In another post, I prattled on at some length about the scala Set
class. To understand its nuances, it was helpful to print out a graph of class and trait inheritance.
Here's a contrived example that's simpler than Set:
The hierarchy of F looks like:
which the proposed utility will display as:
Note that the type data will come via Java introspection, and Java doesn't know from traits, so they'll show up here
as interfaces. The ... stands in for the traits of traits we've already printed out and don't need to print again.
A slightly less contrived example
contains more information than scaldocs, in a form that I find more digestible than scaladocs.
In addition to the direct "children," as specified in the class's declaration
we can see the the linear trail of class extension all the way to java.lang.Object,
as well as the combining graph of traits and interfaces, showing both routes to
What I want to talk about, though, is not the utility of the outline, but the ways one might generate it.
This is a classic depth-first-search, with the minor twists that (1) we want to indent by depth and
(2), because it's a directed acyclic graph rather than
a tree, we need to watch out for nodes that show up more than once, so as not to print out the same subgraphs
over and over again.
A standard recursive solution
looks like this, using recursion and carrying along a mutable set in
which to record the visited nodes:
That's simple enough, but this mutable set business is a bit unsightly.
Mutability may, in this case, be pragmatic and obviously harmless, but
we're civilized, and we don't do that kind of thing. Better, I think is
using lovely, immutable, persistent data structures to write code that doesn't actually work
Here, we use the Set.+ operator to produce brand new immutable sets
sporting new members. The not actually working part is that we fail to
keep track correctly of what's already been printed so the output
repeats the entire trait history of D unnecessarily. Although we duly
recorded our visit to D, the Set we recorded it in is popped off
the stack the moment the recursive call returns, and we lose it.
Tail recursion to the rescue,
albeit not for the usual reasons of performance and memory conservation.
The fundamental design issue is that we need two data structures:
A stack, with which to track what nodes to visit next and how much to indent them.
A set, with which to track what nodes we already visited.
Normally, we get the stack for free by hitching a ride on
the recursive call stack, but that convenience sometimes blinds us
to all the other stuff that's being stacked unnecessarily, or, in our case,
We avoid the problem if we can contort our algorithm such that nothing important
is done with seen after the recursive call returns.
That's another way of saying that we need our function to be
At the same time we still the stack; we just don't want
seen on that stack, so we
maintain the stack ourselves,
rather than language to do it.
The inner recursive function will look like
where the List maintains the current path of nodes and indentation, and
the Set grows monotonically with every iteration. One cool thing about a stack
built from a List of tuples, is that we can use pattern matching to examine and
destructure it, as
While we're being clever, we'll also make the code a little more general, by separating
the traversal functionality from the specifics of introspection, paramterizing on
a type T rather than specifying Class[_] and allowing arbitrary functions
to define what to print and how to obtain children of a node. In sum:
This works and yields the same output as inhGraph1. The only
awkward bit
which converts a list of child nodes o1,o2,o3 into a list of tuples (o1,d), (o2,d), (o3,d), all having the same
second member. It feels a little too tricky and too reliant on non-fundamental parts of the API, but I'm not sure
there's a better way to do it.
One ratification of our functional design is that can essentially be
transcribed into clojure: