
By Mike Allen (@mikeallen; mallen@politico.com) and Daniel Lippman (@dlippman; dlippman@politico.com)

FIRST LOOK – John Dickerson to Marco Rubio for CBS’ “Face the Nation,” taped yesterday in Dubuque, Iowa: “Donald Trump seemed to be honored by the praise from Putin.”

RUBIO: “He shouldn’t be. Vladimir Putin is a person who has killed. He’s jailed and murdered journalists, political opponents. He bombed an apartment building as a pretext to attack the Chechens. He is responsible for the downing of the Malaysian airliner over Ukraine, because he provided the antiaircraft weaponry that was used for that. So this is a person who’s done some horrifying things on the global stage.

“From a geopolitical, realistic level, we have to deal with him but because he’s the leader of an important country that, between them and us, control over 90% of the world’s nuclear weapons. But he is not someone who is going to go down in history as a great leader. ...

“We’ve entered a portion of this politics where nothing surprises me anymore, whether it's from Donald or some of the people watching.”

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TIM MILLER of Jeb campaign (@Timodc) most retweeted tweet in weeks: “Hard to believe the GOP frontrunner can praise Putin & assault religious liberty and most opponents stay silent for fear of being attacked” http://bit.ly/1UO1dpc

SHOTS FIRED -- @ByronYork: “Just watched Cruz on @greta on legalization question. He sounded rattled.” With video http://bit.ly/1Jj6kqV

CRUZ THOUGHT BUBBLE: Rush, Levin and Beck matter a lot more in primaries than WaPo, NYT and WSJ.

SNEAK PEEK -- Campy Christmas infomercial Cruz campaign bought during tonight’s “SNL” in Iowa markets: Cruz reads his two daughters Christmas tales like “How Obamacare Stole Christmas” ... “Rudolph the Underemployed Reindeer” ... “The Grinch Who Lost Her Emails” ... “Frosty The Speaker of the House.” 90-sec. YouTube, via IJ Review’s Benny Johnson http://bit.ly/1YnUsQH

HAPPY Debate Day. ABC is certainly psyched about the Clinton-Sanders data brawl -- adds zest and maybe a few viewers to tonight’s debate in Manchester, N.H. Coverage begins at 8 p.m., anchored by George Stephanopoulos, with analysis by Jon Karl. Debate moderated by David Muir and Martha Raddatz. ABC partners: N.H. Union Leader and Saint Anselm College.

HOT TWEETS: @davidaxelrod: “W/out evidence that his hierarchy knew about data-poaching, harsh penalty v. @BernieSanders looks like @DNC is putting finger on scale.” ... @davidplouffe: “Think if one company accessed and stole another’s customer data. This is no small thing. Sanders camp should be careful playing the victim.” ... @jeremybird: “They stole millions of dollars of research. This isn’t a small thing.”

DATAGATE RESOLVED – Gabe Debenedetti and Annie Karni: “[T]he Sanders campaign said that the DNC had ‘capitulated’ and agreed to restore access to the data. ‘We are extremely pleased that the DNC has reversed its outrageous decision to take Sen. Sanders’ data. The information we provided tonight is essentially the same information we already sent them by email on Thursday,’ said Jeff Weaver, Sanders’ campaign manager.

“In a statement issued nearly at the same time, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz said, ‘The Sanders campaign has now complied with the DNC’s request to provide the information that we have requested of them. Based on this information, we are restoring the Sanders campaign’s access to the voter file, but will continue to investigate to ensure that the data that was inappropriately accessed has been deleted and is no longer in possession of the Sanders campaign.” http://politi.co/1NDqoWA

--“Clinton goes for the jugular after data breach,” by Annie Karnie: “In a shift of strategy hours before the third Democratic debate, Hillary Clinton’s campaign went for Bernie Sanders’ jugular, accusing his team of stealing valuable campaign data, misrepresenting what happened and inflicting ‘damage here that cannot be undone.’ ... ‘This was not an inadvertent glimpse into our data,’ campaign manager Robby Mook [said] ...

“‘The staffers did not make a mistake -- they made 25 intentional searches of our data.’ He said the breach struck at the heart of the campaign’s data ‘that took millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of volunteer hours to build. The voter file...is the fundamental basis of our strategy.’” http://politi.co/1ZhaF75

HOT DOC: Sanders’ lawsuit against the DNC http://politi.co/1IeMpyt

WHAT TO WATCH in tonight’s debate -- Gabe Debenedetti: “Look for the former secretary of state ... to lay into Sanders and what her staff sees as his dishonesty ... His team went way too far, she will likely say, and now the senator is trying to distract from that. ... Sanders is likely to bring new [ISIS] talking points to the table. He’s eager to paint Clinton’s State Department as partially responsible for the rise of the terrorist group.” http://politi.co/1Nv1UkL

** A message from Qualcomm: To combat the ever-increasing traffic congestion in metropolitan areas, Qualcomm has developed wireless smart city technologies to better relay traffic information. This will help reduce CO2 emissions through improved traffic management and more accessible electric vehicle charging. Why Wait™. http://bit.ly/1Gw9FCU **

TICK-TOCK – “How old-fashioned logrolling produced Congress’ massive budget deal: There was no showdown this time between GOP leaders and the right. But Democrats still exploited the GOP’s ideological rift,” by Jake Sherman, Lauren French and Anna Palmer: “During John Boehner’s speakership, when a vote on a massive spending bill was around the corner, he’d often be holed up in his office ... But on Thursday night, [Speaker] Ryan ... and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy were at a central table in the dimly lit BLT Steak restaurant ... eating steaks, drinking red wine and chatting with allies.” http://politi.co/1RYUIAs

MEDIAWATCH -- NYT public editor Margaret Sullivan, “Systemic Change Needed After Faulty Times Article”: “A Times article [last] Sunday [by Matt Apuzzo, Michael Schmidt and Julia Preston] reported that the U.S. government had missed something that was right out there in the open: the jihadist social-media posts by one of the San Bernardino killers. ... It was certainly damning – and it was wrong. ... [Tashfeen] Malik had not posted ‘openly’ on social media. She had written emails; [and] she had written private messages, not visible to the public ... [The Times] needs to slow down the reporting and editing process, especially in the fever-pitch atmosphere surrounding a major news event. ...

“[M]ost of all, and more fundamental, the paper needs to show far more skepticism – a kind of prosecutorial scrutiny — at every level of the process. Two front-page, anonymously sourced stories in a few months have required editors’ notes that corrected key elements – elements that were integral enough to form the basis of the headlines in both cases. That’s not acceptable for Times readers or for the paper’s credibility, which is its most precious asset.” http://nyti.ms/1UO5jhg ... The original article http://nyti.ms/1YnVITO

-- “Michele Norris leaving NPR, expanding her Race Card Project,” by CNNMoney’s Brian Stelter: “Norris said ... that she will devote more time to The Race Card Project, her award-winning effort to spur conversation about identity six words at a time. ... Via the Internet, Norris has received thousands of submissions from people who have distilled their thoughts and experiences about race into six-word cards. ... Norris indicated she will seek to expand the project, in part through partnerships with media outlets. She said she also intends to work on a book and learn more about the digital media ecosystem.” http://cnnmon.ie/1OCnv8t

WHAT WORKS – “How America’s Top Junk-Food City Went on a Diet (and Fattened Its Economy),” by Politico’s Arthur Allen: “In tectonic terms, Oklahoma City is a culinary plume where the Southwest plate of deep fried dough meets Southern barbecue and Texas-sized burrito formations. It has the most fast-food consumption of any city in the country. ... With all that driving and guzzling, the city became ground zero for the national obesity epidemic. ... On New Year’s Eve, [mayor Mick] Cornett summoned the news media to the city zoo for an announcement: He was putting his whole city on a diet. The city’s residents needed to look more like ferrets and less like elephants, he said ... Some 47,000 residents enlisted in a campaign to lose a cumulative 1 million pounds.” http://politi.co/1NuNUY2

PICS DU JOUR -- Josh Earnest @PressSec: “Stormtroopers at the @WhiteHouse, I couldn’t resist” http://bit.ly/1QA5I7Q ... Stormtroopers flanking Josh at the podium http://bit.ly/1OeRAk8

THE PRESIDENT’S HOLIDAYS: Obama and the First Lady stopped in San Bernardino to meet with families of shooting victims, and first responders. The Obamas landed in Honolulu this morning and will be there “through Saturday, January 2 ... The President will receive the Presidential Daily Briefing every day, but there are no public events scheduled.”

--AP’s Darlene Superville in Pearl Harbor: “Air Force One carrying Obama, first lady Michelle Obama, and daughters Malia and Sasha landed ... in the wee hours of the first day of his annual two-week holiday getaway ... Obama flew to San Bernardino after taking questions from reporters at his annual year-end news conference at the White House. ... Obama cited an Asia-Pacific trade deal and overhauling the criminal justice system as areas where progress is possible [with GOP Congress next year]. But Obama is also likely to spend much of his final year in office focused on the U.S.-led campaign to defeat IS.” http://apne.ws/1mdSl05

CHRISTIE’S GREAT WEEK – Per the campaign: “On the heels of the latest poll showing Gov. Christie in a virtual three-way tie with Senators Cruz and Rubio [up to 8 percent from 3 percent in Oct.], Governor Christie is heading up to New Hampshire for a four day ‘Telling It Like It Is’ bus tour with special guests [Maine] Governor Paul LePage and [Maryland] Governor Larry Hogan, as well as the entire Christie family.

“A second bus lead by Governor Christie’s father, Wilbur, is also heading up to the Granite State ... with over 100 New Jersey volunteers to knock on doors on the Governor's behalf. ... The campaign is using a custom Snapchat geofilter and Facebook Live video platform throughout the tour to give voters across the country a seat on the bus. #CruisinWithChris.”

ARTICLE OF THE DAY – “Trump Campaign Lags in Mobilizing Iowa Caucus Voters,” by NYT’s Trip Gabriel in Des Moines: “[H]ere in the state with the first nominating contest, … Trump has put off the nuts and bolts of organizing. A loss in Iowa for Mr. Trump, where he has devoted the most resources of his campaign, could imperil his leads in the next two nominating states, New Hampshire and South Carolina, where his get-out-the-vote organizations are even less robust. … Trump’s Iowa director predicted that he would recruit a leader for each of the state’s 1,681 Republican precincts by Thanksgiving.

“Instead, the first major training session for precinct leaders ... drew only about 80 people to West Des Moines last weekend, with about 50 participating online. Some of Mr. Trump’s Republican rivals have spent months calling and knocking on doors to identify potential supporters to draw them out to caucuses, but Mr. Trump does not appear to have invested in this crucial ‘voter ID’ strategy until recently. The Trump campaign hopes to attract a surge of independents and disaffected Democrats on caucus night, but the latest data from the Iowa secretary of state show no significant growth in Republican registrations. …

“Trump’s support in the Feb. 1 Iowa caucuses may fall short of his poll numbers in the state. … Trump’s greatest organizing asset is a database of thousands of email addresses of Iowans who have attended packed rallies. Yet it appears that organizers have only recently begun tapping that database, which a Democratic strategist in Iowa called ‘malpractice.’ The ‘magic number’ of voters the Trump campaign has revealed it wants to turn out — 48,000 — is highly optimistic in the view of other Republican campaigns.” http://nyti.ms/1Jj5qKR

WASHPOST HITS MARCO -- WashPost, top of A1, “Rubio’s strategic stances: Among the loud and strident voices on the campaign trail, one stands out by effectively embracing the value of being vague,” by Sean Sullivan in Rye, N.H., and David Fahrenthold in D.C. (homepage: “Rubio’s equivocation leaves even supporters wondering what he believes”; online headline: “Rubio wants to unite later by staying vague now”): “It is a habit with Rubio, a candidate aiming at moderate and conservative voters who often seems to advocate two positions at once. He tells voters that he has a personal view on the subject — whether abortion, immigration, Syrian refugees or gay marriage. But he also has a view of what is politically possible.

“Which, usually, is not what he personally wants. That tactic allows Rubio to offer two right answers to the same question, and lets him carve out wiggle room on topics where none seemed possible. … Such a strategy might guard him against being pushed too far to the right for general election appeal, but avoid riling conservatives during the primaries. But the extent of his equivocation on key issues has left many Republicans, including his supporters, wondering what he really believes.” http://wapo.st/1RZhgRx

PEELING BACK SOME SKIN -- “Hagel: The White House Tried to ‘Destroy’ Me ... [Former SecDef] Chuck Hagel said the Obama administration micromanaged the Pentagon, stabbed him in the back on the way out — and still has no strategy for fixing Syria,” by Dan De Luce on Foreign Policy: “Hagel said in the Dec. 10 interview that he remains puzzled as to why some administration officials sought to ‘destroy’ him personally in his final days in office, castigating him in anonymous comments to newspapers even after he had handed in his resignation. Although he does not identify her by name, Hagel’s criticisms are clearly aimed at Obama’s national security advisor, Susan Rice, and some of her staff.” http://atfp.co/1Qwi2WW

CLICKER: “The nation’s cartoonists on the week in politics,” edited by Matt Wuerker -- 12 keepers http://politi.co/1OC4pzi

GREAT WEEKEND READS, curated by Daniel Lippman, filing from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (pic of the ocean from a James Bond villain-like house on the cliffs http://bit.ly/1k8KlfC):

--“The Terminal Patient: Is Bloomberg’s Return Bad for Bloomberg?” by Isabell Huelsen and Holger Stark in Der Spiegel: “Since Michael Bloomberg retook the reins of his empire, he has laid off top journalists and embarked on a radical restructuring program. The multibillionaire’s leadership has become imperious and unpredictable -- out of fear for the future of his life’s work.” http://bit.ly/1NuDnMB

--“Longform Best of 2015”: “We recommended 1,453 articles this year, from 1,210 writers and 360 publications. They were read nearly 20 million times. These were our favorites.” http://bit.ly/1If6Nj1

--“Everything You Know About Martin Shkreli Is Wrong—or Is It?” by Bethany McLean in Vanity Fair: “Even before his arrest this week on securities fraud allegations, Wall Street’s most visible villain was infamous for gouging AIDS patients and pregnant women, buying a very overpriced Wu-Tang Clan album, and trolling the world on Twitter. He says his real friends know he is ‘not that guy.’” http://bit.ly/1RYUGZr

--“Unearthing the World of Jesus,” by Ariel Sabar in Smithsonian’s Jan. issue: “Surprising archaeological finds are breaking new ground in our understanding of Jesus’s time—and the revolution he launched 2,000 years ago.” http://bit.ly/1PchIJw

--“How Rogue Techies Armed the Predator, Almost Stopped 9/11, and Accidentally Invented Remote War,” by Arthur Holland Michel in Wired: “[T]he drone is the quintessential weapon of the American military, which now boasts roughly a thousand Predator pilots. At any given moment, scores of them sit in darkened trailers around the country, staring at the bright infrared camera feeds from drones that might be flying over Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, or Somalia.” http://bit.ly/1RYvrGy

--“What Robert Caro taught me about the individual,” by Philip Collins in the Jan. issue of Prospect Magazine: “I’ve avoided reading the political writer, but he’s right about one thing—biography teaches us that individuals matter.” http://bit.ly/1OdEsWq

--“My Christmas in New York,” by Harper Lee in The Guardian: “One midwinter in 1950s New York, Harper Lee went to stay with friends. Little did she know she was about to receive the gift of a lifetime…” http://bit.ly/1lYxeiZ

BIRTHDAYS: Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) is 6-0 (h/ts Caitlin Conant and John Ashbrook) ... Kerri Lyon, a managing director at SKD Knickerbocker (h/t Maggie Haberman) ... Joey Scarborough … CNN’s Teddy Schleifer, a Houston Chronicle and NYT D.C. bureau alum ... Michael Duncan, Cavalry’s digital guru (h/t John Ashbrook) … Fred Sainz ... Ryan Jackson, chief of staff for Sen. Jim Inhofe ... Patrick Ventrell … Jill Slabey, associate director of scheduling at White House ... Shannon Flaherty McGahn, staff director at House Committee on Financial Services ... CBS News’ Max McClellan ... retired Marine Gen. Jim Jones, Obama’s first national security adviser ... Kelsey Moran, legislative director for Rep. Lois Frankel (D-Fla.), is 27 (h/ts Helen Kella and Grant Dubler) ... Henry Longley, an alum of Romney and Kevin James’ campaign for LA mayor and currently compliance analyst at Alliance Data in Columbus (h/t roommate Trevor Parkes) ... Taara Rangarajan ... Molly Pattison ... Callie Schweitzer, editorial director of audience strategy for Time Inc. ...

... Ann McDaniel, world’s greatest aunt and SVP at Graham Holdings, formerly The Washington Post Co. (h/t Don Graham) … CNN’s Tal Kopan, a Politico alum ... WashPost’s Kelsey Snell, a Politico alum ... John Vail ... Catherine Hormats ... Jim Oberman ... Ashley Snee Giovannettone ... Whitney Patton ... Matt Wojtkun is 32 ... Russ Caso ... Tim Tank ... Patrick B. Donohue ... WashPost’s Josh Freedom Du Lac ... Dewey Square Group’s Jenny Murphy, a GPG alum ... Bronwyn Lance Chester, comms director for Sen. John Barrasso … Michaela Balderston, a ONE alum now corporate comms manager at Nestle … Erin Mayton Taylor of Grassroots Solutions ... Rebecca Edgar ... CBS’ Sean Gallitz … Ann Lewis … John Pederson ... former Obama advance man Jeff Kiernan … N.H. state Rep. Shaun Doherty ... Bush 43 WH alum Anne Stewart ... Cicely Tyson is 91 … actor Tim Reid is 71 … Jake Gyllenhaal is 35 … actor Iain de Caestecker is 28 (h/ts AP)

THE SHOWS, from @MattMackowiak, filing from Austin:

--NBC’s “Meet the Press”: Donald Trump; Paul Ryan; Bernie Sanders (live from New Hampshire); John Podesta; roundtable: José Diaz-Balart, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Maggie Haberman and Hugh Hewitt

--ABC’s “This Week”: Chris Christie; Bernie Sanders; Donald Trump; Jennifer Palmieri; roundtable: Donna Brazile, Matthew Dowd, Ana Navarro and Cokie Roberts (airing live from New Hampshire)

--CBS’s “Face the Nation”: Marco Rubio; Jeb Bush; new results from the CBS News 2016 Battleground Tracker Poll with CBS News’ Anthony Salvanto; roundtable: David Axelrod, Peggy Noonan, Dan Balz and Jeffrey Goldberg

--“Fox News Sunday”: Carly Fiorina; Adam Schiff; roundtable: Brit Hume, Julie Pace, George Will and Juan Williams; “Power Player of the Week” with Wreaths Across America’s Morrill Worcester

--CNN’s “State of the Union” (9am ET / 12pm ET): Rand Paul; Mitch McConnell; roundtable: Rick Perry, Neera Tanden, Mia Love and Bill Burton

--Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” (10am ET / 9am CT): Charlie Dent; Microsoft COO Kevin Turner; Marvin Kalb; roundtable: Ed Rollins, Judith Miller and Alan Colmes

--CNN’s “Reliable Sources”: (SUN 11am ET): Roundtable: David Zurawik, Eric Deggans and Jane Hall; Las Vegas Review-Journal reporters James DeHaven, Howard Stutz and Jennifer Robison; New Hampshire Union Leader publisher Joe McQuaid; NYT chief film critic A.O. Scott

--Fox News’ “MediaBuzz” (11am ET / 10am CT): Donald Trump; Mercedes Schlapp; Betsy Woodruff; Molly Ball

--CNN’s “Inside Politics” with John King (SUN 8:30am ET): Roundtable: Jonathan Martin, Jackie Kucinich, Caitlin Huey-Burns and Phil Mattingly

--CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS”: (SUN 10am ET / 1pm ET): Jack Lew and George Osborne; The Organisation for Democracy and Freedom in Syria’s Ribal al-Assad; Princeton University’s Angus Deaton; Jon Meacham

--Univision’s “Al Punto” (SUN 10am ET / 1pm PT) Roundtable: Lincoln Díaz-Balart, Fabian Núñez and La Raza’s Clarissa Martínez-DeCastro; Venezuelan opposition leader (and wife of political prisoner Leopoldo López) Lilian Tintori; author Pedro Salinas (“Mitad Monjes, Mitad Soldados”); film director Alejandro González Iñárritu

--C-SPAN: “The Communicators” (SAT 6:30pm ET): Former NSC cybersecurity senior director and Venable managing director of cybersecurity services Ari Schwartz, questioned by The Hill’s Cory Bennett ...“Newsmakers” (SUN 10am ET): Lamar Alexander, questioned by Education Week’s Alyson Klein and CQ Roll Call’s Niels Lesniewski ... “Q&A” (SUN 8pm & 11pm ET): Author and historian Craig Shirley (“Last Act”)

--PBS’s “To the Contrary” with Bonnie Erbé: Roundtable: Progressive blogger Anushay Hossain, progressive commentator Patricia Sosa, Republican strategist Rina Shah and Washington Examiner columnist Ashe Schow

--MSNBC’s “PoliticsNation with Rev. Al Sharpton”: (SUN 8-9am ET): April Ryan; Dana Milbank; former McCain advisor Adolfo Franco; Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio; filmmaker Nick Berardini; author Linda Hervieux (“Forgotten: The Untold Story of D-Day’s Black Heroes, at Home and at War”); widow of WWII hero (Waverly Woodson) Joann Woodson

--MSNBC’s “UP with Steve Kornacki”: (SUN 9-10am ET): LULAC’s Brent Wilkes; Politico’s Steven Sheppard; former ISS Commander and former NASA astronaut Leroy Chiao

--MSNBC’s “Melissa Harris-Perry”: (SUN 10am-12pm ET): Miami University’s Daisy Hernández; Bloomberg’s Keri Geiger; Latin American Society of Chagas medical director Dr. Rachel Marcus; New York Democratic Party executive director Basil Smikle, Jr.; Case Cornelia Law Center executive director Carmen Chávez; Salon.com contributor and Rutgers University’s Brittney Cooper; “Whiteness Project” director / producer Whitney Dow; Public Religion Research Institute CEO Robert Jones

--MSNBC’s “Weekends with Alex Witt”: (SUN 12pm-2pm ET): Annie Linskey; USA Today’s Paul Singer; national radio host Kim Komando; 12 year-old blessed by the Pope Julia Bruzzese and her father Eric Bruzzese and mother Josephine Bruzzese; Monmouth University Polling Institute director Patrick Murray

--NPR “Weekend Edition Sunday” (SUN 8am-10am ET): Guest hosted by NPR’s Rachel Martin: “For the Record” segment on the do’s and don’ts of presidential debates (Brett O’Donnell, Chris Jahnke); San Diego Mayor Kevin L. Faulconer; King Saud University’s (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) Hatoon al Fassi; Google News Lab data editor Simon Rogers; NPR international correspondent Elise Hu (Seoul)

--WUSA 9 “Capital Download” with Derek McGinty and Susan Page: (SUN 8:30am ET): Emily’s List president Stephanie Schriock; author Mike Signer (“Demagogue”); roundtable: USA Today’s Paul Singer and Morning Consult’s Reid Wilson

--Sinclair’s “Full Measure” with Sharyl Attkisson (SUN 9:30am ET on WJLA and airing on Sinclair stations nationwide): Report on a lurid tale of drugs, sex, and taxpayer waste; story on the Cadillac Tax; segment on “swatting,” a new and serious online prank; report on how a new embassy is wasting money and creating an embarrassment for one government agency

--SiriusXM's “No Labels Radio” (SUN 6am ET & 9pm ET): Panel hosted by Jon Huntsman focused on infrastructure, foreign policy, the new climate deal and the 2016 election cycle with Stuart Holliday, Jackie Kucinich and Business Roundtable’s Matt Sonnesyn.

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