
A business cannot succeed without the clients who spend money on your services or products. Therefore, you need to do your best to ensure that you are always offering the best value for their money. When meeting with current clients or with a new clients it is important that you make a good impression so that they will choose to invest more of their hard earned money into your company. There are many different ways that you can ensure you put your best foot forward at each meeting.


1) Pick a Good Meeting Spot

You can set the tone for the meeting by picking the right spot to meet. If you decide to meet for lunch, choose a classy restaurant that offers the type of food that your client likes. Your client is going to be much happier if he or she is able to enjoy a good meal while hearing your sales pitch. If you have your client meet your at your own office, make sure that your office is well organized, clean and appealing. Don’t worry if you are just getting started on your company, you don’t have to have the biggest or most expensive office. Just make sure that you make the best of what you have by hanging nice pictures and organizing your desk professionally. Be sure that you keep the temperature in your office at a comfortable level and that you have comfortable chairs for your clients to sit on.


2) Be Punctual

You don’t want to scare a new client off or make a current client feel as if he or she isn’t important to you. Showing up late for a meeting says that you don’t value that client’s time. If you are going to be late, make sure to contact the client as soon as possible to reschedule or move the meeting time by a few minutes. It is important to keep in mind that your client may only have 30 minutes to meet with you or may be doing you a favor by agreeing to meet. If you are late to a meeting, you could miss out on a chance to gain a new customer. You can only make one first impression, so make it a good one.


3) Have Your Presentation Ready

No matter what you are selling, you should be passionate about your product and be able to convince a potential customer that they need to try it! Whether you are selling printers in Pittsburgh or alarm systems in New York, you should have an energetic verbal presentation and printed material with information that the client needs to know. It is critical that you present a value proposition quickly and get to the crux of your sales pitch as quickly as possible. You need to tell the client why he or she should invest in your product or service in the first 60 seconds of the pitch. If your client gets bored, they may not even be paying attention if you wait to give critical information until the end of your speech.


4) Spend Time Answering Questions

Your client could have questions for you during the meeting. If you have good answers to those questions, it shows that you know what you are talking about. This will make your client feel better about working with you in the future. Make sure you practice and be ready for unexpected questions. A potential customer will be turned off if you aren’t confident in answering their questions or if you don’t know exactly what the product will do for them. Know your product and your company inside and out and review specifics before each sales pitch.


You need to make a good impression whenever you meet with a client. Remember that you only have one chance to impress someone. If you can’t sell to them the first time, you generally have missed your chance. Customers are what makes your business grow and what makes you successful, so you can never have too many clients. Therefore, always put your best foot forward when meeting with current or potential business partners.

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