.A. ... Fernando Suarez, London bureau producer for CBS News, is 37 … Aoife McCarthy ... WJLA alum Rebecca Cooper, founder and CEO of Capital Insights (h/t Dana) ... CNN alum David Brown, now executive producer for WNET’s “MetroFocus,” is 49 ... Annie Burns, partner at GMMB (h/t Jon Haber) ... NPR alum Eric Weiner ... Doug Campbell ... C. Boyden Gray … Jenna Johnson, the WashPost’s Donald Trump reporter (h/t Seung Min Kim) … Dan Wessel, press secretary at Correct the Record and twin brother, Evan Wessel of the National Conference of Democratic Mayors and a Ready for Hillary alum ... EnergyWire reporter Mike Soraghan … Ray Conger and Jessica Mulligan of the Glover Park Group ... Justin Pope, AP alum now chief of staff at Longwood University, is 41 ... Scott Atran is 64 ...

... Ken Lisaius, Bush alum now SVP of comms. at Biotechnology Industry Organization ... Rob Johnson ... Helaine S. Klasky, Treasury alum now senior strategic adviser at GE ... Mark J. McGarry ... Mike Schmuhl, Grassroots VP at 270 Strategies and former chief of staff to his hometown mayor, Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind. (h/t Heather Purcell) ... Brit Grant ... Dick Seifman, international development adviser, alum of USAID, World Bank and UN (h/t Alan Berg) ... Peter Stolz is 35 ... Malcolm Glenn, Harvard and Google alum and Denver native, now strategic partnerships manager at Uber ... Ricky Feller ... John Flannery ... Doug Campbell, celebrating watching Packer Super Bowl reruns (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) ... Peter Lutrario ... Rip Torn is 85 ... Mike Farrell is 77 ... Axl Rose is 54 ... Rick Astley is 50. Rock musician Tim Brown (Boo Radleys) is 47 ... actress Alice Greczyn is 30 (h/ts AP)

THE SHOWS, from @MattMackowiak, filing from Austin:

--NBC’s “Meet the Press”: Hillary Clinton; Donald Trump; Bernie Sanders; roundtable: Hugh Hewitt, Hallie Jackson, Chris Matthews and Andrea Mitchell

--ABC’s “This Week”: Hillary Clinton; Marco Rubio; Donald Trump; roundtable: Donna Brazile, Matthew Dowd, Bill Kristol and Cokie Roberts

--CBS’s “Face the Nation”: Hillary Clinton; Bernie Sanders; preview of Super Bowl 50 with CBS Sports’ James Brown; NFL Players Association executive director DeMaurice Smith

--“Fox News Sunday”: Jeb Bush; Chris Christie; John Kasich; roundtable: Bret Baier, Julie Pace, John Sununu and James Pindell

--CNN’s “State of the Union” (9am ET / 12pm ET): Donald Trump; Hillary Clinton; Chris Christie; Bernie Sanders; John Kasich (live from Manchester, NH and commercial free)

--CNN’s “Inside Politics” with John King (SUN 8am ET): Roundtable: Maggie Haberman, Molly Ball, Maeve Reston, Jonathan Martin, Jeff Zeleny and Manu Raju (live from Manchester, NH)

--Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” (10am ET / 9am CT): Ben Carson; Tim Scott; Codecademy CEO Zach Sims; roundtable: Ed Rollins, Judith Miller and Robert Wolf

--CNN’s “Reliable Sources”: (SUN 11am ET): Les Moonves; pollster J. Ann Selzer; roundtable: Dylan Byers, author and New York Magazine’s Rebecca Traiser (“All The Single Ladies”) and author and Washingtonian’s Harry Jaffe (“Why Bernie Sanders Matters”); Ana Marie Cox and author Matt Lewis (“Too Dumb to Fail”)

--Fox News’ “MediaBuzz” (11am ET / 10am CT): Tucker Carlson; A.B. Stoddard; Molly Ball; Joe McQuaid; Brit Hume; Kathy Kiely

--CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS”: (SUN 10am ET / 1pm ET): Roundtable: David Frum, Katrina vanden Heuvel, Arianna Huffington and Jacob Weisberg; Kareem Abdul-Jabbar; author David Agus (“The End of Illness”)

--Univision’s “Al Punto” (SUN 10am ET / 1pm PT) Roundtable: Former Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Otto Reich, Republican analyst Adolfo Franco and Democratic analyst Freddy Balsera; Democratic presidential candidate Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente; Pan American Health Organization director of communicable diseases and health analysis Dr. Marcos Espinal; singer and composer Diego Torres

--C-SPAN: “The Communicators” (SAT 6:30pm ET): Roundtable: Bloomberg BNA’s Lydia Beyoud, Politico’s Kate Tummarello and The Hill’s Cory Bennet ... “Newsmakers” (SUN 10am ET): CDC director Dr. Thomas Frieden, questioned by Politico’s Jennifer Haberkorn and The Hill’s Sarah Ferris ... “Q&A” (SUN 8pm & 11pm ET): Author and Associated Press reporter Jesse Holland (“The Invisibles: The Untold Story of African American Slaves in the White House”)

--MSNBC’s “PoliticsNation with Rev. Al Sharpton”: (SUN 8-9am ET): Bob Smith; Brenda Lawrence; Angela Rye; Reuters’ Erin McPike; former Huckabee advisor Hogan Gidley; author Ari Berman (“Give Us the Ballot: The Modern Struggle for Voting Rights in America”)

--MSNBC’s “Melissa Harris-Perry”: (SUN 10am-12pm ET): Republican strategist Boris Epshteyn; former Rand Paul advisor and NBC News / MSNBC political analyst Elise Jordan; New York Democratic Party executive director Basil Smikle, Jr.; Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion director Christopher Borick; The Nation Magazine sports editor Dave Zirin; MSNBC.com’s Adam Howard; former NFL player Kevin Burnett; All Sports Everything’s Shana Renee Stephenson; San Francisco Board of Supervisors member Jane Kim; students from Wake the Vote at Wake Forest University

--PBS’s “To the Contrary” with Bonnie Erbé: Roundtable: Washington Examiner columnist Ashe Schow, Reproaction co-founder Erin Matson, journalist and blogger Anushay Hossain and conservative commentator Dana White

--WUSA 9 “Capital Download” with Derek McGinty and Susan Page: (SUN 8:30am ET): Maggie Hassan; roundtable: USA Today’s Paul Singer and Roll Call’s Jonathan Allen; Ipsos Public Affairs’ Chris Jackson

--SiriusXM's “No Labels Radio” (SUN 6am ET & 9pm ET): No Labels co-founders Amb. Stuart Holliday and Steve Odland guest host: Iowa GOP strategist David Oman to discuss the Iowa Caucuses and former Lindsey Graham campaign manager Christian Ferry to discuss the New Hampshire Primary, and Politico’s Katie Glueck to discuss the other upcoming primary states.

--Sinclair’s “Full Measure” with Sharyl Attkisson (SUN 9:30am ET on WJLA and airing on Sinclair stations nationwide): Correspondent Scott Thuman reports on The Rape Game: What some say was an orchestrated series of sexual assaults on women across Europe, by men described as middle Eastern and northern African, that is changing attitudes and perhaps the future of Europe; report on “the high cost of low price oil”: Everyone thinks cheap gas is great! But hundreds of thousands of workers in the industry are now jobless, and the long range impact on the economy of the US and the world, could be tough

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