
Starting today, for the next 72 hours — Tiffany

is running one of her “Everything’s $1“ sale.

BUT, that does NOT include the ClickBank Presell Reports section.

Anyway, everything else IS included – including the $57 mega packs, $116

eBook, etc. All of it is just a buck each.

(*Since the last time Tiffany Lambert ran her $1 PLR sale, she’s
added tons of new content packs.)

FREEBIE ALERT: You can snag the FREE Image in this post that I made for you!  Just right click to save to your own computer. I left room on the bottom to add your own text for details about your sale.

Side note to my readers:  Tiffany does not limit the number of licenses sold on her content; however, because it’s of high quality, I’m letting you know about her sale.  As always, Private Label Content that’s used on your blogs or sites should be rewritten enough to make it more unique.  If you don’t want to spend a lot of time rewriting PLR content you can either use it for your newsletters and autoresponder messages — or hire someone to rewrite your content.  There are virtual assistants that will help you rewrite content at a reduced rate compared to writing content from scratch.

Here’s How Tiffany’s PLR Sale Works:

1. You head over to  PLR Mini Mart and browse through the products.

- Jot down the EXACT name of the pack that you want.

2. Keep in mind that the ONLY section of PLR that’s not

included is the ClickBank Presell Reports – everything else is fair

game, including her $116 eBook, $57 Mega packs – you name it!

You’ll get those for just $1 during this sale.

3. Do NOT buy through the PLR Mini Mart by loading your cart up

with those products. Instead, go to the section called
“SPECIALS” and buy a voucher that corresponds to the

total number of packs you wrote down.

So let’s say you wrote down 3 eBooks, 2 blog post packs, and 5

big article packs. That’s 10 packs, so you would add a $10

voucher to the cart and check out. The vouchers are sold in $5

increments from $5 all the way to $100, and you can add more than

one voucher to your cart.

There are almost 800 PLR packs in there I think, so that makes

sense to stock up now and keep your content stores filled to the

brim for this year.

4. After buying your voucher(s), you’re going to email Tiffany

directly at writeconsultant @ aol.com (remove the spaces) with

your list and a copy of your PayPal receipt or transaction ID so

she can verify the purchase – and she’ll send the PLR to you as an

attachment within 24 hours.

Click Here to Check Out PLR Mini Mart

**For those who don’t know Tiffany, she used to
be Tiffany Dow – and was considered the “Ghostwriter to the
Gurus,” because she was the voice behind products for John
Reese, Rich Schefren, Travis Sago, Ewen Chia, and many more top
sellers, so the content is fantastic!


==>> FREEBIE:   Because you’re shopping at MY site and purchasing through MY affiliate link  (Thank YOU Very Much!) — You can grab the graphic above that I made for You ==>> FREE — just right click to save to your computer. Personal use only — no redistribution rights…other than on your own products, services and social media sharing.

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