
MUMBAI (INDIA): Recognizing the massive opportunities in the chemicals sector, CII in partnership with the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Government of India organized a seminar on Chemicals & Petrochemicals – a gateway to endless opportunities in India on 15th February 2016 at Make in India Centre, Mumbai.

Hansraj Gangaram Ahir, Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilizers, Government of India was the chief guest and delivered the inaugural address reflecting on the Make in India Campaign and its chapter in Mumbai saying this was a gateway which has been opened up to the world to come and partner and innovate in India for Indians as well as the rest of the world.

He said that India and specifically Maharashtra has vast untapped potential in chemicals and metallic minerals which if catalyzed adequately would help in making India self-sufficient.

Underlining the government’s vision for India’s need to become self-sufficient in manufacturing plastics and fertilizers, he encouraged industries to invest.

He also invited industries to explore investment and partnership opportunities and highlighted the recent projects to set up plants to manufacture Urea from Coal near Nagpur.

NB Godrej, Chairman CII National Committee on Chemicals and Managing Director, Godrej Industries Limited said that almost all industries rely on chemicals & petrochemicals in one way or another. India is the third largest producer of chemicals in Asia and sixth, by output, in the world. Companies in India produce more than 70,000 commercial chemicals products with total production in 2013-14 of almost 20 million metric tonnes.

Vijay Shankar Pandey, Secretary, Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Government of India emphasized the shift towards manufacturing value added products like Agro and specialty Chemicals indicated a serious commitment of the government to strategically develop the Chemicals and Petro chemicals Industry in India.

He reinforced the need for the Chemical Industry to step up and position itself as the Industry to industries.

He mentioned that various measures have been taken to increase competitiveness of this industry.

Zarir Langrana, COO (Chemicals), TATA Chemicals Ltd in his concluding address highlighted the recent initiatives undertaken by CII towards showcasing competitiveness of the Indian chemicals Industry through unprecedented initiatives like ‘Chemistry Everywhere’, which in its third phase, has established ‘ChemSource’ as India’s novel chemicals database ready to feed information into India’s National Chemicals Inventory and carrying forward the industry mandate on Green Chemistry that seeks to produce eco-friendly chemicals through sustainable means with minimal waste and optimum output.

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