
Hiya Peeps

Shuna P here

Today I would like you to meet Jen from Jens Kinder Kids

 Meet Jen

What is the name of your blog?

Jen’s kinder Kids

How long have you been blogging?

I have been blogging for my own purposes for a while, but got serious about networking with other bloggers & teachers in April of this year.

Who/What inspired you the most to start blogging?
I just started reading teacher blogs & realized that I wanted to be a part of the awesome community that was out there. I have found so many inspiring & supportive people here…including Ms. Patterson! ☺ And, for that, I am sincerely appreciative. I don’t know how I would’ve gotten followers without the kindness of strangers! I am ALWAYS happy to return the favor!!

What is the funniest thing a kid has told you?

I had a little girl that was being extremely challenging behavior-wise the other day & I asked her if she gave her mom a hard time when she was at home. She looked at me & said, in her sweet kindergarten voice, “Mrs. Elliott, you know I am a pain in the butt at home, too”…I had to walk away! What do you say to that?!?

What state do you live in and how many years have you been a teacher? What grade?

I live in North Carolina. I have been teaching for 6 years in Kindergarten. <3

What are you totally obsessed with?

My teacher obsessions are Pinterest, organization notebooks, cool pens & markers, and polkadots!

If you can have one thing, regardless of price or reasonability what would it be?

I would love to have a beach house! I could go there whenever I wanted to rest & relax in the ocean breeze…ahhhh!

8. complete these sentences

I could not live without My black, sparkly TOMS.

That sounds a bit materialistic, doesn’t it?! Sorry, sometimes shoes are all it takes to make a girl happy! ☺

I wish parents would take their parenting responsibilities seriously!

I work in a low income, high poverty school, and the students are more of a burden than a blessing to some of my parents…so sad! ☹

When I use my teacher glare & growl a little (Ha!) my kiddos now I mean business!

I am secretly a Nosy Nellie! I like to stay in the loop!

10. 3 things that best describe you

1. Organized!! I cannot stand clutter!!

2. Obsessive when I find things that interest me I tend to go overboard! I’m getting ready to get obsessed with all things Daily 5 related because I am thinking of implementing it into my classroom next year.

3. Big Hearted~ I LOVE my students & I make sure that they have ALL their needs met while they are with me. Sometimes that means me buying them food, clothes, school supplies, etc, but I ALWAYS make sure that they feel loved when they are with me!!

11. What are your top 3 fav blogs ( Please include links)

There are so many that I love…it’s hard to pick just 3!

Mrs. Will’s Kindergarten

First Grade Blue Skies

Pocket Full of Kinders ☺

12. What was your ah ha moment when you knew you wanted to be a teacher?

I think that I always knew from when I was a little girl playing school with my dolls & younger siblings…I’ve always been a little bossy & like to be in charge! Ha!

14. Best teacher tip:

Stay in constant contact with your student’s parents! Don’t just give them the bad news! Call EVERYTIME the student hits a milestone, shows kindness, writes a great story, crosses the monkey bars for the first time, whatever…contact them for anything!! The more positive & encouraging you are, the more involved they will be!

15. One thing that your followers would be surprised to know:

I do NOT like to speak in front of adults! Give me a room full of 5 years olds anyday! ☺

(Me too! I am the same way)

16. Make us laugh!

What is the best joke that you know?

What do you call a bear with no teeth?

A Gummy Bear!

I know, corny!

17. In a past life what would you have been?

I think I would have been a dolphin. I love to swim!

18. What is the first thing that comes to mind

Snakes yuck!!

Dogs awesome

Money would love to have some! Ha!

Friday Hooray!

Monday Let’s do this…

Pinterest addicted~need rehab

Shoes LOVE

Food Anything chocolate

Diets Need to be on one

School 2nd favorite place to spend time

Target they know me by name!

Cooking hate it

Yard Work love it

Do you have a store/blog design company that you would like to share? Share your pinterest too

My TpT Store

My Facebook Page

My Pinterest Page


Here is a little freebie for everyone! Yay for freebies!!


So my blogiversary has come and gone without the slightest mention from me

That is right this little bloggy turned 1 on June 21st!

I am such a bad mommy! I missed my babies birthday

Make sure you check back tomorrow and I may have a little freebie  for you plus a teeny tiny giveaway

I am just saying

You might not want to miss this

* If you would like to be featured send me a chirp!
From the very new bloggers to the veterans
Anyone can be featured!*

Peace OUt Peeps!

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