District Announcements
Early Release: November 4th is an early release day. PVHS releases at 12:30 pm, PVJH at 12:55 pm and elementaries release at 1:30 pm.
Football Playoffs:On Monday at Spartan Stadium, PV will be hosting Iowa City High in the second round of IHSAA football play-offs. Tickets are on sale NOW in the PVHS Main Office. Admission is $6 for all. Student Activity Tickets and Century Club passes will not work for this state contest. Buy your ticket early so you don’t have to wait in line at the gate. Gates open at 6pm and kick-off is at 7:00pm. Game time forecast – 55 and balmy! Come out and cheer on the Spartans!
High School Musical: There are two more performances of Fiddler on the Roof, tonight at 7:00 pm in the PVHS auditorium and tomorrow at 1:00 pm. Please note the time on Saturday, as the printed calendar says the show starts at 2:00 pm. You don’t want to be late!
Iowa Assessments: Next week, on Monday through Thursday, students in grades 1-6 will take the Iowa Assessments. The assessments will begin promptly at 8:30 am and be concluded by approximately 10:30 am each day. You can help our students perform to the best of their ability by ensuring a good night’s sleep, providing a good breakfast, getting your child to school on time, and reminding your child to do his/her best. With your help, we look forward to optimizing your child’s learning success.
Orchestra and 6th Grade Choir will not meet next week due to Iowa assessments scheduled on Monday, November 2nd through Friday, November 6th . Rehearsals will resume on Monday, November 9th.
Parent-Teacher Conferences: The fall parent teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, November 5 from 3:30 pm until 8:00 pm and again on Tuesday, November 10 during the same time period. The PTA will host the Scholastic Book Fair during that same time period in the cafeteria.
Student Hunger Drive: Bridgeview students will be supporting the Pleasant Valley Student Hunger Drive next week by bringing in canned goods each day. Bridgeview’s participation will feature a class competition to see which class can collect the most cans. In addition, each day will include a daily theme. In exchange for their canned contribution, students will have the opportunity to:
Monday – Electronics Day (Bring in their favorite electronic device)
Tuesday – Crazy Sock Day (Wear their zaniest socks)
Wednesday – Sports Team Day (Support their favorite team—Go PV Spartans)
Thursday – Hat Day (Put on that favorite hat)
Friday – Pajama Day (Get comfy in that school appropriate sleepwear)
Please encourage your child’s participation in this worthwhile cause. It is our concern for others that makes this world a better place!
Parents with children 2 to 5-years-old: Learn how to get your child ready for pre-school. Learn about this AEA program here.
Iowa Assessments: Next week, on Monday through Thursday, students in grades 1-6 will take the Iowa Assessments. The assessments will begin promptly at 8:30 am and be concluded by approximately 10:30 am each day. You can help our students perform to the best of their ability by ensuring a good night’s sleep, providing a good breakfast, getting your child to school on time, and reminding your child to do his/her best. With your help, we look forward to optimizing your child’s learning success.
Orchestra and 6th Grade Choir will not meet next week due to Iowa assessments scheduled on Monday, November 2nd through Friday, November 6th . Rehearsals will resume on Monday, November 9th.
Parent-Teacher Conferences: The fall parent teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, November 5 from 3:30 pm until 8:00 pm and again on Tuesday, November 10 during the same time period. Our goal is to have 100% participation, so please remember to turn in your conference slip, so we can reserve your time. The Cody PTA will provide babysitting during conferences. Please have your children bring something quiet to do or read. The PTA will host the Scholastic Book Fair during that same time period in the cafeteria.
Visiting Artist: We are excited to announce that our visiting author, Mary Amato, will be coming to Cody School on November 11, 2015! If you would like to purchase books to be autographed by our visiting author, you may purchase them at Barnes and Noble, Books a Million or Amazon. Your child can bring the purchased books with this autograph form completed to the school library by November 2st.
Book Fair: Our book fair is open November 4 – 6 & 9 – 11 from 11:30 – 1:00 and November 5 & 10 from 3:00-8:00 (during conferences). Come see all the new books to grow your children’s and your school’s library. It’s not too early to start thinking about Christmas gifts, too. There is always room for a book under the tree! Have you downloaded the book fair app? You can use the app to find recommendations for similar books, create wish lists, and even make purchases for books available online. If you can’t make it to our book fair at the school, you can purchase online at Cody Online Book Fair. Our online fair is open October 30 – November 12. Lastly, the book fair is still in need of volunteers, if you have 1 or 2 hours of time available to volunteer, you can sign up for a time slot at Sign Up Genius Book Fair, or contact Michelle Mahrt at hensingm@yahoo.com or 319-521-2046. Thank you and see you at the fair!”
Bingo Night: Family Bingo Night is November 13th. Join in the fun! Click here for all the details.
Iowa Assessments: Next week students in grades 1-6 will take Iowa Assessments. Our assessments will occur in the morning followed by brain breaks or recess. You can help our students perform their best by ensuring a good night’s sleep and a hearty breakfast in the morning.
Orchestra and 6th Grade Choir will not meet next week due to Iowa assessments scheduled on Monday, November 2nd through Friday, November 6th . Rehearsals will resume on Monday, November 9th.
Parent-Teacher Conferences: The fall parent teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, November 5 from 3:30 pm until 8:00 pm and again on Tuesday, November 10 during the same time period.
Halloween Parade and Parties: Join us today at 2:15 pm on the playground for our parade followed by classroom parties at 2:30 pm. In the case we experience inclement weather, we will have our parade in the gym at 2:15 pm. Classroom helpers may check into the office starting at 2:00 pm today. Please double check that treats are part of the safe snack list!
Reminder: costumes may not include any kind of toy weapon (knives, swords, etc.). They should not depict violent acts or the results of violence through the use of fake blood, etc. Please be mindful that our school community encompasses children of all ages and costumes should not be frightening to others.
Student Hunger Drive: Hopewell Elementary is collecting non-perishable food for the Student Hunger Drive. Items may be dropped off outside of the office during normal school hours. This wonderful program ends Wednesday, November 4th.
Colder Weather: As the temperatures start falling please be reminded that students will still have outdoor recess. Please send appropriate outerwear with your child.
Last day to send in Mary Amato books – Monday, November 2ndDon’t forget to send your Mary Amato books to school by Monday, November 2nd if you would like to have it signed by the author when she visits Hopewell Elementary. Be sure to write your child’s name in the book. Fill out and attach this form to the book. We can’t wait for Mary Amato to visit Hopewell on Monday, November 9th!
Scholastic Book Fair- Thursday, November 5th and Tuesday, November 10thWe need volunteers to work at the book fair on both Nov 5th and 10th from 3-5pm, 5-7pm, and 7-9pm. Email Kelly at kloreiter@yahoo.com or call her at 563.343.4968 if you can help out!
Hopewell Family Fun and Wellness Night-Friday, November 13thSave the Date for Hopewell’s Family Fun and Wellness Night on Friday, Nov 13 from 6:30-8 pm at the school. This free event includes dodgeball in the gym and music by QC Rock Academy. Look for more details next week!
Donuts with Dad- Friday, November 20thHopewell’s Sixth Grade Committee would like to invite you to their annual Donuts With Dad event to be held Friday, November 20 from 7:30-8:20 am. Proceeds will be used towards the 6th Grade Legacy Gift (2 GaGa Ball pits on the playground). Donut pre-order forms will be sent home on Monday.
Pleasant View
Iowa Assessments: Next week students in grades 1-6 will take Iowa Assessments. Our assessments will occur in the morning followed by brain breaks or recess. You can help our students perform their best by ensuring a good night’s sleep and a hearty breakfast in the morning.
Orchestra and 6th Grade Choir will not meet next week due to Iowa assessments scheduled on Monday, November 2nd through Friday, November 6th . Rehearsals will resume on Monday, November 9th.
Parent-Teacher Conferences: The fall parent teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, November 5 from 3:30 pm until 8:00 pm and again on Tuesday, November 10 during the same time period. Our distric goal is to have 100% parent participating in conferences.
Book Fair: The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school on Thursday, November 5th and Tuesday, November 10th. The Fair will be open during parent-teacher conferences from 3:00-8:00pm. Students and teachers will preview the books Friday, October 30th, Monday, November 2nd and Tuesday, November 3rd. Students will compile wish lists that will be sent home. Teacher wish lists will be used to fill bins for your purchase. To donate a book to your teacher’s classroom, simply purchase a book from their bin during the fair.
Volunteers are needed to help make the Fall Book Fair a success. Volunteer activities will include setup, running the cash register, locating books for parents and cleanup. Please sign up using Sign-up Genius at Book Fair Sign-up Genius or email Joanne or Denise using the email addresses below.
The following shifts are available on both Thursday, November 5th and Tuesday, November 10th.
1:45 – 3:00pm (Setup) 7 volunteers needed
3:00 – 5:00pm 2 volunteers needed
5:00 – 7:00pm 2 volunteers needed
7:00 – 8:30pm (Cleanup) 4 or more volunteers needed
The Book Fair raises funds for our PTA and provides books and resources for our school library. Thank you to our PTA, parent volunteers, and book fair customers who make this possible!
Please contact Joanne Milleman at joannemilleman@gmail.com or Denise McGregor at dmcg34@sbcglobal.net if you are available to work a shift.
Student Hunger Drive: Bring in your non-perishable items from November 4th to November 10th to support the Student Hunger Drive. Click here for more information.
Riverdale Heights
Iowa Assessments: Next week students in grades 1 – 6 will take Iowa Assessments. You can help our students perform their best by ensuring a good night’s sleep and a hearty breakfast in the morning. Students arriving late to school next week may be held in the office until an appropriate time to enter the class that is not disruptive to the testing environment.
Orchestra and 6th Grade Choir will not meet next week due to Iowa assessments scheduled on Monday, November 2nd through Friday, November 6th . Rehearsals will resume on Monday, November 9th.
Parent-Teacher Conferences: The fall parent teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, November 5 from 3:30 pm until 8:00 pm and again on Tuesday, November 10 during the same time period. Our distric goal is to have 100% parent participating in conferences.
Book Fair: Don’t forget to stop by the book fair during conferences on Thursday, November 5th and Tuesday, November 10th from 2:30-8pm. We will have a great selection of books and all the profit goes back to our teachers and the library. You can also get free shipping when you shop our online fair at http://bookfairs.scholastic.com/homepage/riverdaleheightselemschool. We hope to see you there!
Veteran’s Day: On Wednesday, November 11th from 9:00 – 10:15am Riverdale Heights will be having our annual Veteran’s Day Commemoration. Our students and staff will assemble to pay tribute to friends and relatives who are military veterans. We would like to invite all veterans who have relatives or friends here at our school to come and participate in this patriotic event! This might be a dad, a mom, an uncle, aunt, grandparent or a family friend. In order to plan for seating arrangements, please RSVP to the school office with the number of veterans who will be attending by Monday, Nov. 2nd.
Human Growth & Development: We have a calendar revision for you. Because elementary conferences are on November 10, 2015, the Human Growth and Development parent meeting will be moved to November 11, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. If you have a 4th – 6th grade student and would like to learn more about our Human Growth and Development curriculum, please plan to join us on the 11th.
Quest for Christ (formerly called Kids for Christ) will meet at Riverdale Heights on Friday mornings from 7:30 – 8:15 a.m. beginning on Nov. 6 in the gym. Please see this flier and registration form for details.
Junior High
Iowa Assessment testing at the Junior High is scheduled for Wednesday, November 4, 2015 and Thursday, November 5, 2015. Students will be tested Wednesday beginning at 7:34 am until the early dismissal time of 12:55 pm. On Thursday, students will test from 7:34 am until approximately 9:30 am. We will follow a Late Start schedule for the rest of the day on Thursday. Listed below are a few suggestions that will help your student do their best when taking the Iowa Assessments:
Get a good night’s sleep
Eat a good breakfast
Have two #2 pencils for testing
Calculator is optional – no cell phones or other electronic devices
Arrive at school on time
Remain positive and motivated
Most importantly, try your best!
PV’s Got Talent – The Variety Show is November 20th. Click here to see how to audition!
High School
Student Hunger Drive: There are so many ways to support the Spartan Assembly’s efforts for the Student Hunger Drive.
Stop by Chick-fil-A on Monday, Nov. 2nd click here for more information about the fundraiser.
The Hunger Banquet on Thursday, November 5th at 6 p.m. in the cafeteria is an event for the public to experience hunger at different socioeconomic levels throughout the world. Guests will be served a meal appropriate to a certain income level and learn facts about hunger throughout the world and in our own community from students and a guest speaker from the River Bend Foodbank. Cost is $5 or 5 cans and we would like guests to pre-register, buy a ticket from those selling them, or buy a ticket at the door. All proceeds will go to the Student Hunger Drive.
Any questions about the Student Hunger Drive should be directed to Tracy Lux at luxtracy@pleasval.k12.ia.us.
Habitat for Humanity Fundraiser: The Pleasant Valley High School Habitat for Humanity Club is working to raise $5,000 to sponsor a Habitat for Humanity house. They are selling Younkers Community Day Coupon Books for $5. For every booklet they sell, PVHS Habitat for Humanity Club keeps the entire $5 purchase price. Booklets are loaded with fantastic offers that will be available during the Community Days event November 11 – November 14. Each booklet includes a $10 off coupon that can be used on an item priced at $10 or more, a value worth double the $5 price of the booklet! You can purchase a Community Days coupon booklet by contacting the PVHS Habitat for Humanity Club at pvhshabitat@gmail.com or calling Carrie Peterson at 563-388-5192.
Community Opportunities
Operation Family Time Out: We hope you are planning to join us for the next Operation Family Time Out – on Saturday, November 14 from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. at the Davenport Family YMCA. Registration is now online at: https://web.extension.illinois.edu/registration/?RegistrationID=13109 Pre-registration is required by Monday, November 9, 2015.
Nov. 7th Quad Cities STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) Festival: Interactive style conference for youth in grades 3-8 from 8:00 AM – Noon at Western Illinois University Quad City Campus. Link to further information
Upcoming Events at LeClaire Community Library
Wimpy Kid Party: Celebrate the release of Old School, book 10 in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series, with trivia contests, games, and more on Monday, November 2nd from 6:30-7:30pm. One lucky participant will win the first checkout of book 10. Best for grades 3rd-6th.
Early-Release Crafternoon: Drop by the library between 3-4pm on early-release Wednesday, November 4th for a DIY leaf project! Children under 7 will need assistance from a caregiver. This program is for all ages and will be run by teen volunteers.
Teen & Tween Writing Workshop: November is NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month! Teens and tweens in 5th-12th grade are invited to a writing workshop on Thursday, November 5th from 6:30-7:30pm. We’ll set a goal for the NaNoWriMo challenge and have fun with writing prompts, activities, and more. Feel free to bring your own writing to share. On Monday, November 30th from 6:30-7:30pm, we’ll meet again to celebrate the completion of the writing challenge and willing writers can share their creations.
Friday the 13th Live Clue!: Can you figure out whodunit at the library? Bring your sleuthing skills and join us for a live game of CLUE! This event takes place after hours, from 5-8pm on November 13th. Only teens in 6th-12th grade may participate. Registration and a permission slip are required by November 12th.
Kids Book Club: Join us on Saturday, November 14th from 12-1pm for the 4th-6th grade book club! Pick up a copy of this month’s book, Flora & Ulysses: The Illuminated Adventures by Kate DiCamillo, at the library. Bring a sack lunch or a snack to munch on while we chat about the book and participate in fun activities. No parents or younger siblings, please.
For more information on future activities, visit our website at: http://www.leclaire.lib.ia.us/events and check out all things teen at: http://lcl-teens.tumblr.com/.