
Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity by John C. Kotz

Book Description – Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity

Product Details Hardcover: 1408 pages

Publisher: Brooks Cole; 9 edition (January 27, 2014) Language: English

ISBN-10: 1133949649

ISBN-13: 978-1133949640

Product Dimensions: 10.9 x 8.8 x 1.8 inches


PART I: CONCEPTS OF CHEMISTRY. 1. Basic Concepts of Chemistry. Let’s Review: The Tools of Quantitative Chemistry. 2. Atoms, Molecules, and Ions. 3. Chemical Reactions. 4. Stoichiometry: Quantitative Information from Chemical Reactions. 5. Principles of Chemical Reactivity: Energy and Chemical Reactions. PART II: ATOMS AND MOLECULES. 6. The Structure of Atoms. 7. The Structure of Atoms and Periodic Trends. 8. Covalent Bonding and Molecular Structure. 9. Bonding and Molecular Structure – Valence Bond and Molecular Orbital Theory. Part 3: States of Matter. 10. Gases and Their Properties. 11. Intermolecular Forces and Liquids. 12. Ionic Bonding, Metals, and the Solid State. 13. Solutions and Their Behavior. PART IV: THE CONTROL OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS. 14. Chemical Kinetics – The Rates of Chemical Reactions. 15. Principles of Reactivity: Chemical Equilibria. 16. Equlibria and Acids and Bases. 17. Principles of Reactivity: Other Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria. 18. Thermodynamics – Entropy and Free Energy. 19. Principles of Reactivity: Electron Transfer Reactions. PART V: THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ELEMENTS. 20. Environmental Chemistry: Earth’s Environment, Energy, and Sustainability. 21. The Chemistry of the Main Group Elements. 22. The Chemistry of the Transition Elements. 23. Carbon: Not Just Another Element. 24. Biochemistry. 25. Nuclear Chemistry. Appendix A: Using Logarithms and the Quadratic Equation. Appendix B: Some Important Physical Concepts. Appendix C: Abbreviations and Useful Conversion Factors. Appendix D: Physical Constants. Appendix E: Naming Organic Compounds. Appendix F: Values for the Ionization Energies and Electron Affinities of the Elements. Appendix G: Vapor Pressure of Water at Various Temperatures. Appendix H: Ionization Constants for Weak Acids at 25 * C. Appendix I: Ionization Constants for Weak Bases at 25 * C. Appendix J: Solubility Product Constants for Some Inorganic Compounds at 25 * C. Appendix K: Formation Constants for Some Complex Ions in Aqueous Solution. Appendix L: Selected Thermodynamic Values. Appendix M: Standard Reduction Potentials in Aqueous Solution at 25 * C. Appendix N: Answers to Chapter Opening and Case Study Questions, Check Your Understanding Questions, Review and Check Questions, and Selected Study Questions.

About the Author

John C. Kotz is an emeritus State University of New York Distinguished Teaching Professor at the College at Oneonta. Educated at Washington and Lee University, as well as Cornell University, he held National Institutes of Health postdoctoral appointments at the University of Manchester Institute for Science and Technology in England and at Indiana University. Professor Kotz has co-authored three textbooks in several editions – INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, CHEMISTRY & CHEMICAL REACTIVITY, and THE CHEMICAL WORLD – along with the INTERACTIVE GENERAL CHEMISTRY CD-ROM. He also has published research on inorganic chemistry and electrochemistry. He was a Fulbright Lecturer and Research Scholar in Portugal in 1979 and a visiting professor there in 1992, as well as a visiting professor at the Institute for Chemical Education (University of Wisconsin, 1991-1992) and at Auckland University in New Zealand (1999). He also was an invited speaker at a meeting of the South African Chemical Society and at the biennial conference for secondary school chemistry teachers in New Zealand. In addition, a recent tenure as a mentor of the U.S. Chemistry Olympiad Team, Professor Kotz has received numerous honors, including a State University of New York Chancellor’s Award (1979), a National Catalyst Award for Excellence in Teaching (1992), the Estee Lectureship in Chemical Education at the University of South Dakota (1998), the Visiting Scientist Award from the Western Connecticut Section of the American Chemical Society (1999), and the first annual Distinguished Education Award from the Binghamton (New York) Section of the American Chemical Society (2001).

Paul M. Treichel, received his B.S. degree from the University of Wisconsin in 1958 and a Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1962. After a year of postdoctoral study in London, he assumed a faculty position at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He served as department chair from 1986 through 1995 and was awarded a Helfaer Professorship in 1996. He has held visiting faculty positions in South Africa (1975) and in Japan (1995). Retiring after 44 years as a faculty member in 2007, he is currently Emeritus Professor of Chemistry. During his faculty career he taught courses in general chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, and scientific ethics. Professor Treichel’s research in organometallic and metal cluster chemistry and in mass spectrometry, aided by 75 graduate and undergraduate students, has led to more than 170 papers in scientific journals. He may be contacted by email at treichelpaul@me.com.

John R. Townsend, Professor of Chemistry at West Chester University of Pennsylvania, completed his B.A. in Chemistry as well as the Approved Program for Teacher Certification in Chemistry at the University of Delaware. After a career teaching high school science and mathematics, he earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in biophysical chemistry at Cornell University, where he also received the DuPont Teaching Award for his work as a teaching assistant. After teaching at Bloomsburg University, he joined the faculty at West Chester University, where he coordinates the chemistry education program for prospective high school teachers and the general chemistry lecture program for science majors. He has been the university supervisor for more than 60 prospective high school chemistry teachers during their student teaching semester. His research interests are in the fields of chemical education and biochemistry. He may be contacted by email at jtownsend@wcupa.edu.

David A. Treichel, Professor of Chemistry at Nebraska Wesleyan University, received a B.A. degree from Carleton College. He earned a M.S. and a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry at Northwestern University. After post-doctoral research at the University of Texas in Austin, he joined the faculty at Nebraska Wesleyan University. His research interests are in the fields of electrochemistry and surface-laser spectroscopy. He may be contacted by email at dat@nebrwesleyan.edu.

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