
Address:  3100 Bridge Avenue, Suite 3; Point Pleasant, NJ  08742

Phone:  (732) 475-7690

Website:  http://www.compassfamilychiro.com/home.html

E-Mail:  DrBrian@CompassFamilyChiro.com

Compass Family Chiropractic, LLC’s mission is to provide personalized, high-quality care on an as-needed or preventative basis.  We have created a practice that we believe in and choose for our own family members.

We are a full-service family chiropractic practice dedicated to helping our patients maintain and improve their health. We work together to serve your entire family for all of your wellness needs in all stages of life. Our chiropractic physician, Dr. Brian O’Mullan, believes in providing comprehensive health care services to our patients in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. We also believe in educating our patients as we work with them to achieve the best physical state possible.

Dr. Brian is certified by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners and comes to our practice with years of experience.

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